This article, Time Pass, is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson. |
The Time Pass is power created by the Time Patrol from along time ago. It enables a Time Patroller to any point and time to erase or restore a time after a distortion is caused. Only a Supreme Kai of Time, Super Shenron, Dark Dragon Balls eternal Dragon, and Face are capable of giving the Time Pass.
- Conditional Agelessness - A person under the Time Pass powers; a Time Patroller will not biological age in a foreign time or a place where time doesn't flow properly, as such a person can enter the Room of Time and Space for the 10 days, and come out the same biological age they were before entering it. If a person is in their correct time; this power doesn't work.
- Fusion Manipulation - This is special condition that requires a Supreme Kai of Time to grant. This ability allows the user under the Time Pass to end the fusion dance whenever they want and a non-Supreme Kai to end a Potara fusion when they no longer need to be fused. However only a Supreme Kai of Time can remove the time limit of person under a Time Pass
- Time Restoration - User under the Time Pass; can restore a certain time when a time distortion occurs. After the distortion is fixed the Timeline goes back to its original flow, and this also prevents the creation of another time ring
- Paradox Memory - Anyone with a Time Pass will remember all events occurred during a distortion, and thus create time paradox memory. This doesn't completely work if something erased by the distortion took form, and requires a person to experience a familiar feeling or experience so they can eventually remember.
- Time Nest Teleportation - All users can instantly go back to Time Nest at the time and year they left it.
- Temporal Duplication - Users of the Time Pass can bring their past or future selves into assist their fight, and are unaffected by anything that occurs to them.