This article, Universal Darkness: The Warriors Of Earth, is the property of Goku484. |
This article, Universal Darkness: The Warriors Of Earth, is a fan-made crossover between Dragon Ball and another universe.
This article, Universal Darkness: The Warriors Of Earth, takes place in an alternate universe or timeline,
and is not considered a part of the main Dragon Ball Timeline. |
This article is a chapter of the story Universal Darkness. The Legendary Master Roshi Saga begins before that story begins, and by the time of the prologue, is when the time of Yamcha and Tien's tales begins, which then proceed to run concurrently, as the events unfurl on the planet Tamaron, Our warriors trained as well. In this story, there is no Goku/Kakarot or Bardock, as they were just ordinary Saiyans, and Goku was never sent to Earth.
The Legendary Master Roshi[]
Training Under Master Mutaito[]
Roshi was a young boy, in West City Japan, who, at the age of 16, wanted to discover his purpose in life. The only family he ever had, or at least that he knew of, was his older sister Baba, who practiced witchcraft. She acquired a crystal ball and became a famous fortune teller. Her ability to predict events were second to none, but Roshi was not keen on pursuing the same path. He sought the path of a warrior, a path of a martial artist, like the ones he had seen on movies. There was a sensei named Master Mutaito that was renowned for his teachings of the infamous Dragon Style, so he searched for him. After meeting the master, he agreed to train Roshi.
Rivalry With The Crane Hermit[]
Roshi wasn't the only student, though, there were many. One had stood out though, his name was Shen. Both Roshi and Mutaito were weary of Shen, as they felt great malice from him. Overtime Shen grew into Roshi's greatest rival, and then slowly, they became friends, once the malice begin to lift off of Shen. Then one day, everything would change, and take a turn for the worst.
The King Piccolo Wars[]
Tall, green, and muscular in frame, stood a man with two antennas, he proclaimed himself Demon King Piccolo. He spawned many demons through eggs and reeked havoc across the world. Mutaito, Roshi, and Shen, took on King Piccolo together, but even the three of them were no match. Upon seeing this, Shen returned to his evils ways, convinced that good was not enough, and then he scoured. Master Mutaito told Roshi that one day he would return with a way to beat The Demon King. One day, he did. Roshi once again assisted his sensei in battle, as Mutaito performed a ritual called the evil containment wave, sealing King Piccolo in a rice cooker, but still alive, so that Earth's guardian at the time, Kami, who was Piccolo's other half, lived. This killed Mutaito in the process however.
The Start Of The Turtle Hermit Style[]
After the death of his sensei, Roshi derived what he could from the dragon style and made his own twist on it, creating the turtle style, and like his master, he became renowned across the world, his first pupils would be someone named Gohan, and someone who later become known as The Ox King. Roshi also found an elixir, while not being granted eternal youth, it meant he could no longer die of natural causes. Meanwhile, only in the country of Japan, Shen became renowned as well, as he too created his own spin on the dragon style, and made it the crane style. His first student was his younger brother Tao, who would grow to become an infamous mercenary throughout Japan.
The Ultimate White Lotus[]
One day, Roshi's fellow students from Mutaito's training would all be contacted by Roshi. While all of them had since went their separate ways and sought their own paths to power by then, Roshi suggested they all become teachers to train the next generation, in case Piccolo or an even bigger threat arose, and they (as well as their future students) would all stand united as the last line of defense. One by the name, Bruce Wayne, who had since become a billionaire across the seas in the states, in a city known as Gotham, and a renowned martial artists in his own right, mastering almost every style in the world, said he'll think about it, as he prefers to work alone. One named Iroh, who was General of a place called the Fire Nation, agreed. The king of the Earth Nation, King Boomy, also agreed. One named Biscuit, though she was called Bisky, agreed. One named Genkai, she also agreed. There was also one named Oroku Saki, who resided in New York over in the states, who declined, he says he is done helping others. Iroh and Boomy suggested the name The White Lotus, and thus Earth's Last Line of Defense was born.
Much time later, when The White Lotus were all elders. There came another. Notorious, he was. He was a teenager known as a desert bandit, a formidable warrior, who was notorious for getting away with precious goods, thanks in large part to his shapeshifting talking cat companion, named Puar. Yamcha was his name. He was also decent with a sword, as he carried one sheathed with him. Diamonds, pearls, emeralds, rubies, Yamcha and Puar had acquired it all. Yamcha was about greed though, and he wanted more. It truly wasn't greed as much as it was thrill. It wasn't in acquiring the goods that truly infatuated Yamcha, but rather the excitement of what he had to endure to get it, the satisfaction of knowing he could get away with it. Yamcha had no human family, except his brother Kiba. They were abandoned as babies together in the woods. Yamcha was 2 years senior of Kiba, Kiba wasn't even a year yet, while Yamcha was two. They were found and cared for by a pack of wolves. Over time, their strengths increased, and wolves started to recognize them as alphas. Eventually, at 14 years of age, Kiba left, for a village apparently hidden in the leaves, he wanted to be a ninja. Yamcha stayed and became a true alpha of the wolves. His catchphrase is "Throw me to the wolves, I'll come back leading the pack." It wasn't until the age of 16, Yamcha returned to the city and realized that all the rummaging through trash, and scavenging for food, was a lot more useful searching for discarded or forgotten goods instead. One day, he stumbled upon a golden watch while looking for his lunch, and he immediately took it to a pawn shop. Once he realized these items could net him some serious zeni, he made it a daily routine to find such treasures. One day, while outside of an old man's house, he bumped into what appeared to be a garbage can, and then it transformed right before his eyes. Where the garbage can had just been a few seconds earlier, now a blue female floating cat stood in its place.
Meeting Puar[]
"Hey, what's the big idea pal!" the cat yelled.
"A flying talking cat, that is so cool!" Yamcha responded, not entirely shocked considering the mayor of the city was a wolf-man.
"The name is Puar and don't you forget it! The cat yelled.
"Puar, ehh, well I like you. The name's Yamcha, how'd you like to be friends? Hang out with a cool dude like me? Sounds fun, doesn't it?" Yamcha urged enthused.
"Puar, I guess it could be fun." Puar responded, smiling.
"Alright, let's ditch this place!" Yamcha suggested.
"Wait Yamcha! I was here acting as a garbage can because the owner of this house tends to throw away valuables sometimes." Puar exclaimed.
"Valuables, ehh? You're my type of person Puar." Yamcha responded. Yamcha then hid in the nearby shrubs as he heard the residence approaching, and Puar shapeshifted back into a garbage can. The old man who owned the house came out, looked around but didn't notice Yamcha.
"I thought I heard some ruckus out here? Ehh, I guess I'm getting senile in my old age." The man said to himself aloud, as he casually threw out a gold plate then turned around and proceeded to go back in the house. As soon as the door closed behind him, Puar shapeshifted back to normal with the gold plate and her hand and a big smile as Yamcha emerged from the bushes.
"A gold plate, we hit the jackpot, huh Puar?" Yamcha asked his new companion cheekily, as she handed him the plate.
"Yeah, now let's get out of here!" Puar responded with a hint of concern.
"Don't be in such a rush." Yamcha said as he quietly laid down the real garbage can, spilling out it's contents. From it came, a silver spoon, a bronze fork, and a white capsule.
"Wow, this isn't just silverware, this spoon right here is real silver!" Yamcha told Puar excitedly, as he picked up the spoon.
"This is real bronze too!" Puar stated picking up the fork, equally as excited as her new companion.
"Ehh, what's this?" Yamcha asked, picking up the white capsule.
"I don't know Yamcha, try and open it." Puar suggested.
Yamcha attempted to open it with his hands to no avail. He then tried to bite it open, still with no luck.
"Must be nothing," Yamcha said as he dropped the capsule. The capsule hit the ground, then suddenly smoke appeared, and after it cleared, there was a whole motorcycle and helmet.
"A Motorcycle?! This must be one of those capsules I've heard the townsfolk talk about." Yamcha noted.
"Yeah, now let's ditch this place in style, what do you think, Puar." Yamcha urged picking up the helmet and putting it on and strapping it.
"Yeah!" Puar jumped, as Yamcha grabbed Puar and sat down on the motorcycle and rode off.
"Puar, how did you learn to shapeshift?" Yamcha questioned.
"I went to a shapeshifting school." Puar answered.
"Okay, so you can turn into anything?" Yamcha asked.
"Yeah, if I seen it before, not just anything though, anyone too." Puar noted.
"Oh, that's interesting, care to let me see it?" Yamcha asked, figuring they were far enough away from the house where they were at, slowing the bike down before bringing it to a complete stop.
"Sure thing!" Puar exclaimed as she floated a few feet away from Yamcha and then turned around to face him.
"Tada!" Puar yelled before turning into a spitting image of Yamcha.
"Wow, it's like I'm looking in a mirror! That'll help out a lot." Yamcha said impressed, as Puar reverted to normal Yamcha sat back on the motorcycle, with Puar between his legs.
"So Yamcha, what happened to your family?" Puar inquired.
"I don't know, never knew my parents, I got a younger brother, we were raised by wolves, and then he went off to find some village he said was hidden in the leaves. He was gonna use what the wolves had taught us to become one of the best ninjas. Haven't seen him since." Yamcha explained.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Puar apologized.
"Sorry for what, I'm certain he's doing exactly as he says. No brother of mine is going to die that easily." Yamcha said proudly.
They stopped where they were at in the dessert to get some rest, returning the motorcycle and helmet to a capsule and shoving it in his pocket, Yamcha laid down with Puar in his arms. The two fell asleep. The next morning, Yamcha and Puar awoke and headed for the next city.
"So that was East City, so now we go south, to South City." Yamcha proclaimed. Puar nodded and the two were off. They arrived at a pawn shop and gave the clerk the plate, the spoon, and the fork. It netted them about 8000 zeni. With the 2000 Yamcha had before from the golden watch, they were now at 10,000. Yamcha pulled up to capsule store, to buy a trailer.
"That'll be 8,000 zeni." The clerk said, putting the capsule on the counter.
