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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


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This page, The Mayor (Chasing Oblivion), is property of KidVegeta.

"My apologies for not meeting with you sooner, Mr. Mazuchiru. Regrettably, I find these days, I have no time for little cuck bitches."
Nathaniel, goading Mazuchiru into shooting him

character image
ナサニエル, Nasanieru
Detailed Information:
Appearances: Chasing Oblivion
Nineteen Assassins (mentioned)
Nicknames: The mayor
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birthplace: South City
Birthdate: March 19, Age 713
Date of Death: Age 747
Birth Power Level: 0.0001
Maximum Power Level: 5
Personal Pronouns: わたし
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 152.3 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Rank: Mayor of South City
Organizations: South City government (Age 739 - Age 747)
Children of Chaos (Age 744 - Age 747)
Negative Utilitarianism League (Age 747)
Favorite Food: Bacon
Favorite Vehicle: Helicopter
Hobbies: Baseball, coming up with edgy philosohpy
Family: Colonel Violet (girlfriend)
Yunwu (deputy mayor)

Nathaniel (ナサニエル, Nasanieru) is a human who is the mayor of South City as of Age 747. After suffering a nervous breakdown earlier that year, he took a vacation to Yunzabit Heights where he joined a retreat sponsored by the Negative Utilitarianism League in order to regain his composure. He is a major character in Chasing Oblivion.



Nathaniel is a gaunt man of average height. He has black hair and brown eyes. His face is somewhat wrinkled, showing his age, but his hair has yet to start greying. He likes to wear Hawaiian t-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops even in the cold of Yunzabit Heights, and he is not above wearing sunglasses if they make him look cool. After the Yalung wounds him, he loses his left eye and a good deal of the flesh on the left side of his face, severely disfiguring him.


Nathaniel suffers from acute anxiety and addiction to cocaine. By the start of Chasing Oblivion, he has gone to Yunzabit Heights in the aftermath of a nervous breakdown and has not fully recovered yet. He has a severe dopamine addiction from his drug use, though he is only vaguely aware of that throughout Chasing Oblivion. Additionally, he is very narcissistic, pretentious, and whimsical. He cares little about NUL, instead spending his days with them mocking them and trolling them and talking bad about them behind their backs (while plotting to kill them in a horribly painful way). He never backs down from a fight to a fault. When he confronts Koicharu Mazuchiru in chapter 8 of Chasing Oblivion, he does so recklessly, with little regard for his own safety, as he cannot let his ego be bruised by any other dominating personality. A stubborn man, Nathaniel never allows others to convince him of anything. Late in the story, after suffering depression from losing his eye, he becomes suicidal, taking up the cause of NUL in an attempt to rid the world of suffering by killing every living being. This, of course, is seen as pure insanity by those around him, even his lover Colonel Violet.


Nathaniel became mayor of South City eight years prior to the start of Chasing Oblivion. Little, if anything, of his time in office is known except for the fact that life in South City was better before he ran off to Yunzabit Heights, handing reign of the city over to the less-capable Yunwu. Three years before the start of Chasing Oblivion, Nathaniel began dating Violet. Despite being a member of the Red Ribbon Army, she formed her own military force, the Children of Chaos, shortly after, using Nathaniel to fund their cocaine running operations.

Chasing Oblivion[]

In chapter 1, the Yakuza boss Mazuchiru met with Yunwu, the deputy mayor of South City. He demanded she assassinate a certain very important person who was not named in this chapter. When she expressed uncertainty in agreeing to that request, he threatened to reveal her secrets to the mayor, to which she retorted that if he did, she would reveal details of his Yakuza operations to the public.

