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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Vekugo (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Vekugo (ベクーゴ Bekūgo), known as EX Gogeta (EXゴジータ EXGojīta) in Dragon Ball Fusions, is the EX-Fusion of Vegeta and Goku.


In Dragon Ball Fusions, EX Gogeta's resembled Goku's Super Saiyan hair. His outfit is a merger of his fusees' outfits, as the top with the bottom part of his armor flowing into white robes.

In Dragon Ball Advanced, Vekugo retains the hairstyle from Dragon Ball Fusions. Vekugo dons the Metamo-Ring and white armbands over an red form-fitting long-sleeved shirt. He has black sash around his waist. He also wears black baggy pants and Vegeta's boots with a white robe that flows off from his armour. His armour and robe has yellow outlines around it while.


Vekugo's personality seems to be combination of Vegito's and Gogeta's outfit. Vekugo much like Gogeta also displays an aggressiveness and matter-of-fact battling style while exhibiting Vegeta's cockiness and inclination for taunting others while also inheriting Goku's easygoing, cheerful nature.


Dragon Ball Advanced[]

Super Bardock Saga[]

Vekugo was formed out of desperation and the desire to defeat of Dark Devilman following the deaths of his fusees' sons and friends at his Dark's hands. Upon confronting Dark; Vekugo immediately transformed into Super Saiyan before challenging him.

Other stories[]

Dragon Ball Fusions[]

Vekugo appears as EX Gogeta in Dragon Ball Fusions.


Vekugo is almost as powerful as his Fusion and Potara counterparts.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki.
  • Ki Blast - The basic form of ki.
  • Ki Sense - The ability to sense ki.
  • Kamehameha - A powerful ki blast acquired from Goku.
    • Super Kamehameha - A stronger version of Kamehameha.
      • Galick Kamehameha - A combination of Goku's Super Kamehameha and Vegeta's Super Galick Gun.
        • Arcane Galick Kamehameha - A stronger version of Galick Kamehameha that combines his Magical Energy with standard ki.
      • Full Power Kamehameha - A Full Power or MAX Power Kamehameha used by Vekugo.
      • God Kamehameha - A stronger version of Super Kamehameha.
  • Galick Gun - A powerful ki blast acquired from Vegeta.
  • Spirit Control - Like his Fusees - he is able to utilise Spirit Control techniques.
    • Instant Transmission - The ability to move instantly.
  • Magic - Vekugo is able to utilise magic.
    • Dark Magic Immunity - Vekugo is immune to the negative effects of dark magic.
    • Energy Absorption Immunity - While in his Sorcerer Saiyan state - he is immune to a majority of energy absorption techniques.
  • Big Bang Attack - An energy sphere technique acquired from Vegeta.

Super Saiyan

Vekugo is able to transform into a Super Saiyan. He gains a slight increase in muscle mass, bluish-green eyes, very defined golden hair and eyebrows and a golden aura.

Super Saiyan 2

Vekugo is able to transform further into Super Saiyan 2. In this form, his hair is spikier and slightly larger while gaining an increase in muscle mass. His aura has become more radiant and flame-like while having bio-electricity around him. He has a pair of bangs (one longer than the other) hanging down his face.

Super Saiyan 3

Vekugo is able to transform into a Super Saiyan 3. In this form, his hair grows down past his waist and his eyebrows disappear while gaining a prominent brow-ridge along with dark green pupils. His aura has become even more radiant and flame-like with the bio-electricity around him becoming more frequent. He retains his pair of bangs (one longer than the other) hanging down his face.

Super Saiyan God

Vekugo is able to transform into Super Saiyan God. In this form, his hair becomes crimson red while his hair retains its natural style but becomes more refined (losing any stray hairs). His eyes become more detailed and the irises become red (appearing as more relaxed even in battle until sufficiently angered). The overall body structure appears to become younger and thinner in frame and build. The aura of the Super Saiyan God resembles a raging fire.

Perfected Super Saiyan Blue

Vekugo is able to transform into Perfected Super Saiyan Blue. In this form, his hair become blue while keeping his aura sealed within his body.

Super Saiyan God 2

Vekugo is able to transform into Super Saiyan God 2. In this form, his hair becomes Vermilion red hair and grows spikier. He gains crimson bio-electricity and a more raging fire-like aura. He has an increase muscle mass compared to Super Saiyan God.

Super Saiyan White

Vekugo is able to transform into Super Saiyan White. In this form, his hair becomes Snow White while his eyes become white. The physical appearance remains pretty much the same and retains the bio-electricity (same colour scheme as well) from Super Saiyan God 2 as well as the form boasting a vibrant, fiery, electric white aura, as opposed to the blazing orange aura of Super Saiyan God which is immediately sealed within his body before fighting.

Sorcerer Saiyan
Vekugo is able to transform into Sorcerer Saiyan. In this form, his hair grows out with a pair of bangs appear on both sides of the neck. Most of his stand mostly up and becomes rigid while his retains his bangs from his base form along the colour of his hair remaining black. His eyes become pure teal and gaining a soft cyan & very soft blue aura which trails around him with a smoke-like flow.