Yamcha grabbed the capsule and ran out the store without paying, Puar had the motorcycle ready, Yamcha quickly jumped on and the two of them took off as fast as they could. The clerk called the police. When the police arrived, the clerk gave an accurate description of Yamcha, but failed to mention Puar, or the bike.
Yamcha figured the two of them were far enough away and slowed the bike before coming to a complete stop.
"Hey Puar, let's check out our new 'free' home ehh?" Yamcha urged as he dropped the capsule to reveal a decent sized trailer home. Yamcha reverted the motorcycle and helmet back to capsule form and him and Puar entered the home. There was a complete kitchen, bed room, and living room area, as well as a bathroom.
"Wow, this is amazing!" Puar exclaimed, shocked.
"Yeah!" Yamcha responded, equally astonished. Yamcha explored a little as Puar went straight to the bed and fell asleep. There was a VCR in the living room on top of the television, and in the bedroom, on the dresser there were three videotapes. Yamcha picked all three of them up and walked into the living room, not closing the door as to keep his eyes on his little furry friend. He put the three tapes on top of the VCR. He picked up the first one and read the title aloud.
"The Strongest Under The Heavens. I wonder what this is about." He inquired as he turned the tv on, inserted the tape and sat down on the sofa to watch.
There was a blonde hair announcer, with a microphone in his hand, black shades, and a black tuxedo shirt with matching pants.
"If you haven't heard of this tournament in the last ten years, you've either been living under a rock or your fighting spirit just doesn't exist!" yelled the announcer.
"This tournament has been held every five years, at the same location, the one and only Papaya Island!" The announcer continued.
"This day, May 7th, is the day for this festive event, where fighters and martial artists from across the world come to prove they have what it takes to be called 'The Strongest Under The Heavens!" The announcer yelled, with the crowd erupting in cheers.
"But the title is not all you get for winning! No, in fact the winner gets 500,000 zeni as well!" The announcer screamed, the crowd going wild.
Yamcha was watching amazed.
"500,000 zeni," Yamcha said, drooling at the prospect of so much money. 'You know what I could do with that' he thought. 'What we could do with that?' Correcting his thinking to include Puar.
"Now this tournament was locally popular before, but the last two tournaments have seen this event's popularity sour through the roof, message spread across the world. The 19th tournament was when the mysterious one named Jackie Chun won. No one knows where he came from, but he fought using the dragon style of the late great Master Mutaito!" The announcer elaborated.
Yamcha snapped out of his daze.
"The dragon style of Mutaito ehh? I heard of him, one of the most legendary fighters this world had ever seen, and he gave his life to defeat King Piccolo." Yamcha murmured under his breath, trying not to wake Puar.
"Another competitor, as a matter of fact, the other finalist that Jackie Chun defeated also seemed to be a disciple of the legendary dragon style, and he went by the name, The Ox King!" The announcer stated.
"And in the last tournament we had, King Choppa had won all of his matches without so much as being laid a finger on! We hope to see both Jackie Chun, as well as King Choppa compete again, Ox King as well. Hopefully, we could get a match between Jackie Chun and King Choppa. Cheers to the world martial arts tournament!" The announcer screamed as the crowd once again went wild before the video cut to black.
"The Ox King? I remember that name. Him and Gohan; the one who possessed the power pole were both disciples of Master Roshi, The Turtle Hermit. The Ox King, if I recall correctly, rules over Fire Mountain, while Gohan lives in Mount Paozu. While Ox King became a tournament legend by making it to the finals, Gohan became a local hero, by using the power pole to stop heinous acts involving the civilians." Yamcha reminded himself.
"I'm going to enter that tournament. I am going to win too! All the fame, the money, the women will absolutely adore me! I know it won't be an easy task though, especially if I have to fight seasoned veterans like King Choppa, The Ox King, and Jackie Chun. The Tournament is May 7th. Today is August 7th, I have exactly nine months to train my body so rigorously that the hardest hits from the strongest warriors won't budge me. Tonight though I'm going to get some rest." Yamcha said as he walked over to the bed where Puar was resting and cuddled beside her. The next morning, Yamcha got up bright and early while Puar was still asleep, and got dressed in his usual clothes. He grabbed his sword and went out the door. He walked a little distance away from the trailer home, and then he ferociously started swinging his sword. As he continued to swing, eventually he was interrupted by a man who appeared about his age and height, slightly more muscular in frame, with green hair, a white t-shirt, and black plants. The man bore two swords on his side, and he grabbed the tip of Yamcha's blade.
The Encounter With Zoro[]
"The tip of your blade, it's dull." The stranger said.
"And who the hell are you?!" Yamcha asked annoyed.
"My name doesn't matter, what does matter is who the hell told you it was okay to pick up a sword?" The stranger asked.
"Well, I found it." Yamcha replied.
"Well, I'm going to help you." the stranger said.
"And why would I accept help from someone who won't even tell me their name. Why would you help me anyway?" Yamcha asked consecutively.
"The name is Roronoa Zoro. I am going to help you because it is incredibly annoying to see someone pick up a sword and not show the respect and honor of swordsmanship that the art truly deserves. I seen your strikes and movement. You're all over the place. No serious power behind it either. First and foremost, you need an upgrade." The man introduced himself.
"Here take this blade!" Zoro told Yamcha as he tossed him one of his katannas.
"Now drop it, before you can swing a blade, you have to train your body, if there's no power, speed, or control behind it, then the strike is useless." Zoro noted.
"If you truly want to be formidable, you have to train like your life depends on it, until it's mind over matter, until your body literally collapses because you pushed it as hard as you possibly could. If you have energy for anything else after, then you haven't pushed enough." Zoro said as he dropped to the ground in push up formation and notioned for Yamcha to do the same. For two hours the two did push ups. Now the time is 9:30.
"Appreciate it Roronoa, I realize that if I am to achieve my goals, I must be formidable." Yamcha mentioned.
"Oh and if you needed firewood," Zoro said as he walked over to two trees around the same size as the one Yamcha was struggling to even make a dent in earlier, and with a single slash cut them both down. Yamcha was in shocked, but nodded his head as a sign of gratitude towards the swordsman before walking with the wood. Before leaving however, Yamcha picked up both the katana Zoro had left him, as well as his original blade. After Zoro had disappeared, Yamcha cut the trees further, making it firewood to take into his trailer home, as one of the only things it lacked was heat, though it had a fireplace.
Tien Origins[]
Planet Triclopsal[]
There was once a planet of people. These people appeared to be normal humans, aside from a third eye. Every single being born on this planet had a third eye, just not all of theirs were opened. These people were known as Triclops, and they were a proud warrior race. Only those who had laden potential for combative excellence, deep within them however, ever awakened their third eyes. Either you were born with it closed or born with it open. No one had ever opened their closed eye after birth. There were only a handful of warriors known to even have their third eyes open, less than that actually, it was only three warriors. Two males and one female. The two males were brothers, and the female had been the spouse to one of them. The female gave birth to a son one day. From that day on, instead of being on the frontline, she stayed back to train and groom her child. One day, a spaceship crashed. Once the door had lifted a humanoid alien man arose from it. He was very tall and muscular, with dark green skin and long black hair. He sported a battle armor on his torso that was a light green and appeared to be missing a shoulder pad. On the stomach of the armor bore a white mark, resembling a downwards arrow.
"Who the hell are you?!" One of the open third eye brothers questioned.
"Yeah, and what the hell do you want?" The other brother shouted.
"My name is Dore, of Lord Cooler's Armored Squadron. I heard you lot was strong, so I wanted to see if the rumors were true. So basically, I'm here just to pick a fight," said the intruder with a snide smirk
"We won't stand for this!" The brothers yelled in unison, each of their third eyes locking in on Dore. The rest of the warriors, pitched in too, and aside from the two brothers, all of them were mowed down with the absolute minimal effort. Meanwhile, during the commotion, the female triclops snuck her baby over to the spacepod Dore had arrived in, and strapped him in, tucking a note in his clothes, that read 'My name is Tien Shinhan!' before kissing him on the forehead and launching the pod away.
"I don't know where you'll land Tien, but I do know, you'll grow to be a proud warrior someday." The mother stated. The noise the pod made when launching alerted Dore, enough for him to stop his ongoing massacre, at least momentarily.
Dore did a 180 degree turn, with one of the brother's faces in his palm, as he yelled at his ship blasting off.
"What the hell?!" Dore screamed agitated.
"That was my only way out of here!" Dore exclaimed.
"You didn't think we were aware of that?" The free brother bluffed, as he kicked the startled Dore with enough force to make him release his brother.
"Most species can't survive the vacuum of space, which means, even if you were to defeat us, you couldn't blow up the planet." The released triclops spoke. Though they didn't anticipate it, they sure took advantage of the situation to play mind games with Dore, in hindsight that probably wasn't the best of ideas, as it infuriated the large man. He then grabbed one of the triclops brothers and hurled him at the other one, sending them both crashing to the ground a few feet away.
"Perfect Strike, ehh." Dore smirked, just then, he noticed the Triclops lady was standing adjacent to where his ship was.
"Or was it a spare instead? These men here are pathetic excuses of true warrior power. Maybe you young lady, could give me more of a challenge." said Dore, as he slowly walked towards the female triclops.
"I'd like to know the name of my victims before I slaughter them. I didn't get to ask the fellas. Oh, and was that your kid in the pod, the reason you didn't use it yourself. How nice, but the motherly instinct is going to be your downfall now." Dore taunted as he closed in.
"The name is Shinra!" the triclops lady responded.
'That's right now, just a little bit closer,' Shinra thought to herself, having something in store for the approaching enemy.
Just as Dore approached her, she yelled.
"PREDATORY REVERSE!" Shinra yelled, her left foot connecting with Dore's stomach, enough to at least push him back a bit.
The moment's hesitation was all Shinra needed to gain the upper hand, as she rose to her feet.
"Now!!! FLARE!" Shinra screamed as she made a triangular hand signal in front of her third eye, emitting a yellowish flash of white light, which caused temporary blindness to her opponent.
"Ahh, What The Hell did you do to me, you winch?! I can't see, I can't see!" Dore panicked.
