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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


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This page, Wolfe, is property of KidVegeta.

"If I ever see you again, kid… I’ll kill you. I’ll fuckin’ kill you."
Wolfe's last words to Yamcha before he left the Diablo Desert

character image
ウォルフ, Worufu
Detailed Information:
Appearances: Chasing Oblivion
Blue Wolf
Bonetown Blues
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Orange Star City
Birthdate: April 16, Age 703
Date of Death: n/a
Birth Power Level: 0.0001
Maximum Power Level: 8
Personal Pronouns: おれ
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 221.5 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Rank: Leader of Wolfe's Wings
Organizations: Wolfe's Wings (Age 723 - present)
Favorite Food: Medium rare steak
Favorite Vehicle: Mighty Mouse
Hobbies: Drinking, banditing, playing cards
Family: Yunwu (business partner)

Wolfe (ウォルフ, Worufu) is a human bandit living in the Diablo Desert. He is the leader of Wolfe's Wings, one of the most notorious gangs in the badlands. Being the man who invented the Wolf Fang Fist, he taught Yamcha in the ways of banditing. He is a major character in Chasing Oblivion.



Wolfe is a large bear of a man with a good-sized belly and a scraggly grey-black beard. His skin is tanned and his face is covered in wrinkles and scars. He looks older than his age. He has medium-length black hair that he combs back (although not on his arms or chest), thick shoulders and arms, and skinny little ballerina legs. He tends to wear a brown leather jacket and jeans with aviator glasses.


Wolfe is an arrogant man with a foul mouth. Made rough by his years in the Diablo Desert, he has no problem killing anyone at any point should they threaten him, annoy him, or insult him. He thinks very little of those he does not consider his friends. He values loyalty and productivity highly, as seen when he spares Yamcha in chapter 2 of Chasing Oblivion after the boy recovers the Azure Dragon Sword for him. Despite overtly presenting himself as a meathead of sorts, Wolfe is treacherous as a snake, for he gives Ren to Yunwu with the intent of having the girl eventually poison Yunwu, which she does. He also correctly surmises that the Yunwu gave him and his crew poisoned cigars, showing his deductive abilities. While prideful, he is not hot-headed and not willing to throw away his life to satisfy his rage, as seen by his retreat from Diablo Desert following his gang's defeat at the hands of the Chàoxing Gon.


Wolfe was born in Orange Star City. In his late teens, he was accosted by bandits in the Diablo Desert during a delivery and was forced to join them lest he be killed. In the years that followed, Wolfe rose in the ranks of his bandit crew, and by the age of twenty-three, he took it over, renaming it Wolfe's Wings. Thereafter, he expanded his gang's sphere of influence to cover all of the desert. Sometime during his early banditing days, he developed the Wolf Fang Fist, a formidable strike combo attack. He became legendary for his fighting prowess in addition to his skills with weapons such as swords and rifles. Due to his fearsome reputation, his Wings had become the second-largest gang behind the Night Snakes by the start of Chasing Oblivion.

Chasing Oblivion[]

In chapter 1, a few hours after Junichi, Lychrel, and Yamcha captured a van that had been hauling expensive saké, Wolfe and his Wings appeared, claiming the alcohol for themselves. After getting into an argument with Wolfe, Junichi refused to hand over the rare bottles of alcohol and revealed that he was the nephew of the man who owned the saké. Wolfe offered to let them join his bandit gang, and while Yamcha and Lychrel were quick to do so, Junichi only reluctantly agreed to, though he grew angry at his friends' betrayal. Wolfe, seeing no other recourse, then performed a Wolf Fang Fist on Junichi, killing him, and leaving his body for the vultures.

Later, after destroying the wrong plane in a bandit raid, Sallow Saul and his group grew fearful that killing rival members of the Night Snakes gang would trigger a war between the two bandit groups. Fearing Wolfe's reaction to what they had accidentally done, two bandits committed suicide, and another pair fled, though they were shot down by Sallow Saul before they could escape. The rest, including Yamcha, bravely returned to Wolfe's hideout to tell him what had happened.

