This page, Zhajiang, is property of KidVegeta. |
Zhajiang | |
character image | |
ザジアング, Zajiangu | |
Detailed Information: | |
Appearances: | Nineteen Assassins |
Nicknames: | Zha |
Species: | Human |
Gender: | Male |
Birthplace: | Orange Star City, Earth |
Birthdate: | October 23, Age 737 |
Date of Death: | November 7, Age 752 |
Birth Power Level: | 0.0001 |
Maximum Power Level: | 98 |
Personal Pronouns: | オレ |
Height: | 5'9" |
Weight: | 125.3 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Rank: | Martial arts student Assassin |
Organizations: | White Tigers (Age 745 - Age 752) |
Favorite Food: | Teba shio |
Favorite Vehicle: | n/a |
Hobbies: | Sparring, pickpocketing, pool hustling, taiko drumming |
Family: | Master Mashiro (master) Shumi (fellow student) Huo-Guo (fellow student) Zadich (fellow student) |
Zhajiang (ザジアング, Zajiangu) is a Human featured in Nineteen Assassins. A member of the White Tigers, he was an incredibly powerful student who had mastered the Denkoken and Gisakkou. He serves as one of the main antagonists and major POV characters in Nineteen Assassins.
Zhajiang is a boy of medium build and slightly above-average height. He has spiky black hair and brown eyes. Tien describes his teeth as yellow, which may or may not be true. He wears the standard white gi and black boots of the White Tigers. Zhajiang has a scar on his cheek. He sometimes wears a black headband.
Zhajiang despises the Crane School. In chapter 1 of Nineteen Assassins, he tells them he will kill them at some point in the future, barely hiding his rancor. He organized the attack on Togarashi in the second chapter as a means to gain prestige for the White Tigers. He feels inadequate compared to the Cranes, knowing they are on average stronger than the Tigers. His pride leads him to folly oftentimes. He's a highly emotional guy. Because he's the head student, he feels a deep sense of responsibility for the Tigers' image in Suma and beyond and spends much of his time trying to make them appear more badass than the Cranes. After Master Mashiro forbids him from collecting Togarashi's bounty, Zhajiang doesn't tell Huo-Guo, Shumi, and Zadich, instead moving forward with his plan, as he sees no other way to gain prestige for his school. He has a minor rivalry with Shumi because she's older than him, yet he's the leader. He doesn't consider her to be respectful enough even if she does what he asks of her. He showed tremendous bravery while fighting Togarashi. Though he tried to sacrifice himself to save Shumi, Zadich prevented him from doing so (which was the right move, as Shumi was already lost).
Zhajiang becomes significantly more bitter, anxious, and focused after Shumi's death, no longer playing around against the Cranes. He also feels immensely guilty for getting her killed, thinking his master doesn't respect him anymore (which is not true). He let his emotions affect him during the Suma practice tournament, allowing Jaoros to damage him more than he should have. Zhajiang gives his all (fighting for his friends as his primary motivation) against Tien, though he still loses relatively easily. This humbles him significantly. He realizes that he is not close to Tien in power and knows he cannot fight him in open combat (at least by himself) again. Zhajiang agrees to Valentia Milano's terms (receiving medical treatment in exchange for the Tigers taking out the Cranes), not caring about the taboo of assassins accepting bounties on other assassins. He thinks there's nothing morally wrong about it.
He becomes viciously emotional, blinded by rage, after learning of his master's death, wishing to attack the Cranes before fully healing. Zadich and Huo-Guo were able to convince him otherwise, but it took a while. After confronting the Cranes by the Ootaji Temple in chapter 5, he berated them for killing Mashiro (which they had no knowledge about, as it had been Master Shen's doing), calling them evil. He killed Paik without hesitation. This led to both Zadich and Huo-Guo being killed as well. He fled in tears, thinking it wasn't fair the evil Cranes had won. Later, when he killed Jaoros, he regained his confidence though his heart was still raw. This is Zhajiang at his lowest, most nihilistic point. He later killed Valentia for not paying millions of zeni for killing Paik and Jaoros. He briefly considered fleeing into obscurity to hide from Tien, but his pride got the better of him. Pride is also the reason why he failed against Elijah. Ultimately, Zhajiang let his emotions get the better of him, costing him his life at the end of chapter 6.
