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RIP Akira Toriyama. The legend of your being will never be forgotten.


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This page, The KidVegeta Anthology/The Perfect Lifeform, is property of KidVegeta.

On March 1, 2014, I created three new stories - From Magic to Monsters, Be a Man, and The Perfect Lifeform. The Perfect Lifeform was ultimately created for the same reason From Magic to Monsters was - to give the backstories of characters who I could use in future stories, potentially. With From Magic to Monsters, these characters were artificial and true Majins, but in this story, they were Dr. Gero's androids. I didn't have much of a plan going into this story, like which androids I was going to use or anything. That is the main reason why I finished this story last out of the three; it took me quite a long time to come up with the plots and format for this story.

At the time of creating them, I knew that From Magic to Monsters and Be a Man would be told in unusual formats, but I had originally planned on writing this story like a normal prose story. When I first began working on the three stories, I wanted to cycle through them all by writing one chapter in each before going on to a second chapter. This worked only at first, because I wrote the first chapter of From Magic to Monsters on March 5, the first chapter (or rather, part of the eventual first chapter) of Be a Man on March 7, and the first chapter of The Perfect Lifeform on March 8. After doing this once, I realized it was unsustainable. It was too much work for me to write three stories a week; it would be far easier (and better) for me to give attention to each story one at a time. I did this by focusing on From Magic to Monsters first, then completing Be a Man, and then returning to The Perfect Lifeform. I completed Be a Man on June 25, but did not begin writing The Perfect Lifeform again until July 11. This is because I was very conflicted on the format I was using to write the story.

Even when I was still writing Be a Man, I was struggling with this story. I had written one chapter in prose, and not a lot had been done in it. Because of that, I realized that this story would take many, many chapters in prose to complete. It would be a lot like The History of the Decline and Fall of the Planet Trade Organization in that it would take an enormous amount of my time. I didn't want another story like that, but I also didn't want to delete the chapter I had written. This left me conflicted for almost two weeks after I finished Be a Man. I finally decided on deleting the first chapter and re-writing the story in a similar manner to From Magic to Monsters (though it is actually quite a different approach). I did this mainly because The Perfect Lifeform would have taken a huge amount of time to write in prose, and quite frankly, I didn't want to spend that much time on it. I had a good concept for a story, and using character reports to tell the story was a good, quick, and unique way to tell that tale. If I had ultimately chosen to write it in prose, I likely would still be writing TPL to this day.

I spent a lot of time coming up with the template for the androids and what parameters it would have. Getting the size, the colors, the function to hide and collapse categories took quite a bit of time and effort, and I am proud by how the template turned out. I used the character pages of From Magic to Monsters as a reference point, but I did not want to copy them. The history and fate sections were quite important, so I did carry those over from From Magic to Monsters, but the pun section was unneeded for androids. Additionally, I added an appearance and personality section for each android to make them feel more alive and make it seem more like something Gero was writing. The main difference between TPL and FMTM was that FMTM was written like a history with an omniscient narrator. This story, on the other hand, was written from the perspective of Gero. He never planned on showing these reports to anyone, either, so they function as a sort of diary too. The reports are for his own purposes, cataloguing what went right and what went wrong with each of his creations. I found it fun and interesting to work with an unreliable narrator like Gero; it also felt very real to me. In canon, I could see Gero keeping these kinds of notes about his creations.

Once I had the new format figured out, I wrote all of histories for androids 1-20 in a two week period, finishing on July 25. I then wrote the prototype section three days later solely because I was staying at a friend's house and didn't have much free time to write (I ultimately wrote the last chapter early in the morning of July 28, after waking up earlier than anyone else and getting some precious time to myself). Because I was not writing in prose, the writing itself went very quickly. I could have done several androids a day if I had wanted to, but at the time, I was also writing many other stories, so those took up my time as well. Had The Perfect Lifeform been my only story, I would have finished it in about five days after coming up with my new format for it.

I wrote all chapters on the wiki, like I did with BAM and FMTM. One thing I did is that I saved the history sections for last every time (as I did with FMTM), since they were the most time-consuming parts, and they also defined the characters the most out of all of the sections. Writing out the appearance and personality sections first allowed for me to create a character who I could then inject into a plot of my own creation and develop them with traits I had already given them. Almost all of the plots were improvised, though I knew I wanted to use General Copper and his officers (their names being detailed in the last chapter of Be a Man) in some way before I began writing this story. In fact, most of Android 9's plot was set up long before I wrote his chapter. Also, by the time I finished Android 8's chapter, I knew that Androids 11 and 12 would be the two main androids I would set up to be able to be used in future stories (though there were other androids I also left open for use, like Android 14, and Androids 21 and 22). But aside from them, pretty much everything else was improvised.

One last thing I want to mention is that this is one of my few stories that has conflict with the "official" Dragon Ball media because of my canon policy. In most of my stories, my canon policy doesn't really affect much (though it influences who I write about - for instance, I have no oneshots about Turles or Janemba because they don't exist in canon, to me). Here, however, it does. Since I don't view the Android 13 movie as canon (and neither should you!), that meant I would be creating unique characters for Androids 13, 14, and 15. This could be confusing to some readers, but it is what it is. There is no official canon, and since the Android 13 movie could not have taken place in the normal timeline, I personally didn't see the movie as taking place at all. I briefly considered using the three androids anyway (the "official" 13, 14, and 15 models), though with different histories to make them canon. In the end, I didn't do this though because it was more interesting for me to create new characters. I recognize that the Androids are a part of the official Dragon Ball media, but they are not canon to me. This story (and the chapters about Androids 13, 14, and 15) is/are a great example of the differentiation between official media and canon media, in my opinion.


Android 1[]


