This article, Universe 1 Saga (SSJJ), is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson. |
Universe 1 Saga is the fifth Saga of the Xenoverse Group in Dragon Ball Advanced. The Universe 1 Saga is composed of three sub-stories:
- Future Goten Saga
- Naraku Saga
- Pandemic Saga
Main Events
- Future Trunks won't be a Main Character in this Saga
- Events in Conton City take place in Age 853 while events in Universe 1 take place in December, Age 993.
Goten of the Future
After the battle against Psidabura; A year has gone by for Conton City, and 3 months for Age 993. Dial trains Rola, and Leka on the lookout, while Cooler, and Pend fight the Dark Namekian Army, and Red Pants Army. Meanwhile sometime after the Universe Survival Saga in Age 798; New Future Jaco is given a mission by the New Future Galactic Patrol to go find a time traveling organisation, and bring an end to it all. New Future Jaco meets up with New Future Tights, and asks her to look after a canister for him. She agrees to do so, and says that it's in case of an emergency. New Future Jiya watches from a distance as New Future Jaco before flying off. He travels to Age 853 to find an Earth filled with Namekians, Demon, and Humans alike. He arrives on Earth to find that it has it's fair shares of battle scars, and that Beerus was on the planet. He finds a stop sign that is resonating with energy; he attempts to touch it, but he is stopped by Chronoa. He asks who she is, and she introduces herself as the Supreme Kai of Time who watches, and polices the timeline to make sure meddlers don't damage history. She reprimands him saying that he's in a timeline he doesn't belong in, and threatens to arrest him. New Future Jaco tells her that he is looking for a time criminal, and that he has to take care of them. Chronoa tells him that the Time Patrol is already taking care of it, and that he needs to go back to Age 798. She attempts to take him back, but she is called back to the Time Nest by Old Kai. Future Trunks shows her a distorted Age 747, and an unnamed Time Breaker is trying to stop Yamcha, and Puar from meeting. She decides to send a rookie Time Patroller to take care of it, and he returns after correcting the history. Yamcha thanks to warrior for saving him from being taken out of the timeline, and the warrior meets with Vegeta for further training. New Future Jaco flies away from Earth, and tries to follows Chronoa, but his ship is unable to detect her anywhere in the cosmos. He tries to locate her in the space-time continuum, and finds a city shaped object in the continuum, and decides to head there.
General Bon address the Red Pants Army, and is now in full command with the death of Churai, Android 9, and Vevegeta. He assembles the army, and has an airship he refers to as Mega-Fortress XJ-5 with an army consisting of Bio-Mechs, Animal-type Earthlings, Destroyers (pirate robots), vampires, mummies, and variety of unnamed alien races of Universe 1. They enter the airship, and leave for the lookout. Dial continues to train Rola, and Leka, and becomes impressed with they as both use Galick Gun on him. Sura offers them some treats for their training, and they take a break. Namasu arrives, and asks to continue his training with Dial, and he agrees to continue to train him. Dial asks all three of them to become Super Saiyans, and to attack him at full force. They do so, and he manages to block all moves, and points out the faults in his techniques. Namasu is too fixated on being strong making that liability, and holding him back, Leka's impatient causes him to be irrational, and Rola is also too impatient. Rola, and Leka fires a Bros. Galick Gun, but Dial deflects back to them. General Bon trains all his forces so that they are ready to fight the Time Patrollers, and orders the pilot to fly slower to give them time to train. General Bon looks at the target list while they train, and looks over the orders given to him by Mira saying that they need the blood of someone who biological doesn't have parents, and that their target is Dial. Cooler appears above the Red Pants Army Headquarters, and fires a ki blast at destroying the entire base. Cooler realises that the headquarters was completely empty, and that there's nothing left of it. General Bon loses the signal to the headquarters, and realises it has been demolished completely, however he doesn't seem to care, and continues his way to the lookout.
New Future Jaco manages to arrive in Conton City, and as soon as he moves an alarm goes off. He goes to Patroller Academy, and finds several patrollers in training, and the Future Warrior. He is ordered to go to the Time Nest to take on a mission in 'Age 740 to stop the time breakers from remove Krillin from the timeline, and he attempts to follow him, but is unable to pass into the Time Nest, and Chronoa emerges. Dial orders Namasu, and Rola to EX-Fuse to face him as a fused warrior. Future Gohan, and Yamcha continue their rigorous training with Whis, and the angel manages to block all their attacks. Future Gohan fires a Masenko, and Yamcha a Kamehameha. Rola, and Namasu fuses into Namala, and begin battling Dial. Chronoa uses her attack Time Judgement on New Future Jaco, and manages to blast into the Mushroom District. Chronoa orders him to stand down, and to accept his arrest or she'll erase his history for violating the laws of time travel. Only the Time Patrol may undo time distortions in the timelines, and tries to bind him with magic, but this Jaco is much more formidable than his counterpart. New Future Jaco uses the Macrocosm Cannon on Chronoa, but she easily dodges it, but it destroys a Time Miniature. Chronoa destroys his ship with a ki blast, and kicks him into a mushroom. She tries to restrain him with magic again, but he dodges it. New Future Jaco uses a his Advanced Galactic Patrol Gun to make a shrunken version of his ship in it's regular size, and uses it fire numerous Energy beams at her. He uses Advanced Elite Beam, and manages to force Chronoa off the city. Chronoa recovers, and uses Time Judgement to destroy his new ship, but he dodges it. Running out patients; he declares that he'll use the Advanced Extinction Bomb to destroy everyone on Conton City, and Chronoa tries to urge him to stop.
New Future Jaco's eyes become the same colour as those under the regular Dark Magic Transformation, and Chronoa realises that he's under Towa's control. He throws the Advanced Extinction Bomb, but Chronoa uses her powers to stop time completely. The New Future Galactic King rushes behind some curtains, and remains as Chronoa uses an energy wave on New Future Jaco, and his Advanced Extinction Bomb they disappear out of existence causing all events New Future Jaco underwent to be erased, and several species to be resurrect because of this. New Future Trunks, and Goku arrives at the headquarters of New Future Galactic Patrol Headquarters in Age 798. The New Future Galactic King questions there arrival, but New Future Trunks demands to know why New Future Jaco violated natural law. Towa reveals herself to be a Paradoxical Clone created by her original, and says that it was her mission to kill the king, and take over the Galactic Patrol of the new Future. She surrounds herself in patrolmen controlled via her dark magic, and they all advance on the two warriors they are easily defeated. Towa attempts to fire a ki blast to destroy the headquarters, but the 5-star Dark Dragon Ball suddenly appears, and she tries to grab it before it fuses with her. Towa demands to know where Dabura stashed the 1-star he got from Frieza, 2-star from Cell, 3-star from Kid Buu, and 4-star from Greatdevilman. The two warriors don't know she is talking about, and destroy her with a combined ki blast. They take the Dark Dragon Ball to Conton City, and Chronoa tells them to keep it away from Face. Goku asks if the Dark Dragon Balls are the true goal, and Chronoa confirms that can grant any time-related wish like Face, but unlike Face he can even affect deleted timelines. She places the Dark Dragon Ball in a container made from Katchin, and stores it in the Time Vault. New Future Tights emerges from an energy sphere that as kept her and the canister in place, and has protected her from time paradoxes.
Dial, and his students manage to take down several Dark Namekians, and destroy the castle of the Ocean of Tranquility. The real Towa arrives in Universe 1 with a strange warrior; they fly towards Dial as they take in the scenes of destruction, and despair. Dial instantly confuses the warrior for Goku, but is corrected when he says he's Goten from the New Future. Dial asks how, and Towa explains that she used Face to fertilise New Future Chi-Chi's egg with New Future Goku's DNA followed with artificial inseminating herself to complete set of wishes. Towa confirms that she is the surrogate mother of Future Goten, and that'll she'd be glad if "her" boy killed Dial, and his co-patrollers. Dial responds that it should be logically impossible to do what Towa did to make Future Goten's existence justice, but she shoots back saying that is no such as logic. Dial argues that nothing can break logic, and Towa tells him that he needs to be accept the fact that she can do anything with magic. Dial shakes his head, and becomes angry. He attacks Towa, but Future Goten easily blocks his attack. Future Goten says thanks to the Dragon Balls he can sense godly ki, and is strong enough to fight even a Super Saiyan God. He fires a Dark Kamehameha at Dial, and manages to knock him up against a wall of katchin. Future Goten kicks him in the stomach, and manages to shatter the universe's strongest metal with ease. He briefly transforms into Super Saiyan to fire a Super Saiyan-charged Corrupted Ki Blast at Dial, and manages to destroy the area around him. The corrupted ki blast causes Dial to hallucinates the something causing him to experience an explosion of fear and a mild sense of hopelessness causing him to undergo the Great Terror transformation. He frantically attacks Future Goten, but all his attacks are dodged effortlessly. However unlike Pend; Dial is able to regain his control of, and is able to fight evenly with Goten's base form, however Future Goten ascends Super Saiyan 3. As they are about clash Dial transforms 3rd Form while still in his Great Terror form. Before their clash Future Gohan appears between them in Saiyan beyond God form, and kicks Future Goten into the ground.
Future Goten transforms into Super Saiyan Devil, and he manages to hold his own against his alternate timeline brother. Future Goten fires a Devil Kamehameha at Future Gohan, but he counters it by transforming into Chou Super Saiyan to dodge it. The energy wave mildly wounds Future Gohan, but he manages to recover, and attempts to kick him, but Future Goten easily catches his ankle, and slams him face first into a cliff in the continent of Gwaka. Future Gohan fires a Masenko at Future Goten, but he deflects towards the mountains, and completely vaporises the mountains. The two continue to battle and cause damage to environment around them. Future Gohan attempts to lure him away from the area, but Future Goten kicks him into a skyscraper. He throws an explosive drum into the building, but Future Gohan survives the explosion, and exits the building. They fire a Continuous Kamehameha at each, and destroy much of the skyscraper. At Conton City Goku, Future Trunks, and Vegeta chow down on feast prepared by Face, while the Future Warrior trains with Old Kai. Future Gohan transforms into Super Saiyan Blue, and manages to gain the upperhand. Their fighting erupts shockwaves that causes the Red Pants Army Airship to change course, and back doors open causing everyone to in hangar to fall to their deaths. Future Goten fires a Galick Beam Cannon, and manages to knock him into a farm. Future Goten uses Arcane Explosive Wave obliterating everything within a square mile, and causing a planet wide tremor. Future Gohan is mildly injured by the attack, and the upper half of his outfit has been partially destroyed. They clash each, and battle across the entire continent. Future Gohan readies God Kamehameha, and is about to fire it at Future Goten, but decides to stand his ground instead of moving.
