This article, Temporal Disturbance Saga (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time.. |
The Temporal Disturbance Saga is the sixth and final Saga of the Demon Realm Assault Group and the twelfth saga overall of Dragon Ball Advanced.
Crimes of Vegeta[]
Vegeta notices the ground glowing beneath him and flies away from the Time Labyrinth as the worm and the glow objects begin to condense into a small orb. Chronoa decides to repair Conton City and uses Face to undo all the deaths and damages caused by the Demon Realm and Mechikabura. Reviving everyone that was killed and reverse all to damages. However, a booming voice commands Face to grant him wish and wish the Advanced Eternal Dragon's ability to grant wishes away. Face is forced to comply and Chronoa becomes shocked and shrinks the Eternal Dragon. Eventually, everything seems to settle as the glowing light forms into a cocoon-shaped monolith. Vegeta seems to recognise the voice, but is unable to remember who the voice belonged to. A large energy barrier begins to surround the monolith as cracks of lightning begin to surround the area while devastating events occur cross history. A massive earthquake swallows several sections of Earth, a draught erupts across Planet Namek, and an asteroid collides a planet destroying it. The glowing light begins to fade as the Monolith floats above Conton City with Chronoa and the others shocked. Chronoa realises that he is the personification of time itself - Grandpara. She demands it is doing he reveals that he has come for revenge against Vegeta. He reminds Vegeta of Arlia and recalls the events transpired (the events were similar to the filler episode and Vegeta tells Chronoa that he helped the planet while Raditz was on Earth and than destroyed as a result of how he used to think. He tells Grandpara that he knows it too late to say sorry, but apologies anyway as Grandpara reveals that he retains the memories and personality of the soul that was reincarnated into him. He curses Chronoa for choosing him when he had managed to convince the Galactic Patrol revive his race and planet. She tells him that she used to be strict back than and tells there was no choice in the matter - his soul was the best candidate at the time. He responds by absorbs the remaining energy left behind by the Time Labyrinth to fire an energy beam at Chronoa and almost hits, but she manages to dodge it in time as it hits a building resulting in it rapidly aging into dust. Dial realises what just occurred and tries to attack Grandpara, but his hit by the same energy beam. However, he tells him and reminds his allies that he is ageless. Grandpara responds with his Decelerated Flash, but it has no affect on Dial as his powers to his Sorcerer God Evolution form and proceeds to punch the Monolith - cracking it. He uses his powers to send Dial 2 hours into future while using his abilities to bring Frost from the past to Age 950, and uses his ability to enable Frost gain his own Super Evolution form and transform into it. Chronoa returns Dial to present and prepares to challenge Grandpara.
He proceeds to use his Chaotic Supernova on Dial, but Time Patroller deflects the attack as Grandpara transports everyone to Earth. He punches Frost in the gut as he powers down to his True form before transforming into his Emerald form. After knocking Frost to the ground, Dial flies off towards Grandpara as Vegeta attempts to follow. Frost attempts to block him, but Vegeta punches him in the gut and follows his student as Xeno Kakarot challenges Frost by kicking him in the back. Dial and Vegeta arrive at the stratosphere as they realise that he looked small before due to simply being a fair distance away as Grandpara's Monolith Form is actually quite large. Vegeta reminds him that he cannot brief in space - Dial relays this to Chronoa and she uses her Space Suit ability to enable Vegeta to fly in the vacuum. They fly up to him and proceed to fire a barrage of ki blasts at him and manage to do minor damages while Grandpara uses his Time Reduction ability to allow an asteroid to smash into Dial and send him crashing into another asteroid. Vegeta fires his Galick Gun, but Grandpara slows it down in order to block it with space debris. Meanwhile, Xeno Kakarot powers up to Super Saiyan and proceeds to clash with Frost. Frost punches Xeno Kakarot in a cliff and proceeds to fire a ki blast at him, but the saiyan dodges it and transforms into Super Saiyan 2. He resumes his clash and proceeds to deliver a flurry of punches and kicks as Frost questions him about Dial only to reveal that he doesn't know him that much, but he regards him as a good person. After a blow to the gut; Xeno Kakarot uses his Xeno-Evolution to enter Super Saiyan 4 and proceeds to continue the fight only to be outmatched in power before going Legendary Super Saiyan 4. Xeno Kakarot uses his Sunahameha on Frost, but he dodges the attack and follows up with Chaos Wave. Frost follows up with a Chaotic Scissor Stream and almost hits the Saiyan, but slices a mountain. Xeno Kakarot begins powering up further and begins push past his limits as he continues to power up before resulting in an explosion of ki blanketing the area and a massive earthquake. As the dust settles; Xeno Kakarot has revealed that he has achieved True Super Saiyan 4. He proceeds to continue the fight as Frost is able to match his power as they continue their battle. Xeno Kakarot senses that Frost's inexperience in his new form is causing him to lose power quickly as the Saiyan kicks him in the face and knocks him into the ground. Xeno Kakarot notes that Frost should be able to overpower him if he had more experience in his new form, but continues to take advantage of the situation to knock him down. He blocks Frost's Chaotic Scissor Stream and manages to deflect it into the ground before punching Frost in the gut and wedges him in the ground as Chronoa allows the others to watch the fight in space from Earth. Frost watches Dial fight valiantly for others and begins to resist the control of Grandpara. He manages to break free and attempts to join the fight, but he is sent back to time period in he was taken from as Dial is struck multiple space debris as Grandpara causes them to collide into each other.