  1. Android 1 is much like Majin Shazo from FMTM in that he is a very rough creation. This allows me to improve upon the precedent he sets in future androids, which shows progression throughout the story (from the perspective of Gero's ability to create and refine androids). That he can't talk and doesn't even look human reinforces how primitive Android 1 actually is.
  2. The power supply thing in Android 1's appearance section was mentioned purposefully so that I would have a reason to get to Android 8's infinite energy supply system. Because Android 1's power supply is an issue, Gero spends a lot of his time with these early android creations trying to improve upon that.
  3. Gero considered all of his androids, save for Androids 19 and 20, to be failures. I had to convey this in every chapter before those androids appeared. Usually, it resulted in the android being destroyed in combat, but with Android 1, as with Majin Shazo, the creator simply destroyed their first creation since it wasn't good enough to be used in battle yet.
  4. Like with the Toriyama interview that revealed Bibidi did not create Buu influencing the development of From Magic to Monsters, another Toriyama interview influenced this story. In that interview, Toriyama stated that Gero was the real leader of the Red Ribbon Army, which, in many ways is a direct contradiction to established lore. Gero didn't exist in Dragon Ball; he was a retcon in the sequel series. This was highly irritating to me, for it was obvious throughout Dragon Ball that Red was the undisputed leader of the organization. He wasn't answering to someone behind the scenes; his personality made that clear. Still, I didn't want to completely ignore Toriyama's interviews unless they were obviously non-canon, so I had Gero form the Red Ribbon Army with Red and then allow Red to use most of the resources while he ran the scientific division. This was the best compromise between Toriyama's remarks and actual canon that I could create. The way I see it, Red's arrogance led him to think that, as he became the leader of the Red Ribbon's army, he became its total leader, forgetting (or perhaps purposefully ignoring) Gero's status as an equal.
  5. In that same interview, Toriyama named Gero's son, so I felt it would be good for me to mention Nagiri as soon as possible. Nagiri would later be the character model for Android 16 (which Toriyama stated in the interview), so it was good to build up mentions of him. Additionally, since Nagiri was Gero's son and Gero cared deeply about Nagiri, it only made sense that the good doctor would talk about him in his personal notes.
  6. I had Flappe assist Gero with the early androids simply to align Dragon Ball with Dragon Ball Z and make Toriyama's poorly-written retcon a little easier to swallow.
  7. Android 1's status report was written in the 735 Age, a good 15 years before the Red Ribbon Army met Goku. Because of this, I had Colonel Silver's rank be lower (a Captain in this story) than it was in Dragon Ball.
  8. Because these status reports functioned almost as diaries (better versions of Blue's postcards to himself in Be a Man), I was able to show Gero's true nature in some places. His idea that all of humanity should eventually be replaced by androids was a true goal he had in his canon appearances. By mentioning this goal in the first chapter, I was able to keep Gero in character and foreshadow his eventual transformation into an android himself. He is an intelligent man, too. He knows that his philosophy is radical and not likely to gain support from the other members of the Red Ribbon Army if he outright says it. His aggressive, yet subtle plan to get them to agree with his goals by psychologically influencing them is a very Gero-like move, in my opinion.
  9. Gero's power in the army can be seen in the closing line of the history section when he threatens to kill Red and replace him with someone else if Red refuses to go along with Gero's android plan. I think Gero likes Red, which is why he wants to approach the subject with him in a subtle way. He doesn't want to kill Red if he doesn't have to. And he knows the default human reaction is to disagree with Gero's idea. So Gero takes a very pragmatic stance with this situation.
  10. A rare move on my part was not showing Android 1's deactivation in the history section. I don't believe I did this many more times. In the future chapters I tried to show each android's end in detail in the history section of their status report since such an event was crucial to the history of each android.

Android 2[]


  1. The progression in the plot for this story revolves around Gero making more androids and making improvements to those androids. I made this rather clear with Android 2's appearance section, which shows the progress already being made with but the second model. Overall, in appearance and personality, this android is a huge improvement over the first android.
  2. The bit about Gero adding in human features to Android 2, despite them being purely cosmetic, is an important character trait about Gero. He wants everyone to accept the androids so that his plan to turn them into androids can be a success. The more advanced and humanoid the androids look, the greater chance that the soldiers will accept being turned into one. We see this in practice, which was very important to me. I needed Gero to show, not just tell, how he was going to convince people.
  3. Dr. Gero speculates that perhaps an android can only feel human emotions if it has a human brain. This is foreshadowing to Gero doing this with his own brain in the Android 20 arc.
  4. Silver and Black were added into 2's history mainly to make the larger universe around Gero's lab more apparent. Getting only Gero's diary-like thoughts about what he does in his lab makes the story seem narrow in this regard, but by bringing in other characters from the outside world, I tried to fix that problem.
  5. I had a fun time coming up with all of 2's weapons and where to put them. I also knew that many weapons would be better than a few, as it would show the drastic improvement that occurs when Gero later learns to put the weapons inside the androids.
  6. I had to use a soldier (General White in this case to make it more interesting) to relay to Gero what happened during the battle, since Gero was not present on the Papaya Islands at the time.
  7. I purposefully did not describe the fight too much because it wasn't going to be important. The fact that 2 was fighting and that 2 was destroyed was important; the opponents, less so. At least, that's what I thought, when looking at this from Gero's perspective. Later opponents would be mentioned if they had more relation to the plot (or, in a few cases, merely for the easter egg factor).
  8. The "moral" of Android 2's story (if there is one, and I don't really think there is) would be that self-preservation is good. Self-preservation is important in later arcs, so introducing the concept here was something I was focused on doing. While Gero sees it as a bad thing that 2 does not have any idea of self-preservation, some of the later androids he programs self-preservation into also end up as failures. So it's really a lose-lose situation for Gero.
  9. I enjoyed writing the little jab at Dr. Flappe at the end. Gero being too subtle is something I have done in a few of my own stories. Dr. Flappe could be seen as a parallel a number of people on DBF (especially in their reviews of my stories). I don't think I'm portraying myself well, either, since Gero is highly arrogant when he calls Flappe an ingrate for not understanding his extremely subtle hints about putting human brains in android bodies. This also foreshadows why Gero eventually leaves Flappe behind; he doesn't really care for Flappe, though he understands that Flappe is a useful assistant. After the fall of the Red Ribbon Army, Gero would have progressed to a point where he didn't need Flappe - he could have kept the other doctor around, and probably would have, if Flappe had been more like Gero in intellect and philosophy.

Androids 3 & 4[]


  1. Dr. Gero wrote this status report on the same day that Ledas and Prince Vegeta met for the first time.
  2. I combined these two androids after doing something similar with Majin Manto and Majin Janto in From Magic to Monsters. I didn't want to give each android a separate status report, since it was quite a hassle with Manto and Janto. Thus, I combined them. It also allowed the story to progress faster, since it meant one less arc. Considering many of these early androids ultimately have little impact aside from being playthings for Gero to hone his techniques on, I felt this was a good idea. Unlike with FMTM, I had a set number of Androids I had to create before getting to the canon ones, so that made things a bit trickier in terms of pacing. This was one way for me to deal with the pacing issues I thought existed.
  3. Androids 3 and 4 aren't a tremendous upgrade over Android 2 so that Gero could quickly make them and give them to Commander Red to use in combat. Throughout the earlier chapters, Gero and Red have been having a bit of a power struggle, and this was Gero's solution to the problem. It's quite a good idea on his part, from an in-universe perspective.
  4. The self-preservation stuff has an immediate impact from last chapter. By programming it into 3 and 4, Gero is able to keep both of Red's androids alive longer, allowing him to devote more time to creating Android 5.
  5. 3 and 4 were not androids that would be remembered for much, even by Gero himself. They were too early in the group to be very strong or very advanced. Because of this, to keep myself from getting bored, I came up with the plot with Major Metallitron. It primarily functions as a point of interest on the history part and as a way to show some trivia about Metallitron. I also found it funny writing for an (as I pictured it) irate Gero who was hating on the robot's primitiveness.
  6. I referenced Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight scene when Gero said: "it was only a flesh wound".
  7. I had the two androids betray Gero to mix it up a bit. So far, through the first three chapters, each android has been destroyed in a different way. I knew I couldn't keep that up for all 19 chapters, but I wanted to have as much variety as I could. It also foreshadows future betrayals (with the 17/18 betrayal being the most significant) and Gero's death as a result of a betrayal.