"Flare. Every race/species has at least one shared trait that is all their own, ours; the triclops, ours is Flare. That's what you can call, a kekkei genkai I suppose. All triclops who's third eye has opened is able to perform flare, emitting a temporary blinding light to their opponent. Very few of the most elite, have perfected it even more so, called the Solar Flare. Unlike the regular Flare, Solar Flare is more white than yellow, and could potentially have permanent effects." Shinra elaborated. As Dore struggled to regain his awareness, still stumbling and semi-blinded by Shinra's Flare move, the two brothers were recovered enough to both be on their feet. Before he could react he heard Shinra scream.
"Shen, Ten, Now! While he's distracted!" Shinra yelled, as the two brothers each locked on to one of the arms of Dore.
"What is this?! Get Off of me at once!" Dore demanded to no avail.
"No chance!" Ten yelled, locked in to Dore's right arm.
"As if." Shen mocked, locked in to Dore's left arm.
"We call this technique, the triple threat! "Both brothers and Shinra screamed in unison, as Shinra charged Dore and launched him the air, with both Shen and Ten still attached. She then flew in the air and kicked him in the face, hurling the three of them back down to the ground. Before they could land however, she plowed Dore's chest with a barrage pedal kick, sending the three of them plummeting into a mountain. When the smoke had cleared it had appeared that Ten and Shen had released Dore mere seconds before the impact, as neither one of them suffered major damage from her attack. Just as Dore stood up, Shinra yelled again.
"Amnesia!" She screamed, another light, this time blue, coming from her third eye and striking Dore once more. This time it didn't appear to do any physical damage. Just then, Ten punched Dore into a kick to the head from Shen, affectively knocking him out.
"He's not dead." Shen exclaimed.
"Yeah, it'll take a lot more to mow down someone who just effortlessly tore through our ranks." Ten proclaimed.
Just then, an actual spaceship landed, not a space pod this time.
"More intruders. More than likely allies of his. Shinra! Lay low, that's an order!" Shen commanded.
"But," Shinra refuted.
"No buts. You can conceal your power, you can make it out alive, should Shen and myself fail. You must stay alive, stow away if necessary, whatever needs to be done, you will be the salvation of our race." Ten stated.
"Very Well." Shinra grunted, she wanted to fight alongside her brother and lover's side to the bitter end, but she also knew that she was the only one of her race who ever learned how to conceal her power, so it was of absolutely crucial she survive, if the Triclops race has any chance at redemption. She did as she was told, and just as Captain Salza and Neiz exited the ship. She surely entered.
Neiz, the tall, slender, red, amphibian man, looked at the pool of bodies on the ground and chuckled.
"That damn Dore, he always goes out on his own and gets damn near killed, then we have to clean his mess up all the time." Neiz commented.
"Silence, Neiz, cause you've certainly had more than your fair share of insubordinations, need I remind you?" Salza, the shorter average haight, big blonde hair, blue skinned man ordered.
"No sir, captain Salza sir, my apologies. Please forgive me." Neiz requested nervously.
"Good, now hurry and find Dore, we don't want to delay Lord Cooler any longer than necessary, understood?" Salza asked rhetorically.
"Yes, sir." Neiz answered as he searched for his comrade.
He found him, with Shen and Ten guarding him.
"So, the two of you were able to render Dore unconscious ehh? A rather impressive feat, but you didn't kill him, so you must not be that strong after all." Neiz taunted as he charged at Ten and Shen.
"Imprison!" Shen yelled as yellow bars and chains appeared around Neiz after a blast from Shen's third eye. Just as Ten was preparing to launch an attack, Salza appeared, grabbed his head and squeezed it until it literally popped and his now headless body just fell to the ground.
"Ten! You'll pay for that with your life! He was my best friend!" said a grieving Shen, accidently releasing Neiz once getting distracted.
"Don't worry, you'll be reunited with him soon enough." Neiz taunted as he punched a hole through the back of Shen, with his fist coming out of his chest. Salza picked up the unconscious Dore, and the two of them left.
Landing On Earth[]
While his mother stowed away on Cooler's ship for a couple months or so, a two year old Tien Shinhan landed on Earth. He was found by Roshi's old student, Gohan, whom was now and elder himself. Gohan formerly adopted him as his grandson, and trained him both in manners, and in the ways of the martial arts for three years, until he reached the age of five. Eventually, Gohan mentioned the boy to his old classmate and best friend Ox King, and then eventually, to his old master, Roshi, as well. When Tien reached four years old, Ox King called Gohan to inform him that his daughter was just born, and he named her Chi-Chi. Once reaching age five, however, Tien lost Grandpa Gohan to old age (at least that's what he thought} upon returning to the house one day and finding his grandpa unresponsive.
"Grandpa?!" Five year old Tien yelled upon seeing Gohan's lifeless husk slumped over in the chair, with an arm hanging down.
Gohan had always informed Tien about keeping good posture, even when relaxing, and he never preached anything except that he practiced it himself. So seeing his grandpa like this was an entirely new experience for the young Tien.
"Grandpa, wake up!" Tien screamed as he ran to his grandpa's falling body.
"You always taught me to expect the unexpected, grandpa! So, I'm gonna attack, and you better wake up and stop me." The young Tien yelled, fighting through tears. Tien then sat his grandfather's body back up in the chair, before stepping back enough to build up momentum for a charging kick to the face. When he did it though, no response was made. Gohan just got kicked in the face and fail to the ground.
"Grandpa, I never landed a hit on you like that ever! Please wake up!" Tien sobbed and pleaded to no avail as he dropped to his knees next to his deceased grandfather. Eventually Tien arose to his feet after about an hour or two of sobbing, realizing what he must do, now that his Grandpa Gohan, the only family he'd ever knew, was dead. He looked around but didn't notice a single sign of struggle/resistance, so it couldn't have happened from a fight right, at least that's what the youngster thought. So he dragged Gohan's body and buried it outside their home. Tien, at five years old, was orphaned, once more.
He stayed in the house mostly, except when he went out to fish like Grandpa Gohan had showed him. One day, soon after turning six, he went to fish in his normal spot, but the lake had dried up. So he went further into the forest than he normally did, searching for a body of water. He ran into a kid, a little shorter than him, with white skin, a black hat, and two red marks on his cheeks.
Meeting Chiaotzu[]
"Ow, that hurt, what was that about?" Tien asked the kid, not trying to sound hostile.
"I'm sorry," the kid said in a real light voice.
"I'm...I'm lost." said the kid.
"Well, Hello Lost, My name's Tien, Tien Shinhan." Tien introduced himself.
"No, Lost's not my name. My name's Chiaotzu, but I don't know where I am." the kid stated.
"Well, where's your family? We're clearly in a forest." Tien responded.
"I don't have any family, I never did, I stayed in a house with some people before, but I ran away because they were all mean." Chiaotzu explained.
"Well that certainly sucks." said Tien.
"What about you? Do you have any family?" Chiaotzu asked back.
"No. I did have a grandpa, but he passed away about a year ago, and I've been alone since." Tien stated.
"Well, you don't have to be alone anymore. We can be family." Chiaotzu suggested.
"I don't think you can just make someone family?" Tien responded.
"Well, why not?" Chiaotzu asked curiously.
"You know what, I don't know why? I just thought it didn't work like that, but I guess it can." Tien stated.
"Yay, we never got to leave each other's side." Chiaotzu yelp.
"Yeah, for now on, we're going to be like brothers. Best friends for life." Tien exclaimed.
Just then, a tiger jumped out and leaped at the two boys. The two boys screamed and clinched each other, both of them shut their eyes. Chiaotzu put his hand out, When they didn't feel attacked after a moment or two, the boys opened their eyes, and to both of their amazement, the tiger was stopped in mid air.
"What the heck? How did that happen?" Tien questioned, confused.
"I don't know," Chiaotzu said, equally befuzzled, but as he lowered his arm, the tiger lowered too, crashing into the ground.
"What the heck? Chiaotzu, did you do that?" Tien asked excited.
"I...I...I don't know, I think so, maybe." Chiaotzu stammered, still in disbelief himself.
"That's amazing, can you do it again?" Tien asked.
"I...I...I can try...Tien." Chiaotzu replied, as he tried to emulate what he did, to no avail.
"So what is it then, magic? That's so cool, it's okay if you can't do it again right now, next time." Tien consoled his friend.
'That's incredible, I don't know if it's magic or not, but I know better than to scare him now. Even as a prank.' Tien thought to himself.
Little did the two boys know, they were being watched in the distance by a man named Tao. Tao was infamous across the world as a mercenary, he could assassinate anyone for the right price. He practiced martial arts, The Crane Hermit, Shen, in fact, was his older brother, so he taught him the arts, with that, the wickedness as well. Tao didn't always care for his brother at times, he often found him extremely annoying and overbearing, but he still loved him, as he was the only family he had. Above all, he respected him as a martial arts master, so even though he'd grew taller and more physically imposing, he'd dare not challenge him. In fact, he donned a pink shirt with his brother's kanji mark on it, as a proud student of the way of The Crane Hermit. To that point he was the only student of the crane. Tao was ten years younger then his brother Shen, but he looked as though he was still in his prime, that's because a while ago he had found the fountain of youth, much like Roshi had before him.
Recall: Tao vs Grandpa Gohan[]
Unbeknownst to Tien, Tao is the one who actually murdered his Grandpa Gohan. On orders from his brother Shen, who specifically warned him do not go directly for Roshi, but rather target his two students; Ox King and Gohan. Gohan appeared to have had lost a step in his advanced age.
"Are you Gohan, the student of the turtle hermit?" Tao asked, attempting to fake being polite while recalling his interaction with Gohan.
"Perhaps I am, and to whom do I owe the pleasure?" Gohan asked, as charismatic as ever.
"My name is Tao," Tao introduced himself. Fortunately for him, Gohan didn't keep a television in his home, as he thought it would be a distraction, for both himself and his young pupil Tien, from honing their skills, so he hadn't heard of the infamous Mercenary Tao, and Tao smiled upon that realization, realizing he could capitalize on that situation.
"Maybe with could get acquainted with each other, over some tea perhaps?" Tao suggested with malicious intent.