Vegeta manages to punch away the space debris as Dial begins powering up destroying the space rocks around as his transforms into his Super Emerald Dial form and proceeds to pummel at Grandpara. He is knocked back by Grandpara's Reflect ability and sent crashing into a forest floor on Earth as Vegeta uses his Arcane Galick Gun to strike him and manages to cause his body to crack. Vegeta his hit by Grandpara's Accerelated Flash and sent crashing into the same area as Dial. Vegeta stands up revealing a barrier around him that he used to stop the effects of the energy attack from ageing him. The ground begins to shake as Grandpara announces his Geocannon ability and the ground is devastated as sections of the ground float up and begin to amass into the shape of a cannon. Grandpara tells him that he can he use it to fire any of his abilities at close range or even fire attacks from the different time periods. He proves using his time travel to make his cannon fire the Father-Son Kamehameha at the two. Dial stops the attack and uses a ki blast to blast the energy wave back to cannon resulting in a massive explosions that levels the forest. Dial begins to transform again, but he is interrupted when a neo Geocannon emerges behind him and a Power Impact is fired striking Dial and sending him flying through the remnants of the forest and ends up over the Spinach Wastes as the Power Impact explodes reducing the region to a crater as Dial enters his Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación after recovering from the attack as Grandpara fires his Accelerated Flash at Vegeta while his guard is down. Future Trunks powers up to Super Saiyan 3 and fires his Final Flash to protect Vegeta, but Grandpara's attack begins to overwhelm Future Trunks. Vegeta attempts to save him, but he is hit in the back with Power Impact from a third cannon and sent flying into the air as Future Trunks begins to slip as the second cannon pushes him back. The Power Impact explodes, but Vegeta is unaffected by the attack as he fires a blast at the second and third cannon, but a fourth is created and a ki blast from the Grand Minister is sent through colliding with Vegeta's energy blasts. Future Trunks is engulfed by the attack as Vegeta was unable to save him in time and is reduced to dusts along with most of area as the energy blast explodes. Grandpara proceeds to demonstrate his power as he begins to absorb numerous beings through out time including teen Bulma and a numerous versions of present timeline Goku from different points in his life. Everyone on Earth begins to be swallowed by Grandpara's absorption ability as large rifts begin to form through out time as Grandpara begins to glow. Chronoa saves Xeno Trunks form being absorbed as the Namekians are absorbed along with Frieza and numerous others. Vegeta is angered by the death of his alternate future son and explodes in rage along with Dial (whom is enraged by his friend's death) and as they fly at massive speed leveling everything in the area once again and delivers a powerful punch to manages to put a hole in Grandpara before following up with their Grand Galick Gun and God Arcane Fear Hyper Galick Gun and manage to engulf the massive monolith shattering Grandpara' and sending him crashing into the ocean floor of Earth. All the Humans that were being absorbed fall back to the ground as a glowing hand emerges from the ocean.
A massive humanoid figure comprised of mostly energy emerges from the ocean with sections of the surface forging armour around his body, arms, and the remnants of his monolith form forming to make a face. Dial flies closer and notices that his head is in the stratosphere as Grandpara roars in anger as he curses them for interfering with their attacks and stopping him from absorbing enough mortals to enter his final form. He proceeds to punch Vegeta, but he is mostly unaffected as he crashes against the moon and deforms a portion of the surface as Grandpara fires his Time Shots at the Saiyan prince, but he dodges it as Dial punches him in the back - cracking his "armour". Each of the energy bullets collide with the moon causes several sections of the moon to age and decay. Grandpara appears behind Vegeta and attempts to kick, but Vegeta dodges the kick as the moon and struck instead - sending it hurtling towards Earth. Dial destroys the moon as dashes through it and punches Grandpara in the face. Xeno Raditz and his children powers up to Super Saiyan as Grandpara brings Paragus and Paragus: BR to Age 950 to point before their deaths and power them up to point that they are equal to Xeno Raditz's Super Saiyan form. Qurita blocks them from going to Dial and Vegeta and kicks them both into the ground as Xeno Raditz and Hyōtan as Xeno Kakarot is sent to Cell's Timeline and crashes into Future Chi-Chi3's house. Paragus punches Hyōtan and sends him flying into the ground as Qurita uses Shining Friday at him, but Paragus: BR jumps in the way of the attack and mildly wounds him. Xeno Bardock recognises Paragus and asks him if he's the Paragus he knew or if they are the same personality-wise. Paragus tells him that he is not, but respects Xeno Bardock as he continues to pummel Xeno Raditz. Hyōtan kicks Paragus in the back of the head, and Paragus: BR punches Xeno Raditz in the gut while ignoring Xeno Bardock. Xeno Kakarot returns with Xeno Goku bringing him back to the fight and agrees to help. Xeno Raditz grabs Paragus's wrist and punches him in the gut before kicking him into the sky and follows with a kick to the ribs; sending him flying into a cave while Paragus: BR dodges a team attack from Qurita and Hyōtan before kicking them through the roof of the cave. Paragus is overwhelm by a triple attack from all three Super Saiyans and is knocked into the ground by a kick from all three before being ambushed by Paragus: BR at close range as he fires his Dead Punisher killing his counterpart. As he prepares to resume the battle; a time-window opens showing him the corpse of Broly and as a result of the site - the explosion of anger enables him to become a Super Saiyan and proceeds to pummel Xeno Raditz before kicking him into a mountain. Dial and Vegeta continue to fight against Grandpara together and dodge several energy attacks from the colossal foe before being struck in the stomach by Dial. Xeno Raditz enters his Super Saiyan 2nd Grade form and proceeds to fight evenly with Paragus: BR as and kicks him in the gut before punching him towards the ground. He fires a barrage of ki at Paragus: BR - critically wounding him and proceeds to charge his Shining Friday, but a stray Death Beam from Dial passes Xeno Raditz and strikes Paragus: BR in the heart - freeing him from Grandpara's control and returning him to the past.