Android 5[]


  1. Android 5's appearance was based off of the Terminators in the Terminator series.
  2. Android 5 is my favorite of the Red Ribbon era androids (Androids 1-8).
  3. I had a specific image of an assassin robot in my head when creating this android. It's why Android 5 has all the weaponry and technology he has. I want to say his ability to change an arm into a sniper rifle came from the Ratchet & Clank series, but I am not sure which (if any) enemy from that series was the inspiration.
  4. Android 5 is the first to really be able to communicate adequately with humans. While his vocabulary is limited, I would say he could hold a decent conversation while speaking in a natural way.
  5. Android 5 was the only android Gero created specifically to not look like a human (even though Android 1 didn't look like much of a human either, that wasn't intentional).
  6. It was a goal of mine to use as many Red Ribbon Army soldiers as possible in this story. Ninja Murasaki had more plot relevance than the General Copper, though (Copper was more of a name-drop than anything else).
  7. Giving Android 5 a personal video feed dealt with the problem seen in the Android 2 arc with needing a soldier to videotape 2. Since 5 did solo stealth missions, having allies with him wasn't going to be possible, so I gave him a video feed.
  8. The Red Dragon Brotherhood is the same group seen in Ain't No Hero. This chapter was written months after the first chapter of ANH was posted which is why I referenced the group. And I quite enjoy referencing stuff from my other stories when I can. The Red Dragon Brotherhood from Ain't No Hero is a reference to the Red Dragon Crime Syndicate from the anime, Cowboy Bebop.
  9. I don't believe the grenade damaged Android 5 very much, aside from causing his thrusters to stop working. Mainly it was the explosion itself that threw Android 5 into the pool of acid. I specifically had the pool of acid in the scene because I didn't think a grenade would be able to damage an android.
  10. It's quite significant that Android 5 was completely lost. In all previous models, at least some of the parts were recovered to be used in future models. Not so with 5.

Android 6[]


  1. The more advanced the androids became, the longer amount of time it took to create them. Notice the first three androids were created in consecutive years and then 5 and 6 had three to four year gaps.
  2. Android 6 was not based on anyone, though now that I am re-reading his report for this commentary, it seems like he was, given the specific details of his clothes. I'm at a loss for words as to why I created his appearance like I did.
  3. Android 6 could probably pass for a human if it was nighttime, but not during the day if someone was really looking at him. Still, he is by far the most human-like android up to this point, and would look more like a human than the non-canon versions of Androids 14 and 15.
  4. Android 6's weapons are concealed beneath his skin, but they are still primitive versions of weaponry. He doesn't have energy ports like the later canon androids do.
  5. I have no memory of writing this android's status report.
  6. The Nagiri mention in this chapter isn't explained in too much detail - remember, Gero is not writing for an audience. He is writing for himself. Despite this, I do explain in detail what happens to Nagiri in Be a Man. That was a fun way to tie the two stories together.
  7. I like how in this chapter, Gero states that he did not betray his depression to anyone, when General Blue noticed it in Be a Man. This showcases how Gero is an unreliable narrator (though in this instance, Gero is being unintentionally unreliable). It should be expected that Gero is unreliable, but this specific example is only noticeable if the reader has also read Be a Man. It's not necessary to know this to enjoy the story, but it does add a bit more depth to it.
  8. I focused on appearance with this android since not looking like a human was a big feature of the previous android. It would be very important to Gero to return to making androids that looked like humans, so it became the focus of this status report.
  9. I named the rival group Sons of Piccolo because I thought gangs would name themselves mostly after things that occurred within the history of the Dragon Ball universe. The Piccolo Wars were a huge deal in Earth's history, so that's why I picked it. Gero obviously didn't know about Piccolo, which is why he called it a lame name (thinking it meant sons of the instrument).
  10. Android 17 and 18 had bombs inside them so that they could be destroyed by Gero if he wanted. They never were, but it was an interesting concept, so I used it here with Android 6. It resulted in another new way for an android to be destroyed, which was rad.
  11. The next major design overhaul that I would need to get to would be the infinite power supply. Android 8 had one, so I knew how long I had before getting there. By bringing up the power issue at the end of this arc, it would allow me to easily focus in on that with the next android (like how Android 6's arc focus was on human-like appearance) and work towards that infinite power supply by Android 8's time. Now that I'm reading back on this report, I'm finding the way I tied this together with the new way for Gero to kill Android 6 to be pretty cool.

Android 7[]


  1. I think it's funny how Gero thinks emotions are programming errors, when in earlier arcs he thought it would be necessary to put human brains in androids for them to be successful.
  2. The thing about Androids 6 and 7 is that their appearances were quite advanced, but their AIs were not very good, and their weaponry was laughable at best. If they had better tech, they could have definitely fit in with the canon androids.
  3. This chapter has the first mention of General Blue, who would certainly be a General by this point. I had to look back at Be a Man to be sure, before writing for this chapter, though.
  4. Each android has a theme around their arc, and for Android 7, it was surely emotions and feelings. The android refined his emotions from spending so much time with Silver and Blue. And it was those developed emotions that ultimately made him a peaceful rebel. Android 7 is a lot like Android 16, and his arc really foreshadows 16's well. At this point in the story, it was getting tiresome to constantly write about battles or combat assignments, so having a pacifistic was a way for me to mix it up a bit.
  5. Capsule Corp. is a hated rival of the Red Ribbon Army (they are direct competitors in the automobile market), and Capsule Corp. was also responsible for Gero's son's death. It must have really angered Gero that, of all the Red Ribbon Army rivals to refuse to attack, Android 7 did it with Capsule Corp.
  6. Android 7 and 8 had the same power supply. This allows Android 7 to live on, in a way, with Android 8.
  7. The passive emotions thing is a result of the infinite power supply, which also affects Android 8.

