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This page, Tigahl Empire, is property of KidVegeta.

Tigahl Empire

14,395 Before Age


~3000 Before Age


Universe 7


Mingal the Bold (†)

Main Members:

Mingal the Bold (†)
Citizens of the Tigahl Empire (†)




The Tigahl Empire was a powerful intergalactic empire in Universe 7 that formed thousands of years before the start of Dragon Ball. Its capitol was Loru Qir. The empire was known as being one of the more ruthless ones, for they annexed planets at will, enslaving trillions to labor for their mighty kingdom. In roughly 3000 Before Age, the empire began to war with the Saiyan Empire, which ultimately proved costly, as their actions roused that era's Legendary Super Saiyan, leading to the death of their God-Emperor Mingahl, and the fracturing of the empire as a whole.


In roughly 3000 Before Age, after the Saiyan Empire began to crumble following various defeats at the hands of a coalition of rebelling slave species, the Tigahl Empire, sensing weakness in their arch enemy's territory, decided to attack. After more than three dozen planets were taken by the Tigahl Empire, the Saiyan Admiral Daikoros invaded the world of Lipanto, one of the treasures of the Tigahls. God-Emperor Mingahl's forces pushed the Saiyans back, resulting in Daikoros' death, as well as most of the members of his fleet. The survivors were taken as prisoners, and the Saiyan Empire crumbled that day.

On Loru Qir, the Tigahl Empire used Saiyan prisoners in beast-taming entertainment for the natives. One day, Cilano was pitted against a Uagoni Viper. He managed to kill it, but it bit him, depositing its parasitoid larvae in his flesh. The Tigahl warriors had to kill him eventually, before the larvae broke free from his skin. Soon afterwards, Len transformed into a Legendary Super Saiyan from her grief. She destroyed the Tigahl Empire and left the planet.

God-Emperor Mingahl was killed during her rampage, which began a succession crisis that led to a civil war amongst the surviving Tigahlian forces. At the same time, their enslaved species revolted, leading to widespread chaos. The war proved to be extremely costly, as only a few hundred years later, the Tigahl Empire was no more, and the species had been forced to return to Loru Qir without any planetary territories remaining under their control.

Known members[]

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