In chapter 2, Saul, along with Akkan, the unnamed necrophile, and Yamcha, was brought before Wolfe to relay the information about what had happened to the Night Snakes' plane. Wolfe then became visibly enraged and killed Saul, Akkan, and the unnamed necrophile with a pistol. Yamcha pleaded for his life, but when that didn't work, he showed the man the sword he had found amongst the wreckage of the Night Snakes' plane. A visibly gleeful Wolfe took the blade, telling Yamcha that it was the Azure Dragon Sword and had belonged to Jorack, one of the Night Snakes bosses. He told Yamcha that the blade was worth more than anything in his hideout and that he had always wanted it. As a result of bringing him the blade, Yamcha was spared and allowed leave.

Later on, Yunwu and Ren visited Wolfe's hideout to discuss the fallout of the news that the Night Snakes' plane was destroyed. Yunwu offered to supply Wolfe with mercenaries and weapons in case a gang war broke out. Wolfe agreed that he needed to gather up an army for the impending war and promised to get her the money soon. Yunwu then told Wolfe that she would need him to lead an assassination mission on King Furry's Captain of the Guard in the House of the Blue Lotus in South City in three days time. When Wolfe questioned her about this, Yunwu stated that she could not go against Mazuchiru yet, as he could reveal her corruption to the mayor. Yunwu then gave Wolfe a gift - a pink capsule filled with tampered explosives. She further goaded the man into leading the assassination mission himself before instructing Ren to stay with Wolfe. Then, Yunwu left.

Later in the chapter, Silver Snead came to get Yamcha while he was doing dishes and brought him to Wolfe. Wolfe then told the group of bandits he had assembled - Snead, Yamcha, Lychrel, Pacheko, and Rheems - that they were going to assassinate King Furry's Captain of the Guard by blowing up the House of the Blue Lotus. Snead questioned Wolfe, but Wolfe threatened to kill him if he said another word, so everyone then agreed to perform the mission to their best ability.

In chapter 3, it was revealed that Wolfe had specifically put Pacheko on Silver Snead's team due to the man being his most trusted demolitions expert. It was also revealed that Wolfe had specifically put Rheems on Silver Snead's team due to the man being his most trusted logistical expert (apparently he had been to the House of the Blue Lotus many times before). Later on, when Yunwu requested Mazuchiru's help in eradicating the bandits in the Diablo Desert, the yakuza expressed surprise at her souring on Wolfe. Yunwu later thought that Wolfe was leading the assassination attempt against King Furry's Captain of the Guard, due to their previous conversation at his hideout, and took solace in the thought that he would soon be dead. However, he had chosen not to lead that mission.

Later on, Wolfe used Ren to relay a message to the leaders of the One-eyed Jackalopes. She told them that Wolfe's men had shot down the wrong plane and that it had just been an accident - nothing to start a war over. The men refused to listen to her, however, as they had expected Wolfe himself to meet with them. She then gave them a gift - a black scorpion inside a box that bit one of the leaders as soon as he opened it. Wolfe thought back to how he had killed his first rival, a member of the One-eyed Jackalopes, by pouring a bucket of black scorpions on him as he had slept. During this sequence, Wolfe also reminisced about a previous leader of the One-Eyed Jackalopes whom he had killed himself, noting that his replacements had proven to be far weaker men than he had been. Then, Wolfe began sniping the bandits from afar, leading to chaos. He killed several men in the scuffle, but when Ren tried to run away, she was shot in the back and collapsed into the dirt without more than a whimper.

Wolfe ordered a hundred bandits on bikes who were waiting behind the rocky formations to attack the remaining One-Eyed Jackalopes. His men were ruthless and killed them all. After Wolfe and his gang finished off the One-eyed Jackalope leaders, he ordered Rosey to have Mingo stitch Ren up and take her back to the hideout, where Doc was waiting to save her life. He also threatened Rosey's life if Ren died, to which Rosey fearfully replied that he would make sure to save Ren. Wolfe continued to think to himself that Ren was important - that he had groomed her to take out Yunwu - even as the bikes sped off to the One-Eyed Jackalopes' hideout, intending to blow it up with Yunwu's tampered explosives. He also thought about how much potential Yamcha was showing and how he would, one day, kill Yunwu and become King of Diablo Desert.

