Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Thirith (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Thirith
Alternate names Thirith
Fake Mechikabura
Debut Video Games: Xenoverse
Fanga: Demon Realm Invasion Saga
Appears in
Race Robot
Gender Genderless
Date of death Age 950 (Connay's death)
Status Deceased
Address Conton City (formerly)
Occupation Member of Taino Force (Formerly)
Double Agent
Allegiance Time Patrol (Taino Force)
Dark Empire
Classification Robot
Affiliations Capsule Corporation (creators)
Taino (former captain)
Mechikabura (superior)
Yamidamake (fusee)

Thirith is a robot created by the Capsule Corporation for the Time Patrol.


Thirith joined the Taino Force out of curiosity and fought alongside her against the invading Demon Realm army until she and the rest were killed. Thirith survived and was captured by the Dark Empire after the invasion.

Thirith was reprogrammed by Mechikabura with new abilities as Thirith reveals to Dial - that he was the one that gave the Demon Realm access to Conton City after Chronoa made it so that visitors required invites from her - revealing that he saw the Time Patrol dull and boring, and wanted to eliminate them.


Thirith's power at the time of his capture was unknown although he was capable of surviving the invasion.

Techniques and abilitiy[]

  • Energy Cannon - Thirith can fire an energy cannon from a slot behind his Capsule Corp logo
  • Flight - The ability to fly without the use of ki.
  • Full Power Energy Wave - After scanning and shifting into his Mechikabura form; Thirith was able to use his Full Power Energy.
  • Darkness Flash Wave - While in his Mechikabura form; Thirith olds his index fingers in front his face and releases dark-coloured ki in every direction disintegrating everything around him.

Forms and Transformations[]


Thirith was reprogrammed by Mechikabura with the ability to shift into the appearance of any individual he scans. By scanning Mechikabura; he takes on his form after his Youth Restored. He was able to use all his attack and other abilities.



Main article: Connay

Connay (コンネー Kon'nē) is the result of Thirith merging with Yamidamake.
