Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Towa (U93), is the property of Brudikai222.

Towa is a female demon from the Demon Realm and little sister to the Demon King Dabura.. Her ultimate goal is to undo the seal to the demon real and unleash evil onto the universe. She created the demon android Mira to be the muscle to her brains. Unlike the Xenoverse game Towa and Mira work under Demigra to realease him onto the universe. Towa sees this plan as a way to bring demonic beauty to the universe as Mira sees it only to test his power against the Demon God. The Time Patrol led by Trunks and Brudikai try to stop this plan and bring peace to the time lines.



character image
Dragon Ball PD Character
Vital statistics
Aliases/Nicknames: The Pale Woman

Dabura's Sister

Birthplace: Demon Realm
Power level: 573,854,367,302
Homeworld: Demon Realm
Species: Demon
Gender: Female
Hair Color: White
Brother(s): Dabura
Spouse(s): Mira
Personal Weapons Systems
Chronological & Political Information

Demon Sorceress[]

(also called darkness Demon) Towa's peak of Magical ability in power this is the qeuivalent to Super Mira 2. With this power She can put beings as strong as  Zemasu, Hit, and Golden frieza under her control. It might not seem all that threating but in form the mind control boost the power of the victum 43 times over. 

Demon God[]

Towa was given a demon god Form by her grandfather Machikabura. She gains god ki and proves to be a deadly match for Frigan who went super saiyan God just minutes before. On the god scale this would be a 9


Time minipulating

villinous mind control

Time bullet

position shift

Bloody sauce

Energy release

Energy zone
