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This article, Xeno Android 21, is the property of HygorBohmHubner.

Xeno Android 21

人造人間21号 :ゼノ
Jinzōningen Nijūichi-Gō: Zeno
Alternate names Xeno 21
No. 21: Xeno
Time Patrol Researcher
Race New Type Bio-Android (Human-type Earthling/Saiyan/Frieza Race/Namekian/Majin hybrid)
Gender Female
Date of birth After Age 769 (creation or conversion)
Height 4'2" (129 cm) "child"
Weight 66 lbs (30 Kg) "child"
Address Earth (formerly)
Conton City
Occupation Time Patroller
Allegiance Red Ribbon Army (formerly)
Time Patrol
Affiliations Gebo (template's son)
Dr. Gero (creator/template's partner)
Dr. Gero's Supercomputer (creator)

Xeno Android 21 (人造人間21号 :ゼノ Jinzōningen Nijūichi-Gō: Zeno, lit. "Artificial Human No. 21: Xeno") is an incarnation of Android 21 from an alternate timeline that was sought out and recruited by Garia into the Time Patrol in order to assist them with both their scientific researches, as well as their attempts to battle the Dark Empire.


Xeno Android 21 without coat

Xeno Android 21 without her labcoat.

Xeno Android 21's appearance is the exact same as her main timeline counterpart; being a tall, curvaceous woman with glasses and long bushy auburn hair, as well as blue eyes. She has a gold ring on her left middle finger, and black nails. She wears a pair of hoop earrings, a sleeveless, blue and red short dress with opaque black tights, black arm sleeves, and blue and red heel boots.

Occasionally, she also wears a white labcoat with the Red Ribbon Army's logo on each sleeve, with Xeno Android 21's reason as being "nostalgic", although she later decides to replace it with the Time Patrol logo. Nevertheless, Xeno Android 21 cares deeply for her labcoat, always removing it and storing in a safe location before a battle, explaining that her labcoat made her feel "human".


Due to her biology, Xeno Android 21 originally had a natural, compulsive instinct to feed which grew out of control due to cells in her body going berserk. She prefers sweets and confectioneries, with her favorite being macarons. Originally, she had no control over her hunger and constantly fought to keep herself from turning others into treats and devouring them. However, after having her hunger removed from within her by Shenron, Xeno Android 21's struggles were finally put to an end.

By extension of Shenron's actions, Xeno Android 21's inner evil self was also extinguished, which allowed her true, original, personality to remain dominant. Xeno Android 21 presents herself as a soft-spoken and caring individual. She rarely expresses anger and frustration with her friends and allies, always showing extreme levels of patience, even towards the clumsiest of Time Patrollers, and also displays strong motherly insticts towards the younger members of the Time Patrol, often encouraging them to perform better and always consoling them if they ever felt disappointed or depressed.

However, Xeno Android 21's entire demeanor and personality shifts whenever she engages in battle. Unlike her main timeline counterpart, who's incredibly apologetic, even during battle as she apologizes to her opponents mid-attacks, Xeno Android 21 displays tremendous feisty and battle-loving tendencies, and while Future Trunks attributed this due to her Saiyan cells, Xeno Android 21 explains it was because she no longer feared that her hunger would takeover, and she could now fight freely without worries, and actually enjoyed combat to improve herself. Yet she was very disciplined in a fight, never allowing her failed plans or attacks to upset her, never letting superior numbers or power intimidate her. Furthermore, Xeno Android 21 is extremely honorable, refusing to attack her opponents if they suffered any sort of handicap or disadvantage due to outside interferences and/or situations. Despite her undying love for battle, Xeno Android 21 always puts her mission as a Time Patroller above her own needs and desires, always finishing her fights against Time Breakers as quickly as possible.

