Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Yamaguchi, is the property of Hyper Zergling.

Detailed Information:
Appearances: Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birthdate: Age 728
Date of Death: May 8, Age 774
Maximum Power Level: 7[note 1]
Height: 5'8" (173 cm)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Rank: Boss
Organizations: Morizakura-gumi
  • Akagi (henchman)
  • Yamato (henchman)

  • "Only five more remain. If the legend is true, I will be able to wish for anything my heart desires. I will rid myself of King Furry and his lackeys and rule the world with an iron fist!"
    The One-Day Earth Adventure

    Yamaguchi (山口 Yamaguchi) is the leader of the Morizakura-gumi criminal organization as of Age 777.

    Physical appearance[]

    Yamaguchi is a middle-aged man of average build with short black hair. He dresses formally, in a full suit and tie, dress pants, and dress shoes.


    At some point in his life, Yamaguchi became the boss of the Morizakura-gumi.

    Yamaguchi was present on Earth on May 8, Age 774, and was thus killed by Super Buu's Human Extinction Attack. He was then revived by Porunga due to Vegeta's wish to bring most of the humans killed by Buu back to life.

    In Age 777, Yamaguchi began his quest to find the Dragon Balls in order to summon Shenron for a wish that would allow him to rule Earth. After his men collect two Dragon Balls, however, Cuber arrives at his office with the Dragon Radar and takes the artifacts from Yamaguchi's safe.

    When Cuber summons Shenron after collecting all seven Dragon Balls, Yamaguchi sends Akagi and Yamato, two of his henchmen that are nearest to Cuber's location, after the Saiyan. When the pair attacks Cuber, he kills them effortlessly.


    1. In his prime