This article, World martial arts tournament, is the property of Nobody700. |

The world martial arts Tournament is a place where all the world's greatest martial artist fight to see who is the worlds strongest. In Dragon Ball HSN, This tournament is a way for the main characters to get a dragon ball from the belt of the champion
There are a few rules.
1. If you faint, you're out.
2. If you get pushed out of the ring you're out.
3.If you use a weapon you're out.
4. If you are down for 10 seconds you're out.
5. If you say 'I give' you're out.
Tournament phases.[]
After many complains were sent out to the punching machine it reversed back to the Early rounders to fight it out. To compensate, they are given a day's rest. Sixteen people battle it out and the winner has the right to challenge the champion.
JR. Leauge[]
Every two tournaments, the JR. Leauge is intergrated to the Adult leauge for 'The young generation can learn'.
(Known) Winners[]
Jackie chun
Tien shinhan
Son Goku
MR Satan
Goar (Did not beat the champion)