Ok people lately are making fan fictions that are contradicting alot of canon so they should put NFC right?Does it stand for Not canon fanon or am I wrong?Cause this is getting out of hand they need to fix the grammar eerors in there stories and if there going to completely ignore canon put NFC ok?Thanks.Cause one story says Korrin is on par with Goten and the picture of Korrin was Gohan doing a family kamehameha against broly and he called it final flash.So NCF needs to go there.And then again someone's makes some guy named Xade Xoraakus or something like that and hes Vegeta's brother yet hes trained by Goten and his base pl is 2500 while his SSJ is 150mill and SSJ2 is 250mill and SSJ3 is 1bill comletely ignores all canon.Your base must be above 100,000 to go SSJ and your must get well we already know that.Also SSJ is 50x,SSJ2 is 100x and SSJ3 is 400x so all that completely ignored established canon.So please lets stop all of this its getting annoying.