Grandpara shows visible frustration at the failures of his puppets as he powers up to his max causing multiple rifts in time across the universe and resulting a massive disturbance in time. Grandpara reveals his plant to de-stable all of time and cause it to collapse on itself in order to reset and timeline in his own image. Eliminating everyone across history he deems to unnecessary and all those who wronged him in his eyes as his time as Atla. Vegeta senses Bulma as part of his being along with Goku and a number of people he absorbed causing his rage to further increase his power and punches him the rib destroying apart of his armour as Grandpara attempts strike at him. Dial powers up further and proceeds to kick the colossal foe in the face and sends him hurtling towards outter region of the Solar System. Grandpara simply shrugs of both attacks and tells Vegeta that he was motivated into his plan due to the Saiyan Prince destroy his planet and killing everyone. He reveals that after his people was revived by Mr. Popo - he wasn't revived along with them as he was already reincarnated and angrily shouts that his life was stolen from him by Chronoa and Vegeta. He angrily tells them that he has been trying to reverse the reincarnation for a long time and has been unable to gather the necessary energy to do so forcing him to wait on the sidelines as multiple taboos were committed by Future Trunks and the Time Breakers. He was than contacted by Mechikabura who reveals that he has plan to return his life to him, but needs to give him time. Grandpara reduced at Mechikabura's revelation and reveals that recovering his all of his memories and personality was the first step as most of them were removed to prevent him for going against the Supreme Kai of Time. He claims that Vegeta is justified for his anger at the death of his son, but he is even more furious of his stolen life as he unleashes his massive ki causing large tremors across the Multi-Universe and even time. Grandpara swears to make Vegeta pay and begins to absorb even more temporal energy and begins absorbing the energy of the Earthlings and creatures across the universe as he fires his Orb of Time at Vegeta, but he deflects it with a ki blast into a gas giant and causes the planet to reduce to dust as a result as he fires another at Dial, but he simply dodges the energy sphere as it collides with a belt of asteroids. Grandpara begins transform once again as his current body begins to expand allow Dial to strike with Dragon Fist and save each of the fighters sealed away by Mira and the others during the Demon Realm Assault along with Mira and Towa as the fighters are freed meanwhile Mechikabura remains trapped with Grandpara's other absorption victims. An explosion engulfs the Solar System shocking the others and cause them to wonder what is happening.
The Strongest Evil is Born[]
Pend looks over to Hypabramia with a strange look and the hybrid reveals that he permanently fused with his absorption victims while trapped as the Future fighters watch the battle unfold with Rola and Chilada. The light begins to fade away as Grandpara emerges with him now standing nine feet tall with his body still mostly comprised of energy. He dashes towards Dial and knocks him back to Earth as they land back on Earth in the same area that Goku fought Vegeta during the Saiyan Saga and thanks Vegeta' for allowing him to give him the motivation to achieve his new form. Grandpara announces himself as the strongest evil of all time as he continues to power himself up. Grandpara strikes Vegeta in the gut and sends him flying across the sky before crashing into a mountain as Dial lunges at him, but he is blasted away with an Orb of Time. Vegeta manages to get behind him and sends him crashing into the ground with a kick. Grandpara uses Rain of Time to unleash multiple energy spheres onto his opponents and hits Hypabramia killing him along with Future Bulla, Future Vegeta, and Future Gohan as Xeno Bardock dodges the attack. Grandpara brings numerous Saibamen and Cell Juniors from the past and haves them attack the others relentlessly. Xeno Kakarot, Xeno Raditz, Xeno Trunks, and Xeno Bardock transform into their Super Saiyan 4 forms and proceeds to battle against each of them as Qurita and Hyotan transform into their Super Saiyan form and battle against Saibamen. Face and Hit: GT team up as well to join the fight and easily overpower most of them as Chronoa transforms into her Time Power Unleashed form in order to join the fight. Xeno Bardock manages to destroy a Cell Junior while releasing control of another and continues to eliminate each of them causing them to return to their original times while the others are erased as a result of a paradox as several Saibamen are destroyed by Xeno Kakarot and Xeno Trunks. Hit: GT uses his killing moves to kill the Saibamen as Face knocks out the Cell Juniors sending them to time period they came from. The twins struggle against the Saibamen they are facing, but eventually overpower them and destroy them all with a ki blast as Chronoa uses her Time Judgement to wipe the Saibamen she's facing all out in a single attack. Grandpara is amused their resilence as Vegeta becomes enraged at the death of his counterpart and counterpart's daughter causing him to punch Grandpara in the gut as he brings more Saibamen into face against the others, but Xeno Raditz destroys them with his energy attacks. Grandpara allows Vegeta to pummel him as he sends more to attack the twins and manages to overwhelm them only for Pend to power up to his Desesperación form and proceeds to overwhelm them as Rola enters his Super Saiyan Dark form and assists him. Face uses his ability to rewind time and revive everyone killed by Grandpara including Future Trunks as Grandpara laughs maniacally. Dial watches the fight as Vegeta continues the fight alone and they telepathically agree to fight one-on-one from now on as Vegeta decides to changes is method of attack.