Xeno Android 21 specifically shows even stronger and caring levels of affection in regards to Garia, whom Xeno Android 21 displays pure and lasting gratitude and affection towards due to Garia being responsible for removing her hunger struggle. Shaya often teases that Xeno Android 21 developed romantic feelings towards Garia, which Xeno Android 21 neither confirms nor denies, only blushing in silence. Despite her best efforts to hide her feelings, Xeno Android 21's crush on Garia became incredibly obvious to anyone who witnessed them together, except for Garia himself, who remained oblivious due to his focus being on leading the Time Patrol. Whenever Garia requests something of her, Xeno Android 21 immediately accepts without hesitation and quite exaggeratedly, and becomes shy whenever someone notices her immediate response. Xeno Android 21 secretly began researching herself in order to discover whether she could birth children naturally despite being biomechanical, and should she become unable to, discover a way to allow her to birth new life forms in a natural way, and often thinks as she had strong desires to become a mother, most specifically in wanting to start a family with Garia should they ever be allowed to date due to their duties as Time Patrollers.



Xeno Android 21's life was exactly the same as her main timeline counterpart, up until the final fight against her evil half, where in the main timeline, she sacrificed herself to help stop her evil half by jumping in front of Goku's Spirit Tomb to hold her evil half down, as well as to prevent her inner hunger for power to surface by sacrificing herself. However, Xeno Android 21 was abruptly teleported away by active Time Patrol leader Garia, and she found herself in Conton City, much to Xeno Android 21's shock and confusion.

Looking around, she was greeted by Garia, Future Trunks and Shaya, who assured her she was safe and sound. However, Xeno Android 21 still demanded answers, and Garia proceeded to explain all about them rescuing her, their motives for doing so, and their role as Time Patrollers and their ongoing battle against the Dark Empire. After some thought, Xeno Android 21 initially declined their offer, saying she couldn't trust herself because of her hunger, but Garia was already prepared for it. Gathering the Dragon Balls, Garia summoned Shenron and wished for Xeno Android 21's struggling hunger to be completely removed from within her, and Shenron successfully granted the wish, and Xeno Android 21 immediately noticed the change and thanked Garia, but also expressed guilt for having him "waste a wish" on her, but Garia assured her that no wish was wasted, and cheerfully exclaimed that he was glad to have saved her life and cured her from her hunger.

Returning to her human form, Xeno Android 21 vowed to assist them in any way possible, and Garia quickly entrusts her with her first task: Constructing a Hyperbolic Time Chamber for Conton City in order for Time Patrollers to train as much as possible in short periods of time. Despite the hard task, Xeno Android 21 boldly and happily accepts the task, declaring that challenging tasks only pressured her to perform better and promised a deadline of two months, but Xeno Android 21 surprised herself by successfully constructing the chamber in only one month instead. Unlike the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in Earth's Lookout, Conton City's Hyperbolic Time Chamber could accept infinite amounts of people inside it, and had no time limit for usage, and the gravity inside the chamber was also heavier than Earth's. Furthermore, Xeno Android 21 also installed holographic simulations of the strongest warriors across the Multiverse for Time Patrollers to train against, with their levels of power being programmed through a menu, allowing users to select warriors from different time periods to match their power levels.

Dark King Mechikabura Saga[]

Six months after Chronoa's disappearance, Xeno Android 21 continues her regular duties as a Time Patroller and scientist, until Elder Kai warns them about a disturbance in time. The Time Patrol head to Age 790 where they witness Gogeta fighting against Omega Shenron. Soon after arriving, Gogeta's friends and family are under a form of mind control and attack them, and Garia finds himself battling against Majuub while Shaya battles Pan, Xeno Android 21 battles Gohan and Bukha battles Gotenks. Shortly afterwards, Demigra and his henchmen Chamel and Robelu appear. With Towa and Dabura also in the area sporting a new more powerful Demon God state, Robelu tells Garia and Future Trunks to fuse. Doing so, Garia and Trunks fuse into Garunks.

