Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Tyru, is the property of Hakuryuu14.


Son Tyru
Shin Dragon Ball Z Character
Vital statistics
Aliases/Nicknames: Goku,Tyler,Dragon Ball,Monkey Boy,Gohen
Birthplace: Earth
Power level:
Homeworld: Earth/Vegeta
Species: Human/Sayian
Gender: Male
Birthdate: Unknown
Height: 4'0"
Weight: 60 Lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Rank: NO.2
Mother: Chi Chi
Father: Goku
Brother(s): Gohan
Sister(s): Bella
Personal Weapons Systems
Chronological & Political Information
TYRU the saiyan

Tyru is the youngest son of goku and chi chi. He was born on earth and is a half Human half saiyan hybrid. He is a member of Z fighters jr and later the Z fighters. He trains with vegeta and is revealed to be stronger than trunks at the age of 7.
