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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Time Pass, is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson.

The Time Pass is power created by the Time Patrol from along time ago. It enables a Time Patroller to any point and time to erase or restore a time after a distortion is caused. Only a Supreme Kai of Time, Super Shenron, Dark Dragon Balls eternal Dragon, and Face are capable of giving the Time Pass.


  • Conditional Agelessness - A person under the Time Pass powers; a Time Patroller will not biological age in a foreign time or a place where time doesn't flow properly, as such a person can enter the Room of Time and Space for the 10 days, and come out the same biological age they were before entering it. If a person is in their correct time; this power doesn't work.
  • Fusion Manipulation - This is special condition that requires a Supreme Kai of Time to grant. This ability allows the user under the Time Pass to end the fusion dance whenever they want and a non-Supreme Kai to end a Potara fusion when they no longer need to be fused. However only a Supreme Kai of Time can remove the time limit of person under a Time Pass
  • Time Restoration - User under the Time Pass; can restore a certain time when a time distortion occurs. After the distortion is fixed the Timeline goes back to its original flow, and this also prevents the creation of another time ring
  • Paradox Memory - Anyone with a Time Pass will remember all events occurred during a distortion, and thus create time paradox memory. This doesn't completely work if something erased by the distortion took form, and requires a person to experience a familiar feeling or experience so they can eventually remember.
  • Time Nest Teleportation - All users can instantly go back to Time Nest at the time and year they left it.
  • Temporal Duplication - Users of the Time Pass can bring their past or future selves into assist their fight, and are unaffected by anything that occurs to them.