Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Vanilla, is the property of Obitos brother dobito.

Vanilla(バニラ) is a member of the majin race and is a full female majin. Her and her family are Majin Royalty and she is the princess of the Majin Race. She is also the mother of Cinnamon, her sisters, brothers, mother-in-law to the son of Daraisu and Chorona and Spouse of Dariasu.

Early Life[]

growing up as the princess of the Majin race Vanilla wanted more. She yearned for adventure or at least something in her life. She wanted action and happiness and not boredom which was a constant in it. She got her power due to genetics and training. While training she gains significant increases in power. When this happens Vanilla´s body becomes stronger and her power level increases to very great degree. Vanilla would live her same old ¨boring¨ (in her opinion) life until a special saiyan came to her planet. His name was Dariasu and he was a member of The Frieza Force at the time. He watched planet in the sky as he had a change of heart. Even though he was chosen to go to the planet scout it out and then blow it up for some reason he couldn't get himself to destroy the planet ¨ I can't do it. Not this one¨ he said as he descended to the planet to warn them that Frieza had his sights on them and to leave the planet because of its impending doom. The citizens there didn't seem to care and though that if it was their fate and time to die than why try and overwrite it. This inadvertently caused Dariasu to get angry as he jumped into the air and started to get ready to obliterate and eradicate the entire planet with its population. As he sent it off the attack would somehow be blocked and sent right back at him it was Vanilla. Vanilla would stop Dariasu and would give him a change of heart. Her warm, charming, but fearsome personality would cause Dariasu to fall asleep mid-air. As this happened his body would start gliding down to the floor at a rapid pace. Vanilla would save him and would make sure that he was nurtured back to full health. After this happened Vanilla would take a liking to Dariasu and Dariasu would take a liking to Vanilla because of her personality and how she took care of him like no one else had before. Instead of seeing him as a monkey or weapon for Frieza and the Saiyans she looked at him as a person.

10 Years After Meeting[]

10 years had gone by. Dariasu and Vanilla got married (to the dismay of King Vegeta), had 5 children and were thriving as a family.

The Destruction Of Planet Vegeta[]

Learning of the destruction of planet vegeta, from Dariasu and his brother (Bardock) Vanilla and their children would be sent in space pods to earth. After learning that Dariasu would be fighting for his planet and would never back down Frieza, Vanilla would get outrageously upset, knowing that he will most likely die in the process.

Dariasu Returning To Vanilla[]

After numerous visions that kept happening to him over and over again regarding Vanilla Dariasu would use the Dragon Balls to make him remember whoever she was. This would rewrite Towas power and would make him remember. As he remembered he would almost instantly return through time going straight to Vanilla. When he got there he would greet her as she froze. Not knowing what to say and how it was even possible Vanilla would freeze. After this the two would spend some alone time together catching up and this is when Vanilla would learn of what happened and that he was married to someone else as well. As she stomached this information she would wonder how he would divide his time between the two as he then split his body in two. This is so that one half of him is married to Vanilla and the other Chronoa.


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an image of Vanila getting bored during a fight.

Vanilla is a smart and kind women who loves her Children and Dariasu very dearly. She takes pride in being of the Majin Species and is very cunning. She loves to listen to ones thoughts and feelings and understands people to a very great degree. She doesn't not enjoy fighting but if one is too weak for her she will get sleepy as the fight would be quite boring. Any threats to her family cause her to take great acti

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Vanilla killing Tosho and his bodyguard because they were a threat to the planet and her young children.

Vanila is a very protective mother who cares severely for her children and Dariasu. She unhesitantly put her life on the line in order to kill two Frieza soldiers who were searching for her and her children. She loves, earth protecting it with all her might too, and she despises Frieza. She doesn't enjoy fighting but if one is too weak in a fight she gets really bored and can even get tired, falling asleep mid-fight or eating a muffin while fighting. Muffins are her favourite food because when she was younger she used to steal her older sisters muffins, taking a liking to the food as it gradually started to become her favorite.


Vanila drinking water and reading a book.

Vanila is a very protective mother who cares severely for her children and Dariasu. She unhesitantly put her life on the line in order to kill two Frieza soldiers who were searching for her and her children. She loves, earth protecting it with all her might too, and she despises Frieza. She doesn't enjoy fighting but if one is too weak in a fight she gets really bored and can even get tired, falling asleep mid-fight or eating a muffin while fighting. Muffins are her favourite food because when she was younger she used to steal her older sisters muffins, taking a liking to the food as it gradually started to become her favourite.

Vanilla 5

Vanila using her version the super ghost kamikaze attack.