"Very well, come on in." Gohan invited. Upon entering, Gohan immediately recognized the kanji Tao wore.
"The Crane Hermit, ehh? I heard of him. His martial arts proficiency is nearly on par with my own master's, to be expected since they were rivals back in their time. Classmates even. Be careful with that one though, I heard he gets besides himself at times." Gohan warned.
"Don't worry, I know where to draw the line." Tao responded with fabrication.
'Shen said I shouldn't engage in a fight with this one, because even though it might seem as though he's a weak and feeble old man, he's still a student of Roshi and it's best I don't underestimate him. I guess it's a good thing I'm a mercenary. Violence isn't my only method of eliminating someone. I just need a diversion.' Tao thought to himself.
Just then, there was a thud outside.
"Pardon me, let me go check on the young lad, make sure Tien's not getting himself in trouble." Gohan said.
"Tien, your son by any means?" Tao asked curious.
"Grandson, he's very well mannered." Gohan informed before quickly stepping out.
'Now's my chance!' Tao thought to himself as slightly spiked Gohan's tea with some of his mercenary poison.
Upon seeing Tien fall from a tree, Gohan just smiled and returned, without even alerting the young boy he was there.
Gohan returned to the presence of Tao, but Gohan was no ordinary old man. He immediately noticed something was off with his tea.
He threw his mug against the ground and smash it, making it very clear that he was aware of Tao's deception.
"Okay, Tao, who are you really, and what do you have to gain by coming here?" Gohan asked, his peaceful demeanor immediately becoming a stern one.
"Very perceptive old man. I'm here to kill you." Tao responded, clearly stating his devious intentions.
"I don't want to alarm the boy, so please, can we go a little distance away?" Gohan requested.
"Very well, the results will be same." Tao replied, obliging yet disrespectfully.
The two warriors went a distance away, in the opposite direction of Tien.
The two warriors prepared their stances. Gohan's was that of the Turtle Hermit's, while Tao's was similar yet different, being that of the rival crane hermit. Tao charged at Gohan and attempted to palm him in the chest, but instead hit an afterimage and lunged himself forward from his own momentum. Gohan used this to his advantage and from behind he kicked Tao off his feet, catching Tao's chest in his palm, while using his other arm to put Tao in somewhat of a headlock. it wasn't a real one because he allowed him air to breathe.
"Someone ought to teach you to respect your elders, kid."
"My apologies sir, I just wanted to test my strength against a legendary master like you. I know such a peaceful guy like yourself wouldn't agree to an actual spar." Tao fabricated.
"Very well, I shall release you. When I do, never return here. Do I make myself clear?" Gohan reinforced sternly, making sure to hear a clear verbal agreement before releasing Tao.
"Yes...Sir" Tao begrudgingly agreed, just so Gohan could let him go. Gohan let him ago and had begun walking away.
'The signature afterimage technique of The Turtle Hermit school, got to be sure to not fall for that one again.' Tao made a mental note to himself.
As Tao stood up, he mumbled some words out loud to himself, under his breath so Gohan couldn't hear them clearly.
"Didn't Roshi teach you to never turn your back on your opponent!" Tao muttered. As he attempted to dragon kick Gohan to the back of his head.
"I'd knew you'd try some underhanded tactic, that's typical of the Crane Hermit school." Gohan said as he turned to grab Tao's leg.
"You foolish, kind hearted, old bastard, that compassion will be the end of you!" Tao yelled as he used his free leg to knee Gohan in the chin, forcing him to release his grip. Then, while Gohan was stunned, Tao headbutted him with a veracious force sending him to crashing into a nearby mountain.
"It's time to end this!" Yelled Tao, as he walked upon Gohan and pointed his right index finger at him.
"Dodan Ray!" Tao yelled as a white and yellow beam emitted from his finger right into the chest of Gohan, killing him instantly.
"I'm going to leave your corpse as a message for your young pupil." Tao said deviously as he picked up Gohan's lifeless body and dropped him off in the same chair he was sitting in when he arrived at his home.
The Crane Hermit School[]
Exactly one year had passed since Tien had met Chiaotzu, two since Tao had murdered Gohan in cold blood. Chiaotzu now lived in Grandpa Gohan's small old home with Tien, and the boys would go fishing and fighting animals every day. Slowly, but surely, they were discovering that Chiaotzu's telepathy/telekinesis abilities were full of potential, while Tien's physical improvements were also rather impressive. He would do one hundred crunches every morning when he woke up at 5, then, 100 crunches, then, 100 laps around the house, all before Chiaotzu woke up at 7. Then, once Chiaotzu awoke, the two of them would go to Grandpa Gohan's makeshift grave Tien had made for him behind the house and they both would pray and pay their respects. This whole time, they were being watched by Mercenary Tao. So on this particular day, the two year anniversary of Gohan's death, Tao decided it was finally time to make his appearance known to the two young boys.
As Tien and Chiaotzu followed their usual routine of Chiaotzu going to the lake to get fish with his hands and abilities by freezing them where they stand and pulling them out the water, then regroup to watch Tien strike down a tiger or bear with his steadily growing physical prowess, Tao jumped down from a nearby tree.
"Tien! I'm scared. Who...who is that?!" The bashful Chiaotzu turned bright red from fear as he cowered behind his brother.
"I don't know who you are, but what's the deal, Mr?" Tien asked, confused at the stranger.
"My name is Tao. Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu, the two of you, are coming with me, you're going to live and train with my brother and I for now on.
"How the hell do you know our names? And where not going anywhere with you!" Tien responded, reassuring Chiaotzu.
"Oh, well, I'm afraid young Tien, you have no sayso in the matter. It wasn't a request." said Tao with a smile as he grabbed the two boys by their arms.
Soon, Tao arrived to his home with the two young boys. Both around seven years old at the time, neither one had any idea what was going on. The door opened and Tao walked inside. He was greeted by an older, shorter man, who sported a green kanji symbol that read 'Crane Hermit' and shades.
"Shen, I brought two students for us to train. Tien Shinhan, this is Gohan's kid, and this other one, Chiaotzu has some special abilities." Tao presented the boys as he released them in front of his brother/master.
"Very well, they should be useful." Shen smirked. Tao proceeded to show them a video called Chapter Black; a history on the crimes humans have committed upon themselves, each others, and others just because. He showed this to them for ten days straight to make them come to the conclusion, that these humans, don't deserve to live, and so they'll enact justice by eradicating them with their own hands, as judge, jury and executioner. With Shen, both of them learned how to control their ki. Every time there was a misstep, or if one of them failed to follow orders and do things correctly, Tao would abuse them by mercilessly kicking them in their sides. Shen taught them basic ki control first, how to sense energy. After that, he taught them how to harness their energy into certain points of their body. Then, he taught them both the Dodon Ray. Tien easily took heed of the lesson, it was a little more challenging for Chiaotzu, however. Tao forced Chiaotzu to continue to develop his abilities, by constantly having him test them out on Tien. Every time Chiaotzu refused, Tao would kick him in the face, and if he relented further, Shen would brutalize Tien with a dodon ray, he made sure not to kill the boy by avoiding vital organs, but Tien would suffer repeatedly by taking a dodon ray either to his shoulder or his feet. In addition to this brutality, their mentors inflicted on them, if they failed to grasp their lessons for the day, they would not eat that night. Once, the boys tried to escape, but they were both so physically worn out, they didn't make it very far at all. When Tao discovered them, he abused them even more. Then, they went two days without eating. This process repeated until all Tien and Chiaotzu knew were Tao and Shen. Chiaotzu had developed his abilities to the point where he could cause amnesia. Upon being forced to use it on Tien or watch Tien get murdered by Tao, Chiaotzu used it to make Tien forget all his memories, with Grandpa Gohan. After this, this relentless form of training went on until both the boys had reached the age of 16. Tien had grown into a muscular young man, whereas Chiaotzu hadn't grown much at all, at least not physically. Now, during their training, Tao had also repeatedly shown them his jobs as a mercenary, now both of them desired to be just like him. Chiaotzu knew, physically he'd never have Tao's strength, but Tien did, and Chiaotzu could be his accomplice. With this realization, Tao and Shen sent them on a mission to collect zeni from the townsfolk, but to not necessarily cause a scene. To act courageous, and bold, to get the people's praise and admiration, then they'll rush to pay them.
The Fateful Encounter[]
After finally being released into the real world for the first time, albeit on a mission, Tien and Chiaotzu walked by a random stable of Black Bulls.
"Hey Tien, you think if we left these bulls rampage the city, and then we stop them ourselves? The people will pay us?" Chiaotzu suggested.
"That actually sounds like an excellent plan, Chiaotzu! Let's do it!." Said Tien as he and Chiaotzu opened the gate and five humongous black bulls bulldozed their way out and ransacked the nearby village. Tien and Chiaotzu appeared on the scene of the village they had secretly led to disarray, just in time to watch one of the bulls kill about five villagers.
"Help, someone, anybody, please help!!!" One of the villagers screamed. Chiaotzu lifted one of the bulls up with his telekinesis and slammed it into another one. Then Tien shot a dodon ray at them killing them both. Then, a third one appeared, but before the duo, had a chance to react, bandit Yamcha had arrived, and had appeared to halt the beast with his blade. The bull snuffed Yamcha off and broke his blade with ease.
"My blade!" Yamcha screamed shocked.
"I guess it was for the best, no weapons are allowed in the tournament anyway!" Yamcha murmured.
"I guess it's back to the good ole fashion way of doing things." Yamcha continued.
"Let me show you what I learned, being raised in the woods by a pack of wolves." Yamcha said as he prepared a stance. The bull charged him.
"Wolf Fang Fist!" Yamcha screamed as blue light emitted from his body and he unleashed a barrage of kicks and punches too fast for an untrained human's eye to follow. It was at this moment, Tien, while watching this, his third eye had begun to open. Though what appeared to the villagers as maybe three strikes Yamcha did to the bull, Tien, even with his third eye not fully awakened yet, could see it actually was 50 hits landed in one second. While Chiaotzu couldn't see it clearly, he could sense the ki emitting from him was not like the others, the townsfolk. It felt much higher, more closely aligned with Tien's in fact. The third bull was down for the count. The two remaining were fastly approaching. Tien punched the one incoming on the left to knock it out, while Yamcha kicked the one coming from the right to knock it out. The one Yamcha kicked landed on top of the one Tien punched and both of them laid there unconscious. Tien prepared to strike them both dead with a dodon ray, just then Yamcha jumped in front of them.
