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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, X (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

X (エックス Ekkusu) is a Bio-Android created by Towa. He is the primary antagonist of the Cell-X Saga and X Saga, and final antagonist of Cell-X Saga group overall. He was created using cells of several different individuals giving him the cells of several Majins, Devils, Frieza Race, Saiyans, Glinds, Buu's subspecies, Namekians, and Earthlings.


X's name is reference to the X-Chromosome with his appearance being more akin to his Demon Realm and Devil DNA. Imperfect X


X initially resembled a green spiked egg with a single eye that has a white sclera, red iris, and black pupils with wings.




X was developed from the cells of many individuals that Majins, Devils, Frieza Race, Saiyans, Glinds, Buu's subspecies, Namekians, and Earthlings. He quickly developed into a barely self-aware egg which quickly latched onto the severed body parts of Cell Jr and absorbed them to become Cell-X.

Dragon Ball Advanced[]

Cell-X Saga[]

Y Saga[]

X Saga[]


  • Flight - The ability to fly with his wings.
  • Absorption - The ability to absorb others including the severed parts of the Cell Juniors to merge into Cell-X.
  • Regeneration - The ability to regenerate thanks to his Namekian and Majin cells.
  • Copy Ability - After absorbing Moro (Seven-Three absorbed), Cell-X gains the ability to copy all of the raw might, skills, and abilities, and techniques another entity by touching the back of their neck. Thanks to Cell-X granting Moro the abilities that history recorded him and Seven-Three copying - Cell-X was able to gain all copied powers that Moro kept.
    • Hedgehog-like Humanoid Race's powers - Powers that Seven-Three copied from an unnamed porcupine-like alien race, retained by Cell-X.
      • Quill Generation - Cell-X can generate sharp quills and fire them at foes.
      • Warp Portal - Cell-X can open portals from one place to another.
    • Piccolo's powers - Powers that Moro retained from absorbing Seven-Three and retained by Cell-X.
    • Moro's powers - Power that Seven-Three copied from Moro, retained by Cell-X.
    • Invisible Race's powers - Power that Seven-Three copied from a race with the power to turn invisible, retained by Cell-X.
      • Invisibility - Cell-X is able to turn himself invisible through his copied power.
    • Gohan's powers - Powers copied from Gohan by Seven-Three and Moro, retained by Cell-X.
    • Vegeta's powers - Powers copied from Vegeta by Moro, and is granted to Cell-X in his Final Form.
    • Mira's powers - Moro copied Transcended Super Saiyan Dark Mira's (Mira absorbed) power after being tricked by Cell-X and as such Cell-X is able to retain the power.
    • Towa's powers - Moro copied Demon Goddess Towa's power after being tricked by Cell-X and as such Cell-X is able to retain the power.
    • Chronoa's powers - Moro copied Chronoa's power after being tricked by Cell-X and as such Cell-X is able to retain the power.
    • Cell-X's powers - X gained all of Cell-X's powers.
      • Kamehameha - The ability to use Kamehameha.


X's initial form used by X in which he resembled a spiky winged egg that Cell once used. He quickly developed into a barely self-aware egg which quickly latched onto the severed body parts of Cell Jr and absorbed them to become Cell-X despite only being an Egg. After his separation from the Cell Jrs - he was fully cognitive enough to initated his metamorphsis into his Larva Stage.

Larva Stage

After retaining the data and powers that he absorbed from Cell-X after the Cell-X's fusion was undone, allowing him to evolve into the next stage of his evolutionary life cycle. He becomes spiky version of Cell's larva form with a single red eye with a black pupil and white sclera. He doesn't stay in this form for long as he sought out Marba to use a modified Majin Creation to complete his creation where he added himself in his Larval form in the magic concoction

He retains a semblence of cognitivity as he was able to communicate telepathically with Marba.

Imperfect X
Imperfect X

Imperfect X

In his Imperfect form, X had a light green exoskeleton with green wings that were a shade darker, he had spikes protruding out his shoulders, and hips. Additional he had a shade darker green sections on his stomach, hips, and legs with bird-like talons with a light green sole, blue toes, and black claws along with black claws protruding from his fingers. The tip of tail and his hands were purple with his face, ears, and underside of his tail were blue. He has red sections on his head, groin, and in the centre of the chest additionally he has a pair of horns protruding from his head.

X arose in this form following Marba using a Senzu instead of Saibaman seed that was planted only 6 centimetres down believing that it was enough. Although he was only in his Imperfect as he recognised that he still needed the last piece of the puzzle to complete his perfection.

Perfect X

X was able to assimilate and transmute the genetics of Y into himself after having to consume him while Y had absorbed Moro (Seven-Three Absorbed). He was able to gain all powers that Moro and Seven-Three had copied; thanks to X using his magic to have Moro gain all powers that Seven-Three copied including the one's he no longer possessed such as the porcupine-like race's power and the Invisible race's power.

After tricking Moro to copy the powers of Chronoa, Mira (Dragon Ball Advanced), and Demon Goddess Towa - after his three previous absorption victims were freed from him - X had his Mutant Coconut companion absorb Moro - bringing down the Planet-eaters cells and genetic structure allowing Y to replicate Moro's powers and genetic in order to allow X to retain the form even without Moro absorbed and as such Moro was effectively killed by the process. Following that X consumed Y into his being resulting in his final transformation.

In this form - X's becomes 7'0" as a posed to the height of 11'0" in his Perfection Overloaded Form. Once again X's feet lose their toes and instead resemble black shoes with spiked black metal plates on his forearms and legs. He has a black metal plate that encompasses his neck, ears, chin, shoulders, and either side of his chest while the plate in the centre is a greenish colour and has the Time Breaker symbol just like his Perfect and his Monstrous form. The plates on his shoulders have long spikes on it similar to his Perfection Overloaded form while gaining the gems from Moro on his hands. The jutting sections of his head change shape once again and become similar to the shape of his head in Imperfect Cell's head, however, the black gem in the centre of his head is smaller and he has a horn on opposite sides of his gem. Around his waist - he has black metal plate with the same symbol similar to the Moro's belt in his transformed state and his dark green exoskeleton covers his arms and the lower half of his torso while his exoskeleton on his dark purple similar to Moro's pants. Additionally, he has a black gem on his crotch while the whites of his eyes become dark green and have dark red eyes. His face and hands becomes a dark grayish crimson colour. Also with the metal plates around X's face - it also replaces the purple markings beneath his eyes.


Main article: Cell-X (SSJJ)

The result of X absorbing the severed parts of the Cell Jrs and merging into Cell-X.