The other fighters continue their battle with the Saibamen as Vegeta berates Grandpara for being like how Vegeta was. Grandpara becomes furious of Vegeta for the use of the word "was" and questions how all his murderous deeds have been atoned when he has done nothing to prove it. He declares him to be as evil as the day Vegeta wiped out his race and angrily punches him in the gut - sending him crashing through several mountains before crashing half way through another. Vegeta walks out of the mountain from the crater that was formed and tells him that he spends everyday regretting the actions he took and is willing to pay for each of them when the time comes, but tells Grandpara that his methods are not justifiable. Vegeta uses Final Flash as Grandpara uses his Accelerated Flash resulting in a clash. Vegeta manages to overpower him and proceed to deliver a powerful blow forcing him to release Goku and Bulma as he transforms once again. As the smoke continues to cover the area from the explosion - a large gust of wind occurs causing a mssive tremor to all versions of Earth through out history along with a massive storm occurring across the universe. As a large energy wave begins to blanket the area several mountains begin to break down and the debris hurtle towards Grandpara. A large flash of light follows as even more debris hurtle towards as the area begins to crumble away. An explosion soon follows as Grandpara emerges in his new form and announces it as his final form as he darts directly to Vegeta sending him flying across the planet as he fires a barrage of ki blasts at him before grabbing him by the face and proceeding to slam him into the ground and travels 10 years into the past; slams him into the ground before doing the same thing 10 times before ending up in Age 850 and throws him against a tree. Grandpara announces that he has just created over 10 paradoxes and a quick succession - causing his reset plan to speed up as his body begins to glow as his body crumbles away. Vegeta is shocked at the fact that he was able to reach appoint that will enable him to reverse his reincarnation as large cracks surround him followed by a large explosion. As the smoke clears; Atla is revealed and stands before Vegeta - Atla has successfully destroyed Grandpara while absorbing all his powers, memories, and retains all every experience that Grandpara felt. As a result; Mechikabura and Mangandr are both destroyed as a result of Atla's rebirth. Atla proceeds to punch Vegeta and knocks him into ground, but is hit in the back by a giant energy sphere that Vegeta reveals to be his Supreme Big Bang Crash and crashes into the ground as he redirects his energy sphere into Atla again - causing a giant explosion. Atla emerges and blasts Vegeta with his Accelerated Flash and sends him crashing into the ground. Atla becomes overwhelmed with the fact that he has been reborn and allows his fury get the better of him as he fires a Finger Beam reaching past Vegeta and travelling across a time-window that Atla creates. Face notices it hurtling for Chronoa and knocks away the Saibaman he's facing and attempts to take the blast, but it pierces his heart and pierces Chronoa mortally wounding them both - shocking everyone. Atla announces that the crimes of Vegeta are about to be rectified as a Future Trunks rushes to Chronoa's aid.
Vegeta punches Atla in the face sending him flying into a tree as Future Trunks holds Chronoa while Future Pan holds Face. Chronoa tells him that it is the end for her as she asks for Naraku. Naraku arrives as Chronoa hands over her Potara Earrings as Future Trunks and Future Mai begin to tear up. Chronoa declares Naraku to be her successors as Face passes away. She thanks Future Trunks for being her friend and helping her in her time in need. She announces that she is finally pardoning him for his crimes and gives her permission to use her form of time travel if he ever needs help from someone again. Atla yells in anger at he says she stole his life by reincarnating him without his permission even when he told her to wait, but she told him he had no say. Chronoa apologises to him as she acknowledges that she use to be too strict for her own good, but the world needed Grandpara. She berates Atla for destroying him as it was meant to help the Supreme Kai of Time to protect the timeline. Chronoa tells Future Trunks to chose his life from now on - whether to continue the Time Patrol or return to his timeline and live with his family. Future Trunks reminds her that most of the city is ruined and that the Time Patrol was killed by the Demon Gods and explains that they were revived - explaining that he was planning to leave everything up to them. Pend also tells her that he planned to leaving the Time Patrol in favour of his family. Pend punches away a Saibaman as Xeno Kakarot looks on and becomes sadden by the fact that she is dying. Xeno Bardock destroys the remaining Saibamen as Chronoa begins to passes out from blood loss. Future Trunks tries to search for a Senzu Bean, but he has none on him and as Chronoa tells him that she is ready to accept her fate. Chronoa tells Future Trunks that while he thought he changed his hair through an Eternal Dragon from his decisions - she reveals that she was the one that made things go that way by manipulating time and even manipulated events to allow Future Cell approach quicker than he anticipated. She's been helping him heal his future for sometime after he time travelled in order to stop him from committing the taboo again and even chose not to undo his acts as his actions made a better future for the present heroes. Chronoa understands Atla's feelings but also condemns him for the deaths of the innocent lives he's responsible for and tells him that his actions cannot justified his intent and his intent doesn't justify his actions. Chronoa passes away as Vegeta flies up to the tallest mountain and announces that he is far beyond a "bad mood" now and darts at the Arlian.
Atla punches Vegeta in the face and sends him crashing into the ground as sense the past versions of the fighters elsewhere. Naraku from the future communicates with Chronoa from the past and tells her to simply mask and ignore the fight in order to preserve history and the timeline. Vegeta realises that Chronoa's protections have faded and is now forced to fight with more caution in order to avoid Atla's time attacks. Atla covers his hands in his time energy and tries to punch Vegeta, but the saiyan prince dodges all the attacks and punches Atla in the gut sending him flying as he follows up with a ki blast barrage. Atla punches Vegeta's energy blasts which cause them to freeze in time while the world around them continues and slows down the rest allowing him to dodge them with ease and proceeds to continue to try to pummel Vegeta. A tree is reduced to dust after being struck by Atla's punch as Vegeta dodges him. Atla realises that he is attacks isn't working and proceeds to continue with just brute strength. They pummel each other through out the forest as Atla uses Time-Windows to use his Temporal Smash ability in order to through Vegeta off. Eventually; he recognises the patterns and dodges each of the attacks and manages to land a heavy blow on Atla sending him flying. Atla senses that Vegeta is losing energy every time he uses energy attacks and uses Mystic Senescene Flash while Vegeta counters with Grand Galick Gun resulting in a massive energy clash as Naraku finally manages to return them to the future. Xeno Bardock watches the fight and is amused that the this dimension's Vegeta is better fighter than Xeno Vegeta. Vegeta begins to lose his footing as Atla's attack begins to overwhelm him while the others look on. The Gizard Wasteland begins to crumble apart at their energy clash. Vegeta realises that his energy is depletes quicker when he uses energy attacks and realises that Atla is trying to have him return to his base form, but he is too late to catch on as he reverts in that moment and is overwhelmed by Atla's attack - he is eventually engulfed by the attack and a resulting explosion follows. Dial looks on in shock - believing his mentor to be dead and springs fourth into battle as he enters his Sorcerer God State revealing that he was in the form the entire during the fight with the Dark Empire as means his training himself to better himself and enters his Emerald form while in his Ultimate F form. He continues to power up and decides to use his Full Power in his current state as he dashes towards Atla.
