Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, The Adventures of Pan and Bra, is the property of Goku484.

This article, The Adventures of Pan and Bra, takes place in an alternate universe or timeline,
and is not considered a part of the main Dragon Ball Timeline.
Tien Majin Buu saga

"Part Of A Series"
The Adventures of Pan and Bra This Article is Part of A Series and should only be analyzed as such. It is highly recommended that this individual piece should not be read or viewed alone.


Dbz Cooler 002

This article is currently under construction and is incomplete at the moment.


This article is currently on a temporary hiatus and is not being worked on at this moment.

 This story is a spin off of The Adventures of Goten and Trunks, featuing Goten's niece, Pan, as well as Trunks' little sister, Bra (Bulla). 

Preceeded By[]

The Adventures of Goten and Trunks