"Dude, what the hell do you think you're doing? You killed two already! Don't you have regards for any life other than your own? They're already down for the count, you don't have to kill them, just return them to their stable and call it a day. Please, black bulls are almost an extinct species as is. " Yamcha pleaded.
"Why the hell would I listen to you, stranger. To answer your question, no, I really don't give a damn whether they live or die. And stand there if you please, then you'll die right along with them." Tien responded snidely.
"Tien, wait!" Chiaotzu pleaded.
"Huh, what is it, Chiaotzu?" Tien asked bewildered.
"Remember, Master Shen said try not to make a scene." Chiaotzu reminded his companion.
"You're right, my apologies, I got too far ahead of myself. Who are you, bandit?" Tien questioned.
"My name's Yamcha, Yamcha Inuzuka, the desert bandit. Who wants to know?" Yamcha returned the question.
"The name's Tien. Tien Shinhan of The Crane Hermit School." said Tien, as he and his little companion began to turn around.
'The Crane Hermit School, no wonder I felt such an ominous presence surrounding them.' Yamcha thought, the horrid realization coming across his face.
"Well, Tien Shinhan, I hope we meet again. Hopefully at the tournament." Yamcha suggested.
"Tournament, ehh? What tournament?" Tien asked, turning back around to face Yamcha once more.
"The Strongest Under The Heavens Tournament, only the strongest fighters show up there and win that title, I'm definitely going." Yamcha stated.
"That does sound rather intriguing, please do indulge." Tien inquired.
"The winner gets 500,000 Zeni. The runner up gets 250,000. Every five years, on Papaya Island." Yamcha informed.
"The zeni, wasn't that our mission to begin with, Tien." Chiaotzu reminded his ally.
"Of course, well get stronger, Yamcha Inuzuka of the wolves, I certainly will. And I won't hold back either, so you'd better come at me with everything you got, or you'll die in the process." Tien warned as he and Chiaotzu fled the scene. Yamcha nodded in his new rival's direction, as to affirm.
Tien and Chiaotzu arrived back at their dojo. Tao was gone, but Shen was present.
"Master Shen, sir!" Tien kneeled before his sensei.
"What is it? What do you want, boy? Did you retrieve the funds?" Shen asked annoyed.
"I didn't master, I failed." Tien said, dropping his head down in shame.
"You pathetic use of an individual. You perpetual failure, You had one task, and you couldn't achieve it." said Shen as he started kicking Tien around.
"Master, please stop. I beg of you." screamed Chiaotzu as he froze Shen with his telekinesis in an attempt to dissuade their master from punishing Tien.
"You insolent little brat!!! You dare freeze me, release me now, or so help me." Shen warned.
"Master, I couldn't just watch you beat---" Chiaotzu was cut off.
"Chiaotzu, release him, it's fine." Tien requested. Chiaotzu did as his friend asked. As soon as Shen was released, he started heading straight for Chiaotzu with reckless abandon, just as he approached him however, Tien appeared and took the blow for him.
"Master Shen, please don't hurt him. It wasn't his intention, allow me to endure his punishment." Tien requested.
"Tien nooo!" Chiaotzu cried.
"Chiaotzu, it's fine." Tien reassured.
"Master Shen, I have a request." Tien said while taking his beating.
"A request?! After that stunt the two of you just pulled? And you failed your mission? The nerve. The answer is a big, fat no!" Shen replied aggressively while still wailing on Tien.
"Please master. The reason the mission was not a success was because of interruption." Tien responded.
"Interruption? Of what kind and magnitude?" Shen asked confused, halting his assault for the moment.
"He goes by the name of Yamcha Inuzuka." Tien answered.
"The desert bandit, really? You let some desert bandit get in the way and reap the benefits?" Shen asked sarcastically.
"Master, he's no ordinary bandit. Chiaotzu and I both felt his energy, it was similar to ours." Tien retorted.
"I would've killed him, but you said not to make a scene with a negative first impression." Tien continued.
"Very well, I suppose I can hear your request out, what is it you wanted?" Shen responded, Tien's pleas no longer falling on deaf ears.
"Well, you see, Yamcha, he mentioned this tournament." Tien informed.
"Ahh, yes. 'The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai, otherwise known as 'The Strongest Under The Heavens Tournament'" Shen responded.
"So, you are aware of it?" Tien asked surprised.
"Of course I am, I haven't been living under a rock you know. Jackie Chun won the 19th, and he fights using our rivalry school's style, The Turtle Hermit. Ox King was a finalist of the last two, and he is also a student of The Turtle Hermit. I would love nothing more than for you to compete and show the entire world that The Crane Hermit school is the vast superior of the two that everyone should flock to. So of course I'll allow you to enter, but be sure to crush anyone, especially Turtle Hermit disciples that enter your path to the top. Understood?" Shen replied.
"Understood sir." Tien nodded with a smile as he stood up. He turned around and walked outside. He looked up at eh clouds and shouted to the heavens "Yamcha Inuzuka, I'm coming for you!!!!!!!!!"
Meanwhile, Yamcha, off in the distance with Puar, vaguely heard this and responded with the same intensity/veracity as he shouted to the top of his lungs as well "Tien Shinhan, I hope you're ready!!!!!"
Meanwhile, with Tien.
'So, that technique he used, where his body had a blue outline, and those rapid succession hits, was that a form of his ki. Is that a new form of ki manipulation' Tien thought to himself as he tried to make sense of what Yamcha had displayed. Just then, Tao reappeared.
"Tao sensei sir! My apologies." Tien tried to gather himself as he kneeled before his other teacher.
"Boy, get your ass up, don't be so damn militant with me, I'm not my brother. To your feet maggot!" Tao commanded.
"Yes sir!" Tien obeyed.
Tao grew a devious smile across his face before his next words came out.
"I heard of your lofty aspirations, boy. The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai, you think you can win? Against the best fighters in the entire world? Quite grandeur expectations of yourself. I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!!!!! And because of that, I'm going to teach you the next step in your training!" Tao exclaimed with exuberance.
"What exactly does that entail sir? If I may ask?" Tien inquired.
"Well, Shen already taught you how to focus your energy and concentrate it to a certain point." Tao stated. Tien simply nodded in agreeance.
"Now, watch me as I demonstrate. I focus all the energy to my feet, and then I jump in the air, like I'm taking steps. It's called air step, or sky walk rather. That's Chi over on this side of the world, that's what we recognize here in the Crane Hermit school, other disciplines might call it haki." Tao explained as he demonstrated.
"So, not completely flying or gliding, but it's like a back to the air dance, sort of like a levitation almost?" Tien exclaimed.
"Yes, precisely." Tao answered
Meanwhile, back with Yamcha.
'So what was that beam he emitted from his finger. He called it the dodon ray. Is that what ki control or manipulation looks like, and is that it's full extent and/or potential, or is this another level that can be achieved, some form of mastery of it, that makes moves like his dodon ray look toddler in comparison,' Yamcha pondered. 'Anyway, he's a student of The Crane Hermit, that's some serious stuff right there, maybe I ought to seek out The Turtle Hermit so I could at least stand a chance.' Yamcha thought. So Yamcha grabbed his small companion Puar and the two of them rode off on the motorcycle east until they reached the ocean. Upon reaching the ocean, Yamcha began his swim towards Kame house, and after an arduous two hours, he finally arrived at his destination. He got up and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" asked a groggy Master Roshi as he opened the door, half sleep and without his shades on.
"Muten Roshi Sama! My name is Yamcha Inuzuka, and I'm requesting to be trained by you." Yamcha pleaded as he dropped to one knee in a kneeling position.
"Yamcha Inuzuka?!" Roshi exclaimed as he grabbed his shades.
"I've heard of you." Roshi stated.
"You have, sir?" Yamcha asked, shocked.
"Yeah, you're that desert bandit the townsfolk been making a fuss about lately. Petty thief, but apparently, you recently saved a village from rampaging black bulls, and also save the black bulls themselves from execution, then peacefully returned them to their stable. What was your aim in all that? Was it zeni, notoriety, or something more? Roshi questioned the young lad's intentions.
"To be quite honest with you, initially, it was about the zeni and the notoriety. I figured the more acts of heroism I perform in public, the more people would rush to pay me, and the more money draws the fame, and the more popular I get, the more beautiful babes would come flocking my way." Yamcha admitted.
"Well, at least you're honest, Yamcha, and that alone is admirable, honesty is a beautiful character trait to have. I can't knock you either, I myself am a stickler for beautiful babes. However, even with that being said, what do you benefit from learning from me? If you're going to use what I teach you to further your nefarious purposes then leave now." Roshi ordered.
"Master Roshi, sir that's not it at all. Like I said, initially it was that. I was raised in the woods by wolves, my only human family being my younger brother who took off for some village in the leaves. My goals have changed though. I want to compete to be the very best, if that requires me giving up my life as a bandit then so be it. I want to win 'The Strongest Under The Heavens tournament' not for the title or the zeni anymore, but to stop Tien Shinhan from winning it, he's my rival, from your rival school, The Crane Hermit." Yamcha elaborated.
'Konoha Huh, I might have to reach out for my contact over there soon then I suppose' Roshi thought to himself.
"Ehh, The Crane Hermit you say? Shen has always been known for being notorious, his brother Tao is even a mercenary, I'm fairly certain they've passed those traits down to their students as well. Very well, I'll do it, but what, exactly do you wish to learn?" Roshi asked.
"I want to learn both The Turtle Hermit Style of martial arts, as well as the ability to control my energy." Yamcha answered.
"Well, when you say energy, there are eight gates. I can't teach you all eight, because my proficiency is only in Ki, my master, however, was the master of all eight, that's what the dragon style was at it core, a conglomerate of all known and unknown forms of martial arts, and a mixture of all eight energies, but he's long gone now. After our training, I'm going to forward you to one of former classmates. Bruce Wayne." Roshi elaborated.
