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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, The Big Brawl (Series), is the property of Goku484.

This article, The Big Brawl (Series), takes place in an alternate universe or timeline,
and is not considered a part of the main Dragon Ball Timeline.
This article, The Big Brawl (Series), is a fan-made crossover between Dragon Ball and another universe.
Dbz Cooler 002

This article is currently under construction and is incomplete at the moment.

Tien Majin Buu saga

"Part Of A Series"
The Big Brawl (Series) This Article is Part of A Series and should only be analyzed as such. It is highly recommended that this individual piece should not be read or viewed alone.

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I make a profit of DB, DBZ, DBGT, DBS, or any of the other parties mentioned in this fic. This is solely for the purpose of entertainment, however, I have right to any OCs and original settings I may use, and this story is licensed with Creative Commons. You can use the story, but it must be in its original form, changing it is not allowed. 

The Big Brawl is a series written by Goku484. This features characters from an abundance of media outside of the DragonBall universe including (but not limited to) other anime, Comic Characters (Mirage, DC, as well as Marvel), and cartoons. 

This series features how the majority of the characters meet, form alliances, rivalries, and gaining allies and enemies alike. Also features many brawls, both the highly anticipated ones, as well as random selections.  

The Main chapter is The Big Brawl: Coming Together, but it is highly recommended to read the others before engaging in this one, as you will be extremely confused if you don't follow it in sequence because that is the culminating chapter. I will include One Piece, but I am currently binge-watching and reading from the beginning, I'm trying to wait until I catch up to where Ace died at least because I want that to be the reason for The Straw Hat Pirates introduction into the series. Naruto will also be included, I have only recently started Shippuden, and I'm skipping most of the filler, at least until The Fourth Great Ninja War, I need it to be after that point, so Sasuke can have a legit reason to fight alongside his former comrades.

Now, I've decided to omit Ben 10 (Ultimate Alien/Alien Force version of course) and his team from this, for now, simply because since I've ruled out the young kids as of now, which means no Beast Boy vs Ben, which were my original intentions (But I might change my mind about Ben, Beast-Boy is out though). Also, I have not yet made a decision on FMA, Generator Rex, Toriko, or Shaman King yet, some I recently started, and/or about to start.

HxH, as well as My Hero Academia, will not have a team in this, because I don't want the kids competing, but HxH will still somehow be involved, however (I know I could make a team consisting of Leorio, Kurapika, Knuckle, Shoot, Hisoka, and maybe, maybe not Bisky or Ilumi, or even Silva, but can you really imagine a HxH squad without Gon Freecss, and Killua Zoldyck, no right? Neither can I, that why it's not happening) not spoiling how yet, and I might get MHA a part (no team) in this as well if I like what I see after I watch it. Now, I planned on having Coop with Megas from Megas XLR as well, but he needs a team. Need to finish rewatching that show before making that verdict.

Samurai Jack series is another show in question, reason one being because although I planned on having him initially, there is way too many samurais in this with Kenshin, Usagi, and the inevitable inclusion of Roronoa Zoro, and also Kazuma Kuwabara (if you want to consider him a swordsman because not everyone who uses a sword is a swordsman, hence, Hiei at times, and Luffy at the beginning of One Piece against Arlong.) I know they all fight differently but, I don't know, just seems a little repetitive. Reason two, being is I have to rewatch the whole series (including the new season), to try to figure out a team for him, might make Aku an outlier, however, regardless of the outcome. Reason three being, it's between Samurai Jack and Afro Samurai, which I also need to rewatch. I will not include both, at least not with teams, need to see first.


No one below the age of 16 may be allowed to enter, (Nightwing's team is all between 17 and early twenties, excluding Jericho, who is 16. If I was to include Ben 10, it would be the Ultimate Alien version of him, Kevin, and Gwen, making them between 17 and 19, respectively.)

Only the person who is eliminated is out, the rest of the team may continue on afterward

If you, as an individual, lost you will not be allowed to join a team.

6-10 man team is only required on entry, your team will be allowed to proceed even after losing members.

If you have not yet lost, but are short-handed because others on your team have been falling, you may pick up strays who have also not lost yet. 

It can be one or one or team battles up to 3.

If you are the last remaining member or two on a team, you may be allowed to join another short-handed team, the member count cannot exceed 10, however. 

Late Entry is allowed

No ring outs, just count outs at 20, deaths, and giving up, will count as losses.

All techniques are allowed

All equipment is allowed. 

Leaving the Arena Collessium while not eliminated is not allowed, and as a result, you will be immediately disqualified. 