Nineteen Assassins[]
In the second scene of chapter 1, after the Cranes went into Yoshitaro's tea shop, the White Tigers entered. Zhajiang, Shumi, and Zadich mocked the Cranes. They were perturbed by Yurin switching sides. Paik threatened to kill them if they tried to attack Yurin. Zadich promised to kill Yurin if he ever ran into her while collecting bounties. Zhajiang agreed, promising to kill the Cranes if they ever ran into them.
From the counter, Yoshitaro yelled at them, threatening to ban them from his shop if they fought. The Tigers moved to the other side of the shop, promising to meet the Cranes in the field soon. Tien decided it was time to leave and check out the bounty in Cardan.
In the fourth scene, Zhajiang found Huo-Guo and Zadich sparring in the White Tigers' dojo's courtyard while Shumi mediated next to them. He asked Huo-Guo to choose a bounty for them that would pay tons of money. She looked on her phone, finding the Rebel King of Nowhere, who was located on the island of Akki deep in the southern ocean. His bounty was Ƶ500,000,000, which got their attention. They resolved to take him out tomorrow.
Zhajiang went to tell Master Mashiro their plan. Mashiro told him that he had met with Master Shen to organize a tournament between their schools to serve as practice before they entered the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. It would happen in two days. Zhajiang told him that they'd do an assassination mission tomorrow, but Mashiro forbade it, for he didn't want any of them to get wounded before the show match. He made Zhajiang promise they wouldn't get mixed up in anything before the Tournament of Suma.
Begrudgingly, the boy did so. He left soon after, thinking to himself that he wouldn't tell his comrades what Mashiro had told him. He planned on going ahead with the assassination mission, thinking Mashiro wouldn't mind after seeing how much money they would receive. He wondered why Mashiro wanted them to train for the WMAT because they hadn't entered last time. He wanted to hurt Tien during the show match, hoping to prevent him from entering the WMAT.
In the third scene of chapter 2, the White Tigers met Silver, Glase, Eugen, Alabastian, and Charles on the Red Sea three miles north of Akki. Thereafter, the NRRA officers took them to the southern tip of the island, known as Demon's Point. Glase dropped them off in a rowboat. She explained the Rebel King of Nowhere lived in the jungle just beyond the beach and had red skin. He would be unmistakable. The woman promised to provide cover fire for them if they required help. She didn't know if the demon would skinchange in front of them, as they had little experience with him. She reminded them that King Furry himself had ordered the alien killed, for he was supposedly planning on taking over the world. This unnerved Huo-Guo.
Glase left them; the Tigers entered the forest. They didn't get very far in before they were attacked out of nowhere by an energy attack. Dazed and bleeding, the Tigers were attacked by what appeared to be a middle-aged woman. Huo-Guo attacked first, though the demon hit her away with a single kick. Zhajiang began charging a Denkoken while Shumi distracted the demon. She wasn't able to hold back the Makyan for long, pleading with Zhajiang to use the technique as she was beaten bloody. The boy tried to gather up as much energy as he could, waiting for the best opportunity.
When the demon punched Shumi to the ground, he saw his chance, releasing all of his energy upon her. Even as the forest burned to ash around her, the demon remained standing, unharmed, laughing at Zhajiang's pathetic attack. Glase and Eugen took this moment to attack from far off, though the demon parried the bullets without effort. Zhajiang begged Zadich to take Huo-Guo and run back to the boat. He planned on saving Shumi himself. The demon laughed at them, creating a red energy ball, for thinking they had any chance of getting away.
Zhajiang grew teary-eyed, flashes of memories coming to him, realizing he'd have to sacrifice himself to save the others. Just then, Shumi jumped up, punching the demon deep in the stomach, causing her to drop her energy attack. Shumi screamed at them to run. Zhajiang didn't want to leave her, but she said there wasn't time for her to get away. They'd all die if they didn't run now. Shumi pinned the demon to the ground. Zhajiang tried to charge up another Denkoken while Zadich pleaded with him to leave. The demon pushed Shumi away, pinning her and pummeling her mercilessly. As Zhajiang prepared to release his attack, he was knocked unconscious by Zadich.
In the third scene of chapter 3, the Tigers and Cranes met at the Suma tournament grounds while dozens of onlookers watched. Shen noticed one of the Tigers wasn't with them. Mashiro promised the tournament would go forward with three versus five. He offered Yurin one last chance to rejoin his school, but she refused. She stepped up to fight Zadich. Mashiro read out the rules, which were the same as the World Martial Arts Tournament's.