Android 8[]


  1. I decided, just before I wrote this chapter, that I wouldn't write the appearance sections for canon androids. It's a pointless endeavor, really. Since all of the canon ones exist in picture form anyway, that's a quicker way to show what they look like. For what it's worth, I figured that Gero either wrote all of the appearances or gave them all pictures (from an in-universe perspective). But I wasn't going to write out what Android 8 looks like. I don't really ever do that for canon characters (see the appearance/personality sections for canon characters in TF for example).
  2. This chapter reveals that Dr. Gero doesn't know that Android 8 survived the destruction of Muscle Tower.
  3. The personality section is pretty straightforward. It wasn't too hard to write this section and to make it in-character, but the most interesting part about this section is that it is also distinctly from Gero's perspective. Of particular note is that Gero thought Eighter's matrices were damaged when he started to put his morals before his own happiness, when that is clear human trait. Gero has made an android who has very human-like emotions and the good doctor sees that as a failure.
  4. I had Flappe take the lead on this android for two reasons. For one, Android 8 looks like Frankenstein's monster, and throughout TPL, Gero has made more human-like androids (especially with Android 7). So the rough look of Eighter is best explained by having Flappe take the lead. Another reason is that in Dragon Ball, Flappe said that he created Android 8. This was slightly retconned in Dragon Ball Z with the introduction of Gero. Making Flappe the lead creator of Android 8, while having Gero take more of a backseat role, solves both of these problems.
  5. One of the most fun things for me to write in this entire story was Gero's criticism of Flappe's work on Eighter.
  6. I mentioned Ninja Murasaki and General White being present during Android 8's awakening, because there is a picture of Android 8 being awakened with those two characters and Flappe present. Since Gero wasn't in the picture, I explained in this chapter that Gero wasn't even at Muscle Tower at the time. This also creates a natural separation between Gero and Flappe, as soon after 8's awakening, Goku appeared and began to demolish the RRA.
  7. I am well-aware that a certain video game stated that General White survived his fight with Goku, but that video game is neither canon to me or worthy of speaking about in great detail here.
  8. The ending of this chapter works more as a diary than as a recounting of Android 8's history. It was interesting to me to explore Gero's perspective of the destruction of the Red Ribbon Army as well as his future plans immediately after that. Gero was one of the few RRA members of consequence to survive the war with Goku, so having him try to gain revenge of Goku was pivotal to his character development and also for the plot to progress. Gero ultimately created the later canon androids to take out Goku, so I had to show his hatred and his loss as early as possible to build up to that goal properly. His visceral reaction here, shortly after the end of the Red Ribbon Army, was the best place to do that.
  9. I consider this story to be split into three parts (Androids 1-8, Androids 9-20, and the prototype androids), and so ending this act with a new goal and situation for Gero shows that this is the explicit end of the first act.

Android 9[]


  1. I made sure that if I was going to make an android loyal, there would be setbacks (otherwise this would have been the android Gero would have used against Goku). So that's why, though Android 9 is loyal to Gero, he is quite stupid and reckless.
  2. The first act of this story (Androids 1-8) were pretty well-defined before I wrote any of them. I knew what level of android I would get up to by 8 and how strong and capable they could be. It was far harder to do that with this second act, since the earliest canon android (Android 16) is so far away and so strong. I also didn't know exactly what to do with the plot. I came up with the thing about General Copper in Android 8's biography, but it still took me considerable time, when I went to write this chapter, to come up with how to use Copper.
  3. I used Copper because he's a Red Ribbon Officer who has always intrigued me. He is very enigmatic. We don't know much about him at all. I considered writing a story about Copper before I began TPL, and then once TPL was begun, I knew that I would instead include his story here. I used the other officers from Be a Man who survived simply because I didn't want Copper's army to be the only survivors. The Red Ribbon Army seemed big enough to have a few more armies out there in the wild like Copper's, in my opinion.
  4. I had 9 use energy weaponry to show the distinction between the act 1 androids and the act 2 androids. The old weaponry that Androids 1-8 used were primitive things, and I figured Gero would have realized that as well and sought to improve upon that with 9's weaponry. At the very least, it's the first true innovation Gero made with the second generation of androids.
  5. I had Android 9 capture and then train with martial artists so that he would become better at hand-to-hand combat. Remember that Androids 1-8 all had the Red Ribbon Army officers like Blue and Silver to help them. Now that those guys are gone or dead, Gero needed a new way to teach his androids how to fight.
  6. General Lavender and General Bronze are from Be a Man (at least, that is where I first mentioned them).
  7. In canon, Gero did create the remote tracking device and used it for the Cell Project. I almost forgot about that, and were I not on Dragon Ball Wiki at the time, looking at the androids' page and accidentally finding that page, I likely would have forgotten about it for at least a few more chapters. It is a cool little reference to Cell, though. I am glad that I included it.
  8. Gero sent Lavender with Android 9 on purpose. Since Lavender was the one who didn't want to join Gero earlier in the chapter, Gero decided that if any army was going to suffer it was going to be Lavender's. This would weaken Lavender and prevent him from rebelling against Gero in the future. And if Lavender died, nothing much of value would be lost either. This specific type of strategy was used a lot in ancient Japan, which is what influenced me to use it here.
  9. It was on purpose that I did not reveal the fate of Lavender and his legion in this chapter. By the end of the chapter, I realized I could use them further, and instead of killing them along with Android 9, I decided to start a mutiny plot with Lavender to make the plot more interesting and original.
  10. Android 9 wasn't powerful enough to withstand a human army, which shows that he's actually not that much more powerful than Android 8. I don't show specific power levels in this story, so indirect references to power are the only way to understand how capable each android is. You have to pay close attention not to miss these references though.

Android 10[]


  1. I tried to make each android have a completely different look from the others. I specifically did not make any androids that looked like the terrible designs for Androids 14 or 15 in the non-canon movie they starred in. Instead, I wanted the androids to look human, or try to. No grey skin or any of that kind of bullshit. I did try to use a variety of different ethnicities and outfits for each of Gero's androids to distinguish them.
  2. Android 10 bonding with the Generals instead of Gero foreshadows Android 10's fate. It also hows a bit more of Gero' personality - he's arrogant, but he wants to be loved. The androids are his new children now that Nagiri is dead. In some ways, this makes Gero more unlikeable and in other ways, it makes him more likable. Portraying Gero as a complex character, not wholly evil or devoid of emotions, was very important to me in this story.
  3. I had Gero create (or at least be working on) Androids 10, 11, and 12 simultaneously to allow me to use all three in relation to one another. I didn't just say that he was working on 11 and 12 for no reason.
  4. The officers, like Maroon and Pink were referenced in Be a Man.
  5. So Lavender and Android 10 conspire to kill Gero, but because I'm writing from Gero's perspective, this seems like a very sudden twist. Gero obviously didn't know it was coming, so the readers shouldn't either. That said, there are at least three separate bits of foreshadowing that would hint towards this conclusion in this chapter and in the previous chapter, but you would need to read closely and carefully to pick that up. I figure that most readers would be surprised by the twist.
  6. This chapter is the first instance of me writing ahead of the next chapter. This also happened in From Magic to Monsters, with certain chapters going into the territory of future chapters long before those future chapters come up. In this case, we get some history from chapter 11 and 12 in chapter 10 because the history occurs in all chapters. That said, the beginning of chapters 11 and 12 occur before the end of chapter 10, making this story nonlinear.
  7. I had long decided by this point that 11 and 12 would be the androids I would use in future stories. That is primarily why I had 12 kill 10, as it distinguished her and gave her some interesting history. It's also a brand new way for an android to die, which is cool too.
  8. General Lavender had to die. I didn't like having so many Red Ribbon Army Generals, and I knew that I needed to get rid of all of the Red Ribbon Army soldiers (leaving Gero alone with his androids) by, at the very most, the time of Android 16. That allowed me six more chapters after this one, which was barely enough in my opinion. Thus, though I saved Lavender from a horrible death last chapter, I knew his luck had to run out by this chapter. I had Android 11 kill him for the same reason I had Android 12 kill Android 10.
  9. Android 10's rebellion is the most serious rebellion yet, but it is nothing compared to the upcoming betrayal by Androids 17 and 18, a bit of information any reader should know. This is noteworthy because it shows that, despite this story being written in the limited third person perspective, there are certain things the readers know that the narrator does not.

