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This article, Universal Field Trip Saga, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Universal Field Trip Saga (ユニバーサルフィールドトリップへん Yunibāsaru Fīrudo Yorippu hen) is an upcoming Saga of the Dragon Ball Advanced fanga. It occurs after the events of Parallel Worlds Arc.


The Royal Academy of Science[]

A few months after the events of Parallel Worlds conflict; Goku goes off to resume his training with Uub while Vegeta, Bulma, and Bulla where catching up on family time. Gohan and Videl meet up with Mr. Satan whom informs them that he enrolled Pan at the Royal Academy of Science as it would be the best form of education for Pan; Videl initially wanted to ream Mr. Satan for his actions, however, Gohan calmed her down and convinced her that it might not be so bad.

At the Royal Academy of Science Complex; Pan was sitting in her room playing a video game before a knock on her door got her attention and was told that it was lights out time. Pan switched off her video game and proceeded to lay down, however, later at night she snuck out of the complex and began practising her Kamehameha. An unknown individual seemed to observing her from an office in the Complex before reaching down to his phone.

In Universe 13 - a spaceship approached an ice planet to which one of the pilots identified as the "cursed planet" Coculot before stopping directly outside its orbit. The captain of ship which seems to be a member of Referee's race ordered stood up and told a couple members of the crew to prepare to land.

Pan was sitting before Dr. Challenger and Dr. Prado as they were interrogating her about her "light shows" and "tricks" as she was trying to explain that she was training. Dr. Prado was unconvinced and continued to pry asking if she had a weapon on her after thoroughly proving that she didn't have a weapon or object on her - she proceeded to ascend upwards and flew around the office. Dr. Challenger was confused and ask if she was wearing a jetpack, but Dr. Prado rudely pointed out that they would see it and seemed convinced that Pan was telling the truth as Dr. Challenger was intrigued by her abilities as Pan explained ki to him.

Dr. Challenger asked Pan to teach him how to fly in exchange for him waving the punishment of her being out of bed after hours. Pan agreed to train Dr. Challenger to harness and utilise ki. Dr. Prado prodded Pan for more information before letting her go to bed. Dr. Prado proceeded to mock Dr. Challenger's ignorance before mocking his speech impediment and height as Dr. Challenger attempted to retaliate.

Early in the morning; Pan contacted Dr. Challenger and told him that she was going to train him now - Dr. Prado requested to join him and Pan accepted her. Pan proceeded to demonstrate how to draw out her energy from within before telling to try. Pan told them that they need to focus and not be too tense when doing so. Dr. Prado was able to in draw out her energy force before Dr. Challenger but they were both successful. Pan told them that the next part was the lift off and told them try to use their energy to take off - reminding them to focus. Dr. Prado remained arrogant and narcissistic through out the training.

An hour later Pan was sitting Daina with Fjorpo and Fjortreet eating breakfast in the cafeteria before attending few classes before first break hour. Pan called Dr. Challenger and Dr. Prado out to the field and continued their training as Dr. Prado and Dr. Challenger prove to be quick learners as they are able to flew a few feet of the ground. Before the second period of learning began; Dr. Challenger and Dr. Prado were already attempting to out fly one another. Dr. Prado arrogantly told Dr. Challenger that she felt dumb for getting a 6-year-old to mentor her and was determined that the following day she'll train on her own.

During the second learning period - Palla joined Pan's class in a physics lesson and assisted Pan with a few assignments before working on his own paper. Meanwhile in his office; Dr. Challenger was talking with Videl about Pan's grades before contacting Bulma about the arrangements for the Field Trip. later - Dr. Challenger went over to the Kyodai Pyramid to meet with Bulma, however, they were ambushed by a number of Mummies. Mr. Satan emerged and proceeded to punch several of the Mummies with Bulma activating a capsule to arm herself with an UZI and assist the world champion. Dr. Challenger proceeded try his new ability to fly and used to try to combat the Mummies. They were able to defeat a number of the mummies before eventually Bandages the Mummy emerge from the Pyramid. Bandages told the Mummies to return to the sarcophagus by order of Fortuneteller Baba. The mummies turned attention on Bandages which caused him to realise that something as gotten them riled up and its not them as he easily took them down. Bulma was surprised that Bandages handle the Mummies so easily with Bandages replying that he has been training since he was defeated by Goku.