In chapter 4, Yamcha, in his thoughts, blamed Silver Snead and Wolfe for what had happened at the House of the Blue Lotus. Later, Wolfe and his Wings attacked the Warthogs' base in Diablo Desert. Taking the bandits unaware, Wolfe's Wings made short work of the Warthogs. When Wolfe and his Wings went looking for Hoggins, the leader of the Warthogs gang, they found his concubine naked in his bed. When they asked her where he was hiding, Hoggins jumped out of his hiding place and shot Remi Alphonso. Wolfe grew incredibly angry at this, for replacing a good cook was not easy in the desert. Knowing he was a dead man walking, Hoggins admitted to Wolfe that his gang had joined forces with the Night Snakes to get back at Wolfe's Wings for shooting down the Night Snakes' plane. Hoggins also revealed that all the other gangs in the desert had joined with the Night Snakes too. The gang boss goaded Wolfe and reminded him that they used to be friends, but the other man would hear none of it. He shot the pistol from Hoggins' hand then killed him with a Wolf Fang Fist that cracked Hoggins' head open like an egg. After looting the base, the Wings blew it up, ensuring every last member of the rival gang was killed.

After destroying the Warthogs, Wolfe took their cocaine dealer from their base. At first, he tied the man up as a prisoner and told him that Hoggins and the others were dead. When he asked the cocaine dealer if he wanted to die too, the man squealed for mercy. Wolfe gave him mercy, though he made the man promise to only run his Diablo Desert cocaine trade through Wolfe from there on out. The man promised he was Wolfe's supplier now and ran off. Then, Wolfe and his gang returned to his hideout with their spoils of war. Rosey and Thoras were seen waiting for Wolfe outside his hideout as he and his Wings returned from destroying the Warthogs gang. The three immediately took the secret entrance to Wolfe's room. Inside, Rosey told Wolfe that Doc had stabilized Ren, but that she hadn't woken up yet. Wolfe again threatened Rosey's life, stating fiercely that if the girl died so too would he and Doc. Rosey promised the girl would live; Wolfe sent him back to Doc to remind him that Ren must be saved at all costs.

After he had finished speaking to Rosey, Wolfe told Thoras that he wanted him to become the gang's cook again because their previous cook, Remi Alphonso, had been killed in the assault on the Warthogs' base. Thoras declined due to his age, stating that he'd only be willing to train Remi's replacements. Wolfe promised to find him several prospective line cooks soon. Then, Thoras told Wolfe that he suspected the Night Snakes had stolen all of his poison. Wolfe thought to himself that they weren't stupid enough to do that, as stealing so much poison would never go unnoticed. However, he was not sure who had stolen it in this chapter. Growing paranoid, Wolfe didn't end up drinking from his own prized bottle of Parroda's whiskey, instead asking Thoras to give him some of his alcohol, as he somewhat suspected the veteran bandit was the one trying to poison him. Wolfe asked Thoras if the man had heard anything from Snead and the gang. When Thoras said he had not, Wolfe thought to himself that there was a good chance they were all dead, but he couldn't give into fear yet.

Later in the chapter, Yunwu promised Silver Snead that she would kill Wolfe and his Wings if he did not return Ren to her soon. Yunwu later thought to herself that she would not let Wolfe escape with his life for getting Ren shot.

In chapter 5, Wolfe and his Wings attacked a train passing through the Diablo Desert. They dressed up as Night Snakes to slander the Snakes' reputation. After Puar knocked out Rosey and Daisey, Wolfe and some bandits reached Yamcha's train car and found both bandits unconscious on the ground. Yamcha blamed it all on the dead train guard. Outside, Wolfe revealed to his gang that the zeni had been marked and was thus useless. He lit the pile of zeni on fire. Then, he passed around bottles of saké, letting each man take a shot for their part in the train heist. Finding Yamcha again, the man asked how he was, and asked him what he thought of Mighty Mouse, which the boy had ridden up to the train in. Wolfe then told the boy that he had won the Mighty Mouse off of another gang leader around thirty years ago in a game of poker. Before Yamcha could say much of anything, Wolfe gave the boy the old car for all the good work he had done. The boy thanked the man immensely for the gift.

