Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Vegeta jr AF

Vegeta jr is the descendant of Vegeta, he is shown along with Goku jr in DBAF fanmanga. He apears at the end of the manga when Master Roshi tells them the story of how Pikkon trained Broly to help the heroes fight Xicor, but Roshi stopped telling them the story as the sun was setting down. Later Bebidi - Babidi's son and Majin Pooh came to Earth to conquer it and take revenge on the Earthlings for killing his father, althought for Vegeta jr and Goku jr they were no match for their awesome power. Roshi then passed away and Vegeta jr & Goku jr are seen shouting "Gramps!"
