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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


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This page, Yasahiro Ohano, is property of KidVegeta.

Yasahiro Ohano
character image
おはの•やさひろ, Ohano Yasahiro
Detailed Information:
Appearances: Blue Wolf

Crimson Shores

Monkeyboy's First Vacation

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Hosomaki, Earth
Birthdate: May 27, Age 708
Date of Death: n/a
Birth Power Level: 0.0001
Maximum Power Level: 4
Personal Pronouns: わし
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 142.5 lbs
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Blue
Organizations: Ohano's (Age 741 - present)
Favorite Food: Strip steak
Favorite Vehicle: Blue Breeze[1]
Hobbies: Hiking, fishing, creating cocktails, octopus wrestling
Family: Fumiko Ohano (wife)
Kasumi Hareki (daughter)
Takebashi Hareki (son-in-law)
Shoekki (grandson)
Ryori (grandson)
Ledas (grandson-in-law)

Mr. Ohano (おはの•やさひろ, Ohano Yasahiro), is a human native to the Crimson Fingers. He is the grandfather of Shoekki and Ryori and is known for owning the pub Ohano's on the island of Hosomaki. He is a minor character in Blue Wolf and Crimson Shores and is a secondary character in Monkeyboy's First Vacation.



As an older man by the time of Monkeyboy's First Vacation, Mr. Ohano has a wrinkled face and grey hair. His eyes are blue and he has a long, hooked nose. His skin is significantly tanned from the thousands of hours he's spent fishing on his sailboat. He is of fairly average height. While working, Mr. Ohano wears a black bartending outfit with a round logo over the left side of his chest with his name in hiragana in red-and-white lettering.


Mr. Ohano is a friendly, extroverted man. Having spent decades in his bar, often acting as a bartender, he has excellent communication skills. He is highly professional, holding his employees to high standards. He is not afraid to fire those who do not meet the standards he has set for his pub. Years ago, he was far more hot-headed, participating in annual octopus-wrestling competitions, winning several medals in his day (one gold, three silvers, and seven bronzes). In private, he's a mellow, loving man. He enjoys spending time with his grandchildren, teaching them how to do things such as cook dishes from his pub or deep sea fish. When taking them on tours of the islands during Monkeyboy's First Vacation, he plays the role of a tour guide, having a grand old time. Mrs. Ohano notes, however, that he can be quite stern when it comes to sticking to schedules, warning Ryori and Ledas in the second chapter of MFV that if they don't meet up with everyone when they're ready to leave for Raskintown, Mr. Ohano will simply leave them behind.


Blue Wolf[]

In the second scene of this story, Wolfe and his Wings eased into the port of Hosomaki. Nobody was there to greet them (although they noticed some fishing ships pulling into port), so they tied their ship up and came onto dry land, making first for Ohano's pub. Fishermen were inside. The Wings dispersed, trying to recruit and thieve. Wolfe ordered some food, while Thoras and Doc played pool with some fishermen. Olivia had attracted a man over to her at the bar, while Kershew had ordered a bottle of rum for everyone.

After getting fairly drunk, Wolfe grew bold enough to ask the bartender, Yasahiro Ohano, about his map. Ohano, however, informed him that the treasure of Umihebiza being guarded by skinchangers was an ancient and well-known legend. Wolfe realized that the map was just a scam and that there was no treasure. Moreover, he wouldn't be able to convince anybody to join his crew now. He joined Thoras and Doc at the pool table. He beat Thoras a few times in a row, causing the other man to grow sour. After getting drunker and rowdier (Sarmon and Phillippo began throwing darts at the fishermen), the Wings were kicked out of the pub by Ohano.

In the fourth scene, several days later, Wolfe was lounging on the Crimson Beach of Hosomaki. The local hospital had supplied him with enough painkillers to kill a baby elephant. He noted that Olivia had never shown her face again, and Mr. Ohano had not seen her, either.

Crimson Shores[]

Monkeyboy's First Vacation[]

In the fourth scene of chapter 1, on June 9, Age 776, Jia, Shoekki, Ryori, and Ledas arrived at Hosomaki, making their way to Ohano's, a pub owned by Shoekki and Ryori's grandparents. Inside, a few sailors were finishing up their rounds before heading to bed. Ryori saw his grandfather behind the bar, wiping it down, and ran over to him, so happy to see him so many years apart. He hugged Ryori and Shoekki while Jia and Ledas watched (awkwardly).

