Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, The Cinnamon Force, is the property of Obitos brother dobito.


The Cinnamon Force is a group of mostly hot-blooded saiyans who are quite strong in their own regard. In the manga and anime they stood up to Frieza's rule in a hope to end the emperors reign over the world and their planet(Planet Vegeta). This group of Saiyans were one of the few who actually cared for others and were semi-good hearted.


The Cinnamon Force was brought together and formed due to the leader (Cinnamon) becoming a high enough rank to start a team. At first she saw no use in it and told Frieza that she didn't want to create a team Frieza would ask if she was sure and on second thought she decided that in order to achieve her goals she can use a team and it could come in handy for when she was going to attack Frieza. This would lead to the eventual start of The Cinnamon Force.


  1. Cinnamon (Leader)
  2. Rizu (Member)
  3. Fizz (Member)
  4. Komatsuna/Katsuna (Member)
  5. Rayna (Member)