When Yamcha asked him to teach him the Wolf Fang Fist, Wolfe cautioned him by revealing that he had once broken Snead's arm trying to teach him the Wolf Fang Fist. Naturally, that had been the end of Snead's training with the technique. Nevertheless, Yamcha declared he wasn't scared, and that he wanted to begin the training anyways. After Yamcha told Ren that he had burnt the ramen he had cooked everyone for lunch, she warned him that if he messed up dinner, Wolfe would be furious.

Later, during dinner, Wolfe praised Yamcha's cooking, declaring him his new chef and giving the boy the Azure Dragon Sword as a token of his appreciation. He stated that he no longer needed Thoras to cook for him. Wolfe got drunk and played poker that night along with the rest of his gang. He also smoked one of the illegal Central City cigars Yunwu had given the Wings for their success in assassinating King Furry's Captain of the Guard. Later, when Wolfe heard about an old man killing Bingo and Brady McGangeree, he grew furious. After Yamcha returned from banditing, Wolfe began training him to master the Wolf Fang Fist technique. Despite Yamcha's leg having been broken by the man who had killed Bingo and Brady, he was still willing to face Wolfe, who promised not to go easy on the boy.

In chapter 6, Wolfe took many of his Wings with him to raid the Diablo Desert. In the afternoon, they returned from their banditing. One of the bandits told Wolfe that Rosey was awake as soon as the man stepped inside the base, with everyone else watching this from their seats. In Rosey's room, Snead confirmed that the yakuza were on their way to aid the Wings. Wolfe mentioned that while he did not trust Yunwu, he trusted the yakuza. Rosey told Wolfe that it had been Puar who had transformed into a mallet and attacked Daisey on the train. He knew that Yamcha knew. Wolfe later confirmed to Rosey that Daisey had been killed during the attack.

Soon after, an assassin burst in through the window and attacked the three of them with a grenade. However, Wolfe managed to kick the grenade out the window, where it exploded harmlessly in midair. He then beat the man down, breaking his nose and teeth, before suffocating him.

Afterwards, Wolfe demanded that Snead take him to Yamcha and Puar. He told Rosey that Daisey would soon be avenged. They returned to the second story of the hideout, where the boy was eating a ham sandwich with the rest of the gang. He demanded that Yamcha hand over Puar for killing Daisey. Yamcha refused, and so they began to fight. Eventually, the man used a Wolf Fang Fist to knock Yamcha out of a window. Wolfe followed, and the two exchanged blows on the way down. Outside, Wolfe began to dominate Yamcha until Snead told him that the yakuza were almost to their location. This distracted the man, allowing Yamcha to pounce on him and break his nose with a flurry of punches. While Yamcha was able to get many good hits in, Wolfe eventually stopped him with a brutal headbutt.

Then, Snead interjected again, telling his boss that another group of people were approaching them, which he had seen through his binoculars, and they were not the yakuza. He died moments later, before he could clarify who exactly was approaching them, the poison from Yunwu's cigars having ravaged his body. Olivia told him that Snead had died, which stunned Wolfe. Then, another bandit took Snead's binoculars and confirmed that those on approach were none other than the Night Snakes. Over a walkie-talkie, he ordered Thoras and the rest of his Wings to meet them at his location as soon as possible. No longer focusing on Yamcha, he gave a short speech to his trusted bandits, telling them that the Diablo Desert was theirs, not the Night Snakes. He vowed that they would fight to the death. As he looked at Snead's corpse, he realized that Yunwu had poisoned the man. Wolfe silently vowed to kill her for her betrayal. He spared Yamcha and Puar's lives and ran back inside the hideout with the rest of his bandits to prepare for the swiftly-approaching Night Snakes.

Later, Yamcha regained consciousness and saw Wolfe and his Wings exiting the hideout in all their vehicles, preparing to charge at the incoming army of Night Snakes. Wolfe gave a short speech before they charged, telling them that reinforcements would soon arrive and that they would not be waiting for the yakuza. Then, led by Wolfe, the bandits charged the Night Snakes and the battle began. During the dusty, sandstorm-covered affair, most of Wolfe's elites were killed, though he held his own, mowing down Night Snakes with a rifle in each hand even as they began to close in and circle him.