Ryori told his grandfather about how they had moved to West City and how Shoekki had become a security guard for Dream Land. They introduced Jia and Ledas to Mr. Ohano. Jia explained she was the boys' caretaker and that Ledas had been living with them for the past two years. Mr. Ohano promised to take them on a fishing trip on his sailboat, the Blue Breeze, after his bar closed for the day (at 10:00 a.m.). Ryori asked him to make one of his grandmother's special seasickness tonics before they left, as he had felt queasy on the boat ride down.

While they waited for the bar to close, Ledas ordered three plates of chicken gyōza; Shoekki ordered a shot of shōchū. They engaged in small talk with Mr. Ohano while waiting for the bar to close. While they did, Ledas snuck off to join a group of men playing darts, but he kept returning to Jia for more betting money. Becoming exasperated, Jia tried to get Ledas to stop by telling him about the legend of the skinchangers, a group of demons who had haunted the Crimson Fingers for decades.

Mr. Ohano confirmed the legend, stating that the skinchangers had supposedly hunted down natives and tourists alike for many years. Nobody knew if they were demons, aliens, or human serial killers. Jia speculated they lived on Umihebiza, the most southern island in the Crimson Fingers. She reminded everyone she was a SAARO agent, and as such, had been stationed down in these islands years ago to monitor the skinchangers as part of her job. Shoekki remembered there being a weird castle-like formation in the waters to the north of Hosomaki, wondering if the skinchangers lurked there. Mr. Ohano told him hundreds of sailors had sworn on their ships they had seen skinchangers near that structure. He implored Ledas not to get involved, as dealing with the skinchangers was SAARO's responsibility, but Ryori knew Ledas wouldn't stop until he found them.

In the fifth scene, later that day, Mr. Ohano, Shoekki, Ryori, and Ledas went on a fishing trip together. Mr. Ohano was regaling Ledas about his octopus wrestling stories. Mr. Ohano refilled Ryori's drink, and he grew drunker as time wore on (as whiskey was one of the ingredients in his seasickness draught). Before long, the sailboat came to a stop and they began fishing. Shoekki and Ryori fished while Mr. Ohano taught Ledas. Up until the early afternoon, nobody caught anything of note.

Around 1:30 p.m., Ledas' line sharply cut to the side. He fought to reel in what appeared to be a great fish. The line snapped, sending Ledas into a wall. With his pride on the line, Ledas jumped up, swearing he'd be back soon, and dove overboard. Mr. Ohano and Shoekki were in shock, fearing the worst. They thought Ledas had just unintentionally committed suicide due to the deep ocean currents and the water's temperature. Mr. Ohano ran to the cabin, preparing to chase him down. Shoekki was in disbelief, thinking there was no chance they'd ever see him again.

Before Mr. Ohano lifted the anchor, Ledas burst from below the waves, holding a mighty bluefin tuna in one hand. He dumped it onto the deck, ending its misery with an elbow hit. Shoekki and Mr. Ohano were aghast. They didn't understand how Ledas had managed to hold a fish of that size, let alone fly.

Ledas admitted he was a Saiyan, showing them he could fly and use ki (shooting a blast into the water). Ryori explained that Ledas had been raised as a martial artist and was extremely powerful. He admitted Ledas was why Cardinal came to Seikishi two years back. They weren't entirely convinced, but Ledas' display left them flummoxed. Ryori confirmed Jia knew about him being an alien, too. Unconcerned, Ledas returned to the fish, boasting about what a big haul he'd brought in. Ryori knew they'd be eating good for dinner. Shoekki was more interested in learning how to fly, which made everyone laugh.

