Android 9 was created by me personally not long after the fall of the Red Ribbon Army. He was the first android that I
created without the help of Dr. Flappe; he was also the first android I created for the Red Ribbon Army remnant with
the goal of finding and killing that stupid boy, Goku. Because I lost all of my blueprints, computer plans, and equipment
when Goku destroyed the Red Ribbon Army Headquarters, I had to start from scratch with #9. The main problem with
that was that I needed to create a new infinite energy power module (as the previous model had been lost with Android
8). Crafting that took almost two years. But once I had completed the new power source, I was able to build the rest of
Android 9 quickly, for my memory was sharp and I knew what I wanted. With Android 9, I innovated a number of things.
No longer was I using standard weaponry on my androids. Instead, due to the infinite power device, I was able to
install numerous energy-based weapon systems on #9. They required no reloading and no ammo and were powerful
beyond belief. When I first tested #9's capabilities, his base energy attack from his hand was able to tear through the
armor of a tank like it was swiss cheese. Then, I tested his physical combat abilities against some martial artist prisoners
I had captured. He ruthlessly fought against them, learning and training with them until he had become a master himself.
Then I had #9 kill them. Satisfied with #9's prowess, I then deployed him into the field to find and bring to me the
remainder of the Red Ribbon Army's officers. The commanders who had survived were all the Generals who had not been
present at the Headquarters when Goku had attacked. That included General Copper, General Lavender, and General
Bronze. Each officer still led an army of soldiers, and I needed them on my side. Most of them had become roving
bands of mercenaries, although General Copper was still doing his duty to find the Dragon Balls. #9 went to find them
and bring them back to me. He was able to easily convince General Copper and General Bronze, though General Lavender
was not so easily persuaded. From my remote command center, I ordered Android 9 to kill Lavender. Hearing me give the
order, the General fell into a panic and quickly surrendered. Soon, I had three armies with me in the mountains of north.
There, we plotted out our revenge on Goku. General Bronze and Android 9 led several offensives looking for him, but they
never found the boy. So I created a remote tracking device to search for Goku. I also started a new android project at
the time, a biological one which I called the Cell Project. I would take the DNA from Goku and other strong fighters so
as to craft the perfect warrior. The project was only in the ideas phase as of this point, and it would take many years
to finalize. In the meantime, I wanted to use Android 9 and my soldiers to find and kill Goku if I could. Since searching
for the boy proved to be markedly ineffectual, I decided to start a war. The Goku boy could not help himself from fighting
evil, or so he said, so this would draw him to me. I sent General Lavender's legion along with Android 9 to North City to
cause a commotion. Soon, they drew King Furry's Planet Defense Force to them and a great battle ensued. Android 9
blew through their air force as the other soldiers took on the ground forces. Yet, I underestimated the Defense Force's
numbers and might, and soon, they beat back General Lavender's attack, inflicting heavy casualties on his legion. Android
9 was cornered by all of the soldiers and vehicles, and they fired on him all at once. Android 9 was unable to dodge the
combined attack and was soon covered in a cloud of smoke. I saw his systems getting damaged beyond repair, his
memory cores being erased, his operational abilities fading. So, as to prevent King Furry's soldiers from recovering his
parts, I remotely detonated Android 9's body. He was destroyed in a brilliant fiery explosion, and I was forced to return to
the drawing board to not only think up a new way to find and kill Goku, but to create an android which no human could
destroy. If the Defense Forces could take out #9, then Goku would have had no problem with him, and that was
unacceptable. I needed to create a better android and soon.