Later, the mayor was shown to be participating in a Negative Utilitarianism League meeting in the Children of Chaos' research station at Yunzabit Heights. He also revealed that he had control over the Children of Chaos soldiers stationed there. He described his mission as being that of lessening pain for everyone, vague as that was. He then met with Mercenary Tao, who had captured a Yalung (whatever the heck that is) for the mayor, stashing it in a secret room in the research station. He stated that capturing it, not killing it, proved to be a difficult task that took him three days. He warned the mayor not to let the Yalung out of its cage until he was certain he would be safely away from its rampage. This creature's purpose, appearance, and strength were left undescribed in this chapter. When Bobo, the self-appointed Yalung handler, started making annoying Yalung calls and sounds, Mercenary Tao killed him right in front of the mayor.

Later, Colonel Violet met with the mayor of South City in the bowels of the research station. They proceeded to do cocaine together and discussed the Negative Utilitarianism League's motives and purpose. She also told him "Mazuchiru sends his regards", implying that he was the one who had sent them the package of cocaine. When she realized that the purpose of NUL was to kill every living person, she described them as sick, to which the mayor agreed. The two then got very high together; the mayor speculated that Violet had already been high when he had found her that day.

In chapter 2, when Wolfe questioned her about assassinating King Furry's Captain of the Guard, Yunwu stated that she could not go against Mazuchiru yet, as he could reveal her corruption to the mayor.

In chapter 3, the mayor noted that the Children of Chaos, who operated the Yunzabit Heights research facility, were loyal only to him and Violet. Soon after, Doctor Faustus checked up on the mayor. He asked the mayor if he had been having hallucinations, to which the mayor lied by denying that such activity was continuing to take place. He warned the mayor that he would have to start attending the NUL meetings again or else he would be returned to South City. The mayor assured him he would. The doctor then gave him anti-hallucination medication and left. Just before that, the mayor nearly set the mysterious monster in the box loose upon them both before thinking better of it.

Afterwards, he went to Sergeant Tyrian of the Children of Chaos and detailed to the man his plan to kill the members of NUL with the Yalung beast. He requested Tyrian find eight men to carry the box down to their meeting chamber sometime in the future. Tyrian told him that Colonel Violet would not be able to visit him again for several weeks, due to ongoing operations with the Red Ribbon Army. However, he still gave the mayor another package of cocaine.

The mayor got high and then proceeded to attend the next NUL meeting, feigning sickness when asked about why he hadn't been coming to the past few meetings. During the meeting, the mayor did not listen to anything the NUL members had to say, but instead thought about how he would kill them for hurting his mind with their pseudo-philosophical nonsense. Afterwards, when he returned to his room, the mayor realized that the Yalung had escaped from its cage and was nowhere to be seen. After Yunwu's alliance with Mazuchiru against the bandits was set up, she wondered what the mayor would think of her actions.

In chapter 4, during the yakuza's sushi party, some discussed replacing the mayor of South City with someone they controlled. One many even offered Yunwu as an alternative, but most of the yakuza responded with distaste upon hearing her name. Later, the mayor had a video call with Yunwu. He asked her how South City was doing. She replied that it was functioning well in her absence. He then told her that he would be coming home soon, although there had been a few complications at Yunzabit Heights that he would need to take care of first. At the conclusion of their conversation, the mayor asked Yunwu to tell Bobo that he would not be long. Yunwu, naturally, had no idea who Bobo was, but it was clear from this statement that the mayor was high on cocaine.

In chapter 5, as Yunwu was preparing to start her afternoon meetings, she wondered to herself when the mayor would be coming back, but knew such a question had no answer. Later on, the NUL members gathered on an iceberg at Yunzabit Heights to become "one with pain". Many of them grew upset with the mayor when he began to disparage their philosophical beliefs, begging him to leave them so they would not be pained. He declared that he was cold and that they were fools, which caused much grief from the NUL members. Additionally, he volunteered to become the benevolent world-destroyer, but none of them knew what that was.

Seeing as he was not breaking through to them, the mayor returned to the research station where he met with Corporal Shyrin. Shyrin told him that the Yalung had eaten four soldiers since the last report. He also noted that they were now using tranquilizing bullets instead of live ammunition while hunting the Yalung. The mayor told Shyrin to keep him posted on any new developments before leaving him. On his way back to his room, the mayor thought he heard the Yalung in the walls. He went into a bathroom and did another line of cocaine, punching a mirror and vomiting.