Naraku arrives on the Red Pants Army's Airship, and knocks down every soldier easily. He places a Time Breaker gem on them to take control of them, and empowers to the be nearly as strong as him. Future Gohan fires his God Kamehameha, and manages to cause a shockwave nearly everywhere, and Dial notices the amount of energy output Future Gohan is putting into his attack to be enough to kill. Dial, Cooler, and Pend arrive at another Red Pants Army Base, but it is completely empty. Naraku arrives at the base, and Dial proceeds to transform into his 3rd Form, and attempts to assault him, but Piccolo arrives in front of him. Piccolo notices the Time Ring on Naraku, and becomes confused about him wearing it. However Naraku assaults both Dial, and Piccolo before they can get a full answer. Naraku flies away with Dial, and Piccolo in pursuit. The airship fires at the two, but they manage to dodge all energy weapons. Naraku kicks Piccolo into a cliff, and a Cell Jr with equal power to Dial arrives. Piccolo announces that Chronoa was planning extensively while Dial and his team were in in Age 993. Dial and the Cell Jr. fuse into Dicell, and proceeds to knock Naraku to the ground effortlessly. Piccolo pierces the airships left engine with a Special Beam Cannon, and several of the occupant fall out. Dicell fires a ki blast through the airship to hit General Bon, and manages to cause him to be blasted into a tree. Piccolo is confused by Future Goten's energy, but remains focused on the fight. Dicell copies Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon, and they preform a Combined Special Beam Cannon on the airship destroying it, and all occupants. Naraku finds General Bon's body in the tree, and it pierced his chest. Naraku flies away, and the Time Patrollers fly over to the battle between Future Goten, and Future Gohan.
Gohan, and New Future Tights arrives in the lookout at same time as each other, and she throws a canister into the forest. Gohan meets Chronoa, but she tells him he needs to train a little before he can help. She gives him a Time Pass, and he enters Conton City's Room of Space and Time for 2 Earth days with Old Kai, and Goku. Whis brings Yamcha to Chronoa, and reveals that he is much strong than he ever was. Yamcha enters the second room, and decides to mediate in it for 2 days, but Whis tells him that he doesn't as he can constantly use his new powers in his base form. Future Goten, and Future Gohan are facing each other on two trees facing each other. Future Gohan is clearly exhausted from his his attack, and Future Goten is clearly wounded. Future Goten loses his Super Saiyan Devil form, but powers up to Super Saiyan Orange. Dicell senses the same unnatural ki from Future Goten that he usually has in his god forms, and is convinced that they both of have Paradoxical Ki as both of them cannot exist, but they do. Dial was created by Eternal Dragon to be the hybrid an existing species, and a race that didn't exist at the time, and due being chosen to be unique for his hybrid, he is physical paradox, and Future Goten was created via an Eternal Dragon using the DNA of his deceased parents. Dicell flies faster, and finds the two on separate trees. Future Gohan is heavily injured, and his outfit half destroyed while Future Goten is mildly inured, and his outfit is a quarter destroyed. Pend tries to fly into help, but he is stopped by Cooler telling them that it is family dispute, and that should they have faith in Future Gohan. Dicell becomes convinced that Cooler is changing, but Cooler corrects him. Just as Future Goten is about to attack Future Gohan, but Present Gohan suddenly appears, and kicks him into a building. He gives his Future self a Senzu Bean, and prepares to help him fight Future Goten. Present Gohan powers up to his mystic form, and knees Future Goten in the face with Future Gohan following up with ki blast to chest. Present Gohan fires a Planetary Masenko a combination of Masendan, Ultimate Masenko, and Blaster Meteor, and leaves a crater where the trees were. Future Goten arises from the dust with an Energy Shield protecting him. Future Gohan fires his own Planetary Masenko, and manages to knock him into evacuated village destroying the entire area. Gohan takes the Metamo-Ring from Pend and Cooler. The two fuse into EX Gohan, and easily takes down Future Goten. Future Goten powers down to his regular form, and the Time Patrollers take him back to Conton City. They place him in a cell, and EX Gohan sits by talking to him trying to see if he can undo whatever Towa did to brainwash him.
Dial speaks to Ace before he speaks with Chronoa about the growing problem with Naraku. Chronoa doesn't know what to say about Naraku as she doesn't have any data on him, and Naraku's existence is confusing. On Planet Plant; Mira and Broly speak with Naraku about the Six Star Dark Dragon Ball in his possession, but Naraku refuses to give it to him until Mira says "By the order of Mechikabura; hand of the Dragon Orb". Naraku unable to refuse the order for some reason gives him the Dragon Ball, and they leave. New Future Tights emerges from the Academy and attempts to use her energy rifle on Dial, but she is subdued by Vegeta, and Goku approaches Dial about Future Goten. The canister shatters New Future Watagash emerges, and follows around individuals deemed evil enough in its books. It finds Greatdevilman being escorted to a new cell by a patroller, and follows them. An explosion erupts from the holding area, and Greatdevilman emerges with a cotton ball on his head. Goku flies over to see what is going on, and New Future Tights reveals that Greatdevilman as been possessed by New Future Watagash, and explains the parasites powers to him. New Future Tights eyes glow to the similar colour as those under the control of Towa's Dark Magic, and Goku is convinced that New Future Tights is being controlled. Infected Greatdevilman uses fires a ki blast through New Future Tight's chest, and reveals that Towa in her Darkness Form can create Time Bubbles that the can protect people inside from Time Paradoxes. His eyes glow the same colours as those under Towa's spell, and further transforms into the Supervillain form. Goku fights him, and knocks him into the space around the city, and blasts him with a Kamehameha, but Infected Greatdevilman manage to escape the blast. Infected Greatdevilman powers up to the Powered up state, but continues into the Giant Monster form. Infected Greatdevilman uses Eye Laser on Goku, but he misses and destroys New Future Tights body. EX Gohan is confused by creature, and Goku tells him that he possessed by a creature called Watagash, but EX Gohan doesn't know who that is. EX Gohan fires a Light Grenade at Infected Greatdevilman, and destroys him and the parasite. EX Gohan de-fuses, and they return to the city. Dial, Cooler, Piccolo, and Yamcha return to Age 993.
Goku, Future Gohan, and Pend visit Future Goten in his cell, and questions his allegiance to the Time Breakers. Future Goten reveals that he was told as a child by New Future Dabura that he was abandon by his family, and that he was unloved. New Future Dabura raised and took care of Future Goten until Dabura was taken control of by New Future Babidi. Goten explains that he began to hate New Future Trunks for letting New Future Dabura being taken, and his hate was sealed when the warrior slew New Future Dabura. New Future Trunks went onto bringing convincing New Future Dende to restore the Dragon Ball accidentally destroyed by New Future Dabura, and used it to revive all those affected by the battle including New Future Supreme Kai, New Future Kibito, and New Future Old Kai. Future Goten points out that they rely on the Dragon Balls too much, and even suggests that they used it to invent a new fusion technique, but Goku tells him that Bulma invented the rings in a Timespace Tournament. Future Goten is confused, and Goku explains that a Timespace Tournament the first of it's kind was hosted via a wish in Age 1967, and held in a place were time acts differently to the regular dimension. He has attempted to use it Age 781 along with Five-Way Fusion, but never had a reason to use the techniques until now. Goku explains to his alternate son from the new future that New Future Dabura wanted to destroy innocent people, and New Future Trunks did what he had to do. Future Goten doesn't believe him, and Chronoa tells Goku that he's been brainwashed by Towa he's surrogate mother, and New Future Dabura. Towa uses a her magic to indicate what they said to change him, and suggests Goku to reprogram him. Goku tries to convince him again that New Future Dabura was already evil, and tries to convince him to become like his son, but Future Goten won't budge. Future Goten lies on the bed, and Goku remains by his cell while Chronoa returns to the time nest. Chronoa looks at the time her predecessor was around before her disappearance.
The Truth about Naraku
Chronoa wonders why Naraku has Potara Earrings that looks almost like her predecessor's earrings, and observes the past. Dosei looks upon Super Shenron, and after a while her wish is granted bringing the most powerful Dragon Clan member Max. She explains to Max that she is extremely lonely, and says that she wants him to become the Guardian of Toki Toki City. He agrees to the job, and the two train together becoming more stronger, and protecting time. A year later after Max's arrival; Dosei go to save Chronoa from Demigra, and employs her as an apprentice. Dosei is mystified by her prowess as she easily defeated the currently powerful beings, and she teaches the language of the gods to Max, and Chronoa. Max uses Super Shenron change his appearance to a feminine appearance, and advances forward using a time scroll change her appearance so she has dark green skin, purple patches, gain the mind of a female, and change her name to Maxin. Maxin returns to Toki Toki City, and reveals her new form to Dosei, and is impressed by her new appearance. Chronoa is confused by her new appearance, but welcomes the change. After they fix a time distortion; Dosei meets with Maxin, and talks to her for hours until Maxin asks about her earrings, and she tells her that they symbolizes a Supreme Kais status. She asks to try Dosei's earring on, and Maxin accidentally puts on it on the opposite ear as opposed to the same ear, and they end up fusing together. Sensing overwhelming power; Chronoa rushes over to find that her predecessor, and the guardian accidentally fused together. She refers to herself as the Supreme Guardian of Time, and her power output is felt even by Demigra. Demigra arrives on earth 90 Million Before Age, and begins to wreak havoc all of the planet. Supreme Guardian of Time. Demigra is ultimately defeated, and Supreme Guardian of Time is confused as she finds that Demigra isn't born yet. A younger Towa arrives in the past, and uses her dark magic on Putine and Gravy to make them stronger, but Supreme Guardian of Time manages to use a Ki Blast on both of them, destroying them. The younger Towa gets a sudden surge of energy through her, and she sees the current Darkness Towa.
After fighting Demigra they return to Toki Toki City, and Supreme Guardian of Time introduces Chronoa to Tokitoki's unhatched egg. Supreme Guardian of Time says that once Tokitoki is born, he'll become Chronoa's pet, and she'll have to take special care of him, because he's a Divine Bird, and will have the ability to actual create time. By 78 Million Before Age, the egg still hasn't been hatched, and so Supreme Guardian of Time as decided to have her, and Chronoa imbue an enchantment on a Golden Dragon. They siphon the power in several deleted timelines, and thus the Eternal Dragon of Time is born, but just as they are about to finish a surge of energy shoots through out time. Chronoa spots several Demon Gods in the distance, and they smirk as one of them holds a Dark Dragon Ball in her hand. Chronoa fires an energy blast at the Demon God, and he drops the Dark Dragon Ball which falls in the abyss. Supreme Guardian of Time names him Face, and explains his role to him. She creates an invisible cave underneath Toki Toki City, and he stays in it with an altar being his form of summoning. In Age 993; Dial goes to the Naraku's Castle, and he explains that he is now the only thing left keeping the planet under tyranny. Naraku explains that he was way stronger than many give him credit for, and crushes the Time Break Mind Control Gem. Towa appears and uses her new powers to bring Tagoma into the future. She places the Gem on Tagoma, and he under goes a transformation. He attacks Dial, and Dial easily dodge all his Acid attacks, and Spinning Heel Drops into the ground. Dial questions Naraku power, and relation to the Demon Realm. 76 Million Before Age; Demigra arrives in Face's Cave, and gets him to grant his wishes. He uses Demigra to make the Supreme Guardian of Time is permanent subordinate, and to do whatever he says. He makes his next wish to transform Supreme Guardian of Time into a male, complete with masculine voice, and mind. Chronoa rushes down into the cave, but Supreme Guardian of Time stops her by attacking with a Ki Blast. Chronoa questions her mentor, and he says he has no choice, and transforms into a Great Namekian Form, and punches her into the invisible wall of the cave; knocking her out.
