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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Ultra Cooler's Female Janesuka, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Ultra Cooler's Female Janesuka

マキシ クウラ女性ジャネスカ
Makishi Kūra Josei Janesuka
Manga name Janesuka
Alternate names Female Janesuka
Debut Fanga: "Tale of Two Coolers Saga"
Appears in
Race Hybrid (In the form of Evil Energy-Human-type Earthling Hybrid)
Gender Female
Date of birth June 11th, Age 855
Date of death June 11th, Age 855
Allegiance Future Cooler's Temporal Army
  • Ultra Cooler (creator)
  • Janesuka (template)
  • Ultra Cooler's Male Janesuka (male counterpart)
  • Ultra Cooler's Cooler 16 (comrade/fellow clone)
  • Ultra Cooler's Slugack (comrade/fellow clone)
  • Ultra Cooler's Jeiyu (comrade/fellow clone)
  • Ultra Cooler's Hatchiyarles (comrade/fellow clone)
  • Ultra Cooler's Female Janesuka often referred to as just Janesuka is clone created by Ultra Cooler.


    Female Janesuka's appearance is identical to Malefic Janesuka's appearance, however any traces of her male side is non-existent in this clone. Her eyes blank yellow, and skin colour is a lighter colour as opposed to Janesuka's colours.


    Ultra Cooler created the female version of his clone while Future Trunks broke free and killed his male version with ease. They soon realised that the Female Janesuka's are even stronger than the male version and requires Vegeta and Future Trunks to fuse into Vegeks to battle against them.


    • Flight
    • Ki Blast and Sensing
    • Hell Gate
    • Lightning Shower Rain
    • Portal Opening
      • Illusion Smash
    • Bunkai Teleport