During lunch break hour - Dr. Challenger and Dr. Prado were led to large stretch of desert by Pan as she prepared to teach to perform a basic ki blast. It didn't take look for them to learn to use a ki blast before getting to try to fly higher. Both of them almost fall with each try before eventually being able to reach several feet higher off the ground. Piccolo emerged behind Pan and complimented on her ability to train two adults and asked them if he could train Pan some more. Dr. Challenger allowed her to go with Pan as Pan told them to practice on their own for a while.

During the third learning period - Dr. Prado observed Pan's Engineering class before venturing outside. She proceeded to continue her training on her own improving a little bit at a time.

Prelude to Vengeance[]

Meanwhile in Universe 13 on the Planet of Namchek - an individual arrived on the planet proclaiming himself to be Deno and ordered the Namchekian police to stand aside as he proceeded confront a couple of Namchekians bank robbers - the police told Deno that the Galactic Bureau of Investigations are not allowed to operate on their planet without permission and aimed their guns at him. Deno proceeded to through his baton at one of the officers before using his Ray Gun to take down one of the Bank Robbers. Deno proceeded to utilise his Magnetic Pressure Assault attack flattening the entire city and thus killing the police, bank robbers, and civilians alike. Deno approached the Namchekian Police Captain told him that it was illegal by galactic law to decline a Bureau agent the ability to operate on a planet. The captain attempted to shoot Deno, but the magnetised crater caused his gun to rip out of his hands and attach itself to the crater.

Deno left the planet and informed the Bureau that the Namchekian Robbery Crisis was getting worse and asked for permission to help, but the Bureau Director declined and told him to returned to his post.

At the headquarters of the Bureau; the director - identified as Somi was on the radio to Deno with him reminding the agent that the Namchekians were signatories of the Jurisdiction Treaty and that Bureau agents were forbidden from going to the planet. Deno disconnected from his call with Somi exclaiming to his assistant that he was empathetic to Deno's reasoning to help, but the law was the law. His assistant asked him to elaborate to which Somi told her that was was raid on the planet once which cost the lives of 30 bureau agents and caused emotional and physical stressed to the survivors. The assistant called him the most understanding leader that the bureau's ever had.

Back at the Royal Academy of Science; Pan was attending her final class for the day and was discussing her training with Dr. Challenger and Dr. Prado. She was intrigued by the progress and offered to train them more but Dr. Prado declined telling her that she'll be training herself for now on as she has always done. Dr. Challenger told Pan not to worry about Dr. Prado and to start focusing on the field trip. After class - Dr. Challenger, Dr. Prado, Bulma, and Mr. Satan help Pan's class load their luggage onto Bulma's Spaceship as Bulma informed that they were going on an Universal Field Trip.

Bulma's spaceship spent little time entering the vacuum of space with Bulma engaging the Universal Dial allowing her to almost immediately arrive in Universe 6 as Bulma enters Sadala's orbit.

Back on Earth in Universe 7; Goku's and Uub's training continued.

Thirty-two years before the erasure of Universe 13 - a young Deno was playing in streets of city on Rigioni with a friend - Ketsunem, and were avoiding the local Rigionian as they were fixing up some Sun harvesters. Deno's playtime was interrupted by several ships descending onto the city - Ketsunem ran home along with Deno go to his parents' home. Deno's parents told him that it was another rival sun harvesting crew and to go wait in his bedroom. A few days later - Deno's parents awoke Deno to tell him that the Galactic Bureau of Investigations have discovered the operation and he needed to leave quickly. Deno decided to go to Menra and get Ketsunem to safety. Menra quickly agreed with little Deno's request and told them to use his ship. Deno fled with Ketsunem and crashed onto a moon. In the present time - Deno awoke from his sleep and looked over to a picture of the young Ketsunem.