Android 11[]


  1. Android 11's appearance was based off of Manuel Neuer, the German goalkeeper of the 2014 World Cup. He was my favorite player during that World Cup, which is why I chose to reference him here.
  2. I gave Android 11 the best tech possible for such an early android so that I could use him later and have it seem like he's just like Androids 17 and 18. At the same time, he has the ability to grow in power, unlike many of the androids, because at this time, Android 11 would not have been nearly as strong as the later androids (or any of the Z Fighters by the defeat of Buu).
  3. Almost all of Android 11's personality was based on Manuel Neuer's.
  4. Gero wanting to create three androids at once and not being able to is a slight nod to myself. I often have multiple active fan fiction stories that I'm writing and it's difficult for me to work on all of them at the same time. Only when I stop editing all but one and then focus on that one can I actually finish it in a reasonable amount of time.
  5. The heist was influenced by the various Achievement Hunter Grand Theft Auto 5 heist videos.
  6. I was a bit concerned with leaving the Red Ribbon Army Remnant soldiers alive for much longer, so I sought to kill them off as quickly as possible. That is why I had the heist fail and General Bronze killed. I wanted to get to a point where it was only Gero and his androids again.
  7. This story takes place long after the events of Ain't No Hero, so I felt comfortable with destroying the Red Dragon Brotherhood. It's a bit trivial, but considering how powerful they were in ANH and even in this story, the final destruction of the Red Dragon Brotherhood does feel a bit sad to me, as if my universe has lost something special.
  8. The way that 11 and 12 fought in the battle against Earth's Defense Force was a slight nod to the way Daenerys' dragons fought in the Battle of Meereen in the series, A Song of Ice and Fire.
  9. I did not kill Copper because he is a canon character. Very rarely will I kill a canon character who has not died in canon (two total times in all of my stories). Also, I don't know if Toriyama will later reveal Copper's fate in an interview or something, so by leaving Copper alive, I can keep my story canon without needing to change it in the future if Toriyama does reveal some new information.
  10. I knew that Gero would have to lose these two androids for me to be able to use them later. The EMP blast was the easiest way to do this and it also masked their capture by Earth's Defense Force. Since they had been shut off by the EMP blast, the androids were not destroyed by Gero's remote detonator, though Gero did not know this.
  11. Not all of the Red Ribbon Remnant died in this chapter, as a few of Gero' personal guards survived. I knew that I would have to deal with them later, but as of writing the end of this chapter, I did not have a good idea for how to do that yet.

Android 12[]


  1. I realize now that I should have combined the histories for Android 11 and 12 into one arc (like I did with Androids 17 and 18), simply because their histories are so interlinked and similar.
  2. Android 12's appearance was based off of Olivia Wilde. She is one of the most beautiful women in the world, in my opinion, and I loved her performance as "Thirteen" on the television show House, so that's why I chose her for this android.
  3. The thing about 12 dyeing her hair differentiates her a bit from Olivia Wilde, I think. I was thinking about the story I want to use these android in in the future when coming up with the dyeing idea though.
  4. I spent a lot of time coming up with 12's clothes, as I'm not a woman and I don't really know what women wear. I had to do a lot of research.
  5. Like with Android 11, Android 12's personality is mostly based on the character she was based on.
  6. Android 12 has most of the same abilities as Android 11 - they can both grow in power, they both have very advanced AIs, and they both have the best energy-based weaponry possible.
  7. I didn't want to just re-write Android 11's history for most of this arc, so I added in some stuff about turning everyone into androids. Obviously, this idea did not die with the Red Ribbon Army; Gero still wants to turn everyone into androids. He's quite open with Copper about the idea, and surprisingly, Copper doesn't seem very opposed to the idea itself - though he doesn't think the Remnant has the supplies or the capabilities to make Gero's idea a reality. If Copper had survived longer, he probably would have become an Android himself, which is a nod to how Nikon23 has portrayed Copper in his own stories.
  8. Android 12 destroys the Sons of Piccolo to give her some interesting things in her history that are not in Android 11's history.
  9. Again, Gero believes that he destroyed Androids 11 and 12 with his remote detonator, so that is why he begins to focus on creating Android 13 and does not seek to rescue Androids 11 and 12. It is interesting that he thinks the androids were outwitted by common humans when, in reality, they were captured only because they were artificial beings. Gero is blind to that because of his personal philosophy that androids are the perfect beings.

Android 13[]


  1. I think Android 13's Red Ribbon Army logo is the best and in the most creative place out of any of my androids.
  2. I had a lot of fun creating this android because I was motivated to create an android better than the non-canon Android 13. In my opinion, I succeeded, and Android 13 remains as one of my favorite androids in this story.
  3. Android 13 is the personification of Gero's ideals about androids being superior to humans. It's funny though that Android 13 sees Gero as an inferior, too.
  4. Gero has some important character growth between the Android 11 arc and the Android 13 arc in terms of how he goes about getting supplies for future projects.
  5. Gero threatening to deactivate 13 is based on him giving Androids 17 and 18 the same threat in canon.
  6. By the time I wrote this chapter, Toriyama had already done his interview about the androids, revealing crucial information about 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. For 17 and 18, the most important information was their human names - Lapis and Lazuli. So that is why I name-dropped them here. Also, I realized by this point that the Androids 17 and 18 arc was quickly approaching and that I would need Gero to acquire them as children. So I looked through the Dragon Ball timeline for dates and figured that during the time of Android 13 was the best time to introduce them and use them. It's almost a passing remark about them, like the Cell Project was in a previous chapter, but Lapis and Lazuli end up being the most important of Gero's androids. Also, I felt like I built up to the idea of making androids from humans from the beginning of the story. Gero always had this philosophy from chapter 1 and on, and now that Copper and all of the others are gone, he has no one left to stop him. So Gero taking Lapis and Lazuli in this chapter also makes a lot of sense, logically speaking. I think this was the best-paced plotline in the entire story.
  7. Android 13 murdering Gero's guards effectively ended the Red Ribbon Remnant. It also allowed me to focus solely on Gero and his androids from this point on.
  8. Gero berating an android that is much stronger than him is a very Gero-like thing to do, in my opinion.
  9. It's not clear why Gero used Android 13's parts on Android 14 as opposed to trying to fix 13's programming errors. I think, though 13 brought Gero many supplies, he did not bring the good doctor everything he needed. Crafting a new power supply would take years, and there would be no point in doing that when he had 13's power supply to work with. Additionally, Gero didn't much like 13. Android 13 was always very rude and disobedient to Dr. Gero, so I think Gero just wanted to start fresh.

