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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Ultra Cooler's Slugack, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Ultra Cooler's Slugack

Makishi Kūra Suragakku
Manga name Slugack
Alternate names Lord Slugack
Copy Slugack
Debut Fanga: "Tale of Two Coolers Saga"
Appears in
Race Hybrd (In the image of Race of Hera-Namekian)
Gender Male
Date of birth July 9th, Age 854
Date of death July 9th, Age 854
  • Ultra Cooler (creator)
  • Slugack (genetic material/genetic template)
  • Ultra Cooler's Male Janesuka (comrade/fellow clone)
  • Ultra Cooler's Female Janesuka (comrade/fellow clone)
  • Ultra Cooler's Cooler 16 (comrade/fellow clone)
  • Ultra Cooler's Hatchiyarles (comrade/fellow clone)
  • Ultra Cooler's Jeiyu (comrade/fellow clone)
  • Ultra Cooler's Slugack (Lord Slugack) is a clone created by Ultra Cooler based on Slugack.


    Slugack's personality is identical to his creator's fusee.


    Slugack appearance is different from his creator's fusee; his hair is red, yellow gloves, and black and green boots similar to Bojack's boots. Has two antennae near the base of his hair. His skin colour is a dark de-saturated green colour with pale blue patches. He has scar on his face, and torso.


    He battles against Chilada after he was created, but was easily overpwoered by her. She manages to push him back and counter every move shake makes. She eventually kills him by piercing his heart with her blade.


    • Flight
    • Ki Blast and Sensing
    • Regeneration
    • Galactic Twin Star
    • Trap Shooter