Vanila is a very protective mother who cares severely for her children and Dariasu. She unhesitantly put her life on the line in order to kill two Frieza soldiers who were searching for her and her children. She loves, earth protecting it with all her might too, and she despises Frieza. She doesn't enjoy fighting but if one is too weak in a fight she gets really bored and can even get tired, falling asleep mid-fight or eating a muffin while fighting. Muffins are her favourite food because when she was younger she used to steal her older sisters muffins, taking a liking to the food as it gradually started to become her favourite. Her favourite color is also purple.

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Vanilla as a royal.


Kid Vanila crying.

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Vanila explaining to Dariasu why she even likes him in the first place (Pre Destruction Of Planet Vegeta).

Vanilla 2

An image of of a bored Vanilla.



An image of an angered Vanilla (Right) and her daughter Kora (Left).

Vanila is considered beautiful, she is pale (in terms skin), and is a royal queen. She is also technically the Queen of The Majin Race. Her eyes change colour based on her emotion i.e red=sad, purple=bored and purple and black means focused. She wears flexible and luxurious clothing occasionally accompanied by a signature cape purple cape, gloves and purple/black boots.

Appearance as a Royal[]

Vanilla's Hair is less controlled and flows out in 8 ways. There is also a rare jewel known as amethyst that sits upon her head. Clothing-wise Vanilla wore a large cape that spanned down all the way to almost below her feet, the cape was black and yellow in color as well. Her upper body and lower body were decked out in very limber clothing and her boots were the same colour of a majority of her upper body (yellow and purple).

Powers and Abilities[]

Super Kamikaze Attack[]

Modeled after the attack Super Buu and Gotenks used her versions are just a little more stronger and have distance as well as radius.

Vanillas Supernova[]

Vanillas Supernova is the strongest, most versatile, and deadliest Supernova ever created.

Majin Transformation[]

By training extensively Vanila can tap into a dormant and latent power surge that increases her power to a great degree it is an ideal form and gives her a power boost of over 500x. This state pushes her to her limits though and can only be achieved when absolutely needed. This form is known as the true and ideal form of majin species being sited and named purification.

Holding Breathe[]

Vanila has very good breathing and holding her breathe being able to breathe in the vacuum of space due to her genetic make up. Also she is quite good at breathing underwater.


Vanila has very powerful regeneration, being able to grow back whole limbs with ease.

Healing Others[]

Vanila can completely heal another being if she so chooses, even if they are blind or near death. As long as the recipient is still alive, she can bring them back to health. It is unknown if this ability was possessed by her mother or inherited from a majin family member.


Absorption is quite rare in any majin though somehow Vanila is able to use it. She does this by fully engulfing and taking an opponent into her body to cause an increase in physical and mental prowess. Typically Vanilla usually has a severed body part liquefy, or she has a piece of skin fall off of her body. The goo will then sneak up behind the person, and stretch itself to be large enough to accommodate the target. The goo will then leap onto the person. The goo will try to smother as much of the target as it can on the first strike to make the capture easier. If Vanilla is lucky, the goo will completely cover the target on the first leap. Once the goo is on the person, it will quickly cover up any part of the person that wasn't covered during when it first leaped. Once the target is completely covered, the goo will squeeze and solidify, trapping the person. It is seemingly impossible to escape the goo, no matter what the circumstances. Vanila will then raise her finger up, and the goo will then launch up into the air with the person inside of it. The goo will then fly straight into Vanilas body,covering her. During the transformation, Vanila will become liquid herself, meaning that she is basically taking over the goo and has surrounded the person with her own liquefied body. She then begins to meld back into solid form, making sure the person is in the center of the goo. The person is shrunken and is put inside Vanila´s body in a pod. This attack is rarely used by Vanilla.


Vanilla and Dariasu: (Father/Close Relationship)

Vanilla and Cinnamon (Mother/Close Relationship)

Vanilla and Chronoa (Sister Wives/ Bad Relationship)

Vanilla and Sashimi (Son/Close Relationship)

Vanilla and Yamma (Son/Close Relationship)

Vanilla and Salsa (Son/Close Relationship)

Vanilla and Kora (Daughter/Close Relationship)

Vanilla and Sarada (Daughter-In-Law/Close Relationship)

Vanilla and Vodkis (Son-In-Law/Ok Releationship)

Non Family Relationships[]

Vanilla and Frieza (Destroyer Of Home Planet and Murderer of her Race-In-Law/Enemies)

Vanilla and Tosho (Former Danger To Children/Enemies)

Favourite Things[]

Muffins, Family, and Food.

Least Favourite Things[]

Unneeded Killing, Members of The Frieza Force, Frieza, and Liars.

Name Meaning[]

Vanilla is a Majin name and is the name of this character.
