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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Ziz, is the property of Hyper Zergling.

Detailed Information:
Appearances: Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series: Return of the Ancient Enemy
Species: Ravenous
Date of Death: Age 770
Maximum Power Level: 170,000,000
Height: 270 cm or 8'10"
Eye Color: Red
Organizations: Ravenous
Family: Leviathan (parent)
Behemoth (sibling)

The Ziz, along with the Behemoth is the second most powerful Ravenous and serves the Leviathan as one of its main protectors.

Physical appearance[]

The Ziz is a vaguely humanoid creature with a slim figure, giving it a somewhat feminine appearance. In addition to its arms and legs with sharpened fingers and toes, it possesses an extra pair of limbs that resemble the wings of a bat. Its mouth spans across the width of its entire face and possesses two rows of sharp teeth.


In the year 770 Age, the Leviathan decides to return to Mrov to finish what its past allies started. Cuber and Chaiva arrive to destroy the Leviathan, but the Ziz and the Behemoth intercept them. The two-on-two fight is initially even, but the Super Saiyans eventually prove to be more of a match for even the mightiest of the Ravenous. The Ziz falls to Cuber's Lightspeed Wave.


  • Oxygen independence – The ability to survive in deep space indefinitely
  • DNA absorption – The Ravenous' inherent trait to absorb the DNA of its prey and acquire the prey's abilities