Deno got up and noticed a mice-like creature scurrying around his floor. He picked up by the tail and walked over to the picture and stated that he was still very much working on destroying the reputation of the Bureau and getting his revenge on Somi for his part in Ketsunem's death. He then swallowed the creature before putting on his uniform and leaving the planet.

In Universe 7 on Earth - Goku and Uub continued their training while Vegeta was training in Mountains. Trunks was attending a biology lecturer while Goten was at a Cafe in Central City - sharing a lunch with Marron, Android 18, and Krillin.

In Universe 13 - the Croborer, Sylter, and Wycoat landed on Coculot, and began explorering the planet. Immediately; Sylter felt like he was being watched and the feeling of dread washed over him. Wycoat called for Sylter to hurry up while Croborer investigated a cavern.

In Universe 6 on Sadala - Pan was assembled in front of Dr. Challenger, Dr. Prado, and Bulma with her classmates as Cabba and Renso introduced themselves to the class. They told them that the king was rather busy and couldn't accommodate them at the given moment.

Back in Universe 13 - Wycoat was separated from Sylter and Croborer, and wondered down a tight corridor within the cavern. He began having the feeling of being watched, and as soon as he turned a corner he saw his own reflection. Wycoat immediately began frightened and tried to walk away, but as soon as he turned around - he was met with another mirror. He began running and tripped over piece of ice. He was stabbed in the shin by an icy spike. Sylter proceeded to approach him and was confused as he couldn't see what Wycoat saw. He grabbed Wycoat and helped him back to ship with Croborer. Ironflakes was quick to ridicule Wycoat's fear as irrational and told him that he was hallucinating. Croborer ordered Ironflakes to shut up, however, this prompted an argument. Shinen took Wycoat with him and comforted him - treating him like a brother.

Cabba took the class for a tour around Sadala as he explained everything to them Dr. Prado arrogantly asked if there was an practical use for his armour and Cabba told her that it was meant for his protection. Dr. Prado mocked Cabba's height, however, he ignored it as he introduced the class to Caulifla and Kale. Pan, Daina, Palla, Fjorpo, and Fjortreet proceeded to walk around as Renso showed them some Saiyan tech.

Meanwhile - Splint approached Wycoat and rudely told him to return to the Pilot seat, but Shinen and Sylter told him to give a moment, however, Splint told them that it wasn't practical to be afraid of illusions and that he wants to get back to work so he can finally get paid. Philnel attempted to reason with Splint, but was shut down immediately. Ironflakes sided with Splint and Croborer sent to the planet. After they landed on the planet - Deno arrived and ordered them off the planet as the planet has no-landing rule. Deno told them that he'll leave them alone if they bribed him. Ironflakes declined and mocked Deno for his "lack of knowledge" of the law after stating that bribes were illegal. Deno proceeded to knee Ironflakes in the gut - sending him across the ground. Ironflakes attempted to use his Precision Death Beam against Deno, but he dodged the attack. Deno got the sense of being watched as did Ironflakes and Splint. Ironflakes recognised that he was being observed by the Universe 13 Supreme Kai, but refused to listen as the Supreme Kai tried to convince him to leave the planet.

Splint joined in the fight and used his Ultimate Barrage; shooting a barrage of energy cards which chipped away the ground. Deno easily dodged Splint's attack and knocked him to ground with a swift kick. Deno turned to Ironflakes and told him that he can either pay the bribe or go to jail. Ironflakes attempted to attack Deno, but the Rigionian easily dodged his attack and destroyed the Cerealian's jet boots. When Ironflakes recovered - he was met with a plateau with poop almost on every inch of the ground. Ironflakes began freaking out while Splint awoke to find himself surrounded by people he called ugly - and started to hyperventilate. Deno noticed that they were freaking out and realised the hallucinations was coming from the planet. Shinen crashed down in front of him and noticed the injuries on the pair and attempted to attack Deno with his Bo-Staff. Deno was knocked back by the attack with Shinen following up with Brisk Serpentine Flash. However, Deno admitted that he was just playing with Shinen and proceeded to knock Shinen back with kick. Even Shinen's Brisk Tornado was no match against Deno. Shinen grabbed Ironflakes and Splint before bolting from the fight. Deno smirked before returning to his ship.

