Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki

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The Training Chamber is a location from Toki Toki City. It first appears in the Attack of the Saiyans Saga of Pan's Ascent.

Description & Capabilities[]

It is a high tech room run from outside by Commander Hale when in use. When activated, the Training Chamber can take on several appearances from a small hallway, a large cityscape, or a desert wasteland. It can also spawn individual objects or even constructs based on the data of combatants in the Time Patrol's database. In the case of an advancement test for the 10's, constructs of General Blue, Mercenary Tao, Tambourine, Major Metallitron, and Staff Officer Black inside his Battle Jacket, each of their personalities mimicing the historical originals. Food constructs can also be created, which are indistinguishable from real food to a body.

It maximum size is unknown, but in Pan's first outing inside of it, its form of a cityscape was fairly large save for the ceiling. Trunks later described the chamber as giving the illusion of several miles.

Normally, time runs at the same pace as outside, but it can be modified to slow down the time inside the chamber, though at the cost of power to Toki Toki City. So far, it has managed to turn six days outside the Training Chamber into six months inside.


  • The Training Chamber was inspired by the Danger Room from Marvel Comics.