Gogeta is confronted by Fin, and - curious about the Majin's power - allows him to absorb him, becoming Dark Gogeta. Unfortunately for Fin, Gogeta rapidly took control of the absorption. Garunks is instructed to acquire the Dragon Balls from Omega Shenron, but Gogeta ends up obliterating Omega instead. Gogeta, not entirely sure what was going on but noticing Garunks, decided to test himself and Fin by engaging Garunks in combat. Dark Gogeta has an edge over Garunks, until Garunks surprises everyone by transforming into a Super Saiyan 4 to match Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, but their fight is interrupted by Xeno Android 21, who decides to utilize her transformed state, and teams up with Garunks to unleash a powerful combination on Dark Gogeta, sending him crashing to the ground. Xeno Android 21 is astounded to see the Majin stand back up, but is stopped by Garunks, who wonders if Gogeta had "finally woken up", leading to an upper portion of Dark Gogeta's face peeling off and revealing Gogeta in complete control underneath. He apologizes for the misunderstanding, expressing his interest to go head-to-head with another fusion, something that Garunks completely understands and Xeno Android 21 doesn't understand at all.

Gogeta blasts Fin off his back, snarking that he isn't so weak as to get absorbed by the likes of the Majin, a statement that makes Fin furious. When the mind-controlled Chronoa appears and freezes everyone in place, Chamel uses his magic to teleport the Time Patrol and their allies to Demigra's lair, by which time Garunks has defused, presumably leaving Gogeta in his altered timeline. The Time Patrol are told by Chamel of the six Hell Gates and that behind each one lies a Demon God who is maintaining a barrier to Mechikabura's Palace and they must all be defeated. Garia heads through the Blue Hell gate where Salsa is it's protector. Garia and Xeno Android 21 fire a combined Kamehameha but Salsa swings his sword, producing a gale of wind that sends the energy blasts back, causing it to hit Garia and Xeno Android 21 directly. Garia charges in for a physical confrontation but is caught up in Salsa's Trick of Tornado technique which cuts away at him. As Salsa rushes in with his sword to put an end to things, Garia counters by using his Power Pole to hit his opponent in the stomach. With the tornado fading, Garia transforms into a Super Saiyan 4 and fires a second Kamehameha to defeat the demon.

She then returns to the hideout where she is subsequently frozen briefly by the mind controlled Chronoa and later struck by a mass of dark energy belonging to Mechikabura. Heavily injured, unable to fight and with Future Trunks being the only one left standing thanks to his Key Sword, Xeno Android 21 along with the other Saiyans give Trunks their energy so that he can go on to face Mechikabura at the Time Nest (due to Xeno Android 21 possessing Saiyan cells within her), unexpectedly transforming him into a Super Saiyan God in the process.

After recovering, Xeno Android 21 and the others travel through a rift to the now desolate Time Nest to assist Trunks and Chronoa in their final battle against Mechikabura. Xeno Android 21 powers up whilst transformed, and unleashes an even powerful version of her transformed state, with the aura around her body being extremely intense and powerful, which caught Mechikabura's attention. Shaya commented that her aura reminded her that of a Super Saiyan, if not a Super Saiyan 2. Super Xeno Android 21 and the others buy enough time for Chronoa to recharge the Key Sword, enabling Gaks to deliver the final blow and seal Mechikabura away in an eternal labyrinth. After Tokitoki assumes a giant form and restores the Time Nest to it's original state, everyone celebrates their hard earned victory.

Infinite History Saga[]

Dbz Cooler 002

This article is currently under construction and is incomplete at the moment.


Xeno Android 21 fight

Xeno Android 21 fighting a simulation of Goku.

Being created from the cells of countless warriors and scientists, Xeno Android 21 is an extremely powerful warrior and researcher, having both "brains and brawn" to prove her strength. While training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Xeno Android 21 was able to battle against a holographic simulation of Goku from Age 779 who already achieved the Super Saiyan Blue transformation, and was able to go head-to-head with him in her base form, despite Goku having godly ki even in his base form.