Dial Steps In[]
Dial manages to punch Atla in the face and sends him flying off a cliff and into a cave as he follows him and continues to pummel the Arlian. Dial uses Vanishing Ball against Atla, but he manages to deflect it and punches Dial in the gut before sending him flying with a kick to the gut. Dial follows up with Final Kamehameha and manages to hit him - causing him to wound him significantly. Following his attack; Dial enters his Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación once again and proceeds to pummel Atla with his Full Power as Atla attempts to dodge each of his attacks as Dial attacks without any concern for his own safety. Dial kicks Atla in the gut before following up with punch to the face and an elbow to the back - impaling him with his spike as he launches Super Arcane Full-Powered Hi-Speed Fear Flash at him and reduces the entire area to ruin - as underground lakes and lava streams are no longer underground and the area now resembles the Ruined Earth map from Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3. Atla stands up and appears to be severely wounded by the attack as he questions how the Hybrid got so strong between the start of the Assault and now. Dial reveals that while he was and wasn't fighting - he was conducting image training to better himself and as such he was able to gain more power over his Sorcerer God Forms and tells him that he has mastered all his senses to a point that he can detect the slightest shifts in one's ki. Atla compliments in his evolution and tells him that he is a worthy foe and doesn't wish to kill him, but he wants to make Vegeta pay and tells him that he acknowledges the Hybrid as he begins to power up as an aura surrounds him and the a massive tremor begins to ripple through out the area as the gigantic waves surround the area and lightning sparks down the area. Several debris begin to float upwards before shattering as large fissures form around Earth as the energy is felt through out time and even by everyone at the Tournament of Power. The platform the two are standing on crumbles away into the water as Dial flies upwards and attempts to blast him, but the energy blasts are distorted by his rise in energy as Atla continues to power before finally everything settles as his power-up finishes. Dial is confused as the Arlian didn't even achieve a new transformation and has simply powered-up. Atla dashes over to Dial and punches him in the gut with a heavy strike and sends him flying into a cliff. Atla picks up the Hybrid by the tail and continuously smashes him up against the cliff before kicking him through it, and sending crashing through the ground before finally stopping at the Break Wasteland where Piccolo trained Gohan. Atla fires his an energy sphere at Dial which sends him flying into a mountain, however, he is able to survive the explosion as he prepares to dodge Atla's attack, but he fails to dodge in time and receives a heavy blow shocking him at the fact that he was able to dodge the attack and wondering if Atla is even faster in his new state.
Dial backs away, but his struck by Atla again with a kick to the gut and sent flying through a mountain before recovering. Dial gets up and walks out of the mountain - shocked at how fast Atla has become despite that fact his muscle should be slowing down. Dial seems to notice something as Atla darts at him and punches him in the face and follows up with a blow to the gut before kicking him into the sky as Dial continues to watch the environment around him and proceeds to grab Atla's wrist stating that his movements are too predictable and linear which makes it easy for Dial to counter him. He kicks in the Arlian in the gut and knocks him away with his tail before revealing that he is aware of the true effect of his energy sphere. Atla is shocked at Dial knowing as Dial tells him that slowing time around him won't stop him for taking him down and proceeds to punch Atla in the gut. Atla tries to kick him only to have Dial grabs his ankle and smash him repeatedly into ground before following up with a kick to the gut - sending him flying into mountain as he reveals that leaves falling to the ground at the speed of a bowling ball tipped him off as he strikes Atla in the jaw. Atla fires his Stagnant Shot multiple times again, but Dial uses Perfect Barrier to the block the attacks as he extends the barrier and almost crushes Atla as the effects of the Atla's attack wear off allowing Dial to dodge Atla's attack as they resume their fight until Atla uses Stagnant Missile. Dial dodges but Atla reveals that it is homing as Dial tries to fly away from it. He is able to maintain his distance from as the energy sphere continues to chase him. Dial manages to lure it into narrow valley and uses ki blasts to cause debris to block the energy sphere, but most of the debris is too small to stop and is simply swallowed before Dial reaches a dead end and uses to launch himself backwards narrowly dodging the energy sphere as it collides with the mountain and results in a explosion that the debris to slowly fall to the ground. Dial counters Atla's second attempt with Galick Gun and manages to overpower his Stagnant Missile and send it hurtling back into the Arlian warrior. The resulting explosion effects Atla as he is now much too slow to hit Dial allowing him to dodge all his attacks and overwhelm him with powerful punches and kicks. This continues for sometime as the effects begin to wear off as Vegeta reveals himself to still be alive as he was saved by Naraku and given a new protection. However, Naraku reveals that is version is like Chronoa's and it won't protect his clothes. Dial is knocked into the ground as Vegeta blocks Atla from attacking him further.