Android 14[]


  1. I realized by this point that most of my androids were males. I didn't mean it to happen that way, but it just did. Because of that, I opted to make 14 a female on purpose.
  2. Android 14 is my least favorite of the post-Android 8 androids. By the time I wrote her chapter, I was burned out. I just wanted to get to the canon androids already. I also had a really good idea for Android 15, and I wanted to write that. I didn't have much to do for 14. I remember sitting down to do this chapter and having very few ideas for what to do. I think if I wasn't tied to the number of androids I had to make based on the numbers of the canon androids, I would not have had this android at all.
  3. Android 14 is notably the first android to truly hate Goku.
  4. Android 14 has one of the shortest histories out of all of the post-Android 8 androids. This is mostly because I didn't care about her.
  5. Gero's reasons for putting Android 14 into a storage tube is quite good, in my opinion. He had not done this with a few of the earlier androids, but by this point, Gero has realized that he needs some security. Even if 14 is highly volatile and rebellious, she will kill anyone who comes after Gero.
  6. Gero putting 14 in storage foreshadows him doing this with 16, 17, and 18.
  7. I never reveal 14's fate in this story and that is done on purpose. There are supposed to be a few mysteries in my universe, and her fate is one of them. When Bulma later explores the ruins of Gero's lab and finds Androids 21, 22, and 23, she doesn't find any sign Android 14. This implies that Gero did something else with 14 that he did not write down in any of his android status reports.

Android 15[]


  1. I came up with the idea of Gero making an android based on his wife after reading Toriyama's interview about the androids. Considering Gero created Android 16 to look like his son, I thought he would also try this with his wife. I assumed Gero's wife was dead, but that isn't stated in canon. In all honesty, we will probably never know her fate, so I felt it was a safe bet to use her in this story.
  2. Gero programmed 15's personality to be the same as his wife's.
  3. Otohime is a double pun name. In Japanese, "otohime" means both "youngest princess" and a type of a shrimp. I chose this word to relate it to the seafood names of Nagiri and Gero's first name (Maki).
  4. This chapter is rather sad. Gero is just trying to recreate his family. He's spent years creating the two androids. And then his "son" kills his "wife". That's got to really tear him up inside.
  5. Of course, 16 did not join in with 15's destruction because he's a peaceful android. I knew I would use that personality trait to force 16 to destroy 15 from the moment I decided on creating them together. I don't believe Gero would ever deactivate an android that looked like his wife, so in order to get rid of her, she would need to be destroyed. Given her strength, only another android would have been able to do so.
  6. There aren't too many duels in this story. That said, the 15 vs 16 duel is one of the best in the entire story, in my opinion. I didn't want to make it too long, as 15's history was already one of the longest histories in the entire story. As well, the fight between Android 15 and 16 would have included the two strongest beings in Earth's history at the time.
  7. The ending of this chapter is one of my favorite moments in the story. Gero realizing that the infinite energy models are unwieldy makes him question even using them. He then wants to focus on using human cyborg models, who, ironically, end up being so rebellious that they later kill him.

Android 16[]


  1. It was a good thing that Toriyama released his interview about the androids before I wrote this story. I don't know what I would have done for 16 had I not seen the interview, but I know it wouldn't have been this. So, because Toriyama revealed that Android 16 was based on Gero's son Nagiri, I deliberately made a few references to Nagiri in earlier arcs (as well as in Be a Man) to make this all fit together.
  2. Toriyama speculated that Android 16 was so peaceful because Gero didn't want his son to get hurt in battle. I liked Toriyama's reasoning, so I used it in the personality section above, though I did have Gero acknowledge that he might have accidentally programmed 16 to be like that. Gero wasn't completely oblivious to his subconscious desires in this arc.
  3. Much of 16's history is the same as 15's. That said, I spent far less time explaining that history in 16's chapter because the readers would already know about it.
  4. I had fun with showing Android 16's love of nature - this is seen primarily when he returns to Gero after killing Android 15. He's like an naive little child in many ways, which is also one of his greatest attributes. I wanted to showcase that because it's why I like his character so much.
  5. Android 16 was supposedly an incomplete android. I didn't see much evidence for that in the anime, to be perfectly honest. He functioned like he was complete. So in this arc, I made it clear that 16's "incompleteness" is wholly in his AI, from Gero's perspective. He's incomplete because he doesn't obey his creator.
  6. I think if Gero had survived even a few months longer than he did, he would have been able to "fix" Android 16's AI. Good thing he didn't.
  7. Gero saying he'd rather spend time with 16 than 14 is my own opinion too. Though Android 16 has a pretty short history, I enjoyed writing his arc far more than I liked writing Android 14's.

Androids 17 & 18[]