Whilst battling against the Dark Empire, Xeno Android 21 was briefly capable of battling the mind-controlled and empowered Supreme Kai of Time, and despite being ultimately defeated, Xeno Android 21 was capable of causing some minor damage. While training against Garia, Xeno Android 21 was able to battle toe-to-toe against his Super Saiyan 3 form, being only slightly overpowered when Garia ascended into a Super Saiyan God, and struggled against his Super Saiyan Blue form, although Xeno Android 21 remained active to battle rather than being outright outclassed. During a rematch inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Xeno Android 21 gradually grew stronger, being now able to match Garia in his Super Saiyan God form, and while still inferior, being able to barely oppose his Super Saiyan Blue transformation.

During yet another holographic simulation, Xeno Android 21 was easily able to outclass Cell and Majin Vegeta in a two-on-one battle in her base form, and was able to battle head-on against Golden Frieza in her transformed state, as well as both versions of Majin Buu simultaneously. She was later strong enough to battle Goku transformed as a Super Saiyan Blue, and while struggling in her normal state, she was able to equally match him in power after her transformation.

During the Time Patrol's battle against Mechikabura, Xeno Android 21's power breaks through its own limits, allowing her to achieve her own version of a Super Saiyan form, which enabled her to momentarily match the Demon God's overwhelming power, but despite being ultimately outclassed, her new transformation itself allowed her to survive the devastating barrage of attacks from Mechikabura, with Xeno Android 21 commenting that if she were under her regular Transformed state, she would've most likely not survived the impact of the attacks.


  • Flight – The ability to fly with the use of ki.
  • Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Ki Sense – The ability to sense the energy of other beings. She can also hide her ki to prevent someone else from sensing hers.
  • Tail Attack - In her transformed state, Xeno Android 21 can attack enemies with her tail as part of certain combos. She can also thrust her tail into the ground, then have it erupt from the ground to deliver a surprise attack, taking advantage of her ability to extend her tail.
Xeno Android 21 Kamehameha

Xeno Android 21's Kamehameha.

  • Kamehameha – A technique created by Master Roshi. Xeno Android 21 learned this technique from Garia, with her version of the attack being black-and-red colored.
    • Friend Kamehameha – Xeno Android 21 and Garia's Kamehameha combination.
    • Super Kamehameha – A more powerful variation of the Kamehameha.
    • One-Handed Kamehameha – Xeno Android 21 uses this technique when facing off against multiple opponents, which allows her to fire two Kamehamehas at once at different directions.
  • Solar Flare – Xeno Android 21 places her hands close to the center of her face with her fingers spread toward her eyes. She then calls out the name of the technique, which provokes a white light to fire out and blind everything watching except herself, since she is the one projecting the light. Xeno Android 21 learned this technique via mimicry after watching a recorded battle of Tien against Goku at the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament.
  • Explosive Wave – A technique where Xeno Android 21 bursts out ki from all over her body in order to repel the opponents around her.
  • Barrier Sphere – Xeno Android 21 thrusts energy out from her body in the form of a barrier with great force. The barrier can be used to both defend against oncoming projectiles and to expand and damage its surroundings. She learned this technique after mimicking a holograph of Android 17 at the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
  • Total Detonation Ball – Xeno Android 21 launches a ball of ki that flies across the screen and explodes on impact.
  • Photon Wave – A move where Xeno Android 21 produces a Death Beam-like attack that explodes where it hits along the ground.
  • Excellent Full Course – Xeno Android 21 flies into her opponent, hitting them with a flurry of dash attacks, before striking them to the ground and fires a ki blast from on top of them.
  • Survivability – Thanks to possessing cells from Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu, Xeno Android 21 possesses great survivability and endurance.
  • Regeneration – Thanks to possessing cells from Piccolo, Cell, Kid Buu and Good Buu, Xeno Android 21 possesses extreme regenerative capabilities that allow her to survive great explosions and regenerate any lost body part.

