Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Universe 1's Future Warrior (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Future Warrior
Alternate names Universe 1's Future Warrior
Debut Xenoverse 3
Race Unknown (originally)
Gender Female (originally)
Status Alive
Occupation Apprentice Supreme Kai of Time
Affiliations Chronoa (superior)
  • Tsuke (superior)
  • Universe 1's Future Warrior was the Apprentice Supreme Kai of Time to Tsuke and an overseer of time.


    Future Warrior's appearance is up to player whether they wish to scan a photo of themselves, or use the preset options.


    The range of new mentors the player can choose from are Goku Black, Dial, Chronoa, Super Buu, Gogeta, Vegito, and King Cold.


    • Ki Blast
    • Ki Sense
    • Godly Ki


    Saiyan Forms[]

    As a Saiyan; the player can gain the abilities to use Super Saiyan 1 to 4 as well as Blue and Spectral Future Super Saiyan, however Super Saiyan Blue cannot be used in the main story mode during the Super vs GT Saga.

    Frieza's Race forms[]

    As a Frieza's race member; the player can gain the abilities set a True Form and become Gold while in battle. They can also gain the Nightmare Forms as part of the True Forms.

    Namekian Forms and Abilities[]

    As a Namekian; the player can use the Giant form and use Namekian Fusions with either Dende, Piccolo or Slug.

    Majin Forms[]

    As a Majin; the player can gain the ability transform into the Pure Form and Super Form. The player can gain ability to absorb other characters - this ability will not affect characters in the story mode and any absorption cannot be undone.

    Human Forms[]

    Aside from the original powers; Human can use the Mage Transformation form after training with Yamcha and gain the ability to use Divine Water Power.

    Bio-Android forms[]

    As a Bio-Android; the user can the abilities to use Beyond Perfect Form and Great Beyond.