Still in the cave; Demigra' uses his wish to alter Supreme Guardian of Time's appearance to give her red blank eyes, and physical appearance. Supreme Guardian of Time tries to resist Demigra, but she is unable to. Demigra tell the Supreme Guardian of Time that his new name is Naraku, but he tries to reject the name. Demigra asks Face to make Chronoa forgot about Supreme Guardian of Time recent dilemma, and his name changed to Naraku. Years later; Chronoa has forgotten about how and why the Supreme Guardian of Time disppeared, and since the hatching Tokitoki has become the Supreme Kai of Time. In Age 853; Chronoa is shocked that she never saw that part, and asks Face why should couldn't see it, and years later Naraku used Face to keep the history blank until her top Time Patroller comes to Age 993. For Chronoa it's been eons since Naraku and Chronoa seen each over, but for Naraku it's only been 43 years. In Age 993; Dial is shocked that Naraku is really Chronoa's predecessor manipulated via the Dragon Balls, and questions why he is still in league with demons, and replies that he was abandon by Chronoa. Furious by the revelation; he tries to attack Towa, but Naraku protects her. Naraku kicks Dial into the ocean, and his anger is pacified by the Ocean of Tranquility. However the height of his anger overcomes the ocean's mystic powers, and he transforms into his Ultimate F form. Naraku manages to dodge all his attacks, and mocks him for not being able to use his abilities to their full extent. Dial uses Galick Blast Wave destroying Naraku's lower half, and left arm. He blasts Dial with a Corrupted Ki Blast, but Dial manages to dodge it. Dial uses Supernova, and he counters with Energy Jet. The collision results in a titanic explosion that destroys most of the castle, and nearly injures Towa. Towa takes a sample of her DNA, and Pineal gland. She clones the Pineal Gland, and gives it to Mira whom integrates it. Mira destroys Tagoma for his failure, and tries to send Captain Ginyu to capture him, but Dial easily kicks him away into a chasm on the other side of the planet. The planet's environment becomes heavily affected by the battle, and thunderstorms surround the area. Goku arrives in the area with Rola, Leka, and Namasu. Broly blocks them from going any further, and Goku activates the Super Saiyan's Grimoire mode.
Broly powers up to regular Super Saiyan, and the two Princes power up to Super Saiyan 2. The Saiyan of Legend is easily picked apart by the saiyans even though Goku isn't taking the fight seriously. Broly powers up to Super Saiyan 2 but still is no match any of them, and later powers up to Super Saiyan 3, but without his Legendary Super Saiyan power he is just a push over. Naraku uses Mystic Attack to through Dial into the ground, and uses Mystic Attack again to force Dial close to him so he deliver a point-blank Bloody Sauce. Broly powers up to Legendary Super Saiyan, and manages to knock all except Goku back. Broly questions how he suddenly has it, and Goku reveals that a year has past for Conton City, and in that year he underwent the process to use Super Saiyan's Grimorie longer. Yamcha arrives in using his shows his training off to every as he powers up to his Supernatural State. Goku doesn't let Yamcha interfere as he states Yamcha is perfectly capable of destroying Broly now, but Goku wants to settle whatever the problem Broly has with him. Goku powers up to Spectral Super Saiyan, and punches him into a mountain. Broly gets up, and punches Goku in the stomach, but he hardly hurts him, and Goku knees him in the face. Broly headbutts Goku on the head, but Broly hands up hurting himself more instead, and Goku kicks him into a nearby building of the Tānib. Broly uses a Super Explosive Wave destroying most of city, but hardly injuring Goku. Dial is pushed back by the Dark Namekian, and Naraku uses the Supervillain power up to become even more powerful, but Dial is able to fend off this new power. He powers down to power up to his Red-Eyed form making his eyes more scarlet than normal. Naraku kicks Dial in the stomach, but Dial recovers and punches him in the stomach. Naraku reveals that is fused the Dark Namekian Boss, Bibra, and Vic to become even stronger, and unleashes his full power in his Red-Eyed form. His body becomes even dark, and is manages to kick Dial into Goku, and Naraku uses his magic to create Grim Reaper-like Scythe, and gains a black aura around his body. Naraku refers to himself as Death, and proceeds to effortlessly knock Dial, and the two Saiyans to ground with ease. Confused by Naraku's attack on him; Broly questions his motive, but Naraku tells him that he is useless to the Time Breakers now. Naraku channels his ki into his scythe, and unleashes an energy blast that destroys the entire continent killing millions of inhabitants.
The Frieza Race Sorcerer
After the destruction of Tānib; Goku, Broly, Dial, Leka, Rola, and Namasu are brought to the locate by Chitate and Zukki. Dial deduces that they were revived months ago by Face, and Leka, and Rola are glad they get to meet their parents again. Yamcha, Pend, Cooler, Piccolo, Future Gohan, and Gohan rallies together. Broly agrees to try, and work with Goku until they kill Naraku at least. Naraku arrives the lookout, and uses his Dark Scythe attack again destroying the locate, and the continent of Cole completely. Broly powers up to Legendary Super Saiyan, and Goku to Super Saiyan. None of their attacks have any effects, and they try every attack in their iconic forms, but none of them work. Goku suggest ex-fusion with Broly, and for a while he is reluctant, but eventually he agrees after several beatings. Goku and Broly fuse into Super Saiyan-Legendary Super Saiyan Karoly, but the new fused warrior isn't having success. Romasu is formed, and begins assisting him with help of EX Gohan in Super Saiyan 3, Piccolo, Cooler in Super form, and Pend in his Great Terror form. Karoly begins experiencing memories that Goku doesn't have; memories of fighting on a planet that was able to be destroyed by a Comet. Naraku easily knocks the fighters into destroyed ground, and Karoly's Metamo-Ring comes off forcing them to defuse. Dial senses that they're going to need more power, and he asks to return to Conton City. On his way to speak to Face; he passes New Future Bulma whom mistakes him for Frieza, but he corrects her. He asks Face for a currently existing Grimoire for the Frieza Race, but no such grimoire exists. Dial asks why, and Face reveals that the Frieza Race explicit forbidden magic among the race, and all magical texts and scribes were destroy before they had the power to pass on any magic. He asks how to become a Sorcerer, and he reveals that to become a Sorcerer he must born with magic as the magic used by Yamcha, Goku, and Bardock is bestowed magic, but bestowed magic can still be just as powerful as birth magic. Chronoa tells Dial that he has magic in his body due to being recently created by magic, as opposed to others that created millions of years ago. Dial asks Chronoa how to obtain to sorcerer power, and she tells him to come with her. Goku and Broly power to Super Saiyan Blue, and Legendary Super Saiyan 3 respectively, but Naraku picks all fighters apart. As he is about to finish them off, Mr. Poko Poko appears to assist.
Mr. Poko Poko reminds him that he wants to destroy Piccolo, and he further reminds that his wishes come with something in return. If he ever face a Namekian responsible for Dragon Balls; he is the one to destroy them, and make them suffer. Naraku faces Goku, and Broly while Mr. Poko Poko fights Piccolo and EX Gohan. Mr. Poko Poko is having trouble fighting both fighters, and easily knocked to the ground by EX Gohan. EX Gohan powers up to Super Saiyan Blue, and kicks Mr. Poko Poko into the charred ground. EX Gohan kicks Mr. Poko Poko in the stomach, and fires a Masenko point blank. Mr. Poko Poko uses Fire Breath to burn Piccolo, and EX Gohan to force them off him. He smash Piccolo up against the charred ground, and kicks EX Gohan in the ground, but both are unfazed by the attack. Broly, and Goku are barely fazing Naraku, and once again preform an EX-Fusion into Karoly. With his new combined power Karoly manages to revival Naraku's power, and manage to knock him down with Gigantic Kamehameha, and manages to destroy his lower half. EX Gohan's Metamo-Ring is damaged by a ki blast by Mr. Poko Poko, and separates. Immediately after losing their fusion; Future Gohan, and Gohan attack Mr. Poko Poko in Super Saiyan Blue, and Unleash Potential - Super Saiyan 3 respectively. Mr. Poko Poko thanks the Demon Realm Supreme Kai, and enters his own Unleashed Potential form, and manages to fight on par with Unleashed Potential - Super Saiyan 3 Gohan, but Future Gohan still dominates him. Mr. Poko Poko takes out a vial with a ghostly aura around, and proceeds to eat the vial. Mr. Poko Poko explains that the vial contained a Gestalt Soul that was made from merging parts of the souls of everyone that made a wish on him, and he undergoes a mutation turning into a grotesque-like dragon. Mr. Poko Poko manages to knock Future Gohan into the ground, and blasts Gohan out of the sky. Future Gohan reverts to normal, but a blue glow emits from him.
Future Gohan activates Super Saiyan's Grimoire, and immediately powers up to Spectral Super Saiyan. Future Gohan reveals that the training he received was enough to allow him to remain a Spectral Super Saiyan for 6.95 days, and despite is inclusion of magic; he is not strong enough, and is forced to transform into Spectral Super Saiyan Blue cutting his 6.95 days by 1.5 days. Future Gohan outclasses Mr. Poko Poko in every way, and manage knock him against a mountain. Chronoa sits Dial (whom still is in his Ultimate F form) in a circle of six candles; lit with different flames (Natural Fire, Esoteric Flames, Empathic Fire, Cosmic Fire, Primal Fire, and Poison Fire). The Poison Fire paralyzes Dial, and is unable to move until the candles go out on their own. New Future Bulma observes the ritual, and feels a positive vibe coming from him despite not being able to sense ki. Chronoa places more of the candles with the same flame types, and explains that the method they are using was used to create the first sorcerer. The first sorcerer is the one that created the grimoire's, and sent them through out space. As Dial sits amongst the flames as they combine into a sphere of fire, and is muscle mass slowly increase, and his horns slowly start to regrow. Gohan kicks Mr. Poko Poko in the back as he prepares to attack Future Gohan, and Future Gohan frontflip knees him in the face, and follows up with kick him in the neck. Future Gohan uses Arcane God Masenko on Mr. Poko Poko, and manages to destroy his left arm, and tail. Mr. Poko Poko falls to the ground is unable to move properly. Future Gohan flies to support Karoly, but Naraku unleashes a power energy wave that sends everyone to ground, and damages Karoly's Metamo-Ring. Naraku is about to fire an energy ball at the fighters, but Piccolo tries to kick. Naraku is unfazed, and kicks him into the ground. His energy ball is than blasted into space with Dial standing before him in his new form.