Then, their fight began. Yurin danced around Zadich, refusing to get too close because she was obviously slower, smaller, and weaker. The crowd jeered, causing Yurin to attack haphazardly. Zadich responded with several kicks and punches that swiftly knocked her out. The spectators went wild. Two men ran off with Yurin on a stretcher. Chiaotzu entered the ring next. He used telekinesis on Zadich before rushing at him. However, the Tiger was able to break free and kick him out of the ring easily. With that, Chiaotzu was eliminated.
Shen sent Paik into the ring next. The crowd chanted Zadich's name. He drank in their passion, hyping himself up. While Chiaotzu was removed from the area on a stretcher, the fight began. They went at each other with a much higher pace than the previous battles, Zadich taking the offensive. Paik withstood his assault, responding with a flying kick that shattered his arm, knocking him to the edge of the ring. He appeared unconscious, so Mashiro began the count. Before he got to seven, Paik grabbed Zadich and threw him out of the ring, ending any hope of him coming back.
Huo-Guo entered the ring. Shen told Jaoros to warm up, as Paik had been wounded in her battle. He didn't have much faith in her to win a second round in a row. The girls played it cautiously early on, circling one another and making superficial attacks. Without warning, Huo-Guo charged Paik, pinning her to the ground, raining punches down upon her. They flipped over, Paik hitting Huo-Guo in the nose, breaking it. Huo-Guo regained the dominant position, battering her foe bloody before Paik shot her in the chest with a Dodon Ray, sending her into the air. Mashiro was outraged, telling Shen they had agreed to not use any lethal attacks. Shen promised Huo-Guo wasn't gravely injured. During the commotion, she rose to her feet and leveled an attack on Paik from behind that knocked her out.
Jaoros was furious, thinking that she'd only lost because of referee interference (which was true). Tien told him to take out Huo-Guo in front of the crowd to protect the Cranes' honor. The cheater deserved it. Shen was pissed, but agreed with Tien. Jaoros ran out to fight Huo-Guo.
In the fourth scene, Jaoros quickly dealt with the worn-out Huo-Guo. Zhajiang entered the stage. Jaoros took the offensive, but Zhajiang responded with a kick that made him bleed. After exchanging hits, the boys broke off, Zhajiang charging up a Denkoken and slapping Jaoros across the face with it. Jaoros retaliated with a Dodon Ray, but he dodged it. He followed that up with a Solar Flare, taking Zhajiang unaware. He fired more Dodon Rays at the Tiger, though Zhajiang was able to dodge them despite being blinded. Jaoros' power was rapidly expending with each energy attack. Zhajiang closed the gap and spun around him, hitting him from behind with another Denkoken. Jaoros fell over, defeated. Zhajiang caught him, mocking him. Jaoros shot him through the ribs with another Dodon Ray, hurting the boy significantly. He elbowed Jaoros in the face then threw him out of the ring, winning the match. Despite that, he had taken tremendous damage. Jaoros was rushed away on a stretcher.
Zhajiang was hurting bad, though he tried to hide his condition. Tien entered the stage. Tien asked him to exit the stage, as he was too wounded to fight. Zhajiang refused, and so their fight began. Tien went for his Machine Gun Punch right off the bat. He tried to counter with a butterfly kick, but Tien hit him away. Zhajiang attacked with several more kicks. He wasn't able to land a single blow. He attacked again, this time breaking Tien's wrist. The Crane hit him away, returning the gesture by breaking his ankle. In fury, Tien followed this up with three kicks that sent Zhajiang flying into the crowd. He crashed to the ground outside of the ring, losing the final match.
Zhajiang apologized to Mashiro after he ran over. His master told him they would talk about what had happened to Shumi later. Zhajiang knew he was disappointed with him. His master disappeared into the crowd as two men threw him on a stretcher. His last thoughts were of the crowd chanting Tien's name, and Zhajiang felt a deep sense of shame for losing.
In the second scene of chapter 4, Zhajiang woke up in the hospital in extreme pain. Zadich was in a bed next to him covered in bandages. Huo-Guo was asleep in her bed. He waddled over, asking him how he was feeling. Zhajiang was in immense pain, wrapped up in casts and bandages as well. Zadich told him Master Mashiro had left that morning, telling him he'd return in a few days' time. They wondered where he had gone off to.