In the third scene of chapter 2, on June 10, Age 776, Ledas and Ryori along with Mr. Ohano, Mrs. Ohano, Jia, and Shoekki, visited the Asazari Wildlife Preserve. They took the Blue Breeze over. There were many people there. They toured the weather relay station first, Mr. Ohano providing commentary on the meteorological, biological, geological, and seismic research areas. Ledas was very tired on account of the demonic apples he'd eaten several hours prior and was having a tough time enduring the trip. He asked Jia where the government outpost was, insinuating he had skinchanger bodies to cash in. She didn't believe him but told him they'd visit the outpost on their way out.

It wasn't long before they returned outside and began trekking through the wildlife preserve. They observed birds and dinosaurs, Mr. Ohano providing commentary on them, while Ledas grew more tired and reckless and affectionate toward Ryori. Ryori didn't rebuff him, which was a relief. They viewed the island's sunken caldera from a high vantage before going to the jaguar exhibit, then the turtle exhibit.

They took an elevator down underground to view the ocean from below the island. The area was packed, though Ledas found it immensely cool. They were able to get a group picture together. Afterward, they left the park. On their way out, Jia and Ledas stopped by the government outpost while Shoekki, Ryori, Mr. Ohano, and Mrs. Ohano waited behind (thinking they had gone to use the restrooms).

In the fourth scene, on June 11th, Mr. Ohano, Mrs. Ohano, Shoekki, and Jia watched the sunrise together at the summit of Haiirotori Mountain (the highest point on Hosomaki). They made comments about Ryori and Ledas sleeping in the same bed, which surprised Jia. She realized everyone else knew the boys were dating.

They watched the sunrise, sharing an emotional moment together. Mrs. Ohano lauded Jia with praise for raising the boys, knowing what a difficult task that was. She deflected, thanking them for inviting her to the Crimson Fingers. The beauty of the islands was almost enough to overwhelm her. She wondered if they would stay for the rest of their lives or had plans to move to a big city upon retirement. The Ohanos confirmed they weren't going anywhere.

Mrs. Ohano asked Jia why she had become Ryori and Ledas' caretaker, as she thought Shoekki was fulfilling that role. Shoekki came up with a lie that he had been imprisoned on a baseless charge of hitting a parked car with his motorcycle (when in reality, he had been dead). He said he got a huge settlement from the case, which Jia found amusing.

With the sun rising, they decided to return to town. Jia hung back, linking up with Shoekki and having a short conversation with him. They returned to the Ohanos, and the four made the hike down the mountain together.

In the fifth scene, on June 11th, Mr. Ohano, Shoekki, Ryori, and Ledas participated in a fishing tradition that occurred every year just before the start of the Kurenai Natsumatsuri. They gathered in Raskintown on the eastern beach with all of the other men. The elders passed out spearguns to everyone involved. The village chief gave a speech, thanking everyone for taking part in a most sacred rite. He advised everyone to catch as many fish as they could for the festival, for there would be many hungry people. He also told them to be wary of sharks and to use their spearguns in defense if necessary. Then, he unleashed them into the sea. Mr. Ohano, Shoekki, and the rest of them rushed out eagerly.

In the sixth scene, later that day, Mr. Ohano, Mrs. Ohano, Shoekki, Ryori, Jia, and Ledas visited the Sepiche ruins in Raskintown. They explored the town, visiting the depleted iridium mine, the marketplace, and the docks before coming to the Sepiche ruins. Mr. Ohano had a grand old time playing the tour guide, telling them all about the sculptures and how they got there, not to mention why the Sepiche had gone extinct (allegedly).

Without warning, Chervil and his skinchangers appeared, Chervil kicking Ledas into a Sepiche statue. He swore he'd get revenge for Ledas killing Tarrago. The pedestrians in the immediate area fled in terror. Chervil attacked Ledas, who retaliated with grim focus, shattering one of his arms and sending him into a tree. He told everyone to stay back, promising he had everything under control. Not wasting time (for his friends and lover were threatened), Ledas hunted down Chervil's retinue, killing every one of them with a singular blow. Chervil tried to shoot an energy blast at them, but Ledas rushed him, squeezing his wrist, forcing the ki to shoot into the sky. Battering him, Ledas threw him into a tree. Boasting stupidly, the Makyan limped away, shooting a ki blast into the ground to mask his escape.