Naraku attacks Dial with his Dark Scythe, but Dial easily blocks it. Naraku changes the Dark Scythe into a bow, and fires an energy arrow towards Dial, but Dial easily deflects it. Naraku uses his Time Manipulation powers to try and reverse Dial's existence, but his Time Pass negates it. Dial breaks Naraku's arm with kick, and knocks him into the ground. Dial fires an Arcane Galick Gun at Naraku, but Naraku manages to dodge it, and the blast hits and destroys Mr. Poko Poko instead. Naraku attempts to kick him in the face, but the attack does absolutely nothing. Dial uses his left hand to blast Arcane Hyper Galick Gun at Naraku, and manages to destroy him from waist down. Naraku fires a Dark Arrow Barrage at Dial, but Dial deflects all arrows with ease. Naraku's slips out of his normal calm composure, and starts to throw tantrums in his inability to analyze, Dial's attacks. Dial uses Arcane Super Galick Gun on him, but Naraku barely dodges it as it travels to another star system, and accidentally destroys it completely. Dial gulps before realising the Dark Namekian Army headed towards, but he uses his Arcane Hyper Galick Gun to vaporise the entire army, and leaves Naraku as the last Dark Namekian alive in Universe 1. Naraku realises that only he, and Chocolay remain to keep Universe 1 subjugated, and attempts to power up, but Dial easily knocks him into the ground. In Conton City; New Future Bulma is working an improvement of the Metamo-Ring, and New Future Trunks questions the ring. She tells him the the new rings aren't done yet, and to wait till she is done before asking questions. Zukki, and Chitate watch the battle with injured Time Patrollers, and Goku wonders if Naraku is using his true powers. Chocolay is also watching the battle, and seems to smiling at the possible defeat of Naraku. Naraku transforms his Bow into a Warhammer to use his Dark Warhammer Slam technique to strike Dial in the back, but the warhammer of dark ki shatters as if was solid matter, but still generates area of effect damage, and causes a massive air blast that leaves a giant crater in the ground.
Naraku is unable to effectively hurt Dial, but Dial is way out of his league. Dial generates a goldish aura before delivers punch threw in his stomach, and blasts an Arcane Hyper Galick Gun. Naraku finally regenerates his lower half, and uses his magic to restore his clothes to normal. Naraku reforms his Warhammer, and goes in for another swing. Dial dodges it this time, and Naraku manages generate numerous Earthquakes, and the planet moves slightly out of orbit. Dial states that they are holding back their planet busting powers like usual heroes and villains, and decides to go fall power for dive, and manages to destroy Tanib's landmass leaving only smalls isles behind. A mass army of Saiyans, Demons, and Androids head for Naraku, and the dark Namekian realises that the entire inhabitants of Planet Plant are headed for him, and he switches back to his Dark Scythe to vaporise them before returning to his warhammer with Naraku insults Dial by telling him that he has no one left to save. Goku and the others are angered by Naraku's merciless actions, even Chocolay is annoyed by his actions. Dial questions his fusion as Naraku is no longer the official Supreme Kai of Time, and as such is no longer a Supreme Kai and shouldn't have stayed fused after a long period of time, but Naraku tells him that he is wrong, and that he is the official Demon Realm Supreme Kai. Dial severs his arms with a punch each, and attempts to destroy his head, but Naraku uses Instantaneous Movement to get out of the way. Naraku questions his determination in destroying him, and whether he is really fighting for himself or others. Dial is determined that he fights for others, and proves it by using a Super God Nova. Dial uses Gack! while charging the energy sphere, and than uses Perfect Barrier to contain the explosion as much as possible. Dial throws the energy sphere, and manages to create a crater deep enough to the core of the planet. Dial fires a Final Kamehameha at towards the crater, but Naraku uses his movement technique dodge both attacks, and uses his severed arms to attack before Dial vaporises them with Spirit Excalibur, and Vanishing Ball respectively. New Future Trunks arrives to Age 993 to give Dial Metamo-Rings, and he tells them to give them to Future Gohan, and return to Conton City. Dial knocks Naraku into the water with his tail, and Goku arrives in his Completed Super Saiyan Blue form. Dial asks Goku to let him complete the battle on his own, and he uses a Magic-Infused punch to create portal, and he takes himself and Naraku through it. Dial throws Naraku into building on Earth - Universe 6, into the ground on Planet Drakiyan - Universe 11, at a cliff on Babari - Universe 10, and finally piledrived into a road on Kōwakusei - Universe 12 before returning to Planet Plant - Universe 1. Goku is impressed by Dial's determination, and asks if his fighting to kill or to defeat him to which Dial responds with we'll see. Naraku becomes increasingly frustrated, and he channels his partially natural godly ki into his artificial God Ki, and transforms into his new form. The transformation leaves a crater behind in the water, and large storms encircle area.
Naraku's new power is felt by Quinton, Dori, and Keela from far away, and even Dial is concerned. He easily knocks Goku down even though he is still in his Completed Super Saiyan Blue form, and tells him that he seeks to fight Dial, and Dial only. Naraku first an Energy Jet at Dial, but the time patrol dodges it punches him in the face. Naraku is hardly fazed by the attack, and proceeds to create several blocks of katchins as a weapon against Dial, and he uses his magic produce the same number of blocks of Katchins to repel Naraku's attacks. Dial creates a portal to fire an Arcane Hyper Galick Gun in it to hit Naraku, and manages to blast a hole in his chest to which he regenerates. 'Naraku materializes himself a Scythe, and creates another Dark Scythe to combat Dial, and Dial easily dodges all attacks. He naps Naraku's scythe, and is about to attack him when he utilizes Dark Scythe - Bloody Sauce on him, and nearly hits. He generates a Baked Sphere to protect himself from Dial's volley blasts, and grabs him by the neck. He throws him through a portal, and Dial lands on a rock. Naraku synchronises his ki with Dial's Magic-Enhanced Ki, and he traverse the universe preforming several rush attacks on Dial before finally throwing into the Ocean of Tranquility. Dial's magic allows him to be immune to the ocean's powers, and he absorbs all magical energy from ocean increase his power, and allowing him to preform Super Arcane Burning Impact, and fire a powerful energy-based attack that even the Grand Priest can sense. Naraku reciprocates the attack with an Dark Scythe - Bloody Energy Jet, and before he fire his attack he explodes from Dial's attack. Naraku emerges from the smoke still holding his blast with only the left side of his body, and head intact. Naraku launches his technique, and Dial fires a God Buster to stop it. He utilizes Nature Pulse to increase his power so that he can dispel both attacks. Dial combines his form with Great Terror to further his power, and undergoes is next transformation God of Sorcery and Terror. Goku notices that his aura is much more wild, and frantic, and become concerned in his new power. They go out for an all out battle, and manage to match each other's powers. Dial manages to match all his abilities, and the two go in another clash causing furious storms, and tsunamis to drown most of the planet.
Dial takes advantage of his Time Pass to bring Temporal Duplicates in to his area from minutes ago without affecting events that transpired after time to were taken from. He manages to bring 10 million Temporal Duplicates to fight with him against Naraku, and they manage to nearly tear him apart with sheer fighting force. The titanic battle causes the planet to be engulfed by tremors, tsunamis, and tornadoes. Naraku destroys 500 of the duplicates with Tenderizing Flash, and fires Seasoning Arrows to knock the rest in the ocean. He uses Energy Boil to evade their next attacks, and uses Boiling Ball on some of them, and destroys 10 of the duplicates. He uses Raging Sauce on 10 more, and Boiling Breath to follow up on the same 10. Dial recognises the techniques as Demigra, and correctly guesses that Demigra personally trained Naraku. Naraku unleashes Boiling Burge on his time duplicates, and destroys numerous of them; leaving only 10 left with Dial. Naraku flies towards the remaining Time Duplicates intending to strike them with Boiling Fist, but they manage to fire a Combined Arcane Super Galick Gun at him. Naraku survives the blast, and kills remaining duplicates. Dial blasts Naraku away with an Arcane Galick Blast Wave, and delivers a punch into his gut. They battle reaches to point where they leave the planet, and fight in outer space. Naraku uses Smothering Hurricane to trap Dial in a hurricane of his energy, and follows up with Seasoning Arrows to hit him. Dial is knocked back to Planet Plant, and survives the 225 million km drop. However the planet doesn't as only one section of the planet remains intact, and the rest of the patrollers fly above the destroyed planet. Dial summons more Temporal Duplicates, and Naraku uses his Dark Scythe to create Dark Scythe Clones. The battle causes the planet to move slightly out of orbit, and battle causes global earthquakes. All duplicates are destroyed, and Naraku and Dial charge at each other at full power; destroying the area. Naraku takes the gem of his chest, and destroys it releasing a surge of energy, and causing an explosion of power to erupt on the planet. Dial is shocked about the amount of evil coming from Naraku.
Dial asks how Naraku has so much power, and Dial reveals Demigra used the Dark Dragon Balls to return him to his state as an egg, and remained in their while absorbing all the evil around him. He was placed in Katchin container on Earth on Age 400, and remained their absorbing all the evil into him until Age 972 where he hatched again. Naraku quickly gained the respect of fellow Dark Namekians, and soon realized that he had an unfathomable amount of evil in his heart. He explains he led a conflict as soon he was born on Earth, and than in Age 950; he was returned to the Demon Realm to continue his duties as the Supreme Kai of the Demon Realm, and the egg kept his fusion in a stasis, and thus prevented him from defusing. Dial notices his body change, and as his body changes he continues to explain the situation to Dial. Naraku became the Official Supreme Kai of the Demon Realm, and governs the plane. Naraku spends his days training with Demigra, and increasingly gets stronger every time, and later as him fight Putine, and Gravy. Demigra tells hims that a Tale Begins Thus, and creates a smell gem to inhibit his evil powers, and halves his powers. Naraku is transported to Age 950, and watches him as he reigns until Age 1000 where he is taken to Age 950 to reign over Planet Plant. Chronoa uses Face to move all the souls that are on Planet Plant n Universe 1, and to revive them. Naraku explains the fruitless skirmishes lead by Leka, and Rola. Calling the attempts to take him down adorable, and flattering at the least. He concludes his story by saying that he did all that with only half his power, and is now at last at full power. Another explosion of power covers the entire universe, and as the smoke clears. Whis is contacted by Chronoa to help, but Whis replies that Beerus won't help the fight. The water evaporates from his very presence, and Kōhito shrivel in fear of his presence. He smirks in the reaction to everyone around him, and proceeds to attack Dial who can still dodges his attack. The fear of uncertainty, and causing him to return to his Great Terror form. He undergoes a new transformation into a the Horrified State, and instead of fighting; he flees from the battlefield, and wildly attack him. Pend also undergoes the transformation into the Horrified State, and tries to help Pend, but Piccolo uses all his strength stops him from going. Dial stops in mid-air, and a surge of energy flows into him. Chronoa has given Dial the means to focus his fear, and regain control. He powers up combining his Horrified State with his Sorcerer God Evolution form into his new form.