Elsewhere on the planet, frozen within a glacier - was a horned skeleton which was the main focus of the Universe 13 Supreme Kai and Gaecaife - they exclaimed that "Karo" had awoken and that Coculot was more than just "a haunted planet" now.

A few days after becoming stranded on the moon - an electromagnet storm persisted around the moon - the young Deno and his friend Ketsunem took shelter in a small cave. Deno remembered the Sun Harvesting vial that Menra gave him and used to absorbed the electromagnetic storm. Unsure of where to go - they decided to remain on the moon and went to planet that the moon orbits to steal some food and supplies. Around the age of 16 - Ketsunem and Deno had practically been leaving together on the moon unable to escape either the moon's or the planet's gravity well due to their spacehsip not being properly equipped with leaving planets with higher gravity.

Deno approached Ketsunem with a fresh supply and overheard her complaining about the "flawed system" of the Galactic Bureau of Investigations - calling their right to implement their laws on other people's planet to restrictive. Ketsunem stated that the GBI wouldn't had cared if Deno and Ketsunem weren't actually taking part in the Sun harvesting operation - the GBI prosecutes people just for associating with people like that kid or not. Deno handed Ketsunem a squirming rodent as he sat down next to her drinking from a bottle. Ketsunem proceeded to eat the live rodent as she told him that she was going to go for a rest.

In the present day - Deno awoke from his slumber within his spaceship to Somi calling for him. He was told that a ship was spotted in the orbit of Coculot and told him to go investigate. Deno confirmed that he'll head over before hanging up and getting out from his ship as he was parked on the moon that he was stranded on as a kid. Deno approached a mound and looked down at it.

He recalled the final days he was on the moon - Ketsunem was brushing her teeth when a younger Somi and his partner arrived on the planet. The young Deno watched from mountain as Somi's partner attempted to stop Somi from shooting Ketsunem. Deno dropped his supplies in shock as Somi's partner shouted that it was toothbrush. Somi seemed indifferent, but voiced that he made a mistake. Deno rushed over, but was stopped by Somi. Not realising that Somi watched the whole exchanged - he told Deno that an incident happened and he couldn't go over to Ketsunem. Somi tasered his partner to stop him from talking and told his partner to stop being emotional and bury the girl. He noticed Deno's tears and told him not to cry for some "homeless" moon-dweller. He told Deno that came to area, because they noticed the wreck a while ago and were observing signs of life. When they saw it - they came, but he mistook her toothbrush for a weapon and due to GBI code - he was required to draw his own weapon. Deno commented that it was flawed code in which Somi's partner agreed, but Somi disagreed in that if was actually weapon they could've been at risk. Somi proclaimed that he wanted to teach Deno and announced that he was formerly conscripting Deno into the service of GBI. Deno tried to decline, but Somi told him that conscription cannot be rejected nor can he leave service without the permission of the one that conscripted him.

In the present day - Deno reminded himself of the training endured everyday since his conscription. Deno stated to Ketsunem's grave that he hadn't forgotten his vow he made years ago the first time he visited her grave - that the GBI and Somi will pay for the crimes. He proudly admitted that a couple years after his training was completed - he deliberately left the details of a syndicate on Namchek which led to death of 30 bureau officers which caused significant psychological damage on many Bureau agents including Somi - who became more empathetic and understanding. However, he was able to get away with the "error", but Somi's partner was blamed.

