Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Xeno Vegeks (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Vegeks
Alternate names Xeno Vegeks
Debut Video Game: "Dragon Ball Heroes"
Manga: "Potara"
Appears in
Race 3/4 Saiyan-1/4 Earthling
Gender Male
Allegiance Time Patrol
  • Vegeta (fusee)
  • Vegenks (EX Fusion counterpart)
  • Future Trunks (fusee)
  • Bulma (half-wife/half-mother)
  • Bulla (half-daughter/half-sister)
  • Trunks (half-son/half-counterpart)
  • Future Boxers (half-grandson/half-son)
  • Whis (mentor)
  • Vegeks (Xeno Vegeks in Dragon Ball Heroes) is the Potara Fusion of Vegeta and Future Trunks.


    Dragon Ball Advanced[]

    Vegeks battle against Female Janesuka in Super Saiyan Blue after being told by Chronoa that the upgrades she made to the Potara Earrings makes it so that the fusion is an hour for the whole deal. He battles against the Female Janesuka and manages to overpower all 12 them in his Super Saiyan Blue form before destroying them with Final Masenko

    After training for 11 months in the Room of Spirit and Time; he returns to battle against Ultra Cooler and barely makes an effect on him. During the battle; Ultra Cooler manage to break his shoulder and pushed him into using Spectral Super Saiyan Blue against.


    • Flight
    • Ki Blast and Sensing
    • Final Flash
    • Masenko
      • Super Masenko
      • Hyper Masenko
    • Big Bang Attack
    • Meteor Crash
    • Headbutt
    • Headshot
    • Final Masenko - A combination of Final Flash and Super Masenko
    • Time-Skip
      • Time-Skip/Molotov
      • Time-Skip/Back Breaker


    Super Saiyan[]

    Vegeks is capable of transforming into Super Saiyan, and uses this form in Dragon Ball Heroes game.

    Super Saiyan's Grimoire[]

    Vegeks is capable of accessing the Super Saiyan's Grimoire mode used by Vegeta, but his time limit is halved. However, is still able to enter form and managed to use it against Ultra Cooler, but was easily swatted away.

    Spectral Super Saiyan Blue[]

    Vegeks is capable of accessing Spectral Super Saiyan Blue even with this form was able to far against Ultra Cooler by slightly injuring him, and even withstanding several clashes and even survives his Kill Driver.

    Super Saiyan Blue[]

    As soon as his fusion is complete; Vegeks enters Super Saiyan Blue and battles against all 12 Janesuka with ease. He is unaffected by the majority of their attacks on him, and even managed to launch one into the sky with his Big Bang Attack with ease.

    Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up[]

    Recognising Ultra Cooler's superior power - he enters his Powered-Up form, but even with this form he is easily outmatched by Ultra Cooler's power.

    Completed Super Saiyan Blue[]

    Vegeks is capable of utilising the mastered form Completed Super Saiyan Blue; he was able to enter this form, but before he could even use it - he was incapacitated by single attack by Ultra Cooler and was almost killed, but managed to retreats to Conton City