Dial flies at Naraku for another clash, and manages to send him flying 7.5 Billion kilometres away from Planet Plant, and destroys an uninhabited planet. They colossal fight takes all across the star system, and several planets are destroyed in the process. They battle takes them to several different star systems, and sun nearly goes Supernova due to all the energy blasts fired at it. Dial brings in two Temporal Duplicates while he prepares an Arcane Super God Nova, and his duplicates manage to hold off Naraku. The Duplicates use Super Multiverse Smash on Naraku taking him across the 12 Universes, and finally smashing him on a nearby moon. Naraku is delivered a Quadruple Axe Handle sending him through the moon, and effectively destroying the natural satellite. They continue to attack him without letting him have any room to counter or attack on his own, and tries to blast the duplicates multiple times. Naraku finally gets to use Dark Bow - Seasoning Arrow, and manages to destroy one of the duplicates, and remaining one knocks him into an asteroid. Meanwhile; New Future Bulma meets up with New Future Trunks, and Future Trunks to tell them about Future Goten escaping. Future Trunks is shocked by this, and New Future Trunks is about to go and investigate until Future Goten as Super Saiyan Orange appears, and attacks him. New Future Android 16 blasts Future Trunks in the back with Hell's Flash, and his assault with kick to face by both the Android, and Hybrid. While in Space; Mira arrives to extract some cells from Naraku, and manage integrity a copy of his pineal gland into his being. He returns to Age 1000 to add the cells to Cell-X, and realises that the Bio-Android is 95% complete. Towa doesn't understand why Cell-X isn't complete, and asks whether New Future Android 16 has captured New Future Trunks, and Future Trunks yet. Mira simply replies with no. Back in Conton City; battle in intensifies, and Future Trunks transforms into Super Saiyan Blue, and kick New Future Android 16 in the arm damaging the Android. Future Trunks powers up even further to a Powered-Up version of Super Saiyan Blue, and manages to overpower Super Saiyan Orange Future Goten with ease. Future Goten manages to seal his aura in his body, and thus enter a Completed Super Saiyan Orange form. New Future Trunks transforms into Super Saiyan 3, but Future Trunks tells him that its pointless as he can sense that Future Goten is stronger than them combined. New Future Trunks manages to use a Solar Flare, and the two use EX-Fusion to fuse into Future EX Trunks. He manages to overpower Future Goten, and nearly ends killing him before giving him a Senzu Bean, and healing with his powers Future Goten awakes confused on why Future EX Trunks would help him. Back in Space; Dial has completed the Arcane Super God Nova, and the energy sphere is much bigger than the sun. Naraku seems mildly concerned about the energy sphere, and Chronoa evacuates the star system so that Dial can launch it without being concerned about innocent lives. His remaining duplicate is destroyed by his energy sphere, and numerous planets are swallowed by the energy sphere.
The energy sphere continues as it swallows everything in its path, and Naraku attempts intercept it, but he is pushed back into several asteroids. Unable to stop it with brute force; Naraku attempts to destroy it with a Corrupted Ki Blast, but it simply makes the energy sphere even bigger. The Energy Sphere finally collides with a White Hole, and the energy sphere finally explodes destroying the star system, and releasing an explosion that even the Time Patrollers on Planet Plant can see. Dial can't sense Naraku's energy as he returns to Planet Plant, and concludes that he was killed by the explosion, but Naraku emerges from the delivering an uppercut to Dial, and shocking everyone into how he survived such an explosion. Naraku explains that demons or part-demon like Psidabura cannot be a God and a Devil at the same time, and neither can Dial or Humans, and that perk of being a part-Namekian is that have the privilege of using the two powers. Dial is shocked by the dark red-blue aura surrounding him, and goes through a chaotic transformation, and pillar of energy flows upwards into space, and downwards through the planet. Naraku explains for a brief second he used the power to survive the blast by teleporting into the World of Void, and teleporting underneath Dial for his surprise attack. After the transformation completes; Naraku punches Dial in the gut with ease, and manages to send him flying across the planet. Dial blasts him with a barrage of ki blast, but he deflect all the blasts away from him. Dial uses Super Breath to redirect Naraku's ki blasts, and uses Aliento de Fósforo Blanco to blanket the area with poisonous gas, and the air around causes it ignite burning Naraku, and scarring his left side. Naraku becomes annoyed by Dial's attack fires Super Breath to clear the area, and follows up with Electric Breath to try and stun Dial, but he misses. In attempt to get back at him or damaging his body; Naraku uses Aliento de Fósforo Eléctrico Blanco on Dial, but he misses again. Naraku smirks at Dial revealing that he let the attack burn him, and tells him that he was only fighting at 3%, and increase his power to 40%. Dial tries to find his bluff, and Naraku proves his truth by moving faster than Dial can track, and fire his Kasaiaburahameha at point-blank range, but Dial manages to get mostly out harms way as his right hand receive third-degree burns. Dial places his hand in the ocean, but his hand is already scarred. Dial strangely isn't that bothered by his burn, and continues the fight. He is unable to touch as he throws punches at him fruitlessly, and tries to use a Roundhouse Kick on him. Naraku uses Dakufaiaoiruhameha on Dial, but he dodges it. Dial creates more Temporal Duplicate to help him fight, but they are destroyed by Naraku's Kasaiaburasupinha swallow the duplicates, and burn them to death. Naraku uses Inferno Neon Flash to move behind Dial, and manages to burn his tail before Naraku impales him with a Inferno Neon Spear, and causing him to burn inside, and outside. Dial falls to the ground, and coughs up blood.
Dial lays on the ground, and tries to prolong his survival despite him being impaled in the back by a spear of Fire and Neon. Naraku uses Devi-God Flaming Neon Power Pole to push Dial into a ravine by continually extending it, and nearly pushes him into a pit of lava. Naraku decides to go to 100%, and uses Neon Kasaiaburahameha to try and finish him, but Dial uses Arcane Perfect Barrier to protect himself as much as can. He manages to protect himself from the blast, and giant crater is formed causing the lava to spew into it. He manages to destroy the barrier with a kick, and almost knocks him into the lava, but Dial dodges it. Dial uses a ki blast to cause lava to spew onto Naraku, and he is mildly damaged by it. Dial gets an idea from the lava, and attempts to attack Naraku, but he is punched into the sky, and is nearly it by another Neon Kasaiaburahameha, but Dial dodges it. Dial prepares to uses Super Arcane Fósforo Galick Gun while Naraku prepares a Super Neon Dakufaiaoiruhameha, and their attacks causes the weather to change, and start raining. The fire their blasts at each other, and commence an energy clash. Dial manages to push him back slightly, and causes the back of Naraku's shoe to touch the lava melting it. Naraku figures out Dial's plan, and quips that he doesn't have the power to end it. Goku tries to go help, but the heat caused by the Super Neon Dakufaiaoiruhameha causes him to lose his breath pretty quickly. Chocolay watches on as the sphere caused by energy clash reaches him, and destroys most of the area. Dial is almost pushed into space, and releases more energy into the blast. Dial starts to subconsciously absorb the magical energy from corpses, and remains of his temporal duplicates multiplying his power, but it isn't enough power. He remnants of the energy left behind by the inhabitants of planet are also drawn to him causing him to increase his power to the point that he is pushing Naraku back even further, and cause the lava to burn Naraku's lower half to the point that it is reduce to ashes. Naraku questions why the lava effects him since he has transcended mortals, and Dial reveals that the planet is imbued with Magic, and that the lava is actually hot enough to born gods. Explaining that after the events of the Zero Mortals Plan, the gods created the ideal planets that'll always work against gods, and have enough magic to completely destroy them. Planet Plant is one of the planets, and continues to push him into the Lava. Chronoa convinces everyone in Conton City to lend Dial energy to boost his energy, and she manages to transfer energy across time to increase his power, and the remaining fighters also transfer their energy to him so that he can increase his power, and manages to push Naraku into the lava causing it to swallow him, and incinerate him completely; ending his reign. Dial powers back down to his first form, and flies down on cliff to rest while the others look on in astonishment that member of the Frieza Race saved Universe 1 from Naraku's tyranny. Every inhabitant on Planet Plant that was revived in Conton City requests to go back, but Old Kai believes it's not over yet, and refuses. Everyone is confused, while everyone still on Planet Plant powers down, and relaxes on the ground. Chocolay smirks as a large bacterial spore in emerges from ground with Naraku's face on it, and causes everyone except for Chocolay, and Piccolo to start gagging.
Chocolay's True Goal
Piccolo watches as more spores emerge from the ground, and the one of with Naraku's face on it arises above the clouds. Piccolo fires a Special Beam Cannon at the spore, but it simply divides into more spores. Chocolay explains that it is pointless to try, and stop the spores as they are sentient, but also divide from being attacked. Piccolo tries to blast Chocolay however it has no affect on him as he tells him that he has an Unfettered Body, and goes on tell him that Virus Naraku was created by him using creating a spore that reacts to chromosome found in male and female species, and since Piccolo is technically genderless; he's immune to the affects, and reveals the he made him sentient with his powers granted by from the Dark Dragon Balls, and Super Shenron, and was set to be released upon the death of Naraku. Goku's skin starts turn grey as he, and the others foam from the mouth as Virus Naraku infects the Time Patrollers, and they finally die from the virus. Piccolo chases Chocolay as he escapes to his facility, and tries to enter but an energy shield repels him. He tries to overloads its power with ki blasts, but they don't work. Chocolay places a fragment of one of the Super Dragon Balls into slot with fragments of Namekian Dragon Balls, Black Star Dragon Balls, Earth Dragon Balls, and Dark Dragon Balls. It's almost complete with only one slot left to make it a complete ball, and places a red Time Ring next to the Reverse Wish Particle Accelerator. Chocolay reprograms Android 8000, and Android 19000 to his commands, and sends them to fight Piccolo. Android 19000 uses Rocket Punch on Piccolo, but he destroys the hand, and severs its other arm with kick while Android 8000 knocks Piccolo into he ground. A controlled Present Perfect Cell emerges with New Future Present Cell, and New Future Imperfect Cell proceeds to absorb Android 19000 Mk. II transforming into his Future Semi-Perfect form. Piccolo is able to defeat Present Perfect Cell, and holds his own against Future Semi-Perfect New Future Cell. New Future Cell fires a Kamehameha at Piccolo, and he dodges the attack; countering with Special Beam Cannon. Piccolo powers up to full power, and fires a Light Grenade at the two Bio-Androids, but both of the manage to knock him out, and nearly kill him. Piccolo is rescued by Sura whom was revived in Age 853 by Face. Piccolo looks at the bodies of his fallen friends, and notices movement coming from them. They reanimate as Piccolo goes closer to them, and realises that they have become Zombies.
Zombie Yamcha begins to attack Piccolo trying to go after him, while he is reluctant to fight back. Chronoa watches on as he chased by a zombified Yamcha, and uses Face transfer all deceased spirits to King Yamma's Check-In Station, and revive the fallen Time Patrollers. She gets Face to have the zombified Time Patrol to separate any, and all connections or the spirit level so that anything happens to them only happens to them. Chronoa lets Piccolo know, and he fires Masenko at him knocking him to the ground. New Future Trunks returns to Age 798, and revives New Future Piccolo, and New Future Kami to assist their counterpart. They agree after being made aware of the current situation, and they arrive in Age 993. New Future Piccolo fires a Masenko at Zombie Yamcha, and the other Zombified Time Patrollers battle the Namekians; Zombie Yamcha powers up to his Supernatural State. Zombie Dial fires a Buster Cannon at New Future Kami, but he dodges it. Piccolo is impressed by their power, and they reveal that New Future Trunks gave them Temporal Fruit allowing them to gain all the knowledge, and power of Piccolo, and allows them to be as powerful. Piccolo places a red gem at the centre of his chest, and upgrades to his armoured form. Sura is mortally wounded by by an energy blast from Zombie Broly, and Kami flies down to help him. Zombie Broly powers up to Super Saiyan, and attempts to attack them, but Piccolo blocks the attack with an Energy Shield, and knocks him into the ground. Piccolo manages to destroy Zombie Cooler as soon as he transforms, and dodges an attack from a Super Saiyan Zombie Goku. Zombie Pend still in his Horrified State manages to sever Piccolo's left arm, but he regenerates it. Kami convinces Sura to allow him to assimilate him, and combine their power together. The Zombies all power up to next level; Goku to Completed Super Saiyan Blue, Dial to Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution, Gohan to Potential Unleashed, Future Gohan to Super Saiyan Blue, and Broly to Legendary Super Saiyan 2. Piccolo, and the other Namekians are barely able to attack any of them, and near overwhelmed by their power. Piccolo and New Future Piccolo fire a Special Beam Cannon at Zombie Pend to force him into a pool of lava destroying him. New Future Kami fires a ki blast at Zombie Gohan, and manages to blast him into cliff destroying his corpse. New Future Piccolo uses Hellzone Grenade on Zombie Goku, and Zombie Broly, but barely damages them. New Future Kami uses a similar gem to access the Armour Form, and increases his power to equal Piccolo, and blasts Zombie Future Gohan in the chest. Zombie Future Gohan mortally wounds New Future Piccolo, and New Future Kami forcing Piccolo to retreat from the current battlefield. He arrives in mostly caved-in cave, and tries to heal them, but nothing works. He takes off his gem to power down, and tries to save New Future Piccolo by putting on him, but the wound is to sever for New Future Kami for it to save New Future Piccolo. In order to save them; New Future Kami requests that he uses the fusion of them both, and Piccolo obliges. Upon assimilating them both; he feels an explosion of power that even New Future Cell is concerned about, and proceeds to had to the battlefield.