Deno left to go to Coculot, but before he arrived - he stopped at the Galactic Hospital - where Somi's partner - Ganui was resident of. Deno gave looked around and cautiously handed Ganui a cup and poured himself tea. Ganui asked if Deno still planned to go through his with his plans. Deno explained that he only had two things he wanted "One - to destroy the reputation and image of the GBI" and the "Second - to kill Somi" and he didn't care about Rigionian customs and how it goes against his race's culture to kill a mentor - he believed that Somi hasn't changed and never will - citing that Ganui being stranded in hospital as proof. Ganui admitted that everyone felt a little stranded. Deno reminded that Somi continued to abuse Ganui when he attempted to reveal the truth of what happened to Ketsunem. Ganui admitted that he also wanted the GBI to pay for sticking him "in this hospital" and leaving him to rot as he sipped his tea.

Meanwhile in Universe 6 - Cabba was sorting some tables for Pan and her classmates to have lunch off of. Bulma thanked Cabba and everyone began to eat. Pan continued her training after lunch, however, she was spotted by Caulifla and the two had a chat. Caulifla offered to train Pan while she was on Sadala - Pan accepted.

Following the fight with Shinen - Deno returned to his spaceship and proceeded to return to the hospital. He apologised to Ganui for not bringing back some more tea. Ganui sat up while Deno took the chair next to him. The staff of the Galactic Hospital served Ganui some tea and biscuits which he shared with Deno. Ganui hardly touched the tea calling it repulsive. Ganui asked Deno how he was going to kill Somi when Somi was stronger than him and his mentor. Ganui cited that he wasn't just his culture but Rigionians are literally cursed with the inability to kill anyone that took them as a student. Deno stated that was the second reason why he didn't believe Somi from changing as he believed that Deno's conscription was just ploy to prevent him from taking revenge. Ganui admitted that he heard rumours of "wish orbs" existing on some planets and that Namchek was such a planet to have such things. Deno asked for more deals, however, a hospital nurse told him that he had to leave as it was naptime for the patients. Deno simply glared at her and was about to strike her, but Ganui told him that she was just doing her job. Ganui wished him luck as Deno left the Hospital.

Back in Universe 6 - Dr. Challenger and Dr. Prado continued using their new flight ability to help load Bulma's spaceships as Pan and her class were getting ready to leave. After the left - they continued their trip. A few days past and Bulma talks with Dr. Challenger about Universe 6's Planet Namek was almost just like the Old Planet Namek in Universe 7 with Dr. Prado mocking the destruction of Old Namek and Goku's inability to prevent Frieza from destroying it. They visited Universe 6's Earth next which Bulma was amused by. The three of decided to go to Universe 10 - next and arrive at Babari, but discover that the planet was too hostile. The found a planet called Nickel and landed on the planet where they were greeted by the Nickelians.

Meanwhile in Universe 7 - Goku and Uub were resting have their training when Goku was contacted by King Kai and asked to come to the Sacred World of the Kais. Goku used Instant Transmission to arrive on Supreme Kai's world. Upon arrival - Vegeta, Piccolo, and Goten were already on the planet with Supreme Kai, Beerus, Universe 13 Supreme Kai, Gaecaife, and Whis. Gaecaife was confused that Goku already know him and Goku remembers that he met an older version of Gaecaife from Timespace Rift events and asked "why he was called?". Gaecaife told them about "Karo" and warned that he had awoken - Vegeta noticed that Beerus was tense from the revelation and began to understood that "Karo" may be a more dangerous threat than anyone realised. Goku asked when he was located, but Beerus refused to let Gaecaife to tell Goku and knocked Goku away.

Path of Vengeance[]






Chapter # Title
??? "Peace, Science, and Training..."
??? "Dr. Prado and Dr. Challenger"
??? "A Haunted Planet?"
??? "Deno's Plan"
??? "The Hunt for the Namchek Dragon Balls"
??? "The Path of Vengeance"
??? "Deno vs. Somi"

Dragon Ball Super Anime and Dragon Ball Advanced Fanga differences[]

  • In the anime; Renso retired from the Sadala Army due to an injury leg while in the Fanga - Renso retired due to survivor's guilt after his team was wiped out by a villain.
  • In the anime as well as manga: it's currently unclear if the other universes was restored due to Android 17's wish "please restore the erased universe", however, in the fanga - his wishes taken literally.