Ryori and the others ran over, asking if he was okay. Ledas was, though he remained on guard. Mr. Ohano was stunned by what he had witnessed. Ryori provided cover, saying Ledas had been trained since he had been little and was immensely powerful (not to mention what he'd shown in chapter 1 by capturing that bluefin tuna). Ledas swore he wouldn't leave before destroying every last skinchanger, for the bounties were enticing. Mrs. Ohano and Shoekki were at a loss for words as Ledas threw a capsule to the ground, revealing a storage container. He piled up the bodies to take in for big zeni.

In the second scene of chapter 3, on June 12, Age 776, Ledas, Shoekki, and Ryori were hanging out in Ohano's after it closed. Mr. Ohano and his assistant manager, a man by the name of Kenpichi, appeared, carrying trays of ramen noodles for the boys. There were many bowls for Ledas. After serving them, Kenpichi returned to the kitchen while Mr. Ohano lingered behind. Mr. Ohano asked Ryori and Ledas to go into town to pick up some ingredients for him for the Kurenai Natsumatsuri feast that night. Ryori affirmed they'd do so. Mr. Ohano asked Shoekki to help him in the kitchen while they were running errands. He was down to help, though he couldn't promise to be any good at it. Mr. Ohano wasn't worried. He would walk Shoekki through what to do.

He gave Ryori Ƶ30,000 and told him he could keep the change. Ryori tried to decline, but his grandfather was insistent, so he gratefully thanked him. Mr. Ohano asked them to get everything as soon as they could, as the festival would begin at 5:00 p.m. Ryori resolved to do so. Mr. Ohano returned to the kitchen.

In the third scene, that evening, Mr. Ohano, Mrs. Ohano, Shoekki, Ryori, Jia, and Ledas attended the Kurenai Natsumatsuri at the Black Sand Beach of Raskintown. There were loads of people there. Jia and Shoekki went off to socialize by the water while the others watched a procession of dancers come down the road, Mr. Ohano providing commentary as they went past. Next were the fire breathers. Ledas grew restless, wanting to feast already. The third group comprised the regular dancers not clad in special outfits. They moved down to the beach, the onlookers joining them. Everyone danced together while a band played music.

Mrs. Ohano tried to coax Ryori and Ledas to join her and her husband for the dance, which was known as the Gekko Odori. She thought the boys could dance together, insinuating she knew they were dating, which horribly embarrassed Ryori. Ledas refused, as he thought dancing was one of Earth's lamest customs. Ryori wasn't going to dance with anyone else (especially not a woman), so he told his grandparents to go on without them.

In the fifth scene of chapter 4, on Juen 13, Age 776 Ledas arrived at Ohano's just in time to witness a group of customers leaving a few minutes before closing time. Inside, Mr. Ohano was working behind the bar.

After it closed at 10:00 a.m., Mr. Ohano joined Mrs. Ohano, Jia, Shoekki, Ryori, and Ledas at the table. They were discussing the trip to the Asazari Zoo a few days back. Mr. Ohano interjected, saying that whenever they were ready, he was going to teach them how to make a few of his pub's staple dishes. Shoekki was into the idea. Ryori was too, but he needed another round of shots first. Ledas thought his desperation for alcohol meant he was about to come out, which gave him hope. Mrs. Ohano got to her feet, saying she couldn't have any more. Jia joined her, although not after openly flirting with Shoekki. The women returned to the Ohano house.

Ryori was growing drunk, so he blurted out that Jia was thirsting for Shoekki. Shoekki wasn't opposed to having fun with her. He didn't know if she was flirting or being friendly, however. They asked Mr. Ohano, who refused to give counsel on matters of the heart. Ledas asked Shoekki if he found Jia attractive. He did. Mr. Ohano cut through their conversation, asking if they'd join him in the kitchen. They were eager to do so. Ryori needed a moment with his brother, though. Mr. Ohano gave them the privacy they needed, returning to the kitchen.

Afterward, in the kitchen, Mr. Ohano began teaching them how to make red curry chicken. Ryori and Ledas started off by grinding up red chilis in pestles and mortars. Shoekki was tasked with dicing up a cup of shallots. Ledas was so happy to be with those he loved, doing everyday things, being in the moment and not cowering.