"Bruce Wayne?! Isn't that the billionaire on stateside? The CEO of Wayne Enterprises?" Yamcha questioned.
"Correct. He was a classmate of mine under Master Mutaito. While it's true he never mastered even one of the eight energies, he has mastered all of the martial arts side of things. And although he lacks mastery in the eight energies, he has the most adequate database in the whole world. His knowledge of them and who's the most proficient in each is unparalleled, considering he's travelled the world over and seen them all up close and personal at one point or another." Roshi explained.
Yamcha simply nodded.
"The five main energies consists of Chi; my proficiency. Next you have Haki; the proficiency of my former classmate, current navy vice admiral Monkey D. Garp. Then, there's nen; the specialty of one Biscuit Krueger, another former classmate of mine. Chakra; the specialty of the village your brother went to look for Hidden in the leaves. Finally, you have mana. Mana is hard to explain really, because it didn't originally come from this world. Some event transpired around 5000 years ago, and then Earth was infused with mana, and mana has so many subcateglories, it comes in multiple different forms. Then there is the 3 'other' energies to complete the eight. Sacred, Demon, and Spiritual. To my understanding, only those proficient in nen can even attempt to access Demon and Spiritual. With Haki there's a minimum of three subdivisions; Observation, Conquer's, and Armament. To learn more about it, ask Garp or Bruce. Nen has emitter, enhancer, tranmutter, manipulator, conjurer, and specialist. Speak to Bisky more on that one. Now, Chakra comes in many forms, one of which is elemental bending, which my two good friends; General Iroh of The Fire Nation, and King Boomy of BaSinSe, are masters of. That's all of my knowledge. "Roshi informed.
Yamcha nodded in compliance.
"Now, young Yamcha, before you can master Ki control, you have to master the your physical matter first." Master Roshi began his lesson.
"What do you mean by that, old ma---I mean Master?!" Yamcha inquired.
"It means how comfortable are with your own body? At the center of all the energies, and even below that, on a simple martial artist level, the user/wielder has to be completely in tune with their body before they can even attempt to learn any of the disciplines. While that aspect doesn't require being in peak condition, conditioning certainly helps. I'll tell you what." Roshi continued, as he pulled a stopwatch out his pocket.
"Run from here to that giant boulder and back, I'm going to clock your time." Roshi instructed.
"Yes sir," Yamcha complied, as he prepared his running stance.
"Ready! Go!" Roshi screamed as Yamcha took off.
"Oh ho ho, five seconds! Impressive!" Roshi said as he handed Yamcha the watch. Yamcha smirked heavy.
"Now, get ready, I'm going to do the same." Roshi instructed further.
"Ready, go!" Yamcha screamed, but before he could blink Roshi was there and back already.
"Wha---Wha---What?! 2:30, that's record timing! Sheesh, I'd feel bad for whoever tries to steal from you, ehh Old Timer," Yamcha said in disbelief.
"2:30 Ehh, I guess I'm rusty, must've lost a step I suppose. Ehh, it happens with age I guess." Roshi laughed.
'Lost a step, this guy must've been a true monster in his prime, I guess that's why his name is renowned and revered across the entire globe huh, the legendary Turtle Hermit Roshi.' Yamcha thought, his face turning from shock to that of pure disbelief upon his realization.
"Okay Yamcha, first rule of business, I'm going to assign you the official gi of The Turtle Hermit School." said Roshi as he went in the Kame House and returned with the signature Orange Gi, as well as a purple shell, almost akin to his own, but much smaller.
"A turtle shell?! Like yours?" Yamcha asked, confused.
"What? Are you questioning my methods after requesting I train you?" Roshi asked.
"No, sir, just confused a little by the method, but please! I'll do whatever it takes!" Yamcha insisted.
"Very well, put this Gi on, then put this turtle shell on." Roshi instructed.
Yamcha did as he was told, once fully garbed, the weight of the turtle shell lunging him forward.
"Woah, how much does this thing weigh? 100 pounds, it's nowhere near the size of yours, but yet." Yamcha noted
"50 to be precise. Get used to it. You won't take it off until it's weigh becomes second nature to you." Roshi ordered.
"Damn, err, yes sir!" Yamcha responded, trying to sound enthusiastic, but the weight was a struggle.
Roshi went in the house and returned in front of Yamcha with several boxes full of glass bottles of milk, as well as several packaged loaves of bread.
"Milk and bread?" Yamcha inquired.
"Correct, we will deliver these to the townsfolk, every day. No cheating, I know about your shapeshifting friend who's been around this entire time. Can't use her. If you drop the milk, the first penalty is 100 laps around the island, and if I finish before you, you owe another 100. Second penalty is 1000 pushups, and the third, you must go a week without food." Roshi explained the layout to his student.
So for six months, Roshi and Yamcha trained like this. No breaks, no shortcuts. Then the training continued, but instead of the 50 lb turtle shell, Yamcha had been upgraded to the 75 lb turtle shell, for two more months. When the tournament was exactly one month away, Roshi instructed Yamcha to train on his own, to refine his techniques, but to also not take the turtle shell off until the day of the tournament. Yamcha did as he was told, and refined his Wolf Fang technique, to the point he had different variations of it. He had also learned his master's signature kamehameha wave.
Meanwhile, Tien and Chiaotzu were training mercilessly with each other, and their two masters Shen and Tao as well. Tien's third eye had shut again, but physically, he was now much stronger. He also developed his own signature technique, The Tri Beam Cannon. What the Tri Beam cannon is, Tien forms his hands in the shape of a triangle, and yells "Kikiho" emitting a powerful yellow and white beam from this formation, completely devastating it's target, whether that be landscape or opponent. It takes a lot of stamina to perform, so if he's already drained, doing it won't cause much damage at all. It's also more powerful, the further distance he is away from his opponent.
The time had passed. In the last two months, even Roshi had perfected a new technique. He learned a multi-form technique, but he could only make one double. So, he used that double to be in attendance, while he himself donned his Jackie Chun persona once more.
The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai[]
The day had finally come. The morning of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai was here. Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Master Roshi all separately made their ways to Papaya Island. Yamcha arrived first. He noticed King Choppa enter first.
'King Choppa, huh?' He thought to himself. Just then, another similarly built, lighter skin tone fighter arrived. The girls were swarming around him.
'Hey, I know him, that's Pamput. He's a muay thai master. He was a semi-finalist in the most recent 'King Of The Iron Fist Tournament.' He might be an issue as well.' Yamcha thought.
Just then, Master Roshi in his Jackie Chun guise, arrived.
'Jackie Chun's here too, ehh? Seems like this is going to be a tougher crowd then I thought, but I'm ready. A little adversity is not going to hurt me, I'm Yamcha Inuzuka after all.' His thoughts continued. Just then Tien and Chiaotzu arrived.
Yamcha walked up to Tien, and extended his hand.
"Happy to see you made it, Tien Shinhan." Yamcha smiled to see his rival, trying to show some courtesy.
"Yamcha Inuzuka, ehhh, ready to rush to your agonizing defeat at my hands, that is, if you make it past the preliminaries." Tien mocked, scoffing at Yamcha's gesture of a handshake, slapping his hand down.
As the three fighters entered. The tournament commenced. The Preliminaries were to thin out the competition, and the remaining eight would advance.
"Okay, the preliminaries bouts are private, and the matches are determined by lots." said the ref. Yamcha pulled lot 1.
"1 vs 153." The announcer pronounced.
Yamcha arrived to small ring, and then the entire ring shook as his opponent entered. It was a large brown skin man, disheveled and wore only underwear, dishoved body hair, hair, and facial hair. His stench was unmistakable, this was indeed Bacterian. Yamcha immediately recognized him from one of the tapes. He was previously featured as a quarterfinalist in the 19th Budokai Tenkaichi.
'Bacterian, ehh? He's known to use his lack of hygiene to his advantage. Farts, burps, boogers, the whole nine. Good thing I brought nose plugs.' Yamcha thought to himself as he pulled his nose plugs from his pocket and stuck one in each nostril.
"Begin!" The ref yelled. Bacterian charged at Yamcha in an attempt to bearhug him, Yamcha quickly jumped high in the air above his large opponent's head, landed on his back and with one powerful kick, sent him flying out the ring.
"Number 153 has landed outside of the ring. Number 1 wins by knockout!" Thee Ref says. The next match was number 18, which was Tien Shinhan, vs number 79. Yamcha went to watch his rival, but noticed his opponent was another former quarter-finalist, a blue dinosaur esque by the name 'Monster Beast Giran. '
Even though Tien had no prior knowledge of his opponent, his lack of concern showed just how little he thought of him. As the match between the two began, Tien stood there, with no sense of urgency, trying to provoke his opponent. Monster Beast Giran coughed up a pink binding material from his body, and it immediately encases Tien.
'I recognize that technique. Throughout the history of his time in these tournaments, that's Giran's signature move, 'The Merry Go Round Gum.' Immediately encasing his opponent in it, no one has ever been able to escape. Tien might be in trouble now.' Yamcha thought.
Giran quickly approached a still rather nonchalant Tien. He got up on him, lifted him up and prepared to casually toss him outside the ring. Just then Tien smiled. while his arms were still binded, he lunged himself out of his opponent's grip, kicked him the head and sent him crashing into the ground, rendering him completely unconscious.
"Number 79 is unable to fight, number 18 wins." The ref announced. Just then. Tien broke the binds with ease simply by flexing.
The next match was 54 vs 107. Jackie Chun vs a rather attractive young twenty something female with purple hair.
'Her name is RanFan! She onced seduced her way all the way to the semifinals.' Yamcha noted.
'She might be too gorgeous for Jackie Chun to handle. Guess we'll have to wait and see.' Yamcha thought.
"Begin!" The ref signaled. Seductively, RanFan walked over to Jackie Chun, and started purring at him. while rubbing his chest muscles.
"Awoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jackie Chun screamed aroused, so much blood spurting from his nose. Blood got all over RanFan's eyes, temporarily blinding her. Jackie Chun began to feint from the blood loss, but before he did, RanFan, not being able to see due to the blood in her eyes, casually stumbled out of bounds.