The Big Brawl: Join The Fray[]

This is the story on how the fight with Buu ended, as it differs greatly from the original battle once they come out of Buu's body, This is the first installment, where everything kicks off, right in our favorite beloved Universe 7. 

The Big Brawl: Connections[]

This installment tells the tale of how certain other entities, such as TMNT, Usagi Yonjibo, and Rurouni Kenshin got involved.

The Big Brawl: DC[]

This installment tells of how the Justice League and their allies get involved. 

The Big Brawl: Marvel[]

This installment brings the big players from Marvel, such as several key Avengers, and more.

The Big Brawl: YYH[]

This installment explains why Yusuke Urameshi and company come along for the ride.

The Big Brawl: Avatar[]

This installment takes place well before the Beginning of Avatar: The Legend of Korra and after Sozin's Commit. When I say no young kids, like 15 and under, I meant it, that's why it takes place during the Time Skip, they're all in their young adult years, like 4 or 5 years after the events of Sozin's Commit.  This tells of how Avatar Aang, Fire Lord Zuko, and the rest of the gang got roped in.

The Big Brawl: Mortal Kombat[]

This installment brings us to the introduction of Liu Kang and company, reveals us their motives and reasoning for entering the tournament.

The Big Brawl: Tekken[]

This installment brings us to a man named Eddy Gordo, and his student turned adoptive

The Big Brawl: Street Fighter[]

This installment introduces us to Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li, among others, explaining their incentive.

The Big Brawl: One Piece[]

The Straw Hat Pirates began heading this way in this installment, it elaborates on why Luffy's crew raise their anchor and began to change their course, via an alternate route, a huge pit-stop destination: The Multiversal Tournament!!!" 

The Big Brawl: Naruto[]

Naruto Uzumaki and co. of The Village Hidden In The Leaves find themselves in a rather odd and vexing predicament.

The Big Brawl: Coming Together[]

This is it right here. The Universal, Multi-dimensional Tenkaichi Budokai, find out who prevails in a battle to win all battles. Right Here Right Now. 


My name is Kevin Bryant. I am 25 years old, and I hail from both Haitian and Native American dissent, which would explain my darker, clearly melanated complexion. I am fluent in English, French, Japanese, as well as Creole, which helps when I travel, which I tend to do very frequently because I love to explore the world and see new things. When I was younger, Hercule High was named Orange Star High School and that was the high school I attended after my father had relocated our family to Japan because of his job as an English teacher in foreign countries. From an incredibly young age, probably eight years old, I idolized Neil Armstrong, he was my hero. How one man, a human, like myself, could touch, let alone walk on the moon, was just mystifying to me. You gain a unique perspective when you have watched the sunset from many different parts of the world as I have. I look up and wonder exactly where the stars go when I don't see them. It was only once I got older that I realized that some of those stars are other planets, that is mesmerizing as a concept, when you have time to ponder over it. Once I realized that our sun is only a medium sized star, it made me notice just how vast this universe truly is, and that, in scale, we're not even an inkling or dot to a molecule in it. I majored in astronomy and got my associate degree from a local University in Tokyo, Japan. Then I flew back to the states and went through an accelerated program to get my bachelor's in astrology, as well as a minor in religion, at Jump City University. I started veering off to forge/carve my own path the minute scientists claimed they had been to Mars and didn't find life, the oxygen levels, being a bit further from the sun and lacking trees, are not sustainable enough to live in. That's a lot of malarkey. I say that to say, because to me, that automatically assumes that other beings are just like us as humans, when that is definitely not the case. Others might not require the levels of oxygen that we survive on. What pushed me even further away from the systematic way of thinking however, is when they claimed that pluto was no longer a planet, and now just officially classified as a dwarf planet, because it's too far away from the sun. I believe that they found life on both of those planets, entire societies of extraterrestrial beings, but they kept it hush from us common folk, while they continue to search for ways to monopolize them. Everything with them is about monetary gain. The sun in itself is a concept these scientists and philosophers can't seem to grasp. They said it doesn't move, but everything else does. I knew from the start that was wrong. While everything, at least in our universe, does indeed revolve around the sun, the sun itself has its own gravitational pool, which also contributes to that. That I discovered on my own. In my studies, I came across a man, a greek scholar by the name of Chrysippus, he was the first person to ever coin the concept that there might be a multiverse, more than one universe, that can be drastically different based on small choices or that can be largely the same with minute differences. Growing up, from Kindergarten through the 10th grade, I was a superb student. I was the goody two shoes, the teacher's pet, I never got in trouble, I was the dork sort to speak. The student that reminds the teacher to give us homework, I was that guy. All into the books. Straight As, perfect attendance. So, a month into my sophomore year of high school, America sent NASA people over to scout new recruits, and of course I was a prime candidate because of my impressive resume, if I do say so myself. Of course, I eagerly volunteered. So, by the time I graduated, I had two years experience flying planes and boarding spaceships. Nasa, as well as myself felt it was time for me to officially go into space. So they paired me with their best astronaut, and put the two of us in their most high-tech spaceship. A spaceship that literally did everything you could think of. We were strapped in and took off. Everything seemed smooth as we ascended, but as soon as we left Earth's atmosphere, something wild happened. Our spaceship crashed landed. As I emerged from the rummage, spacesuit unscathed keeping my limbs intact, I discovered, that my mentor, much to my chargein, had met his untimely demise. Before I had a chance to respond, however, I was raised in the sky by a rather unusual force.