  1. Gero talking about how Android 16 was stronger than Android 17 (who asserted he was the strongest being ever) is basically me mocking 17's stupid statement.
  2. The canon characters were easier to write for in some ways - their appearance sections only required pictures, and their histories were basically already created (though I had leeway with stuff happening before their appearances in Dragon Ball Z). The personality sections were usually pretty annoying to write, as no picture would work for that section. I mostly consulted the wiki pages and my own memory of how each canon android acted before filling those out; still, I didn't like writing the personality sections very much, but I did it for the sake of consistency.
  3. Android 17 hates cybernetics, so I felt I needed to explain why. That's the reason for me having Gero experiment on him instead of 18.
  4. With most of these canon androids, I didn't want to give them too much backstory (in too much detail) in case more information about them surfaces in the future. That said, 17 and 18 get quite a bit of fanon history, what 17 breaking out of the lab and destroying the town and 17 and 18 trying to kill Gero. I did this with these two because I wanted to show how dangerous they were to Gero. I couldn't show Gero's death in this story due to how it's being told, but I did want to show how all the signs were there for Gero to see - 17 and 18 were far too dangerous to keep alive. He doesn't seem to realize that in these status reports and also doesn't realize that when he lets them out of their tubes in Dragon Ball Z.
  5. The system override was a new feature given to 17. Since Gero isn't a fighter, he wouldn't be able to react fast enough during combat. That explains why Gero didn't use it on 17 during battles.
  6. Gero being scared of Goku and his friends teaming up on his androids is why he didn't attack Goku earlier with a single android and why he wanted at last two androids to fight the Saiyan.
  7. I was always concerned about how Gero kept 17 and 18 stored away in tubes with the rest of his androids. Considering they were living beings, they would need food and water at all times. I didn't see any evidence of that in the anime, so I mentioned the food/water IVs in the status report to make it more realistic.
  8. The tracking device subplot has been in this story since the fall of the Red Ribbon Army. I felt it was only appropriate for the device to return to Gero with all of its information after he deactivated 17 and 18. Then, Gero would know how powerful Goku was and where Goku was located at (explaining how the androids knew what Goku's address is). This information is so valuable that I figured Gero would send the next androids he had available to immediately kill Goku. But he only got the information after he shut down 17 and 18. They, along with 16 and 14, were frustratingly (and, often times, dangerously) rebellious, so they could not be sent to Goku. This indirectly explains why Gero made Android 19.
  9. I probably could have combined other android arcs (11 and 12, 15 and 16), but this was the only combined arc that made sense to me at the time of writing TPL. Androids 3 and 4 don't really count because their history was combined into a single report.
  10. When writing these chapters, I have to be Gero. I have to understand his perspective. That's why so many of the words are biased, like when he says that he gifted 18 with her android abilities, something she would have likely seen as a curse instead.
  11. 17 and 18 often do things together, so to differentiate them, I had 18 try to kill Gero while I had 17 try to escape and rampage through a town.
  12. By the end of this arc, Gero has learned that infinite power androids are very hard to control. He is getting increasingly impatient because he has just got the report on Goku's strength and location. These factors all influence why he ultimately creates a new type of android with 19.

Android 19[]


  1. Android 19's picture was super hard for me to find. All of the others had at least one picture that was just them looking into the camera. Android 19 has so few pictures in general that it was difficult to find anything usable for him. Even the one I ended up using was not as good as the pictures for the other androids, but it was the best available picture for him.
  2. I am quite surprised by how long 19's history is. I figured he would have a short history, but canon ones like 18 and 16 ended up having shorter ones than him.
  3. One big challenge throughout this story was figuring out why Gero would switch from infinite energy models to absorption models. The way I did this was by showing that infinite energy androids were notoriously unreliable and rebellious. Almost all of the androids from 8-18 were rebellious in one way or another. That must have really frustrated Gero; it does explain why he switched models, though.
  4. Android 19 looked surprisingly non-human. Him being a prototype of a new type of android explains this though.
  5. It was important to showcase how loyal 19 was so that Gero would feel comfortable having 19 transplant the good doctor's brain later on.
  6. 19 kills men, women, and children indiscriminately. It's quite a brutal moment when he sucks out their energy and then kills them, but Gero doesn't draw attention to the brutality of it and only mentions it in passing. This shows the evil of 19 and 20. They don't think much of the horrible things they are doing. They just don't care.
  7. This arc shows that Gero planned on having 19 and himself suck the energy out of Goku's weaker friends if need be. As any Dragon Ball fan would know, they did do this with Yamcha.
  8. It was always important for me to transition from arc to arc when possible. The last sentence of Android 19's history does this particularly well, in my opinion.

Android 20[]


  1. This status report was written only five weeks before Gero's death.
  2. For Android 20's personality section, I thought it would be weird for Gero to describe his own personality. So instead, I had Gero describe how the android body enhanced his mental and physical state.
  3. This chapter is the realization of Gero's lifelong dream, starting back from the first arc of this story. He's always wanted to become an android, but he's been so consumed by his work and his hate of Goku, that he's almost forgotten to do so. The main reason for him eventually becoming an android in this chapter is that his body is starting to fail and he can no longer ignore that. He does not turn into an android because he has realized his dreams, though. That distinction is quite important.
  4. I specifically had Gero use the phrase "the perfect lifeform" in this chapter because it's the name of the story.
  5. Gero's idea to become the king of the androids is so painfully lame - just like him. He has all these ideas that make him seem out of touch with reality sometimes. His android stuff is borderline insane, yes, but his idea that he will kill all of humanity and replace them with androids is even more batshit.
  6. I had Gero mention all of his surviving androids to keep the readers up-to-date with who is left. He also mentions Androids 21, 22, and 23 to let the readers know that he has more androids planned. It shows that they don't come out of nowhere when their arc starts later. Of course, I couldn't mention them earlier (I never did that with previous androids), but I did so in 20's status report because it made sense for him to talk about them, at least in passing.

Prototypes and Unreleased Androids[]



  1. I distinctly remember writing this chapter while I was at a friend's house. I had slept over the previous night and had woken up before anyone else. I wrote this chapter in the early morning while everyone else slept, listening to this song (which is, incidentally, the theme song of Ain't No Hero).
  2. I had Bulma write these on July 15, 767 Age because that would give her a few months after Cell was defeated to go back and explore Gero's ruined laboratory.
  3. This arc was hard to write because I had to adopt Bulma's point-of-view for it. Something like "Android 21 pretty darn close to completion when I found him" is an example of how her speech is different from Gero's. But I had to maintain her point-of-view throughout. It was tricky, as I was used to writing for Gero. I do think you can tell it isn't Gero writing these though. I did use a lot of Bulma's mannerisms in the tone and voice of the reports.
  4. I based Android 21's appearance on the appearance of the samurai in the game Epic Mafia.
  5. I was interested in having dual-type androids who could both absorb energy and have infinite energy power cells. This is similar to how Androids 11 and 12 worked, but far more advanced. I figured Gero would at least experiment with this in prototype form. However, since these androids were not activated by the time of these reports, we don't know how effective the dual-type android actually is.
  6. Android 22's appearance was based on Sigur Rós' frontman, Jónsi.
  7. Android 22's history reveals the fate of the still-operational androids as well as those Gero could not confirm were destroyed. This was mainly for my own reference, to be honest. And it's actually a large amount of androids that were not destroyed. Reading back over this section now, I'm surprised by how many androids are on 22's history section.
  8. Bulma got a bit of information about Androids 21, 22, and 23 from Gero's supercomputer. These would be incomplete status reports about each android. There was actually quite a bit of information on Android 22's incomplete form, which Bulma referenced in 22's history section.
  9. I made Android 21 and 22 specifically so that I could use them in future stories. I did the same thing with Androids 11 and 12. At the time of writing this chapter, I wasn't sure if I wanted to use 11 and 12 or 21 and 22 or all four or them, so I gave myself the option to use any and all them as I wished in the future. In truth, I don't know if I will use Android 21 in a future story. I may use 22, and I will almost certainly use 11 and 12, though.
  10. By the time I got to Android 23, I realized that I didn't want Bulma to have 3 androids to work on. So I promptly made Android 23 a destroyed prototype. 23 was damaged so much that Bulma didn't even bother bringing it back with her.
  11. I think Android 23 functions as a great metaphor for Gero's life as a whole. He could have been so great - Bulma said it herself - he was going to be the greatest android. But he was destroyed and forgotten before he could make his own history. It's tragic in a way.
  12. Android 23 has by far the longest "current status" section out of all the androids.

