The Pack is fictional villainous group to the fictional movie in Dragon Ball Advanced (SSJJ) known as; Senshi, and the upcoming saga villains.
The Pack is misanthrope supernatural pack that vow rid the world of Humans, and non-supernatural beings. The pack consists of a Kitsune, 2 Vampires, a Wolfwere, an oni, a Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid, an Oni-Werewolf Hybrid, a Kitsune-Wolfwere Hybrid, an Oni-Witch Hybrid, and 2 witches. They're part of a fictional Supernatural Horror movie called Senshi, and are portrayed as the villains. Yamcha was watching the movie while guarding a Dragon Ball until Emperor Pilaf stole it, and accidentally wished the fictional pack into the Dragon World.
- Kenji Jon (賢治 ジョン): Kitsune
- Jēmuzu Fiyorudo (ジェームズ フィヨルド): Vampire
- Mira Hiru (ミラ ヒル): Vampire
- Gyaku Ōkami (逆 狼): Wolfwere
- Jeison Jeison (ジェイソン ジェイソン): Oni
- Noa Wairudo (ノア ワイルド): Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid
- Maria Myūru (マリア ミュール): Oni-Werewolf Hybrid
- Doreiku Kasai (ドレイク火災): Kitsune-Wolfwere Hybrid
- Fuan Marutinesu (フアン マルティネス): Oni-Witch Hybrid
- Erizabēta Erizabesu (エリザベータ エリザベス): Witch
- Erizabesu Erizabēta (エリザベス エリザベータ): Witch