This article, The death of the saiyans, is the property of BH Ouji. |
This article, The death of the saiyans, contains mild or major swearing. You have been warned.
This article, The death of the saiyans, takes place in an alternate universe or timeline,
and is not considered a part of the main Dragon Ball Timeline. |
It were 2 years after the BH Game 3, in the saiyans universe
"Gah this is boring" said prince Vegeta "You said it prince *hick*" Said drunk Ninji "Uncle get it together" said Pum
"Oh so they are bored? Time to free the Bojack gang" said Bartek
Meanwhile on King Kai's planet
"Hello lord King Kai" Bartek respectlly great North King Kai "Um who are you, and are you doing here?" said King Kai "I'm here to free Bido, Zangya and Bujin, you don't mind it right?" asked Bartek "Nah go ahead" answered King Kai. "Thank you" replied Bartek
He freed Bido, Zangya and Bujin, King Kai is shocked and said "Wait, are you gonna free Bojack too?" Bartek said "nah i hate this guy" King Kai said "oh cool, now i be watching you"
On Earth
"Hmm? Prince Vegeta, there are huge power levels there" said Raditz, "oh cool finally some action"
Unfortunally Vegeta understerestemed their opponents, the 3 of Heras - killed everyone except of Pum and Vegeta, Pum panted "Damn they're so strong" Vegeta angrily said "DAMN IT ALL!!! WHY I'M NOT SO STRONG? I AM SO ANGRY!!!" And with this anger, Vegeta goes SS2, Bido said "Why i get a bad case deja vu right now" the Heras got killed by Vegeta.
"Well that's more like it huh?" Bartek smirked