The Final Battle against Atla[]
Vegeta powers up to Super Saiyan Caliburn again and proceeds to pummel him with quick punches and kicks as Atla is unable to respond in time to each attack. Vegeta tells Dial to stay out of the way as he continues the fight. As Vegeta easily overwhelms and pummels him causing Atla to become enraged and begins pumping up even further causing him to become giant in appearance. Thanks to his Giant Atla form; he is able to keep up with Vegeta's new form and even match his power. He uses his Temporal Fists once again which age his armour into dust while Vegeta only receives bruises from Atla's physical attacks. Atla kicks Vegeta through the mountain which in turn cause it to collapse onto the Saiyan Prince's legs causing him to become stuck. Atla uses Ultra Senescene Flash on Vegeta and engulfs the Saiyan's torso while sparing his lower half. The ground around is reduced to dust from the attack allow Vegeta to become free and proceeds to kick Atla in the head sending him crashing into the ground. The proceed to clash with one another throughout the wasteland and causes the area to break apart as a result of the clashes. Mountains topple, large fissures form and the animals begin to flee as the desert is mostly untouched until several sinkholes begin to form. Lava vents begin to form around the cracks as the others realise that their battle is doing extensive damage to the planet and if they continue - the battle could destroy the whole planet. The Grand Minister arrives and uses his powers to prevent further damages to Earth's rigid mantle as he acknowledges that Grandpara and Mechikabura was a mistake and it should be his duty to help stop Atla. Vegeta notices the damage their battle is causing and decides to prepare to end it as Dial stands up as he powers down to his True Form and powers up to his Super Emerald form. He begins to prepare charging his Final Flash as Vegeta continues to pummel Atla as he senses his student and realises his intent. Vegeta continues to distract him to allow Dial to charge his attack as True Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Kakarot arrives and kicks Atla into the ground in order to give him time to charge his Arcane God Final Flash as Xeno Kakarot takes over the fight to give them time. Xeno Kakarot and Atla clash with one another, but the Saiyan warrior is knocked to the ground as Xeno Bardock and Xeno Raditz try to attack, but is kicked away into a mountain. Qurita and Hyotan are easily swatted away into a mountain as Hit: GT powers up and proceed to use Time-Skip, but Atla picks up by the neck as Dial urges Hit: GT to move. He manages to break free with his Assassin's Infinity Cannon as the two fire their Final Flash at him as Atla declare his going to destroy his with his next attack and uses Senescene Shot.
The energy sphere collides with the Mentor-Student Final Flash causing an energy clash ensues as the Arlian warrior continues to push towards the two as they feel their footing slip. Atla begins to overwhelm them as the ground beneath begin to break away the protection from the Grand Minister begins to fail as an underground spring begins to become exposed as the crumbling surface almost makes the two lose their footing as they unleash their power to overwhelm Atla's attack. Dial channels his Nature Pulse to increase the power of his attack and Pend realises that Dial's creation is went gives him a better proficiency with the ability. Dial's ability allows the two to begin overpowering Atla's attack until Atla increases his power sending it back towards them. Xeno Bardock begins to transfer his energy to Dial while Future Piccolo transfers his energy to Vegeta allowing them to use more power and pushes the energy sphere back as Atla uses the Temporal Energy caused by the Temporal Disturbance and pushes it back. Atla goes for full power and proceeds to begin to overpower them as each of the future characters share their energy with Dial while the characters from Xeno Bardock's Dimension share their energy with Vegeta allowing them to overpower Atla once again as energy sphere pushed back as they reveal they are nowhere near releasing their full power against the Arlian. Sporadic bolts of electric yellow ki begin to shoot out from Dial's Final Flash while sporadic bolts of electric purple ki begin to shoot out from Vegeta's as they increase their power to their full power. They energy sphere begins to inch closer to Atla has he continues to absorb all the temporal energy around him to increase his power. The Grand Minister watches the ground beneath the two begins to crack and crumble as they try to use their power to push the attack back, but they continue to fight despite them beginning to fail physical pain from the amount of energy they are using. Atla reveals that he can infinitely increase his power thanks to all the temporal rifts around him and they have no hope of defeating him. Xeno Kakarot remains convinced that the outcome is obvious to him and that he isn't scared in the slightest as the struggle continues as the sun begins to set.
Vegeta realises that sunset as begun as and realises that they have been fighting nearly all day. The clash continues as it devolves into a battle of attrition waiting for one to get tired first. Naraku begins to close some of the rifts that were created, but Atla continues to gain energy in order to increase his power as the two continue to receive energy from everyone around the planet as Grand Minister rallies them for their support. Atla fires an energy barrage that kills the remaining Earthlings causing Vegeta and Dial to be at a disadvantage. The others fly away from the battlefield as Xeno Kakarot remains to watch with the Grand Minister and Future Vegeta. Xeno Kakarot expresses disappoint in his allies for losing faith to early as the energy clash continues to as nightfall begins to arrive. Grand Minister helps with closing the rifts in order to suppress Atla's ability to increase his power, but begins to realise that each attempt to is pointless as Atla' is getting more powerful by the minute and turns to observe the fight as geyser of lava begin to erupt as mountains crumble away and massive fissures in the area including the vast desert begin to swallow the region. A house collapses into a fissure while a river is completely swallowed and an underground stream is turned into a waterfall. A massive gale force winds begin to destroy several buildings and even effect the Lookout as Korin's Tower begins to collapse with even the Sacred Land of Korin feeling the effects as sinkholes begin to form and swallow the Karinga Tribe grounds while several fissures slowly begin to form. Xeno Kakarot deduces that if the fight were to continue the planet will undoubtedly be destroyed as magma begins to rise through the fissures as the magma light up the night sky. Vegeta and Dial begin to feel the heat of the magma beneath them and cause them to sweat and pant from it as they continue the energy clash. The energy sphere closes in on them as the Grand Minister watches over the battle and acknowledges the only way for him to help and gives Vegeta all the energy he can offer causing them to be able completely to overpower Atla's energy sphere as the Mentor-Student Final Flash demolish the energy sphere and engulfs the Arlian warrior's torso as Atla curse them both as his torso disintegrates - defeating Atla once and for all. The lower half of Atla remains behind as it returns to normal while the chaos on Earth continues. However, Grand Minister fixes all the damages to the planet and revives everyone on Earth that was killed by Atla and explains that Chronoa's resolve is the reason why he didn't revive her as he prepares to return everyone to their respectful timelines, eras, and dimensions noting that their presence is no longer appropriate as everyone seems to be surprised by the Angels declaration.
