Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Ultimate Kai (U93), is the property of Jodenku.

Ultimate Kai is the leader of Kai's in the show of DragonBall PD, also in Universe 93. He appears as supreme kai except more taller and his hair is blue. He gifted the Supreme 5 the Dragon Sword. He's mostly interested in Kazuto and his hidden potentials and the way he uses the Dragon Sword as if it were his own body part. 

Ultimate Kai
character image
DragonBall PD Character
Vital statistics
Aliases/Nicknames: The God of Universe 93
Birthplace: Kai World
Power level: 39,000,000,000,000
Homeworld: Kai
Species: Kai
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 17 million B.C. (Before Christ)
Date of Death: Age 1055
Height: 6'1
Weight: 183lbs
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Purple
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Brother(s): Unknown
Sister(s): Unknown
Cousins: Unknown
Maternal Grandfather: Old Kai
Spouse(s): No
In-Laws: No
Great Grandchildren: Supreme Kai
Personal Weapons Systems
Chronological & Political Information
Ultimate kai

Ultimate Kai walking through a flower field