Xeno Android 21 Transform

Transformed Xeno Android 21

Xeno Android 21 is able to transform into a form that resembles a Majin in body color and attire, though she also possesses white hair, and spiked Namekian-like ears and a tail similar to Frieza's final form, although she retains her original blue eye color.

In this state, Xeno Android 21's power increases about 500x more than her normal state, although the amount of power differs based on her physical condition at the time of her transformation. Xeno Android 21 learned on being capable of reverting back to her normal state, something her main timeline counterpart was never shown doing. Whilst transformed, Xeno Android 21 was capable of nearly matching Super Saiyan Blue Garia in battle, but continued to be only slightly outmatched, with Garia commenting that if Xeno Android 21 completely mastered her form and power, she could match the untrained Super Saiyan Blue transformation, if not outright surpass it.

Another unique trait of her transformation is how Xeno Android 21's attire changes whenever she transforms. Regardless of what clothing Xeno Android 21 wears on her normal state, whenever she transforms, Xeno Android 21's outfit changes into a black tube top, keeping the black arm sleeves, and also gaining white baggy pants. Whenever she reverts to her normal state, her original clothing are also returned.

Xeno Android 21 initially disliked utiziling her transformed state, believing it made her seem "weird" and "monstrous", and only after Garia complimented on her transformed appearance, even calling it "very attractive", was when Xeno Android 21 began using her transformation more often.

Super Xeno Android 21
Main article: Super Xeno Android 21
Xeno Android 21 Transformed

Super Xeno Android 21.

This transformation far exceeds Xeno Android 21's regular transformed state. While her overall appearance suffers no change whatsoever, the ki and aura revolving around her changes dramatically. In her regular transformed state, her aura remained pure white, but under this form, Xeno Android 21's aura greatly resembled that of a Super Saiyan 2, turning from white to golden, completely with electricity sparks around her.

Shaya commented that this form was most likely Xeno Android 21's own version of a Super Saiyan due to her Saiyan cells manifesting from within her, and because her Saiyan DNA was most likely the dominant cells within her body, she was capable of acheving an unique version of the form.

In terms of power, Super Xeno Android 21 was capable of briefly matching Time Power Unleashed Mechikabura in raw power, and despite being subsequently outmatched and outclassed, her enhanced transformation enabled her to survive the devastating attacks from Mechikabura, with Xeno Android 21 herself commenting that if she were on her regular transformed state, she woule've most likely not survived the barrage of attacks.


  • Xeno Android 21 vs. Goku (Base/Super Saiyan)
  • Xeno Android 21 vs. Garia
  • Xeno Android 21 (Transformed) vs. Chronoa (Brainwashed Berserk)
  • Xeno Android 21 (Base/Transformed) vs. Garia (Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue)
  • Xeno Android 21 (Base/Transformed) vs. Cell and Vegeta (Majin)
  • Xeno Android 21 (Transformed) vs. Frieza (Golden)
  • Xeno Android 21 (Transformed) vs. Super Buu and Kid Buu
  • Xeno Android 21 (Base/Transformed) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)
  • Xeno Android 21 vs. Gohan (Brainwashed)
  • Xeno Android 21 (Transformed) and Garunks (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Fin (Gogeta absorbed)
  • Xeno Android 21 (Transformed) and Garia (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Salsa
  • Xeno Android 21 (Transformed/Super Xeno Android 21) vs. Mechikabura (Time Power Unleashed)


  • Xeno Android 21 was recruited by Garia solely based on her similarities to Towa, as both of them were brilliant scientists and fighters, with Elder Kai often commenting on how Towa would've been a perfect Time Patroller if she weren't evil, with Elder Kai's comments being the factor on Garia's decision to recruit Xeno Android 21.
    • Towa herself agreed that Xeno Android 21 was the "perfect match-up" for her own scientific mindset and commended the Time Patrol for selecting the "perfect rival" for her own intelligence.