"Kevin Bryant, you have been chosen." The being told me, a male figure who appeared to be lifting me with some kind of physic ability. He had bronze skin, like how Jesus was describe in the bible. He wore a outfit consisting of gear that looks like he would be the guardian of some of sci fi movie bridge scene; the yellow flowing cape, the silver and blue tonic, and all of that jazz.

"Chosen for what? Who the heck are you anyway? Or what the heck are you would probably be the better question right? And where are we?" I bombarded him with questions.

"My name is Mar Novu, and I am a being beyond your comprehension." Mar Novu introduced.

"What do you mean beyond my comprehension? A divine entity? What are you, some god?" I asked bewildered.

"There is no name for what I am, so I suppose god will have to do." Mar novu replied.

"Okay, Mr. God Novu, what the heck would you want with me?" What is this big mission or task I've apparently been chosen for? I am a normal person, and I still don't know where we are.

"Time is stopped for the moment. And Kevin Bryant you are far from ordinary. The way you think, I've been observing you for quite some time now, your mind is rather peculiar, your ideologies is rather vexing, and quite frankly, even I, with all that I have saw, I must say, I am impressed. Now, for your assignment, it's a rather perplexing one. Due to your passion for traveling, and your interest in the vastness of the universe, you have been chosen with the title Explorer. Your job is to strictly travel across the different dimensions/universes in the multiverse, and gather intel on their best fighters, strongest, smartest, most determined/dedicated/resourceful/wealthiest/driven and everything else there is to know about them. Your team will consist of four, from your realm, a Saiyan by the name of Churd, as well as God of Destruction Beerus and his angel Whis. Your job strictly is recognisance, to grab intel. Beerus is to cause chaos, Whis is a witness, and Churd is to intervene."

"Hold up. Gods? Angels? Saiyans? Realms? So the multiverse is real?" I asked in amazement, awe, and shock.

"In the beginning, there was only one... a single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release, and finally, the darkness broke, filling it with life. With the Multiverse. Every existence multiplied by possibility, and spread out before space and time in infinite measure. Civilizations rose and fell, and rose again to cross realities grasping expanse. Life, a precious gift persevering in the face of every obstacle, until finally, the age of heroes was born. Chaos, the constant enemy of life, kept at bay by champions from across the Multiverse. Joining forces to fight on behalf of all creation, they found each other just in time. Because now, the entire Multiverse is about to come under attack. There is a malevolent force at work, one driven by a singular goal."

"How do I even know if you are telling me the truth about anything, you still haven't even told me where we are?" I questioned once again, uncertain of Novu's honesty.

He snapped his fingers, all of a sudden, I was down to my underwear, and suffocating for air, as well as shivering freezing cold. He snapped again, and suddenly all my clothes, including my spacesuit and helmet, had all returned. He then snapped a third time, and all of sudden, I was in the bleachers of my old high school, watching four teens practice baseball, two boys and two girls. One girl was brunette, the other was blonde, the same with the guys. The guy with the black hair had an orange clad martial arts suit on. He swung the bat with virtually no effort but yet the ball went flying at 300 mph. Then, he ran around the base so fast, my regular eyes could not follow, still it seemed effortless for him, for once he was done, he still had not broken a sweat. Then, he switched positions. Now, my eyes were entirely fixated on him and what he going to do next. He then assumed the pitching position. He threw the ball with absolute zero force but yet it still broke the bat and crashed into the side of the stadium at 100 mph speed. It made a pretty sizeable hole as well. At this point, I ran out the bleachers and up to him.

"Young man, I've been watching you. Your physical prowess is unlike anything I ever seen before. Please, allow me the honor of knowing your name!" I said enthusiastically
