Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Debut Dragon Ball Sparking
Race Saiyan
Gender Male
Date of birth Unknown
Date of death Unknown
  • Cress (Girlfriend)
  • Cucumb (Best Friend)
  • Chillah (Friend/Teammate)
  • Peppah (Friend/Teammate)
  • Tatto (Boss)
  • Turrip is a character who debuted in Dragon Ball Sparking during the Twin Saiyan Gods Saga. While not evil, he is the main opposing force in the saga.


    In his base form, Turrip is usually seen shirtless with dark blue pants and orange boots tipped with plaid. He also sports an armband on his left arm, and has long black hair. He also has a scar on his cheek, though it's unknown how he got this scar in the first place. He usually has a stoic look on his face, with the occasional grin or teeth grit, but according to Cress his smile is "Really cute and super warm". His saiyan tail is wrapped around his waist.

    In his Super Saiyan 4 form, he gains the usual red fur of a SSJ4, but his version has red eyes with orange irises, along with a much more menacing glare. He also has some red streak in his hair. Even if he's wearing a shirt while in base, he always takes it off once transforming, claming that it gets really hot with all that fur. Instead of wrapping his tail around him, he usually just tucks the tail under his pants so foes can't cut it off and revert the transformation.


    Much like other Saiyans, Turrip spent most of his life training and takes fighting very seriously, up to the point where his friends and even himself admit it's become an obsession. Also like Saiyans, his appetite is insane, and he can eat a ton of food without even getting full. Unlike other Saiyans, however, he's more stoic and serious, choosing to avoid needless moves and going straight for any weak point he can spot. If he can find a way to end a fight quickly, even in a simple sparring match, he'll go for it without hesitation.

    Despite all this, he is a nice person, and does enjoy the company of others. He believes a nice fighter is a better fighter, as they understand what mercy is and, therefore, know when to hold back. Offering him food or a sparring match is a pretty good way to get on his good side quickly. Strangly enough, he also hates killing and pefers to avoid it at any cost. Only really bad people get his full wrath.

    Once he goes Super Saiyan 4, however, he changes dramatically. He goes from a stoic, no-nonsense fighter to a very hot-headed, aggressive, and outright vicious combatant who refuses to let the opponent rest until they're down and has no problem doing attacks that could badly harm his opponents. The only similarities between the two forms is that, even with the boost of viciousness thi form gives him, he still refuses to kill unless he absolutely has to. According to him, he dislikes using the form because it scares Cress.


    Before Dragon Ball Sparking[]

    Not much is known about Turrip, Cress, Cucumb, Chillah, and Peppah's life before the tournament. All that is known is that they all knew each other since childhood, Cress started dating Turrip after saving her life from a "freaky pink thing", and Cucumb used to be fat before working out all the fat. A few days before the tournament, Turrip holds their village hostage and demands that the five work for him, which they begrudgingly accept.

    Twin Saiyan Gods Saga[]

    Janemba's Wrath Saga[]

    The Dark Dragons Saga[]


    During the Twin Gods Tournament, Turrip is shown to be a force not to be taken lightly. He's able to take on Cabba and Gohan in their SSJ1 forms, and does pretty well against Gohan in his SSJ2 form. However, when Goku and Vegeta go SSJ3, he's pretty outmatched hard. Plus, he avoids fighting Kefla during the tournament, stating that they're too strong for him at the moment.

    However, when he unleashed SSJ4, his power is boosted greatly. He manages to eliminate Cabba in only a few minutes and gave SSJ3 Goku and Vegeta a good thrashing. Gohan even decides that its pointless fighting him so he focuses on the other contestants instead, along with Kefla. It takes Goku and Vegeta fusing into Vegito for them to start turning the battle in their favor, and even then while the power of the fusion proved too much for Turrip, he still held his own pretty well.

    That being said, when Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan battle Tatto in order to protect the combatants, Turrip is blown away by their sheer power, admitting that SSJ4 would be nothing more then an annoyance to them in their Godly states. He still expresses interest in sparring with them in those forms, however.

    Later, when he and Vegeta become sparring partners, it seems he's getting stronger, as indicated by Vegeta informing Goku that Turrip is slowly starting to match the Super Saiyan God form in combat. Apparently, the Super Saiyan Blue form is still too much for him.


    • Flight – The ability to fly with the use of ki.
    • Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
    • Full Power Energy Wave - To use it, the user starts by charging an Energy Sphere in their hand(s). Then, they draw their hand(s) forward and fire the energy sphere in the form of an energy wave at the opponent, inflicting a great amount of damage.
    • Double Sphere Shot - His signature attack, Turrip pulls out two purple energy balls and tosses them both, one overhead and the other underhead. He usually tosses both of them at the same target to confuse them, but has thrown both at different targets before.
    • Backflip Canon - Turrip preforms a backflip and, when he lands, he unleashes a Full Power Energy Wave right in front of him. He can also shoot it directly below him halfway through the backflip if the opponent is behind him.
    • Power Bomber - Turrip uses the Double Sphere Shot move, but instead of tossing both, he instead puts them together to create a giant energy ball that he then hurls at his opponent. He can't throw it as far as the DSS but it does a lot more damage.
    • Omega Sign Obliterator - His strongest attack, Turrip needs to be in SSJ4 to preform it. He cups his hands together and makes a finger gun, then charges up a very powerful beam of Ki. Once charged, he fires it off. He can also shoot it while its only halfway charged, shooting out a ball of Ki instead of a beam.

    Turrip SSJ4 New

    Super Saiyan 1
    The Standard Super Saiyan Form. According to himself, he gained the form when he hit 22, and is the form we see him in the most.

    Super Saiyan 2 & 3
    While he does have these transformations, he doesn't use them on-screen.

    Super Saiyan 4
    His signature transformation. Unlike Goku from another timeline, he lacks the ability to use the form at will. Instead, he has to go through the tedious process of going Great Ape and using Super Saiyan in order to transform. It's worth it, however, because the form is crazy strong, able to easily match both Goku and Vegeta in their SSJ3 forms. Vegeta even admits that SSJ4 might be the strongest non-God transformation.

    As seen later, when he gives Goku energy for the Universal Spirit Bomb, he eventually learns how to transform without using Great Ape.


    Note: If you wanna use Turrip for something, just let me know and your free to go!

    • Dragon Ball Sparking
      • Twin Saiyan Gods Saga
      • The Dark Dragon Saga


    • His old Super Saiyan 4 design takes a lot of notes from OC Rygor, most notably the red streaks in his hair and the bright red eyes. It was changed so it would look different.