In the first scene of chapter 5, on June 14, Age 776, Mr. Ohano, Mrs. Ohano, Shoekki, Ryori, Jia, and Ledas explored the town of Hosomaki, sightseeing. In the evening, they took the Blue Breeze to Raskintown where they congregated with loads of people in Tikupau to take part in the face-painting festival that served as the finale of the Kurenai Natsumatsuri. Ryori vaguely remembered taking part when he'd been little. It was good to be back.

Mr. Ohano pointed out the various shops and stores on their way to the festival area, acting as a tour guide. They came across a place known as the Thirsty Clam, which Mr. Ohano had trouble explaining the purpose of. Shoekki told everyone it was a whorehouse, which caused Mrs. Ohano to rebuke him. Shoekki said that Ryori and Ledas were old enough to know what that meant. They hadn't grown up in a puritanical atmosphere like his grandparents had. Ledas wanted to look around inside, but Ryori told him that wasn't going to happen.

Arriving in Tikupau, they split off, Ryori and Ledas remaining together. There were tons of people around. Ledas led him to the food line, which Ryori found unsurprising. Ryori's grandparents mingled with a group of natives while Jia and Shoekki split off in opposite directions.

In the third scene, the next day, Mr. Ohano, Mrs. Ohano, Shoekki, Ryori, Jia, and Ledas went on a whale-watching trip. The Ohanos were on deck with Shoekki (with most of the other passengers) while Ledas and Ryori were in the cabin. Jia joined the boys inside, as it was really cold. After Jia came out of the cabin, she walked over to Shoekki, who was talking to Mr. Ohano about his octopus wrestling days. After the conversation stalled, she pried him away.

In the fourth scene, later that day, after having dinner, Mr. Ohano, Mrs. Ohano, Shoekki, Ryori, Jia, and Ledas climbed up the Pukitehau Trail in Hosomaki. They engaged in lively conversation, which Ryori noted was rare for Ledas, although he was probably in a good mood as his belly was full. Shoekki noted they had walked this trail many times in the past, back when he and Ryori had lived here. Ryori tried to remember, vague recollections coming to him in fractured blurs, but he couldn't settle upon anything solid. He lied, saying he did remember.

Mrs. Ohano said Ryori had been hyperactive back in the day, which was a far-cry from how he acted nowadays. Ledas was super surprised. Ryori pretended that was because he'd gotten older, not because he'd endured death of his parents. He promised to visit his grandparents more often now that they were settled in West City. Mrs. Ohano was just happy Shoekki had been exonerated. Shoekki lied that he'd gotten a huge check from King Furry as compensation for his time "in jail". Mrs. Ohano told them that if they ever needed anything, they shouldn't hesitate to call. They'd be there for them.

Around the bend, they came across thatch-roofed restrooms. Mr. Ohano told them there wouldn't be another on the way up, so if they had to go, they should go now. Ryori and Ledas left for the restrooms while Shoekki and Jia snuck off to vape together.

In the distance, Shoekki and Jia vaped to their lungs' content. Mr. Ohano whistled for them to return to the pack after Ryori and Ledas came back. Once reunited, they made their way up the mountain together. Mr. Ohano brought them to a stop before the great Makipulu tree, which had been struck by lightning several hundred years ago. Mrs. Ohano reminded Ryori they'd been here many times before. Shoekki remembered, although Ryori struggled to bring the memories forth. Shoekki brought up the time Ryori had climbed the tree only to fall and sprain his wrist. Ryori pretended like he remembered.

They reached the summit, approaching a cracked boulder. Shoekki and Mr. Ohano ushered the rest of them over to the boulder, looking for a specific place. Mrs. Ohano gestured to the spot, and they looked upon it: in Age 769, they had written their initials into the stone (including Ryori's parents). Ryori remembered, overcome by emotion. Mr. Ohano handed Shoekki a rock, asking him to do the honors (etch their current trip into existence). Everyone etched their names into the stone, Mr. Ohano adding '776' at the end. They stood back, admiring the stone face. Ryori was overcome with emotion and nostalgia.


  1. The Blue Breeze is Mr. Ohano's sailboat.

  • Mr. Ohano has the last line of dialogue in Monkeyboy's First Vacation.