Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Torask, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Torask
Alternate names Torak
Appears in
Race Fourth Dimension Entity
Gender Male
Status Alive
Occupation God of Strength and Fate
Affiliations Tyber (student)

Torask (トラスク Torsauku) is a Fourth Dimension Entity and supporting character that'll appear in Dragon Ball Advanced.


In Torask's true form - he appears as a beam of energy with a Humanoid-shape.


Torask believes that true strength is a testament of character and a manifestation of the character's will while also believing that Fate is nigh-unavoidable. Torask is able to see people for who they truly are and able to even reveal their weaknesses. Torask is not without emotion as showed incredible remorse on giving Grandpara the power to reverse his reincarnation and return as Atla.


Torask is 2 Billion Years Old during the 2nd Timespace Rift Tournament, however, which era he refers to when mentioning his age is unknown.


Torask has never been mortal and has always been a god. He exists primarily in the Fourth Dimension and has observed the Dragon World since its conception. He is responsible for Tyber learning "Invert" as well as the Galactic Patrol gaining the ability to teach Invert.


Torask's power surpasses that of even that of the Gods of Destruction and Angels of the Dragon World.


  • Causality Immunity - Torask is immune to causal interactions
  • Hakai Immunity - Torask is completely immune to effects of Hakai despite not being immortal.
  • Reality Warping - Torask is able to warp and manipulate reality such as teaching Invert to non-Fourth Dimension Entities with them suffering adverse effects and allowing Grandpara to turn himself back into Atla.
  • Time Manipulation - Torask is capable of manipulating time as well as erase timelines, prevent time paradoxes, and even create time.
  • Time Travel - Torask can freely travel through time.
  • Power and Potential Manipulation - Torask can create, alter, and manipulate one's power and potential to an infinite degree.


  • Torask's name is an anagram of Kratos which is Greek for strength and also a reference to Kratos - the divine personification of strength.
  • Torask is based on Zaros from Runescape and Nix Uotan.
    • Like the Superjudge; he is not neutral and will aid when necessary, however, he'll also be willing to help villains.
    • Like Zaros; as he prefers people to judge him on his own actions and words.