New Beginnings[]
Vegeta and Dial sit on the ground exhausted from the battle as Xeno Kakarot notices that the Gizard Wasteland is destroy as Grand Minister tells them to that he left it destroyed as monument to the fight. He offers them a chance to bid everyone far well. Dial looks over to Xeno Bardock and Naraku and begins to think of his daughter as Grand Minister admits that Cus and Vados are required to return to their duties as Future Gohan and Dial smile at the peace. Bella arrives in Age 950 and meets Future Pan. The Grand Minister repeats what he said to them and they tell him it is fine. Dial thanks Vegeta for his assistance and tells him that he learnt so much from his mentor. Vegeta tells him that he is proud of Dial the most as one of his students and tells him that he makes him believe that a member of Frieza's Race with a good heart is possible reminding him that Dial is a hybrid. Vegeta tells him that as his final lesson to Dial is to grow on his own and no longer seek a master. Dial stands up and holds out a fist towards Vegeta as the Saiyan responds by giving him a fist bump. Future Vegeta looks over at the two and comments that Dial should be proud as Vegeta as just acknowledged him as a student. He tells his present self that he glad to see a version of himself finally surpassed Goku as they begin to fade away. Future Trunks and Future Mai bid farewell to Naraku as they wish to live in their own time and focus on their family. Naraku agrees as the other Time Patrollers greet them and they announce they'll protect time in his place and to trust them as Hypabramia stands with them. Vegeta darts at Future Trunks, but his son's counterpart blocks the punch and as they say their goodbyes with Future Vegeta amused at his present self's gesture. The Future characters are than teleported back to their timeline as Cus is return to the Present Timeline. Xeno Kakarot approaches Vegeta and tells him that him may request assistance from him later on as repayment for helping with Mechikabura and the Shadow Dragons. Vegeta promises to help sort out his dimension when he gets the chance as they are returned to Earth-1985. Rola approaches Naraku with Chilada and reminds her of the terrible things he did and wishes to atone for them by going to the past with Vegeta. Naraku and Grand Minister exchange looks and nod at each other - Naraku tells him that his remorse is good enough for her, but tells him if that's what he wants - she'll comply as he walks over to Vegeta. Vegeta shakes hands with Dial as they are sent back to Age 780 with Vegeta giving Rola some advice as Goku arrives and as Vegeta tells Goku everything while Rola also explains the events to him. Goku offers Rola to stay at his home and tells him that he isn't taking no for an answer as Bardock and the Grand Minister appear and thank Vegeta for saving reality. Goku asks his father if he would like to stay in the present timeline and get to know his family. Bardock looks over to the Grand Minister and he tells his son that is why he came with the Angel. The Grand Minister leaves as the Saiyans and Chilada look over the horizon before flying off in opposite directions.
In Age 2000 an fight occurs in which a character identified as Tekka says to character called Guitar announces that he'll win the the Timespace Rift Tournament as his Team is knocked out of the ring allowing the young fighter to win the fight. Guitar than wakes up and is remind that it is Age 2360 - to him at has been 30 years since the first Timespace Rift Tournament as he enters a hut with Piccolo in it. He asks Guitar about his nap and if he's ready to train. Guitar address his Piccolo as his father and they proceed to train. Guitar exits Piccolo's Dojo and flies off to Atla's Cliffs and wonders about the location Piccolo reveals that it is where Atla battle the Time Patrol in order to destroy history and lost. Piccolo descends and reveals that he followed him in order to give him his symbol in order to recognise his success as as his student. Guitar asks why his skin colour is a different colour to Piccolo's and the Namekian simply responds that its probably an unusual condition and that if it was harmful - Piccolo would have sensed it and also concludes that it is probably because he used the fusion technique with an alternate version of himself. He offers him a bottle of water to drink and tells him to enjoy the peace while he can. Guitar looks at him confused as Piccolo flies off allowing him to look over the horizon as Guitar uses Image Training in order to further his power. He is approached by Sagelin and questions him about his choice of scenery as Guitar asks his friend why he hasn't removed his Metamo-Ring yet. He tells him that he trains that way he is to speed up their training as the Metamo-Ring seems to have been upgraded to enable them to train into the Room of Spirit and Time without ageing. Sagelin defuse back into his fusees as Sage decides to Image Train with Guitar while Toomlin flies off to train on his own. Piccolo flies over to a statue of Vegeta and becomes amused that it was made while on the edge of the region as it was the area where he first fought Goku. Toomlin greets Piccolo at the Vegeta Statue and asks him if he believes Guitar is ready or not.
Anime and Fanga differences[]
- In the Fanga; The events of Arlia occurred at the same time as Raditz's arrival on Earth rather than as part Vegeta and Nappa's trip to Earth.
Major Characters[] |
Supporting Characters[] |
Minor Characters[] |
Wounds of the Past[]
- 467 - Salt in the Wound! Wounds of the Past!
- 468 - Warrior from Universe 6
- 469 - Sins of the Father
- 470 - Fathers of Broly
- 471 - Crimes of Vegeta
Crimes of Vegeta[]
- 472 - Chaos at the Battlefield
- 473 - Grandpara Transforms Again! Atla is Reborn!
- 474 - Actions and Intent
- 475 - Super Saiyan Caliburn Fails!