Later, when the mayor was making hot and sour soup in his kitchen, Doctor Faustus paid him a visit. He asked the mayor how he was doing, and the mayor poured him tea. After enduring several questions from the doctor, the mayor started to ignore him, prompting Faustus to walk over to him. The mayor became scared when Faustus told him the soup smelled good. He noticed that the mayor's hand was cut up, but the mayor didn't seem to care, and could not remember how it had been injured. Then, Faustus found Tyrian's corpse on the other side of the table, chewed and half-eaten. Screaming, he covered his mouth, unable to believe what he was looking at. Briefly fearing that the Yalung had appeared, the mayor vomited in relief upon finding only a half-eaten corpse.

It was precisely at that moment that the mayor grabbed his cutting knife, walked up behind Faustus, and sliced the man's throat. Faustus punched the mayor in the jaw, but it didn't matter. He was bleeding all over the place. When the mayor returned to stirring his soup, Faustus, bleeding all over the kitchen, ran out the door. He died of blood loss in the hallway. The mayor ate his dinner of hot and sour soup next to Tyrian's corpse, detached from the gruesomeness of it all, wondering to himself if Tyrian had tracked the beast into his room before it had ambushed him.

Then, the mayor called up Tao on his phone. He believed Tao was the only one capable of catching the Yalung. He ordered Tao to return to Yunzabit Heights at once, and Tao agreed. When the mayor asked him to bring Bobo too, however, Tao had to tell Nathaniel the unfortunate truth: that Bobo was dead. Saddened, the mayor collapsed in a kitchen chair and started to fall asleep when he felt something breathing on his hand, which was positioned directly over a metal grate on the floor. Whether or not the mayor hallucinated this encounter is unknown, but if not, then the Yalung was within several inches of him, separated by only a thin layer of tile flooring, at that moment. As he was falling asleep, Nathaniel thought about how much he missed Violet, Yunwu, Tyrian, and Bobo.

In chapter 6, while Yunwu was making Ren breakfast, her butler told her that the mayor of South City wished to speak with her and had been trying to contact her for several hours. Soon after, she had a video call with the mayor, who told her that he was coming home the next day and that by then, she would need to have dealt with the threat, whatever it was, that was keeping their skyscraper on lockdown. She promised to do so.

He then asked her if she had purchased a prototype infinite energy device from Doctor Gero. Yunwu denied having done so, but the mayor knew that Gero had returned to the Red Ribbon Army HQ with one infinite energy device fewer than he had left with. He reminded her of what he had told her during her first day as the deputy mayor - that she would be dispensed with when she became inconvenient to him. Backed into a corner, Yunwu was forced to admit that she spent ten billion zeni to buy an infinite energy device from Gero. He asked her where she had gotten the money from to make such a purchase, and the woman admitted that she had stakes in Masamune/Masamune's swordsmithing and saké brewing business as well as Mazuchiru's Katachi Saru sushi chain.

He seemed satisfied with those answers, but then asked her what she was going to do with Gero's device. Yunwu stated that she had invested in the device to help fund research on the development of nanotechnology in Orange Star City (which was another lie). He demanded to see the device when he returned. Yunwu told him it was in the Diablo Desert, being transported to Orange Star City to be handed over to a researcher in the nanotechnology industry (yet another lie). He forced her to give him the coordinates of the device, so that he could intercept it before it got to Orange Star City. He then ended the communication with her, as he had other matters to attend to.

Later, the mayor confronted the leaders of NUL, along with the rest of the three dozen members, inside of a huge meeting room inside the research station. There, he aggressively asked the leaders how they had actually reduced pain in the world, instead of just wasting time by talking about their feelings. Naturally, this offended the three of them, who gave him dirty looks. Cyprus even threatened to kick him out of NUL and have the Children of Chaos escort him off the island (of course they would never listen to Cyprus). Not worried, the mayor told them that this would indeed be his last meeting with NUL, regardless.

