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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This page, Venyi Academy, is property of KidVegeta.

This article, Venyi Academy, is the property of Hyper Zergling.

This article, Venyi Academy, is property of SuperTaiko1.

Venyi Academy

Age 592




Master Jabo

Main Members:

Master Jabo
Master Sharu-Kan
Master Kyomu Tachi
Master Caktir
Master Levion
Master Xutol
Master Qono




The Venyi Academy is an advanced martial arts institution located in Universe 7. Led by Master Jabo, a member of Universe 6's Labrax species, this school offers select admission to warriors of very promising talent. All seven masters of the Venyi Academy must agree upon granting a potential student admission before that student is offered admission. The Venyi Academy has strict guidelines and requirements for prospective students, none of which are known to anyone outside of those seven masters. Their selecting process is immensely strict, and as such, only 2-3 people are offered admission per decade on average.

With that taken to mind, the Venyi Academy is thus seen throughout the universe as perhaps the most widely respected such academy, and being granted admission to it is seen as a great honor. Almost all who graduate from this academy go on to make names for themselves in the universe, usually in relation to their strength.

The Venyi Academy specializes in particularly in time and dimensional manipulation techniques. These advanced techniques cannot be learned anywhere else in the universe, and can take even precocious students decades to master in some cases, or even longer. To graduate, a student needs only master one discipline (each master teaches a different fighting technique). It is rare for students to master more than three or four disciplines, and practically unheard of for any to master six - the number required to be granted a lesson with Master Jabo to learn his own powerful techniques. So far, only two Venyi acolytes have ever gotten so far as to be granted a lesson by Jabo, and only one has mastered the Labrax's technique.


In Age 743, Audacci was granted entry to the academy. She trained there until Age 772, mastering all of the teachings of the lower six instructors. She was also taught one move by Master Jabo.

In Age 746, Rakae was granted entry to the academy. He trained there until Age 758, when Audacci murdered him. He mastered the teachings of Master Kyomu Tachi, Master Levion, and Master Caktir before being killed.

In Age 747, Anso was granted entry to the academy. She trained there until Age 758, when Audacci murdered her. She mastered the teachings of Master Sharu-Kan before being killed.

In Age 749, Soba was granted entry to the academy. He trained there for nine years, mastering Qono's school before leaving in Age 758.



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Earth factions Z FightersCapsule Corp. Security ForceMasamune/MasamuneSolipsist ColonyMakare's BandIboinoshishi SchoolRed Ribbon ArmyRed Ribbon Army RemnantNew Red Ribbon ArmyChàoxing GonMorizakura-gumiChildren of ChaosSons of PiccoloRed Dragon BrotherhoodDragons of the DawnShallot's crewNight SnakesWolfe's WingsWhite TigersNegative Utilitarianism LeagueShunko OnsenStarchasers
Alien/other factions First Generation GodsSecond Generation GodsDamani DominionVenyi AcademyCorvos LeagueElder CircleMajin MaraudersMajin CultPriests of AmoonThe Faceless WarriorsKonatsian ProtectorsSaiyan EmpireTigahl EmpireFaerin EmpireGalactrix ArenaSlagg's CrewIce BreathersObliteration NationTuffle governmentZhukin's tribeNappa's tribeDogom's tribeVegeta's tribeZorn's tribeParagus' tribeCreissa's tribeNindagoDemon Realm Royal FamilyExperimental VanguardCrimson EmpireZalama's TriumvirateTelnauki EmpireHealth at Every ConsciousnessThe Pink TacoMohane EmpireBichibichi's