This article, Xeno Goten (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time.. |
Xeno Gohan (孫 悟 天 :ゼノ Son Goten: Zeno) is a version of Goten from a Parallel World.
In Dragon Ball Heroes; Xeno Goten is identical in physical appearance to GT Goten while wearing a similar outfit to Xeno Trunks.
In the Demigra Assault Saga, he wears an outfit similar to Xeno Goku's outfit.
In Dragon Ball Advanced; Xeno Goten no longer wore the red vest instead he wears a red uwagi similar to Goku's Whis outfit minus the Whis Symbol. However, his hair is resembles Vegito's hairstyle, however, with a single bang.
In Dragon Ball Heroes; Xeno Goten is flirtatious.
In Dragon Ball Advanced; Xeno Goten has matured and takes his fight more seriously and chooses to try to finish the battle as fast as he can. However, outside of battle - he'll retains his flirtatious nature and cheerful, friendly demeanour.
Dragon Ball Heroes[]
Dragon Ball Advanced[]
Dark King Demigra Saga[]
Xeno Goten and Xeno Gohan were among the few survivors of Demigra's attack due to being in the Room of Spirit and Time at the time. The brothers were brought to the main world by Xenoverse Fu in which they agreed to assist the Main World's time patrol against Demigra and Robelu. During the fight the brothers were able to achieve Super Saiyan God, however, they still barely a match for the Transcended Demon Gods.
By the time of his arrival in the Main World during the Dark King Demigra Saga - he was able to match his brother in power and after the pair achieved Super Saiyan God - they were powerful enough to almost match Transcended Demon God Demigra and Transcended Demon God Robelu in power.
- Flight - The ability to fly with ki.
- Ki Blast - The basic form of ki.
- Godly ki - After achieving Super Saiyan God - Xeno Goten gained Godly ki.
- Ki Sense - The ability to sense ki.
- Godly ki Sense - The ability to sense Godly ki.
- Kamehameha - An energy attack used by Xeno Goten.
- Limitbreaker Kamehameha - An energy used by Xeno Goten in his Super Saiyan God.
- Dragon Claw Dance - A rush attack used by Xeno Goten.
- Super Saiyan
Main article: Super Saiyan (SSJJ)
Xeno Goten can turn into Super Saiyan much like his counterparts.
- Potential Unleashed
Xeno Goten requested that Xeno Old Kai to unlock his potential to which Xeno Old Kai did so and as a result Xeno Goten gained access to the Potential Unleashed state.
- Super Saiyan God
- Xeno Gotenks
The result of Xeno Goten and Xeno Trunks merging together using the Fusion Dance.
- Xeno Gohen
Main article: Xeno Gohen
The result of Xeno Gohen and Xeno Goten merging using the Potara Earrings.