Soon the rest of the Wings showed up and mopped up most of the Night Snakes, severely reducing the pressure on Wolfe. After the Night Snakes were routed, Wolfe noticed that Yamcha was trying to flee the battlefield. He did not allow the boy to get away, stating that he hadn't forgotten about Daisey. Yamcha called Daisey an asshole and noted that Puar had only attacked him in self-defense. Wolfe fired at him, but Yamcha ducked into cover. Wolfe charged him, but slipped on the blood-soaked sand. Unable to bring himself to shoot back at the man, he instead attacked him with his fists, the two exchanging blows as they rolled around in the sand. Exhausted, they were unable to put up any defenses, each of them taking an onslaught of punches and kicks.

Eventually, Yamcha got the better of Wolfe, throwing his pistol aside, but showing the man mercy. Wolfe promised to kill Yamcha if he ever saw him again, but the boy did not believe him. Then, with no other Wings nearby to stop him, he started limping off towards the hideout. Wolfe was bleeding and tired and therefore unable to pursue. Yet, he didn't have to, for at that moment, Mazuchiru and his remaining Chàoxing Gon members, their numbers having been reduced from the fight against Makare and Naigo, appeared before Yamcha, Wolfe, and the rest of the survivors. After telling the Wings that he knew they were the ones who had killed his men several weeks ago and stolen billions of zeni they had hidden in the desert, he shot one bandit, his men attacking the remainder of them soon after. Wolfe managed to shoot Mazuchiru three times, but his bulletproof vest saved him. A huge battle then ensued, though most of it was not seen, as Yamcha fled before he could be butchered like the rest of the Wings.

However, as Yamcha fled amidst the chaos, Wolfe reached him and tried to stop him once and for all. The boy, however, pulled the flare the yakuza had given him out from his pocket and shot Wolfe in the face with it, causing the man to fall over screaming, his beard on fire, and allowing Yamcha to finally escape.

In chapter 7, Wolfe and the few remaining members of his Wings made it to a river leading to the southern ocean in the southern expanses of Diablo Desert. Following their fight against the yakuza in the previous chapter, many of them had been wounded, and thus required Doc's attention. He worked on Wolfe, Olivia, and several others who had significant injuries.

Doc told them that he had just gotten back from Bonetown, where the Children of Chaos had taken over. He told Wolfe that the Children of Chaos had taken out all of the other bandits in the desert. He also revealed that he had run into Rosey there. Rosey had wanted to come back with Doc, but before that could happen, he had been killed after he had gotten into an argument with a purple-haired woman in the Fire and Blood tavern. Olivia said they should avenge Rosey, but Wolfe forbade them from going to Bonetown, as that would be nothing more than a suicidal charge. Wolfe remembered how his eagle had saved him from Mazuchiru after the latter's gang had ambushed him. The raptor had torn out Mazuchiru's eye, giving Wolfe and his Wings some time to flee. Javerres was exceptionally unhappy about the Rosey revelation, vowing to go and avenge their fallen comrade despite Wolfe's order. Their leader advised against it. Javerres did not listen, stating that Rosey and Daisey were both real bandits, worthy of the Wings' loyalty. Once more, Wolfe tried to convince them, but they did not listen. Javerres led about half of Wolfe's Wings back to Bonetown.

Afterwards, Wolfe asked Doc where the Children of Chaos had come from, but the other man did not seem to know. Wolfe told them all that they were stopping by his main compound to pick up some whiskey on their way out. Although Doc advised against it, Wolfe's group still went there. Next, Wolfe addressed Thoras, praising him for his courage and loyalty. Then, he asked the man about his missing poison. Thoras admitted it had been stolen, but he did not know by whom. Wolfe told him that he would not execute him, instead promoting Thoras to the gang's chef again. Then, he told everyone that they would be leaving Diablo Desert until the Wings returned to a population of around five hundred. Afterwards, Wolfe reflected on his remaining bandits, whom totaled 8 (with two sure to die by nightfall). He knew they would have to take on a life of pirating for a short time before the Wings' ranks swelled in numbers again. He vowed to return to the desert one day.