Piccolo is barely able to fathom his new power, and powers up to his Max causing earthquakes, and lightning storms to form. Piccolo proceeds to fight the remaining Zombies, and New Future Cell whom recently arrives. He manages to knock out all Zombies out of commission, and proceeds to knock New Future Cell to the ground. New Future Cell proceeds to uses the sting of his tail to stab Zombie Broly, and absorbs his organic matter into his being along with Zombie Goku, Zombie Dial, Zombie Broly, and Zombie Yamcha increase his overall power, and allowing him to effortlessly defeat Piccolo. Piccolo fires a Super Light Grenade at him, but like before he survives the attack, and fires the attack right back at him; blasting a hole in his chest, but Piccolo regenerates from the attack. Piccolo rips off the top portion of his clothes, and throws his cape to the ground. Piccolo uses Hellzone Grenade, and surrounds the bio-android with it, but New Future Cell destroys all blasts with an Explosive Wave. New Future Cell punches him in the face, but Piccolo is isn't fazed by the attack. Shocking New Future Cell, and Chronoa whom swore he was weaker. Piccolo reveals the other power of the Armour, and that it was designed to be able to absorbs and mimic specific ki, and opens his eyes revealing that they're now red. Piccolo reveals that after the others came to the Time Nest; he acquired a Time Pass from Chronoa so that he could train with his parent before he attacked the Earth, and Kami from the Nameless Namekian's separation until King Piccolo's sealing, and has his Potential Unlocked by Guru, and later Old Kai until returning to his time, and heading towards the nest where he trains more. He states that his was using the Potential Unleashed state the entire time, and his Armoured Form amplifies the state. Piccolo punches the bio-android with a powerful punch, and knocks him to ground with ease. He manages to use Solar Flare on the Namekian Warrior, and lands near Android 8000 Mk. II preparing to absorb him, but Piccolo manages hear the direction he is coming from, and knocks 'New Future Cell into a cliff, and bombards him with a volley of ki blasts. Piccolo uses Mystic Attack on him, and slammed him into ground. Piccolo uses his abilities to increase his size to that of a Great Ape, and uses a Giant Light Grenade on New Future Cell, and destroys his upper body. New Future Cell regenerates, and remind Piccolo that every cell has a life of its own, and proceeds to use Solar Flare, and Death Wave to blind him, and impair his hearing respectively. He manages to successfully absorb Android 8000 Mk. II, and obtains his Future Perfect Form. Piccolo is slightly impressed by his power, but feels confident that he can still win.
New Future Cell proceeds to fight Piccolo, and manages to blast several holes in his chest, but he regenerates them all, and fires a Giant Light Grenade at him, but New Future Cell dodges the attack, and lands next to Present Perfect Cell, and they converse about a plan, but New Future Cell seems to disagree, and proceeds to attack Piccolo alone. At Chocolay's Base; Chocolay reveals to Mira that he has the real Dark Dragon Balls guarded by Naraku, and will give him to him if they hand over a shattered piece from the new future timeline. Mira agrees to his demands, and he gives him a piece, and sends the Dark Dragon Ball through a portal. Chocolay places the piece in the slot, and completes the machine causing it to glow. Towa asks for an inoculate from Chocolay so she can appear on the planet as she has an idea that could stop Piccolo. He creates an inoculate for her, and she shows up still in her Darkness form, and is granted the power of Demon God allowing her to use new power. She uses the Cell-X Transformation to force Present Perfect Cell to transform, and explains to Piccolo that she is testing her Project X to the height of its powers, and seeing what'll be missing if it's not 100% complete. 'Present Cell battles Piccolo, and fires an X-Kamehameha at him; the blast destroys the area, and paralyses Piccolo allowing him to use X-Death Beam on him, and pierce his chest with it, but he manages to recover from the attack. Whis questions why the Bio-Androids have been set on Piccolo, and requests Chronoa to observe Chocolay, but she is unable to do so. Whis uses his abilities to destroy the interference, and finds that Chocolay as built something dangerous. He contacts Dori to try, and stop what is happening, but Keela responds on her behalf seeing that she is the Goddess of Destruction, and doesn't interfere with problems from Universe 7, and the fairs of mortals. Piccolo fires an energy blast at him, and proceeds to battle New Future Cell empowered by Chocolay in the Supervillain State, and manages to overpowers Piccolo. Present Cell powers back down to his base Perfect Form, and uses the same method to impair Piccolo, and absorbs New Future Cell into his being, and enabling him to gain a new form. Whis reminds Dori that time travel is taboo for non-Time Patrol members, and that if she doesn't act; he'll have her destroyed.
Present Cell's transformation continues as Towa looks on, and Whis pleads with Dori to act. Piccolo fires an energy blast at Present Cell, but he is unaffected by the blast. After his transformation is complete; Present Cell toys with Piccolo to the point that he constantly fires at him, and deliberately flying into the ki blasts. Present Cell fires a Kamehameha at him, and blasts his arms off with ease. Piccolo decides to cease his giant form as he is convinced that he is an easier target, and returns to his regular Red-Eyed form. Piccolo fires Special Beam Cannon at him, but he deflects the blast, and fires a ki blast at chest; sending him into a fissure. He emerges heavily damaged, and with more tears in his pants. Present Cell tells him that he reminds him of when Goku on Planet Namek, and kicks him in the stomach; causing him excruciating pain, and knocks the Namekian further into the fissure. Whis continues to plead with Dori, and watches the fight herself to see if she needs to intervene. Present Cell fires a barrage of Death Beam, and covers Piccolo in wounds, and nearly causes Piccolo to pass out, but he regenerates, and uses Hellzone Grenade on him, but the attack fails, and he uses Full-Powered Death Beam on him, but he dodges it. Piccolo uses Rapid Fire on him, and Perfect Cell uses the same move, and manages to knock him to the ground before firing Continuous Kamehameha at him. Piccolo uses Super Makosen on Perfect Cell, but the attack fails, and flies upwards into sky. Present Cell continues to toy with him, and manages to drag him across half the planet, and throws him into destroyed building. Dori calls Keela, and they head out for Planet Plant. Chronoa tells Piccolo to hold out for a while for Dori to arrive, and he replies with a grunt. Future Trunks returns with Ace, and they observe the Scroll of Eternity to finds several changes in certain times. Chocolay eats piece of fish while observing the battle between Piccolo, and Present Cell; Chocolay is impressed that he is still alive, and requests Towa to turn him back into the Project X form. Towa agrees, and transforms Present Cell back into the Project X Form, and watches as he transforms into his new form. Present Cellfires Continuous X Kamehameha, and nearly hits Piccolo but misses, and hits several planets in several galaxies far away from the planet, and destroys them along with the galaxies. Piccolo increases his size to match Present Cell's, and they exchange a single punch each causing tidal waves around them. The impact of the punch obliterates the entire area, and leaves the area barren of water. Dori arrives at the planet, and sees Present Cell preforming another X Kamehameha, but Dori uses Destruction to kill Perfect Cell. Towa becomes scared, and leaves the area while Chocolay presses a button near his Particle Accelerator, and a light appears. Android 8000, and Android 19000 arrive to assist Chocolay, and he tells them to hook themselves up to his machine for extra power. Dori becomes concerned by an increase of power from Chocolay's position, and attempts to go investigate, but an beam of the dark energy bursts out of the ceiling.
The beam is coming from the Particle Accelerator, and Chocolay chuckles as Universe 1 begins to fall apart. Kōwakusei is hit by strange energy spark from the beam, and it immediately returns the state it was in before it was restored by Face. Planet Plant begins to shake violently, and a stray spark hits Dori, and Keela return to their Pre-Wish state, and are killed by Virus Naraku. Piccolo is protected by an energy shield created by Chronoa, and he goes to Chocolay. Quinton's life link to Dori is severed, and is killed as a result. Dori, and Keela become Zombies, but are left to wonder aimlessly. Piccolo tries to get Chocolay to stop, but he tells him that he can't stop. Saying that once activate; it won't stop until it reaches the other universes, and says that it is designed to undo wishes, and destroy the affected Universes. Chocolay says this was his original plan from the beginning before time changed. Piccolo questions in what he means, but Chocolay responds with an electric shock from his electrified floor; hoping to destroy the shield around Piccolo. Chronoa questions Whis want to do, and he tells her that the only person that can stop the other universes from being affected is Zen-Oh. Chronoa contacts Grand Priest, and asks whether or not he knows what's going on, and the Grand Priest confirms that he knows. She asks to speak with Zen-Oh, and he agrees. Zen-Oh greets Chronoa by calling her Chrono-chan, and she passionately replies with Zen-kun requests him to protect the other universes from Chocolay in Age 993 before his Anti-Wish Particle Accelerator destroys it all, and Zen-Oh agrees to place a barrier between the Universes, and Chronoa asks that the Piccolo's soul be transferred to Universe 7's afterlife in Age 853 if he is affected by the beam, to which he also agrees to. He reminds her that the other souls will be destroyed, but she replies that they'll be missed, but they won't fight in Universe 7's afterlife. She thanks, and before she leaves; he asks her when the current trouble is over to come play with him again, and she agrees to. Chronoa tells Piccolo of what has occurred, and Piccolo thanks her before trying to making Chocolay talk, but nothing he does affects Chocolay. Chocolay tells him that telling him would be pointless as he would be dead soon, but he insists anyway. The evil cat thinks on it for a second before; offering him a Dark Senzu Bean to recover from his wounds, and also increase his darkness, but he declines. Chocolay walks up to the window observing the vanishing Universe around them, and notices Piccolo's reflection. He agrees to tell him the truth.