- 476 - Atla vs Dial
- 477 - Atla's Magic
New Beginnings[]
- 478 - Mentor and Student
- 479 - Saving History
- 480 - Ending the Temporal Disturbance
- 481 - Farewell, Time Patrol
- 482 - New Beginnings
- Dial (Ultimate Divine Sorcerer God Evolution) vs. Grandpara (Monolith form)
- Dial (Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution/True Form/Emerald Dial) vs. Frost (Super Evolution)
- Vegeta (Super Saiyan Caliburn) vs. Frost (Super Evolution)
- Xeno Kakarot (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 4/Legendary Super Saiyan 4) vs. Frost (Super Evolution)
- Dial (Emerald Dial/Super Emerald Dial/Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación) & Vegeta (Super Saiyan Caliburn) vs. Grandpara (Monolith form)
- Kakarot (True Super Saiyan 4) vs. Frost (Super Evolution)
- Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 3) vs. Grandpara (Monolith Form)
- Dial (Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación) & Vegeta (Super Saiyan Caliburn) vs. Grandpara (Monolith Form)
- Dial (Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación) & Vegeta (Super Saiyan Caliburn) vs. Grandpara (Colossus Form)
- Dial (Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación) & Vegeta (Super Saiyan Caliburn) vs. Grandpara (2nd Energy Form)
- Kakarot (Super Saiyan 4), Xeno Raditz (Super Saiyan 4), Xeno Bardock (Super Saiyan 4) & Xeno Trunks (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Saibamen & Cell Juniors
- Qurita (Super Saiyan) & Hyotan (Super Saiyan) vs. Saibamen
- Face & Hit: GT (Slayer's Awakening) vs. Saibamen and Cell Juniors
- Chronoa (Power of Time Unleashed) vs. Saibamen
- Vegeta (Super Saiyan Caliburn) vs. Grandpara (2nd Energy Form/Final Form)
- Kakarot (Super Saiyan 4), Alternate World Raditz (Super Saiyan 4), Alternate World Bardock (Super Saiyan 4) & Alternate World Trunks (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Saibamen
- Qurita (Super Saiyan), Hyotan (Super Saiyan), Pend (Desesperación) & Rola (Super Saiyan Dark) vs. Saibamen
- Vegeta (Super Saiyan Caliburn/Base) vs. Atla (Reborn)
- Face vs. Saibaman
- Pend (Desesperación) vs. Saibamen
- Alternate World Bardock (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Saibamen
- Dial (Ultimate F-Emerald Form/Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación) vs. Atla (Reborn/Pump-Up)
- Vegeta (Super Saiyan Caliburn) vs. Atla (Pump-Up/Giant Atla)
- Kakarot (Super Saiyan 4 Evolution), Alternate World Bardock (Super Saiyan 4) & Alternate World Raditz (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Atla (Giant Atla)
- Qurita (Super Saiyan) & Hyotan (Super Saiyan) vs. Atla (Giant Atla)
- Hit: GT (Slayer's Awakening) vs. Atla (Giant Atla)
- Vegeta (Super Saiyan Caliburn) & Dial (Super Emerald) vs. Atla (Giant Atla)
Dragon Ball sagas | |||||||
Dragon Ball | |||||||
Son Goku Group | Emperor Pilaf • Tournament | ||||||
Red Ribbon Army Group | Red Ribbon Army • General Blue • Commander Red • Fortuneteller Baba | ||||||
Piccolo Group | Tien Shinhan • King Piccolo • Piccolo Jr. | ||||||
Dragon Ball Z | |||||||
Saiyan Group | Vegeta | ||||||
Namek/Frieza Group | Namek • Captain Ginyu • Frieza | ||||||
Frieza/Android Group | Garlic Jr. • Trunk | ||||||
Androids/Cell Group | Androids • Imperfect Cell • Perfect Cell • Cell Games Saga | ||||||
Majin Buu Group | Great Saiyaman • World Tournament • Babidi • Majin Buu • Fusion • Kid Buu • Peaceful World | ||||||
Dragon Ball Super | |||||||
Gods of the Universe Group | Battle of Gods • Resurrection ‘F’ | ||||||
Zen-Oh Group | Universe 6 • 'Future' Trunks • Universe Survival | ||||||
Universe 7 Group | Broly • Galactic Patrol Prisoner | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced | |||||||
Warriors of Time Group | Z\Super • Dark King Demigra | ||||||
Cell-X Group | Super Bardock • Age 993 • X | ||||||
God of War Group | Fallen Time Patroller • Age 1000 | ||||||
Grand Tour Group | Black Star Dragon Ball • Baby • Super 17 • Shadow Dragon | ||||||
Revenge Group | Return of the Demon Clan | ||||||
Timespace Rift Group | 2nd Timespace Rift Tournament • Majin Vegeta • Bimfutsu | ||||||
Zenkai World Group | Universe Salvation • Galactic Patrol Most Wanted • Galactic Conquest | ||||||
Karo Group | Universal Field Trip | ||||||
Dr Gero Reborn Group | Neon Blue | ||||||
Frieza Homeworld Group | Icicle and Icefall | ||||||
Dragon Ball Revelations | |||||||
Ginny Group | Majin Dōka • Piccolo III • Ultimate Piccolo • Zaiko • Ginny | ||||||
Evil Gogeta Group | Evil Goku • Evil Gogeta • Evil Confinement • Clash of Saiyans | ||||||
Android 22 Group | Jamie Saga • Intern Saga • Android 22 Saga • Super 18 Saga • World Terror Saga | ||||||
Karma Group | Tekken • Fallen Angel • Warp • Datenshi • Karma | ||||||
Waru Group | A Demonic Tournament • Age 666 | ||||||
Spin-off | |||||||
Dragon Ball Fairy Tales | Toi Saga • Glacier Saga • Guardian of Toi Saga • Imaginary Friend Saga • Genie Saga | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced pe-revamp | Z/Super Saga • Episode of Bardock • Dabura and Psidevilman • Universe 1 • Tale of Two Coolers • Cell-X • Demon Realm Invasion • Dark Empire • Evil Dragons of Time • Descent of Mechikabura • Temporal Disturbance |