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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Upgraded Super Saiyan Rosé, is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson.

Upgraded Super Saiyan Rosé is an advanced version of Super Saiyan Blue and other the branches the form has, and augmented version of Super Saiyan Rosé Powered-Up. This can be achieved after user has been their Super Saiyan Rosé Powered-Up form has been while having a focused desire.


The colour of the user's hair returns to the regular hue while retaining the yellowish glow while aura has more violent appearance. The user's hair resembles Super Saiyan 2 mainly when Goku Black uses the form and gains a slight muscle mass increase.


The form increases the user's power by 20%. Their stamina takes an almost unnoticeable toll, but can be detected by the user themselves. The user's speed and agility also gain a 20% upgrade in capabilities.


Goku Black acquires this form during the Demon Realm Assault and uses it against the Dark Empire while fusing in the form with both Broly into Karoly Black before fusing into Fused Zamasu. Fused Zamasu is able to retain his stamina due to his immortality while fighting against Demon Realm Buu and manages to gain an upperhand. However, Fused Zamasu manages to trick him into absorbing him and as result gives Buu a significant power boost.