Afterward, they talked about the Crane School, thinking the tournament had been a waste of time. It would have been better to ambush them. Neither would admit they were inferior to the Cranes. Just then, a woman entered the room, closing the door behind her. She introduced herself as Valentia Milano. She congratulated them for their effort in the tournament, especially since they had been two fighters down and had still managed to knock out four of the Cranes. She then revealed that not long ago the Cranes had murdered her sister Gertrude. Huo-Guo had woken up by now, stating the Cranes had killed her for the bounty on her head. Valentia didn't care, as it was still murder. They refused to kill the Cranes for money (as it was taboo for assassins to accept bounties placed on other assassins). Valentia revealed her father was the mayor of Orange Star City. If the Tigers agreed to kill the Cranes, she'd give them the best medical care available in the world, healing their wounds significantly faster than the Cranes'. She had a helicopter waiting to take them to Orange Star City with her. The Tigers gathered together, conversing in whispers. They wondered if it was a setup. Zadich was willing to go, while Huo-Guo thought it was basically accepting a bounty on a fellow assassin. Despite her protests, Zhajiang rose and followed Valentia out, telling his fellow Tiger that no one would find out. After hesitating, Huo-Guo followed him to the door, which moved Zhajiang deeply.
In the fourth scene of chapter 5, Zhajiang was in the Orange Star City hospital admiring the snowstorm from a window. A man in a flannel jacket walked over to him, encouraged by the boy's ability to walk. He noted the purple goopy foam that had been applied to his wounds had apparently come from a witch in the mountains and would be able to heal his bones within two weeks. The man introduced himself as Valentia's brother. He promised they'd have the Tigers healed up as soon as possible.
Shortly before dinnertime, Huo-Guo and Zadich met up with Zhajiang, showing them a letter from the Crane Hermit that informed them he had killed Master Mashiro. Zhajiang realized it was the Cranes who had done it, as the letter had demanded them to leave Suma at once. He resolved to attack Tien and the others immediately. His companions tried to dissuade him, as they were neither strong nor healthy enough to defeat the Cranes. Zhajiang didn't want to wait but their pleading convinced him to wait at least two weeks. Zadich promised he'd murder Yurin. Zhajiang limped off, trying his best not to think about Mashiro lest he break down in tears.
In the seventh scene, the Cranes stopped at the Ootaji Temple before returning to the dojo. Chiaotzu and Tien shared a moment, the boy expressing eagerness to perform additional assassination missions. Jaoros came over, saying there were lights on inside the teahouse. Everyone thought it was Kyofune. They walked to the building when suddenly they were ambushed by the White Tigers. Zhajiang sprung out from the teahouse, hitting Jaoros in the hand with a Denkoken, shattering it. He attacked Paik next, though she jumped aside, firing a Dodon Ray. Her attack missed. Zadich jumped from the shadows, hitting Yurin from behind with a kick. Huo-Guo did likewise, attacking Tien. He noticed, spinning around and blocking the attack. She came at him again but he sent her flying with a reverse roundhouse. Zadich stomped Jaoros, then took Yurin in a hold. Zhajiang parried Paik's attacks and kneed her in the stomach. He used an afterimage to dodge around her and take ahold of her like Zadich had done with Yurin.
Zhajiang screamed at the Cranes, calling them dishonorable for killing his master. Tien and the others didn't know what he was talking about. Tien asked him to release Paik and walk away without fear of reprisal. Zhajiang grew emotional, saying how Mashiro had taken him in from the streets, having been the only person to give him a chance, to help him. He snapped Paik's neck before Tien could utter another word, killing her. Tien retaliated immediately by killing Huo-Guo with a Dodon Ray. Both sides were enraged and hurt deeply. Chiaotzu attacked Zadich with a ki ball, breaking Yurin free. He had killed the boy. Zhajiang was overcome by emotion, calling the Cranes evil before fleeing into the darkness.
In the eighth scene, Zhajiang came to Khaffi station, noting only the attendant was on the platform. None of the security cameras were working. He was determined to get revenge for Zadich and Huo-Guo. A few pedestrians entered the station. Zhajiang told them to leave. Before they could react, Jaoros attacked him from the shadows with a Dodon Ray. Zhajiang dodged it. The pedestrians, having witnessed this, fled in terror. They traded Dodon Rays and Denkokens, each dodging the other's attacks. Zhajiang hit him in midair with a kick that sent Jaoros crashing to the ground. He followed that up with an elbow to the face that sent Jaoros reeling. Jaoros tried a Solar Flare, but Zhajiang attacked with his eyes closed, beating him back. Jaoros pleaded for his life. Zhajiang didn't care. He was fighting for his school, for his fallen brethren. He killed Jaoros with a Gisakkou, his ultimate attack.