"Number 107 has exited the ring. Number 54 wins." The Ref announced.
Next up, number 73 vs 34. 73 was King Choppa. As 34 walked to the ring, Jackie Chun came to his senses. 34 was a rather tall brown skin man, who looked kind of malnourished a bit.
'This man looks interesting.' Jackie thought to himself. He then probed his mind, his ambitions were indeed noble. His name was Namu. He just wanted to win the tournament money to provide for his family and the rest of his village water, cause they had been an awful drought for quite some time.
"Begin," the ref yelled. The match was over before one could blink as Namu charged at King Choppa, King Choppa casually just walked past him. To the average eye, King Choppa didn't even touch Namu, but to trained martial artists like Yamcha and Jackie Chun, they saw what really happened. King Choppa sidestepped Namu's charge and chopped him in the back and made him fall out the ring.
"Number 34 has been knocked out of the ring, number 73 wins." The ref announced. Next, was number 99, and number 2. Number 99, was a girl, no older than 12 years old, in an outfit that was a pink and purple two piece, and featured a helmet with a blade on it. Jackie Chun immediately recognized the young girl, and while Yamcha couldn't put a finger on it, he felt something familiar about her essence. Her opponent was a very large tan skinned man who wore only underwear and boots and sported an orange afro.
'That's Antoine The Great. He's the reigning World Heavyweight champion in the wrestling world, recently he started other sports cause no one was strong enough to challenge him. That little girl doesn't stand a chance, how is this fair?!' Yamcha questioned to himself.
"Begin!' The ref yelled.
"Hehehe, Little Girlie Die Now!!!" said Antoine as he surrounded the girl with his humongous hands and seemingly crushed her between them. Before he did that however, she took her blade helmet off and kicked it high up in the air. Just then, the girl reemerges, forcing Antoine's hands apart, much to the shock of everyone in attendance, except Jackie Chun/Roshi of course, knowing the girl's identity. Just then, the girl jumped up and kicked Antoine in his face with both legs.
"My daddy said don't show off too early on." said the girl as she landed back on the ground, her helmet falling back down perfectly on her head as her opponent stumbled backwards outside the ring.
"Number 99 has fallen out of the ring, victory goes to number 2." The ref announced. Next was number 14, and 88.
14 was a short young boy, about 13 years old, bald head, with six dots on his head. He sported monk attire; a yellow-orangish gi with dark orange pants, light yellow socks and orange shoes. His opponent had the same garb on, albeit quite a bit taller looking closer to Yamcha and Tien's age of 16. He slender, and had the similar bald head and six dots.
'Aaaah, The Orin Temple ehh? Haven't seen them around in ages.' Jackie Chun thought to himself, taking notes of the clothing.
"Begin." The ref shouted.
The older one charged at the young boy and the young boy hopped on his head.
"Get off of me you little--" number 88 said. The young boy hopped off his head, grabbed the top of it with one hand, and slammed him outside the ring.
"I'm tired of you bullying me. And I have a name you know, its Krillin." Number 14 responded.
"Number 88 is out of the ring, Number 14 advances." The ref announced. Next was number 50 and number 42. Number 50 was the one Yamcha recognized earlier, Pamput, the Muay Thai master, and a giant muscular dark brown skinned Native American man who sported a feather amongst his head.
'That's Pamput, semi finalist from The King Of The Iron Fist Tournament' Yamcha noted.
'Pamput's opponent I see, is Bora Reigns, The Tribal Chief of the natives with impressive strength. This should be a good battle.' Jackie Chun made a mental note of.
"Begin," The ref announced. Immediately, Pamput prepared his stance and started shuffling his feet. He immediately went for a kick at Bora's face, but Bora expected it. Bora caught Pamput's foot almost instantaneously and slammed him into the ground. He was attempting to do it again, but Pamput had kicked his shoe off, releasing himself from Bora's grip. He then leaped in the air for another kick at Bora's face, this time however he connected. Just then, Bora slapped him down with his other hand and then swooped him to pull him in for an embrace. Bora was giving Pamput a devastating bearhug. Bora jumped as high as he could with Pamput still in his arms, and then immediately pile drove towards the ground with both of them head first. Crashing into the ring, once the smoke cleared, both fighters arose, clearly shaken from the impact. Pamput didn't waste anytime. Though he was still somewhat dazed, he immediately jumped and kneed the unsuspecting Bora straight in the chest. Bora stood his ground, he braced himself as if he had just threw his spear. He immediately speared Pamput, well he attempted to but Pamput jumped up and struck Bora in the nose with a punch, before, kicking him in the cheek, immediately incapacitating him. Bora fell to the ground unconscious.
"Your strength is truly admirable as is your intensity, but it takes more than raw power and ferocity to with a battle. Finesse and technique is the artform I exemplify." A worn out Pamput boasted.
'He's right to some extent, technique is crucial when it comes to winning any real fight. However, though he lost, Bora Reigns, I see potential in him, With the right training, he could really become a force to be reckoned with at least. I wonder.' Jackie Chun thought to himself.
"Number 42 is unconscious, and incapable of continuing the fight. The winner by knockout is number 50!" The ref announced. Next was number 105 and number 125. Number 105 was Chiaotzu and number 125 was a regular person looking like a former athlete. Brown skin, he sported an afro, and he adorned a brown martial arts Gi as if he belonged to some dojo.
"Begin." The announcer signaled.
"Goodbye." Said Chiaotzu as he simply put his hands out and, through telekinesis, picked his opponent up in the air and just flew him out of bounds with his mind.
"Number 125 has exited the ring. Number 105 advances. The ref announced. Only the first bout of the preliminaries were there noticeable opponents, the rest was all fodder, until only these 8 remained. Then the real tournament commenced the following day.
The Quarterfinals[]
The following day, after getting some rest, the eight arrived to the true tournament stage to look at the brackets.
"Chiaotzu, my first match is against you. I don't want you holding anything back, got it?" Tien said to his little companion. Chiaotzu just nodded.
Yamcha gazed at the bracket.
'Great, I got to fight Pamput first. Just my luck' Yamcha thought. Yamcha continued to look on however.
'This is an interesting one here. Jackie Chun vs King Choppa. A Former champ and the reigning champ. That should be a fun one. Then there's that Krillin kid from The Orin Temple. He's going against Chichi, I guess that was name of the mysterious girl that seems oddly familiar.' Yamcha concluded
Fight 1: Yamcha vs Pamput[]
The announcer was a ringside commentator from up in his window booth. He had pale skin, blonde hair, black sunglasses, and wore a black blazer for the whole duration. Yamcha and Pamput entered the ring.
"OKAY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!!! ARE YOU READY!!!!!!!" The announcer yelled over the loudspeaker. The crowd went wild.
"The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai, to determine who deserves the title 'The Strongest Under The Heavens, will now commence!" The announcer spoke in the mic.
"Our first match is between Yamcha and Pamput! Yamcha is a pupil of the famous Turtle Hermit School, which has, till this point, produced some of the greatest fights this stage has ever seen. Pamput we all know and love folks. The movie star, the muay thai master, the number one pupil in kickboxing, and a semifinalist in The King Of The Iron Fist Tournament! Begin!!!!" The announcer introduced the fighters and then announced for the match to start. The actual ring was much bigger than the prelims and there was actually a crowd watching. Yamcha and Pamput both prepared their battle stances. Yamcha did a quick glance at the audience and seen Master Roshi and Puar cheering him on.
'If I do this for nothing else, it's to make them proud.' Yamcha thought just as Pamput rushed him. Pamput threw a flurry a fast muay thai kicks and kickboxing punches, it was too unorthodox for Yamcha to keep up. Yamcha was just barely blocking the punches and dodging the kicks, he had no time to go on the offensive. Suddenly, one of Pamput's kicks connected to his rib, and Pamput took advantage of the lapse to knee Yamcha in the face, which sent him flying in the air. Pamput jumped up in the air after him, but when he got there, Yamcha was ready.
"Wolf Fang Crunch!!!" Yamcha screamed as he held his hands down at a quickly approaching Pamput. Just then, the spirit of a Blue Wolf emerged from Yamcha's hands, and crunched on Pamput, immobilizing him and sending him crashing straight back into the ring. Yamcha descended and landed on his feet next to his immobilized opponent.
"Pamput is down, if he can stay till the count of ten. Then Yamcha will advance to the quarterfinals!!!!!" The announcer announced before starting his count. Pamput did not move for the majority of the count until it got to seven, then he flinched. Yamcha kneeled down on one knee next to him and whispered."I respect you, you're a great fighter. Perhaps we'll meet again someday, but right now I'm on a mission. On my honor as a Turtle Hermit Student, I'll never strike a man while he's down, but please stay down. Or I'll have to put you down again, and this next time might not be so subtle." Yamcha warned sternly.
Pamput wanted to defy his opponent's wishes in the first way, he was Pamput after all; Muay Thai master, star kickboxing pupil, moviestar. The truth is however, he couldn't move, even if he wanted to. Then the count reached ten.
"Pamput has been down for 10 seconds or more, the winner, the turtle hermit disciple, Yamcha Inuzuka. Once again students from that prestowed school has put on a show for us." The announcer announced as the two fighters left the ring.
Fight 2: Jackie Chun Vs King Choppa[]
"Ladies and Gentlemen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The quarterfinals started with a bang, a fierce albeit pretty short fight, but now, the one we've all been waiting for!!!!!!!!! King Choppa, the former champ of the 19th Budokai Tenkaichi, the one who won the entire tournament without anyone ever laying a finger on him. Then, the Reigning Champ, also known for using a variant of The Turtle Hermit Style, Jackie Chun himself. The winner of this match goes on to face Yamcha Inuzuka in the semifinals tomorrow. Who will it be folks, give us a round of applause for our two combatants. Let us hear the anticipation!!!! Begin!!!!" The announcer introduced.
The two fighters approached and ready their battle stances against each other. King Choppa rushed Jackie Chun, he got up on him.
"128 Palms!!!!" King Choppa yelled, instantly going for his signature move.