After retaking Wolfe's elite hideout, Yamcha speculated that Wolfe and his Wings had been wiped out by the yakuza.

In chapter 8, when Yamcha took Lieutenant Yang and his detachment back to Bonetown, they saw firsthand the carnage of the battle between the Children of Chaos and the Chàoxing Gon. He questioned Yang about whose bodies those were, and after the man speculated that they were Mazuchiru's gang (as well as his own comrades), Yamcha came to believe that the yakuza had totally destroyed Wolfe and his gang.

Blue Wolf[]

In the first scene of this story, Wolfe and his Wings hunted a sailboat off the southern coast of Amenbo Island. After it was boarded by a police boat, they raced towards it, sneaking onboard minutes later. Wolfe led Thoras and Kershew onto the boat while the others remained behind. They could hear voices coming from the back of the boat, so they snuck over there, with Thoras splitting off to the right side. Wolfe could hear two officers and a drunk man arguing as they drew closer. The policemen asked the man if his wife could pilot the ship into port that night, as he was clearly drunk, and driving a boat while drunk was no different than driving a hovercar while drunk. The man, Umberto, swore that his wife didn't know how to drive the boat, insulting her in the process. She grew livid with him, screaming indignantly.

Wolfe used this distraction as the perfect time to spring their trap. He whistled to Thoras, who engaged the officers just as Wolfe came around the corner, killing them both. In the panic, Umberto, who had been leaning up against the back of the boat, fell overboard. His wife, who had been sitting in a chair, bundled up in a quilt, jumped to her feet and ran over to him. As she did so, Wolfe came up behind her, placing his pistol to the back of her skull and firing before she knew what happened. Her bleeding corpse fell into the ocean.

Afterwards, the Wings looted the boats, taking food, booze, ammo, vests, and other assorted goods. Olivia found a map of the Crimson Fingers island chain in the Crimson Sea (the southernmost ocean). The southernmost island, Umihebiza, had written next to it "S.C.'s treasure". Instructions on where to find the treasure on the island had been left on the paper as well. Olivia asked Wolfe if they should look into that. He agreed to do so, so they sunk the sailboat and the police boat and headed south in high spirits.

In the second scene, the Wings sailed south. For three days, they didn't see any sign of other ships. Sarmon and Thoras managed to catch a swordfish. On the evening of the fourth night, the Wings pulled into the port of Hosomaki. Nobody was there to greet them (although they noticed some fishing ships pulling into port), so they tied their ship up and came onto dry land, making first for Ohano's pub. Fishermen were inside. The Wings dispersed, trying to recruit and thieve. Wolfe ordered some food, while Thoras and Doc played pool with some fishermen. Olivia had attracted a man over to her at the bar, while Kershew had ordered a bottle of rum for everyone.

After getting fairly drunk, Wolfe grew bold enough to ask the bartender, Yasahiro Ohano, about his map. Ohano, however, informed him that the treasure of Umihebiza being guarded by skinchangers was an ancient and well-known legend. Wolfe realized that the map was just a scam and that there was no treasure. Moreover, he wouldn't be able to convince anybody to join his crew now. He joined Thoras and Doc at the pool table. He beat Thoras a few times in a row, causing the other man to grow sour.

After getting drunker and rowdier (Sarmon and Phillippo began throwing darts at the fishermen), the Wings were kicked out of the pub by Ohano. They retreated to the island's only inn, the Sea of Clouds Onsen. Wolfe noted that Olivia had not come back with them. The six wings paid for three rooms. Thoras shared with Wolfe; Sarmon shared with Phillippo; Kershew shared with Doc. Wolfe finished his food out on the dock, looking over the ocean, thinking about what to do. He resolved to plunder the fishing ships in the morning before returning to his hotel room.