Final thoughts[]

There isn't a whole lot to say about this story. It's a highly technical story without having many themes or stuff like that. There are a few themes hinted at, such as the futility of Gero's plans, and the cost of hate, etc. But for the most part, this story is a rather dry recounting of the histories of each android. I think many of the histories are quite good. Androids 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15 are some of my favorite fanon androids that I made in this story. I think the main problem with The Perfect Lifeform is that some of the histories are too short or too uninteresting (Android 14, Android 16). I think it's a good attempt at a very ambitious project though. Like with From Magic to Monsters, this story functions as a backstory to characters I will be using in the upcoming fic, Dragon Ball: Heart of the Dragon. That said, while some of the androids' histories are good, some are also not worth reading. If I had to go back and fix anything, I would try to make some of the later androids have more diverse histories to make the pacing better. But overall, I'm rather happy with how this story turned out. I'd give The Perfect Lifeform an A.

<---- Part 40

Part 42 ---->

The KidVegeta Anthology
1: Were It So Easy2: Ground Up3: So Lonely At The Top4: Dragon Ball Z: In Requiem5: Sixth6: Slaved7: Womanhood8: A Mother's Love9: Derelict10: Dragonball KC11: The Redacted Scenes12: Dragon Ball Z: Cold Vengeance (Original draftFinal draft)13: Spindlerun: The Tale of Yajirobe14: The Anonymous Series15: Speedball16: Second-best17: Strength18: Separator19: Skulk20: Soup21: Scelerat22: Serial23: Slick24: Sovereign25: Dragonball lies in the old hat26: Ode to Dodoria27: Bitterly Bothered Brother28: KidVegeta's Theogony: From Silence to the Greater Kais‎‎29: Dragon Ball Z: The Forgotten (29.1 Prince Vegeta Saga29.2 Outbreak: Paved In Blood29.3 Lauto Saga29.4 Stomping Grounds Saga29.5 Planet Earth Saga29.6 Reunion Saga29.7 Forever Alone29.8 Fulfillment Saga29.9 Characters29.10 Who Are The Forgotten?29.11 Miscellaneous Information)30: Sink to the Bottom31: Bluestreaker32: Lionheart33: From Magic to Monsters34: Tyrant35: Be a Man36: Brave37: Yellow38: Sleep39: Prideful Demons Black40: The Watcher41: The Perfect Lifeform42: Ain't No Hero43: Dragon Ball: The Great War44: Glory45: Monster46: Burning Man47: Bonetown Blues48: Ergo Sum49: Suicide Missionary50: We'll Never Feel Bad Anymore51: Before Creation Comes Destruction52: Midnight City53: A Soundless Dark54: Scourge55: The Ballad of Dango56: Zarbon and Dodoria: A Love Story57: Thank the Eastern Supreme Kai for Girls58: A Shadow on the Wind59: I'm a Candy Man60: Down the Well-Worn Road61: Cool Cat62: Starfall63: Crushing Blue64: Black Dawn65: The Great Sushi-Eating Contest66: The Adventures of Beerus and Whis...IN SPACE!‎‎67: The Guacamole Boys Hit the Town‎‎68: Fin69: Nowhere to Go70: Not So Far71: Ice Age Coming72: Small73: Shame74: Untouchable75: A Demon Tale: Running Gags and Memes: The Movie76: Superior77: He's a Baaad Man78: Sandboys79: This is a contest story 80: A Space Christmas Story81: The One Where Bulma Goes Looking For Goku's Dragon Balls82: The Ginyu Force Chronicles83: Country Matters84: Chasing Oblivion85: Bardock's Some Hot Space Garbage and You're a Cuck86: The Story Without Any Cursing Except For This One Fuck And It's In The Title or (Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll Except Without Any Of The Sex)87: A Flap of the Wings88: Broccoli Tail89: Black as Blood90: Bi Arm or the One Where Baby is Actually A Rich Man or the Last One Of All the BYARMS91: One Chop Man92: Girl93: Twelve Majestic Lies94: Spaceball95: The Monster and the Maiden96: Mountain Bird97: A Quest for Booty98: Yaki the Yardrat's lecherous crime cartel, can Jaco and Strabbary stop it?99: Across the Universe100: His Majesty's Pet101: Destroyer of Universes102: The One with Several No Good Rotten Space Vermin103: The Scouring of Paradise104: To Kill a God-Emperor105: Extragalactic Containment Protocol106: Appetent Justice107: The Naptime Championships108: Really Big Scary Monsters109: Old Nishi110: He Needs Some Space Milk111: Filthy Monkeys112: The Mortal Flaw113: Leap114: Dyspo Sucks115: The Royal Exception116: Mushin117: Doctor Piggyboy118: The Space Taco Bandit119: The Big Book of Very Important Things (119.1: Why the supreme kai thinks there are only 28 planets in the universe by kidvegeta, esquire119.2: The raisin why supreme kai thinks theres only 28 planets119.3: Supreme kai why do you think there are only 28 planets pls respond119.4: Vegeta: The Tale of Chiaotzu119:5. Sweet Nothings About Cuber by KidVegeta and Destructivedisk119.6: ☉‿⊙119.7: The Part Where He Actually Blows Himself119.8: The truefacts tht hhyperzerling ssahhy119.9: Dragon Ball Supper119.10: A list of people yamcha's been intimate with)120: Memories of a Bloodless Thrall121: Lights of Zalama122: The Deathless Scraps123: Time-Eater124: Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series: Hidden Memories of Chaiva125: Nineteen Assassins126: Welcome to Rapture127: Bean Daddy128: Zeta Male129: One Word From The Crane130: The Big Ugly131: The Legend of Upa132: Trickster is Meaningless133: Three Foolish Monkeys134: Killing General Copper135: One of Them136: The Swindler137: Softpetal138: How To Act Like a Professional Mercenary139: Insatiable140: Every Turtle Has His Day141: No Second Chances142: Blue Wolf143: The Shunko Onsen144: Nam's Big Dive145: Hard as Diamonds146: In Search of Pork Buns147: Feeding Time148: Chi-Chi's Got Talent149: Patient 240150: Divine in Maturity151: Tail Don't Lie152: Pontas Pilot153: Soft Matter154: PFR155: Dragon Ball: Heart of the Dragon (155.1 West City Saga)156: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Planet Trade Organization157: Community Roleplays (157.1 Dragon Ball: Future Imperfect (2nd Saga)157.2 No Way Out157.3 Vacation157.4 Cool Runnings157.5 What Role Will You Play?)158: Deleted Stories (158.1 Dragon Ball: Short Story Project158.2 The Last Saiyan)159: Final Thoughts