Soon after, Shyrin contacted him in his earpiece, letting him know that they were ready to smoke the Yalung into the room through the vent. The mayor told him to commence at once, and Shyrin obliged. The NUL-ites continued bloviating about all the pain they had received throughout their lives, causing the mayor to ask for a status update from Shyrin, as he could not stand the NUL-ites' whining. Shyrin alerted him that the Yalung was moving towards the vent. Once he noticed smoke seeping out from the vent on the far side of the room, he got to his feet and addressed the NUL-ites for the last time. He told them that he was the true benevolent world destroyer (a core tenant of Negative Utilitarianism), and then lied to them by saying he would get no pleasure in what was about to happen. Without explaining himself, he sprinted to the door, which was on the opposite side of the room from the vent.

There, he remained, with Children of Chaos in full riot gear standing around him, watching the Yalung, who had entered through the smoking vent, rip apart the NUL-ites. Watching them scream and bleed gave the mayor great pleasure. The mayor asked for Shyrin's pistol, and after some uncertainty, the corporal handed it over. He eventually shot the pink-haired NUL-ite as she ran towards the door, though immediately after, the Yalung, who had been chasing her, leapt at the mayor. Though he attempted to run, it grabbed him by the shoulder, spun him around, and swiped at him with a paw, which ravaged his face and took out one of his eyes. The soldiers were able to pull him out of the room, however, and as consciousness left him, he noticed that Violet had returned, her worried face getting burned into his fading vision.

In chapter 7, while preparing to exit the transport, Colonel Violet noticed how Shyrin slouched, while Cassian stood proudly, and wondered to herself what the mayor had seen in former. Using the coordinates Yunwu had sent to the mayor, Violet managed to find Hasky sitting in her hovercar in the middle of the desert, reading a magazine. Once Cassian procured the infinite energy device from the thief, Violet told her team that they were going to return to the mayor. Violet thought to herself that if the mayor was intending to use the infinite energy device to blow up South City, she would put a bullet in his brain before he could do it.

Afterwards, she returned to the mayor, who was recuperating in Bonetown. There, she gave him the infinite energy device and told him of Yunwu's passing, causing an emotional response in the man. Violet told him that they needed to focus on the drug trade to several of the major cities that had been made possible by the Children of Chaos taking over the Diablo Desert. She asked him for more money to finance a bigger army in the desert, and he agreed to supply her with the funds. They decided to meet in a bar later that night to unwind.

Afterwards, the mayor decided to go into town to get drunk before her. While walking through Bonetown, he noticed that several bandits were hanging from the gallows. The mayor thought about how Mazuchiru had rid the desert of bandits on Yunwu's orders, and how cruel fate had been to take the woman from the world before she had gotten to see her plan realized. He also noticed the corpse of Rosey, who had been killed by Violet in a scuffle in a bar earlier; the Children of Chaos had decapitated him and stuck his head on a pike.

He came to a bar, where he ordered some beer and gin to get himself properly drunk. A miner inside repeatedly asked him what had happened to his face. Nathaniel told him that he had been savaged by an animal (not revealing which kind) and then moved to the other side of the bar so he wouldn't have to continue talking to the old rube. After getting drunk, he returned to Violet's room, as she had not shown up at the bar at the expected time. He probed her about Gero's device again, asking about its explosive capabilities. This worried Violet; she told him that she would not allow him to detonate it, prompting him to rebuke her for questioning his judgment.

They did some more drugs, and then the mayor was forced to hide in Violet's closet as she met with Koicharu Mazuchiru. He watched their conversation, getting aroused by hiding in a pile of Violet's clothes. Mazuchiru, at one point, flirted with the woman, which angered the mayor severely. He knew in that moment that he would not allow the yakuza to take over the desert. After the man left, the mayor jumped out of the closet, but Violet had fallen asleep, leaving him sexually frustrated. He collapsed by her side, thinking of how he would deal with Mazuchiru and use the infinite energy device to cleanse the world.