There, he found Thoras huddling over Wolfe's end table. At the sight of him, the cook retreated to his side of the room. Wolfe noticed the liquid in his red-eye whiskey still sloshing about and accused Thoras of attempting to poison him. Thoras brushed him off, saying he was drunk. Wolfe tossed him the bottle, demanding he drink one more shot. Thoras refused. Wolfe handed him the bottle, but he let it slip through his fingers. Yet, Thoras realized that Wolfe had seen through his game, and his terror overwhelmed him.

In the third scene, the Wings regrouped. Wolfe told Doc about Thoras' betrayal and also mentioned that if Olivia didn't show up at the boat, she wouldn't get any loot. The group hopped in the gillnetter and set out. Wolfe was keen on reaving before checking out Umihebiza. As they sailed out of Hosomaki's natural harbor, they spotted a cargo ship on approach from the deep ocean. Wolfe's crew convinced him to assault it.

Using grappling hooks, the bandits climbed onto the ship, with Kershew remaining behind on the escape vessel. There was no one on deck. The Wings split into two groups, approaching the second-story bridge from both the left (Doc and Phillippo) and the right (Wolfe and Sarmon). When they drew near the staircases leading inside, both doors were thrown open, and heavily armored soldiers ran out, firing at the bandits with rifles. Doc and Phillippo were taken out almost immediately, while Wolfe used his agility to close the gap between him and the soldier faster than the man could react to and kicked him in the throat, killing him. Rushing onto the bridge, Sarmon killed the pilot while Wolfe ran to the other door and shot the other soldier in the back of the head. His body tumbled down the rain-sleeked stairs to land on Doc and Phillippo's bodies.

Wolfe returned to the bridge just to see Sarmon get shot in the head by another soldier - Captain Wheltin. Wheltin turned his fury upon Wolfe, shooting him multiple times with his rifle. Wolfe shot him three or four times in the chest, but the man was wearing a bulletproof vest. Falling to his feet, the old bandit feigned defeat before launching himself at the soldier, hitting him in the jaw with a Wolf Fang Fist. Wheltin's lower jaw was obliterated by the attack; fresh blood gushed over Wolfe's knuckles. Howling in pain, Wheltin threw an incendiary grenade at Wolfe, bathing him in fire. Screaming and roasting alive, Wolfe jumped overboard.

Quenched underneath the frigid waves, Wolfe saw a bright explosion go off into the water on the other side of the cargo freighter and knew Kershew and the ship had been blown to bits. He swam to the surface, resolving to find Olivia and swearing to himself that it wasn't over yet.

In the fourth scene, several days later, Wolfe was lounging on the Crimson Beach of Hosomaki. The local hospital had supplied him with enough painkillers to kill a baby elephant. He noted that Olivia had never shown her face again, and Mr. Ohano had not seen her, either. Just after five o’clock, he returned to the pub, knowing that the fishermen would be returning soon (and not wanting to crowd space with them), and ordered an appetizer of Ahi tuna sashimi and a bowl of shōyu yellowtail hamachi ramen. He also bought a bottle of whiskey, but that left him with little remaining zeni.

Eating his food, he decided to return to South City and forsake Olivia, declaring her a mutineer. He reflected once more on Thoras' betrayal, and knew that it had hurt him more than even losing Diablo Desert, as he had known Thoras his entire life. He would return to the desert and raise a new crew. He ordered one more tuna appetizer, then left the pub. Forty-five minutes later, he snuck out of the harbor in a stolen fishing boat, never to return.

Bonetown Blues[]

After Yamcha returned to his house in Diablo Desert, Wolfe confronted the warrior. Wolfe revealed that he had once been the leader of Yamcha's bandit group until the two had had a falling out and fought one another. Neither Wolfe nor Yamcha had won the battle and both parted ways. At that time, Wolfe had promised to kill Yamcha if he ever saw him again. He didn't care about that anymore in this story, considering the past to be the past. He wanted Yamcha to join his new bandit crew, though Yamcha rejected that. Yamcha then took his Azure Dragon Sword and pointed it right at Wolfe. He withdrew the blade, but it was not made clear in this story if Yamcha killed Wolfe.



  • It is hinted at throughout Chasing Oblivion that Ren could possibly be Wolfe's daughter.