"It appears King Choppa is trying to end this match before it begins, instantly using the move he's known for most, and up until this point, no one has been able to hold on. Can Jackie Chun hold up against such a legendary move?" The announcer asked.
The move however, was ineffective against Jackie Chun. Jackie Chun effortlessly blocked every hit, and with the last one he even managed to grab King Choppa's fist. Collectively, the announcer and the crowd gasp.
"Throughout the entirety of the last tournament, and up until now through the preliminaries of this one, never before have we seen anybody even lay a single finger on King Choppa, let alone stop his barrage and halt his attack. Jackie Chun has just done what many of us thought was impossible folks. Now can he capitalize on the moment? How will King Choppa handle this new kind of adversity?" The announcer asked.
Just then, Jackie Chun, while still holding King Choppa's hand, swept his opponent's left leg with his right, causing him to collapse to one knee.
"Never in my years have I've been opposed and challenged like this! I won't allow you to make such a fool out of me!" King Choppa scream, breaking lose from Chun's grip, standing up and charging his opponent once more. Jackie Chun casually waited for his opponent to approach, and then proceeded to kick him into the ring symbol, and then ran at him grabbed him, and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying in the air. He then jumped up and kicked King Choppa out the ring.
"I cannot believe what we just witnessed folks, but our beloved King Choppa, winner of the last 'Strongest Under The Heavens Tournament, the one who had, until this point, never been touched by his opponent, has been knocked out the ring after being utterly decimated. Which means, Jackie Chun is the victor! He will fight Yamcha Inuzuka in the semifinals tomorrow!" The announcer announced. The crowd went ballistic, a mixture of both cheers and boos.
Jackie Chun, immediately after his match was over, went to the crowd to find his clone, fortunately he was separated from Yamcha at the time. He refused back with him. He then seeked out Namu from the preliminaries.
"Namu correct." Chun asked as he tapped him on the shoulder from behind to get his attention. Namu turned around.
"Yes, that is me. Masterful display you put on out there, against the one who eliminated me, just wanted to offer my congratulations to you, praying for your success in the rest of this tournament." Namu congratulated.
"Thank you, but that's not why I've come looking for you." Chun responded as he walked toward a more secluded area and notioned for Namu to follow him.
When it appeared to be just the two of them, Chun pulled a capsule from his pocket.
"Here, take this, it's an abundance of water, I know that was your purpose for competing here, you wanted the money to break your tribe's drought correct?" Jackie Chun asked. Namu was in shock.
"How did you know?!!! Thank you so much, I don't know how I could ever repay you." Namu said in awe.
"How I know is not important, it really wasn't a bother at all. In terms of payment, there is one small favor I need to ask though." Chun responded.
"What is it? Anything, I'll do it." Namu responded eager.
"I came here, to this tournament, in this guise as Jackie Chun, to push my student Yamcha. I feel as though if he wins too soon, he's going to get too far ahead of himself. So I planted myself as that obstacle in his path. However, until this point, I've been fighting at less than half capacity, cause Yamcha's no slouch. If he hadn't seen me in the audience, he'd probably quickly deduce who I am through my disguise. So, I used a variant of a multi-form technique passed down through ancient times to split myself in two, the one competing and the one in the audience. Doing that though, cut my strength in half in order to maintain that appearance, but with Yamcha being my next fight, I need all my strength to best him, so would you assist me, by posing as me in the crowd, so he'd not be suspicious.
"Absolutely, I'll do that for you." Namu agreed without hesitation.
Fight 3: Tien vs Chiaotzu[]
"Ladies and gentlemen, we're on to match 3!!!!!!!!!" The announcer yelled. The crowd went ballistic.
"We're in for a heartbreaker here folks. Our competitors both hail from The Crane Hermit School. Brothers, classmates, comrades, and best friends, loyalty looks like it's going to be tested here folks. Give it up for Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu!!!!!!!!!" The announcer introduced. The two walked in at opposite sides of the ring.
"T---T--Tien, I...I...I can't fight you!!! I won't do it! I refuse." Chiaotzu screamed at his friend.
"Listen, Chiaotzu, I'm not happy about this either, but I won't accept anything less than 100% effort from you, understand?! If you, for any reason at all, hold back, I will never forgive you, understood?!" Tien warned his friend. Chiaotzu silently agreed simply by nodding his head.
"There's seems to be words exchanged between the two, wish we could hear what they're saying to each other right now. Anyway, may the match, begin!!!!" The announcer announced.
Immediately Tien charged at Chiaotzu, only to be instantaneously stopped in his tracks, by Chiaotzu's telekinesis as he held his two hands out in Tien's direction.
Tien struggled for a bit, then he thought to himself 'Wait a minute, I've trained my physical abilities just as much as he trained his psychic abilities. This kinetic energy manipulation/compulsion won't work on me.' Tien thought as he began to forge through, taking heavy steps in an attempt to break the compulsion his body was under.
"From the looks of it, Tien Shinhan seems to be frozen in place at the moment, paralyze of some sorts, a technique by Chiaotzu. Hold up, he looks to be forging his way through folks." The announcer announced.
'How is he doing this?!' Chiaotzu thought manicked, panicking trying to figure out a way to counter the approaching Tien. Just then, something came to him. Chiaotzu, with his abilities, started lifting the tiles up off the ring and sent them flying rapidly at Tien. Since Tien was still under Chiaotzu's compulsion, granted it was weakening due to Chiaotzu not being too good at multitasking, he wasn't able to avoid all of them. One cut him in his face.
"Damn it," Tien muttered to himself. Just then, he felt Chiaotzu's compulsion instantaneously stop, and the tiles dropped as well.
"Oh no!!!!!! Tien I'm so sorry!" Chiaotzu screamed for his friend. This made Tien extremely angry. He quickly ran up to Chiaotzu, slapped him in the face, threw him in the air, and kicked him to send him flying upwards.
"Chiaotzu, what did I tell you at the beginning of the match, I said if you hold back I'd never forgive me. You had me in an advantageous spot and you let up! How dare you!?!!!!!!" Tien screamed to the top his lungs as he jumped in the air and tried to hurdle Chiaotzu back to the ground with a kick, only to be repelled by a forcefield barrier Chiaotzu surrounded himself with.
"Remember, always be ruthless towards your opponent, that is the way of The Crane Hermit School!!!" Tien reminded his partner.
"Cruel and Sadistic, no mercy, humanity doesn't deserve that courtesy. You are my best friend, my brother, but right now, we're opponents and enemies while we're in this ring. Got it?!!! Save that sentimental stuff for afterwards!! Tien barked as he used his skywalk ability to stay levitated in the air as Chiaotzu landed back on the arena floor.
'One advantage I have over Chiaotzu, though we studied at the same school, he was trained mainly by Master Shen himself, while I on the other hand, was trained mostly by Tao sensei. So, certain techniques of Tao sensei, what he mostly taught me, Master Shen, and by extension, Chiaotzu himself, wouldn't necessarily be privy to.' Tien smirked upon coming to that realization.
"Dodan Ray Barrage!!!" Tien screamed as he shot as barrage of Dodon Ray beams at Chiaotzu's feet, purposely trying not to hit him, but enough to make him nervous. While trying to avoid the beams, Chiaotzu continuously hopped back until his feet had him hanging off the ring. Tien took advantage of this, flying at him lightspeed, before Chiaotzu had a chance to react. Tien wrapped his friend in a fierce bearhug.
"Yeah, can't do anything without your hands ehh?" Tien taunted. He was, however, unaware, that Chiaotzu had been learning to fight with his mind alone, though he was far from a master at it yet. Chiaotzu, with just his mind, lifted both himself and Tien into the air above the outside of the ring. Then he forcibly made Tien release his grip on him and sent him flying towards the ground, but before Tien landed, he grabbed Chiaotzu's feet, not giving his friend no time to react and slammed him outside the ring.
"Chiaotzu is out of the ring!!!! After an amazingly exhilarating match in which both opponents fought admirably, Tien Shinhan wins by ring out, and he will be the one to represent The Crane Hermit School in the semifinals." The announcer announced.
The crowd went ballistic. Meanwhile, Yamcha, who was next to Puar and Roshi (The real Master Roshi), said to his sensei and comrade.
"So, he does care about other's lives besides his own, he loves Chiaotzu like a brother." Yamcha stated, notioning at Tien catering to Chiaotzu after their bout to make sure he was okay.
"Sorry, little buddy." Tien apologized, muttering to the injured Chiaotzu as he carried him through the crowd. Chiaotzu was barely conscious, but gave Tien a thumbs up for approval.
"Indeed, and both his power and technique is phenomenal. He's an exceptional warrior. At least he has the potential to be, but as long he intends to uphold the false values and practices and false sense of honor of The Crane Hermit School and their wicked ways, that potential will never be realized to the full extent. He must break away from that if he wishes to surpass his limits." Roshi informed Yamcha.
"Where's Jackie Chun, haven't seen him since hit match ended." Yamcha noted with a hint of suspicion in his voice. Master Roshi could feel that Yamcha was on to something.
"He's probably resting for your match tomorrow, you got a hard one ahead of you kid. Jackie's precision and technique are unrivaled." Roshi responded nervously.
"Yeah, King Choppa, who had never been touched until that point, was soundly defeated with ease. It's kinda insane really." Yamcha noted.
Fight 4: Krillin vs Chi-Chi[]
"For Our Final Match of this Quarter Finals Round, we have two youngsters!!! Krillin; an up and comer from the relatively unknown school of monks; The Orin Temple, and Chi-Chi, now you may not know who she is, so let me tell you. Yet another disciple from The Legendary Turtle Hermit Style, Chi-Chi is the daughter of two time finalist Ox -King!" The announcer announced.
The crowd went insane at this revelation, and for surely Ox-King could clearly be seen amongst that crowd.
"Ox-King's daughter?!!!! No wonder she seemed so familiar!" Yamcha said out loud.
"Yeah, that makes a lot of sense now." Puar added.
"Whoever wins this match, from our young competitors, will go on to face Tien Shinhan in the semi-finals tomorrow!!!!" The announcer announced.