Chocolay begins his story by telling him the events in Age 789, and Age 790. After the defeat of the Original Baby, Original Super 17, and Original Omega Shenron; Goku left with Shenron, and the others remained to restore the world. Original Chocolay arrives from Age 1000 in order to change the outcome of his failure, and with the help of the Original Towa; they revive Original Baby, Original Hell Fighter 17, and Original Syn Shenron. Chocolay explains that Original Chocolay used the Dragon Balls to give everyone in hell their bodies back, and was the cause of the Grand Tour Conflicts. Original Chocolay kills Porunga, Ultimate Shenron, and has Original Super Shenron learn the Universal Language. He contacts Original Zamasu, and asks for him to embrace his ideology to extinguish failed life, and he agrees. Original Chocolay begins his Coup D'état in his after using Original Super Shenron to accomplish his necessary objectives. Original Super 17, Original Baby, and Original Omega Shenron where briefly pulled away by the 1st Timespace Rift Tournament along with Original Goku, Original Vegeta, Original Bulla, and Original Pan; forcing him to halt his attacks, and finally began on October 10th, Age 791. Chocolay explains that Original Chocolay wished for Immortality, Invulnerability, Ability to Create Anything, Cosmic Knowledge, Alternate-Self Contacting, and Retrocognition. Original Chocolay was able to use everyone's pasts against them, and seem to also be one step ahead of everyone; until Original Bulla used Super Shenron to her advantage. Piccolo asks what he means, and Chocolay explains that Original Beerus woke up in Age 796 instead of Age 778, and asked for the Super Saiyan God, but unfortunately there weren't enough pure-hearted Saiyans as Original Zamasu has taken control of Original Goku via wish by Original Super Shenron, and fused using EX-Fusion. Original Gomasu used the Time Ring to abuse Original Super Shenron more by making him as Gomasu immune to any changes made in any timeline, and returns to the past. Chocolay explains that Original Gomasu won't unfuse even if the Original Goku is destroyed by the Time Paradox that destroyed the Original Main Timeline. He also explains that Original Chocolay made it so that his allies could have multiple wishes; a fact that Gomasu didn't know, and he used to his advantage by taking Original Goku from the point he was captured by Original Zamasu, and switched bodies with become Original Goku Black. Piccolo angrily states that they use the Super Dragon Balls for self gain, and Chocolay responds by saying that the Z-Fighters regularly abused the Dragon Balls for mostly self gain. He continues to explain that Original Bulla used Original Super Shenron to wake up Beerus in Age 778, and make the Pilaf Gang seek their youth via Shenron, and causes a Time Paradox to ripple. Original Chocolay reveals that they have 24 hours before the paradox hits them, and says that he won't be there to find out as he stops Super Shenron before he leaves to have him grant Original Gomasu wish, and Gomasu uses his new powers to find himself in the new timeline that is being created, and be permanently assimilated into with all his abilities, and knowledge; making him immune to the Paradox. Gomasu, and the rest use Super Shenron to travel to the Timespace Rift to be protected from the pardox along with Super Shenron himself. Chocolay reveals that he is the alternate self; that his Original self found, however Piccolo isn't surprised.
202 years ago in the deleted Original Main Timeline (GT Timeline); Gohan, and Vegeta gather the fighters at Dende's Lookout, and discuss the recent conflict. Kibito Kai uses his powers as a Supreme Kai to permanently restore Vegeta's, and Gohan's tails before Original Super 17, and arrives kills Original Bulma, and Original Krillin with a ki blast each. Original Bulla transforms into a Super Saiyan after experiencing great anger; and she assaults him with Original Vegeta assisting her, but the ultimate android/machine mutant easily dispatches them, and proceeds to destroy the lookout with an Electro Eclipse Ball everyone, but Original Majuub, Original Mr. Popo, and Original Dende. He effortlessly defeats the remaining fighters, and leaves the area after being satisfied with their defeat. A month later; Vegeta synchronises with Original Piccolo in making a portal to hell, and fused with Original Cell in order to combat Super 17 whom absorbs Android 16. Vegecell manages to overpower Super 17 firing several energy attacks, and nearly destroys him with Big Bang Kamehameha, but he dodges the attack. He absorbs several of his energy blasts, and increase his power to point that he tries to absorbs Vegecell, but he takes the ring off, and Cell knocks Original Vegeta out of the way to save him from being absorbed. In Age 794; numerous humans have been destroyed, and most planet has suffered damage. Baby takes possession of Original Trunks, and Original Zamasu has been recruited by the abusers. He destroys most of West City, and kills Mr. Satan. Vegeta battles Super 17 while Gohan takes on Zamasu, and nearly kills him, but Original Towa uses her powers to make Super 17 absorbs Android 18, and increases his powers to point where he manages to defeat both Saiyans. Vegeta uses a Power Ball to trigger Gohan's transformation, and after convincing him; he becomes Super Saiyan 4. Syn Shenron, and Baby Trunks knocks Gohan to the ground, and are about to kill him, but Vegeta uses Solar Flare; taking Gohan with him. Baby Trunks asks how Syn is back in his Omega form, and he tells him he used the Dragon Balls. They fly after the two, and they lead them to an open field where they fuse into Gohanta, and battles the abusers. He manages to defeat each them, and destroy Original Towa before nearly kills Original Zamasu before Chocolay makes replicas of the Black Star Dragon Balls, and consumes them becoming Alpha Shenron. Alpha Shenron battles Gohanta, and manages to overpower him. Gohanta defuses, and the two Super Saiyan 4s flee from the battlefield. Baby Trunks powers up through his Strongest Form 1 to Strongest Form 2, and takes Original Zamasu back to Planet Babari. In Age 796; He uses Original Super Shenron to take control Original Goku, and fuses with him into Gomasu. Gomasu begins to destroy most of Planet Babari's population with a series of energy attacks; until he becomes bored with the power, and uses Super Shenron to swap his body with Original Goku. The Dragon Ball Abusers continue to wreak havoc for the next few weeks, and causes significant damages of Earth.
Original Chocolay's Retrocognition enables him to see events in past; noting that because he is from the future, and that the new past is overlapping with his past allowing him to see Original Bulla use Super Shenron. Original Beerus arrives on Earth seeking Super Saiyan God, and they manage to find out the answer, but their isn't enough Pure-Hearted Saiyans to preform the ritual. Beerus considers destroying Original Chocolay for what he has done, but he has already left the Universe. Original Chocolay meets with Original Super Shenron to stop the paradox from undoing his work, and the changes become immutable. However Super Shenron tells him that the current paradox was stopped, but another can be made. He wishes for an Unfettered Body, and his other abilities, and ask him to stay summoned for a while. Bulla arrives with Beerus, and they attempt to destroy him, but Goku Black belongs them. Vegeta, and Gohan arrive and fuses as EX-Gohanta to face the Dragon Ball Abusers. Original Goten powers up to Super Saiyan, and goes further to Super Saiyan 2, and battle ensues. Original Goku Black powers up to Super Saiyan, and joins the battle. Original Chocolay' tries to destroys Super Shenron, but Original Beerus stops him; telling him that time travel is taboo, and he needs to be destroyed. Original Bulla is nearly killed by Alpha Shenron, but she dodges his attack. Original Bulla manages to get free from the fighting, and uses Original Super Shenron to have Beerus awaken in Age 778, and causes a large ripple in the timeline. Original Chocolay realises that the ripple is an incoming paradox, but Original Goku Black uses his abilities to assimilate him into Chocolay, and uses Original Super Shenron to transport himself, Alpha, Original Super Shenron, Super 17, and Baby Trunks to the Timespace Rift have them protected from the time paradox for as long as they are there. They disappear from the world, and Original Bulla hugs EX-Gohanta as they are erased by the time paradox, and Beerus awakes in Age 778. Chocolay still standing before Piccolo reveals that he can still see that past with his Retrocognition, and feels as though he failed because of his abuse of the Dragon Balls. Saying that he has grown resentful of the Eternal Dragons, and will show everyone want their wish granting gets them. Piccolo admires his ability to admit his mistake, but criticises him for using them in the first place, and taking his mistake out on everyone else.
Chocolay explains to Piccolo that his Retrocogonition enables to see past events including past events that shouldn't exist in his memory, and he has seen the terrible pasts of mortal life. He berates Piccolo as he tried to kill Goku, and his friends. Piccolo is not ashamed to admit his past, and says his glad he changed. Chocolay tells that Goku Black had a point, and that Fused Zamasu should have destroyed all timelines. Chocolay's personality devolves into a dark, and pessimistic out look, and declares all life to be a failure. Chocolay proceeds to attack Piccolo, but just because he's invulnerable and immortal doesn't mean he's at match for Picciolo, and he is grabbed by neck. Chocolay morphs his staff into a blade, and cuts Piccolo forcing im to let go. Piccolo questions that attack,and he tells that he used his Cursed Slash, and that his attack'll cause Piccolo unable to maintain the shield, and the Anti-Wish Particle Accelerator'll destroy him since he was revived by the Dragon Balls. He continues to use his Cursed Slash on him, and cuts him several more times, and causes his shield to start fading. Piccolo tries to punch him, but it does nothing to the cat. Chocolay explains that no only will his Acceletor negate wishes on life in Universe 1; it'll destroy it including the higher realms. Piccolo realises the spirits of dead will be destroyed as well, and that they won't be able to be revived. Piccolo smirks saying that if Chocolay is killed in Universe 1 his spirit will be destroyed as well. Chocolay remains sure that he won't be, and Piccolo walks him up to the machine. Piccolo tells Gohan to stay stronger, and never lose his fighting ways. Piccolo reflects on the time that he met Gohan, and how he affected him. The Universe around disintegrates as he continues to reflect on the past, and accepts Universe 1's Judgement.
Chocolay refers to the event as Universe 1's Judgement Day, and tells him to embrace Chocolay extends his claws to use Dark Water Blade to cut off Piccolo's arm, but he smashes him against the acceleraotr, and damages his energy shield. He demonstrates that he still has enough energy to make him threat, and uses his Hyper Explosive Demon Wave to destroy both their shields, and the particle accelerator causing a massive explosion, but it's already to late as the Universe vanishes around them, and Piccolo is obliterated as the wish him is negated. Original Chocolay's wish is also negated destroying Chocolay in process. Grand Priest watches as Universe 1 disappears, and is replaced with purple stardust. Gohan cries for Piccolo, but Chronoa smiles and asks Face to revive Piccolo and bring him to Conton City. Piccolo reunites with his friends, and meets up with Dial whom greets him like an old friend. The Grand Priest arrives in city, and asks Dial to come with him, to which he agrees to go with him. Chronoa asks why, but Grand Priest tells her that there's nothing to worry about. They leave the city, and he goes to Zen-Oh's palace. Grand Priest explains to him about the Sorcerer God otherwise known as Compus, and that his Sorcerer God Evolution he obtain stills requires more training as does his powers from his Sentient Stick Figure side. While Dial trains with the Grand Priest; Yamcha decides to return to his baseball career, and leaves to return to Age 780. The survivors go to leave on decides to leave on Conton City, and a planet for Stick Figures is created with the species. Goku decides to get something to eat, and the others decides to take rest with their current victory. Mira, and Towa watch over their celebration, and decide to let of their victory for the time being.
Goten of the Future
- 151 - New Future Jaco's Super Elite Mission
- 152 - Red Pants Army Assembles
- 153 - Restricted Access! New Future Jaco trepasses in Conton City!?
- 154 - Extinction Bomb! What is the Galactic King Thinking!?
- 155 - Goten of the Future!? How is that possible?
- 156 - Battle between Brothers!! Every God has a Devil!!
- 157 - End of Red Pants Army
- 158 - The Arrival of Present Gohan
- 159 - Watagash of the new Future!
- 160 - Father and Son...
The Truth about Naraku
- 161 - Supreme Guardian of Time
- 162 - The Birth of Face...
- 163 - You are Naraku!!