Zhajiang exhaled, watching a train approach the station from far off. He looked on his phone for any available bounties before returning to Valentia. He noticed most of them were samurai. He honed in on the bounty on Yoshitaro. He planned on killing the man to get enough money for breakfast. His emotions hadn't settled, and he didn't feel better for killing Jaoros, though he knew he was on his way.
In the fourth scene of chapter 6, Zhajiang left Suma, taking a train to Orange Star City. There, he visited Valentia Milano's skyscraper. He took a private elevator up to the seventy-second floor. She was waiting for him in the hallway before leading him to her private quarters. She poured tea, though he didn't want any. He couldn't stop staring at her breasts. Valentia asked why he had requested a meeting with her.
Zhajiang revealed he had killed two Cranes and wanted Ƶ10,000,000 for each. Valentia brought up that it was supposed to be taboo for assassins to take bounties on other assassins. Zhajiang didn't care, especially now that he was the only White Tiger left. Valentia was concerned that he wouldn't be able to beat three Cranes by himself, but he tried to assuage her fears by pointing out the two he'd killed had been two of the older students. Two of the remaining Cranes were fresh recruits and children at that. The other was Tien, who while powerful, still had a broken wrist. Zhajiang had healed faster than him and was in a better position should they fight again. He couldn't believe that purple foamy stuff had actually come from a witch, which made Valentia laugh.
She negotiated the bounty prices, offering Ƶ1,000,000 per Crane (and Ƶ2,000,000 for Tien). Zhajiang dropped his price to Ƶ5,000,000 apiece. She asked him what he would do with so much money. Zhajiang would not tell her. Valentia was unwilling to pay him. She felt like the medical treatment she'd given the Tigers had been payment enough, especially with Zadich and Huo-Guo dying without killing any Cranes. She wasn't convinced she'd ever see him again. Enraged, Zhajiang walked over to her and struck her in the face with a sudden attack that instantly killed her, crushing her skull.
He ransacked her apartment, looking for valuables. Aside from her jewelry, he didn't find much. There was a small box in her safe that he took. He didn't know what was in it but could hear and feel something rolling around inside. Not wanting to get caught and have to fight his way out of the building, he ran out of the apartment, taking the elevator back down. He resolved to sharpen his skills on a few more bounties before challenging Tien. He swore to himself that he'd kill Tien before exiting the building and losing himself in the crowd.
In the sixth scene, Zhajiang awoke on the empty Khaffi train station, remembering the assassination of Yoshitaro. He recalled that Eugen had taken the enraged Kyofune hostage after paying him. He noticed a bounty for Elijah on his phone listed for Ƶ50,000,000 and decided to collect it. Taking Valentia's box out, he opened it with a Denkoken, revealing the seven-star Dragon Ball. He had no idea what it was. Pocketing it, he ran to Cardan. When he got there, he briefly thought about running away and abandoning his grudge against Tien before discarding the idea.
He found Elijah outside of the Masamune/Masamune estate admiring the blade of his katana in the moonlight. He attacked suddenly with a Denkoken. Elijah dodged it effortlessly, asking if Zhajiang was the one who had been killing all the samurai in the region. Instead of answering, Zhajiang cursed him. Elijah wanted to know who had sent him but Zhajiang refused to answer. He attacked with a Flying Sky Kick. Elijah spun around him, slicing him across the back with his blade. He tried more Denkokens, missing every one.
He conjured up a longer Denkoken, wrapping it around his hand, using that to parry Elijah's katana. It didn't work; Elijah's blade severed his arm. Furiously, Zhajiang jumped at Elijah, pushing him to the ground, punching him relentlessly. He prepared to unleash a Gisakkou attack when the samurai pulled out a second katana (which had belonged to Harotu) and stabbed Zhajiang through the lung. He pinned Zhajiang to the ground, preparing to end him. With his left hand, Zhajiang took the Dragon Ball out of his pocket and hit Elijah across the face with it. The samurai responded by cutting off his arm. Succumbing to his wounds, Zhajiang cried out, trying to get away. Elijah pinned him again, asking once more who had sent him. Zhajiang told him he'd get what was coming to him soon enough. The samurai didn't care. Elijah stabbed him once more through the chest, killing Zhajiang.
Non-combative Moves[]
Offensive Moves[]
- Had Zhajiang entered the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, he would've defeated everyone save for Tien, Goku, and Jackie Chun.