This article, Triclops (Xz), is the property of dark TRUNKS. |
Triclops are a powerful race of three eyed humanoids. It's unknown what their home planet is, but they're seen on Earth. They are also the only race capable of turning into the legendary Super Triclops.
Physical Appearance[]
Triclops look just like humans except they have a third eye.
Four Witches[]
A Triclops naturally can become a Super Triclops. This power gives the user a third arm, a fourth arm, and amazing battle potential.
Eight Witches[]
The second level of Super Triclops. This one is the stage directly after Super Triclops. It gains a fifth, sixth, seventh, & eighth arm.
Notable Triclops[]
Tien is one of the only known Triclops, and is part-Human, so we don't know what a pure-blooded Triclops looks like.