- 164 - I Am Death...
The Frieza Race Sorcerer
- 165 - The Past and Future Unite!
- 166 - The Demonic Eternal Dragon!!
- 167 - Spectral Super Saiyan Future Gohan!
- 168 - The Ultimate Sorcerer!!
- 169 - Dial's Determination!!
- 170 - The Namekian God!!
- 171 - Dial vs. Naraku!! Battle of Time!!
- 172 - A Devil is Born!! A Tale Begins Thus!!
- 173 - Arcane Super God Nova!!
- 174 - A Namekian's Privilege!! The Devi-God is Born!!
- 175 - The End of Naraku!!
The Cornered Rat will bite the Cat
- 176 - Pandemic Naraku!! Chocolay's True Intentions!!
- 177 - Attack of the Zombies!!
- 178 - Powers of an Ultimate Namekian!!
- 179 - Up to Piccolo!!
- 180 - Cell's Endgame!!
- 181 - Chocolay's Particle Accelerator!!
- 182 - Chocolay's Origins!!
- 183 - Original Timeline?
- 184 - Bulla's Wish!!
- 185 - The New Timeline
- 186 - Universe 1's Judgement Day!! Piccolo's Sacrifice!!
Pre-Dragon Ball Advanced
- New Future Trunks (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), New Future Supreme Kai, & New Future Kibito vs. New Future Dabura, New Future Babidi, New Future Pui Pui, & New Future Yakon
- Supreme Guardian of Time vs. Demigra
- Supreme Guardian of Time vs. Putine (Dark Magic Transformation) and Gravy (Dark Magic Transformation)
- Supreme Guardian of Time (Masculine Form/Great Namek) vs. Chronoa
- Naraku vs. Demigra
- Naraku vs. Gravy, and Putine
- Original Vegeta (Super Saiyan 4), & Original Bulla (Super Saiyan) vs. Original Super 17
- Remaining Original Z-Fighters vs. Original Super 17
- Original Vegecell (Super Saiyan 4-Perfect Form) vs. Original Super 17 (w/Android 16 Absorbed)
- Original Vegeta (Super Saiyan 4), & Original Gohan (Super Saiyan 3) vs. Original Super 17 (w/Cell absorbed), & Original Zamasu
- Original Gohan (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Baby Trunks (Tuffle Super Saiyan), & Original Omega Shenron
- Gohanta (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Baby Trunks, Original Omega Shenron, & Super 17 (w/Original Android 18 absorbed)
- EX-Gohanta (Super Saiyan 4), Original Bulla (Super Saiyan), Original Goten (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), & Original Pan vs. Baby (Strongest Form 2), Super 17 (w/Original Android 18 Absorbed), Original Goku Black (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 4/Super Saiyan Rosé), & Alpha Shenron
Dragon Ball Advanced
- Dial (1st form) vs. Leka and Rola (Sparring Match)
- Future Warrior vs. Mentioned Time Breaker (mentioned only)
- Dial (1st form) vs. Leka (Base/Super Saiyan), Rola (Base/Super Saiyan), & Namasu (Base/Super Saiyan) (Sparring Match)
- Dial (1st form) vs. Namala (Super Saiyan) (Sparring Match)
- Future Gohan, & Yamcha vs. Whis (Sparring Match)
- Chronoa vs. New Future Jaco
- New Future Trunks, & Goku vs. New Future Galactic Patrol (Towa's Dark Magic)
- New Future Trunks, & Goku vs. Towa (Merged with Dark Dragon Ball)
- Dial (1st Form/1st Form - Great Terror/3rd Form) vs. Future Goten (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 3)
- Future Gohan (Saiyan beyond God/Chou Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Future Goten (Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan Devil/Super Saiyan Orange)
- Dial (3rd Form)/Dicell, & Piccolo vs. Naraku, & Red Pants Army
- Future Gohan (Super Saiyan Blue) & Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Future Goten (Super Saiyan Orange)
- EX Gohan (Ultimate Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Future Goten (Super Saiyan Orange)
- Goku vs. Infected Greatdevilman (Dark Magic Transformation/Supervillain/Supervillain - Powered Up/Supervillain - Giant Monster)
- Dial (1st Form) vs. Tagoma (Frog - Time Breaker Gem Mind Control)
- Dial (Ultimate F form) vs. Naraku (Base/Supervillain/Red-Eyed Namekian Form/Red-Eyed Namekian Form: Full Power)
- Goku (Super Saiyan's Grimoire), Namasu, Rola (Super Saiyan 2), and Leka (Super Saiyan 2) vs. Broly (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3)
- Goku (Super Saiyan's Grimoire/Spectral Super Saiyan) vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan)
- Goku (Spectral Super Saiyan), Dial (Ultimate F) vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Naraku (Red-Eyed Namekian Form: Full Power)
- Goku (Super Saiyan) & Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Naraku (Red-Eyed Namekian Form: Full Power)
- Karoly (Super Saiyan-Legendary Super Saiyan)/Goku (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue)/Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan/Legendary Super Saiyan 3), Romasu (Super Saiyan 3), EX Gohan (Super Saiyan 3), Piccolo, Super Cooler, & Pend (Great Terror) vs. Naraku (Red-Eyed Namekian Form: Full Power)
- Piccolo and EX Gohan (Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Mr. Poko Poko
- Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) & Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan 3) vs. Naraku (Red-Eyed Namekian Form: Full Power)
- Karoly (Super Saiyan Blue-Legendary Super Saiyan 3) vs. Naraku (Red-Eyed Namekian Form: Full Power)
- Future Gohan (Super Saiyan Blue/Base/Super Saiyan's Grimoire/Spectral Super Saiyan/Spectral Super Saiyan Blue), & Gohan (Unleashed Potential - Super Saiyan 3) vs. Mr Poko Poko (Base/Unleashed Potential/Gestalt Soul Form)
- Dial (Sorcerer God Evolution/God of Sorcery and Terror/Time Duplicates/Great Terror/Horrified State) vs. Naraku (Red-Eyed Namekian Form: Full Power/Divine Namekian Form/Namekian Dark One/Devi-God)
- New Future Trunks, & Future Trunks (Base/Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up) vs. Future Goten (Super Saiyan Orange), & New Future Android 16
- Future EX-Trunks (Super Saiyan 3-Super Saiyan Blue Powered Up) vs. Future Goten (Completed Super Saiyan Orange)
- Piccolo vs. Chocolay
- Piccolo vs. Android 8000, and Android 19000
- Piccolo vs. New Future Cell, and Present Cell (Perfect Form/Super Perfect Form)
- Piccolo (Fused with Nail and Kami) vs. Zombified Yamcha
- Piccolo (Fused with Nail, and Kami/Potential Unleashed/Armoured Form), New Future Piccolo (Fused with New Future Nail), New Future Kami, & Suri vs. Zombie Yamcha (Supernatural State), Zombie Goku (Base/Super Saiyan), Zombie Cooler (Super Form), Zombie Pend (Horrified State), Zombie Broly (Base/Super Saiyan), and Dial (First Form)
- Piccolo (Armoured Form), New Future Kami (Fused with Suri/Armoured Form), and New Future Piccolo (Fused with Nail) vs. Zombie Goku (Completed Super Saiyan Blue), Gohan (Potential Unleashed), Dial (Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution), Zombie Pend (Horrified State), Yamcha (Supernatural State), and Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan 2)
- Piccolo (Fused with Nail, Kami, Armoured New Future Kami, and Armoured New Future Piccolo) vs. Zombie Goku (Completed Super Saiyan Blue), Dial (Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution), Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan 2), and New Future Cell (Future Semi-Perfect Form)
- Piccolo (Fused with Nail, Kami, Armoured New Future Kami, and Armoured New Future Piccolo/Red-Eyed Form/Red-Eyed Great Namek) vs. New Future Cell (Future Semi-Perfect Form/Future Perfect Form)
- Piccolo (Red-Eyed Great Namek) vs. Present Cell (Cell-x Transformation)
- Piccolo (Red-Eyed Great Namek) vs. New Future Cell (Supervillain)
- Piccolo (Red-Eyed Great Namek/Red-Eyed/Red-Eyed Great Namek) vs. Present Cell (Supreme Cell/Supreme Cell-X Transformation)
- Piccolo (Fused with Nail, Kami, Armoured New Future Kami, and Armoured New Future Piccol) vs. Chocolay
Dragon Ball sagas | |||||||
Dragon Ball | |||||||
Son Goku Group | Emperor Pilaf • Tournament | ||||||
Red Ribbon Army Group | Red Ribbon Army • General Blue • Commander Red • Fortuneteller Baba | ||||||
Piccolo Group | Tien Shinhan • King Piccolo • Piccolo Jr. | ||||||
Dragon Ball Z | |||||||
Saiyan Group | Vegeta | ||||||
Namek/Frieza Group | Namek • Captain Ginyu • Frieza | ||||||
Frieza/Android Group | Garlic Jr. • Trunk | ||||||
Androids/Cell Group | Androids • Imperfect Cell • Perfect Cell • Cell Games Saga | ||||||
Majin Buu Group | Great Saiyaman • World Tournament • Babidi • Majin Buu • Fusion • Kid Buu • Peaceful World | ||||||
Dragon Ball Super | |||||||
Gods of the Universe Group | Battle of Gods • Resurrection ‘F’ | ||||||
Zen-Oh Group | Universe 6 • 'Future' Trunks • Universe Survival | ||||||
Universe 7 Group | Broly • Galactic Patrol Prisoner | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced | |||||||
Warriors of Time Group | Z\Super • Dark King Demigra | ||||||
Cell-X Group | Super Bardock • Age 993 • X | ||||||
God of War Group | Fallen Time Patroller • Age 1000 | ||||||
Grand Tour Group | Black Star Dragon Ball • Baby • Super 17 • Shadow Dragon | ||||||
Revenge Group | Return of the Demon Clan | ||||||
Timespace Rift Group | 2nd Timespace Rift Tournament • Majin Vegeta • Bimfutsu | ||||||
Zenkai World Group | Universe Salvation • Galactic Patrol Most Wanted • Galactic Conquest | ||||||
Karo Group | Universal Field Trip | ||||||
Dr Gero Reborn Group | Neon Blue | ||||||
Frieza Homeworld Group | Icicle and Icefall | ||||||
Dragon Ball Revelations | |||||||
Ginny Group | Majin Dōka • Piccolo III • Ultimate Piccolo • Zaiko • Ginny | ||||||
Evil Gogeta Group | Evil Goku • Evil Gogeta • Evil Confinement • Clash of Saiyans | ||||||
Android 22 Group | Jamie Saga • Intern Saga • Android 22 Saga • Super 18 Saga • World Terror Saga | ||||||
Karma Group | Tekken • Fallen Angel • Warp • Datenshi • Karma | ||||||
Waru Group | A Demonic Tournament • Age 666 | ||||||
Spin-off | |||||||
Dragon Ball Fairy Tales | Toi Saga • Glacier Saga • Guardian of Toi Saga • Imaginary Friend Saga • Genie Saga | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced pe-revamp | Z/Super Saga • Episode of Bardock • Dabura and Psidevilman • Universe 1 • Tale of Two Coolers • Cell-X • Demon Realm Invasion • Dark Empire • Evil Dragons of Time • Descent of Mechikabura • Temporal Disturbance |