In chapter 8, the mayor of South City was seen in the Fire and Blood tavern playing Texas hold 'em with a man named Cowboy Jack. After they both went all-in on the turn, the mayor got up, feeling erratic, light-headed, and unable to control himself. He shot a man dead, causing many other patrons to flee. The bartender pointed a shotgun at him, demanding an explanation for his erratic behavior, but just at that moment, a detachment of the Children of Chaos entered the bar and forced him to drop his weapon and his complaint.

He left with the soldiers soon after, returning to the Bonetown hotel to pick up some cocaine, but instead looked at his aging, wounded face in the mirror and grew despondent. He flushed the baggy down the toilet and took a walk outside, not remembering much of what he did or saw for the rest of the day until Violet found him behind the hotel hitting baseballs into the desert.

She alerted him that Mazuchiru was on his way to discuss becoming the new deputy mayor. The mayor grew irate at that, stating he would never allow Mazuchiru to become deputy mayor. He also told Violet that he was done with cocaine. She was unconvinced at his statement, prompting him to tell her that he would not allow shipments of snow into South City. Violet was able to convince him to allow shipments to go through, for it would make both of them rich, regardless of if he was done with the stuff personally.

He then asked her when Mazuchiru was arriving, and she told him within an hour or two, and that he would be bringing several associates with him with the hope of setting up base in Bonetown. He then asked her what she would think if everyone in the world died. Violet replied that she wouldn't care, as in that case, she would be dead and gone too. She then asked him what to do about Mazuchiru. The mayor demanded that she gather up the Children of Chaos and ready them to meet with Mazuchiru in the main street, with the whole town as their witness. He pulled the infinite energy device out of his pocket and told her that it was going to be their ticket to happiness. Disturbed by this, Violet asked the man if he loved her, and he swore that he did, kissing her.

Later on, the mayor joined the Children of Chaos and Chàoxing Gon on the edge of town. Contradicting Violet, Nathaniel told the groups that they would discuss the terms of their partnership right there in the open, not inside the hotel. Then, he insulted Mazuchiru, causing the yakuza boss to open fire, hitting him. The Children of Chaos retaliated, and so did Mazuchiru's men, causing a huge firefight to erupt between the groups. The Chàoxing Gon were significantly outnumbered, and thus the battle soon turned against them. Indeed, only Mazuchiru and his driver of the Chàoxing Gon were able to flee that day, with the rest of his entourage being butchered by the Children of Chaos.

After the battle was over, the Children of Chaos carried the mayor back to the hotel where medics were waiting to try to save him. Violet ordered them to save him at any cost, though she left the hotel soon after so they could get to work. The mayor was crying out in pain the entire time, and the medics were unsure of if they were going to be able to save him.

When Yamcha later found Samuel and was talking with the former yakuza slave, Nathaniel came running down the street covered in blood, howling. As his organs began slipping out of his body, Yamcha pegged him in the head with his baseball, knocking the man out cold. Later on, he convulsed and screamed from the ground, which distracted Violet enough to get her shot by a surviving yakuza. He later sat up as the Children of Chaos medics approached him, which was the last time Yamcha ever saw the man.

Soon after, Nathaniel was taken to the South City hospital to recuperate. Some days later, Violet went there to see Nathaniel alone. He was suffering badly, asking for more morphine or cocaine to ease the pain. She reminded him that he quit the stuff, so she couldn't give him any. Then, the two had a short conversation about the nature of life and death, with Nathaniel ranting about how reality is already the afterlife, and how it is a suffering from the infinitude of before. As he was going on about his nonsense, Violet loaded her pistol with a black talon bullet. He goaded her on, as if knowing what she was going to do, asking her to use the infinite energy device. Instead, she turned to face, told him she loved him, and shot him dead.

Nineteen Assassins[]


  • Nathaniel's real name starts with "Ba", but that is all that is revealed about his identity in Chasing Oblivion.
  • There are many hints throughout Chasing Oblivion that Nathaniel may in fact be Yamcha's father.