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This page, Telnauki Empire, is property of KidVegeta.

Telnauki Empire

June 19, Age 514






Empress Tliccu Nakki

Main Members:

Empress Tliccu Nakki
Telnauki people


Haimaru's Empire


The Telnauki Empire is an empire of Telnauki aliens residing on the planet Melirion, which they conquered in Age 514. They subjugated the native species, the Neldirions, and began to use their bodies as hosts for their eggs. While they allowed the Neldirions to maintain some governmental authority, the species ultimately answered to the Telnauki from then on. In Age 765, Admiral Nectarian fled to this world with the infant children of Cooler, Haimaru and Raimie. The children were able to take over the planet, though they spared and subjugated the Telnauki and Neldirions. The Telnauki Empire still exists to some capacity but is mostly a sub-division of Haimaru's Empire.


In Age 778, Somen arrived inside the throne room on Melirion. There, he found Telnauki soldiers surrounding Emperor Haimaru on his throne. Somen finished off the first bottle of beer as he watched them. Into the room strode Admiral Nectarian. He held an onyx dagger in his hand. As he approached the throne, he bowed. The young Arcosian seated there told him to rise. Nectarian declared Haimaru, son of Cooler, the rightful heir to the Planet Trade Organization. The bugs screamed "blood for blood". Nectarian repeated the phrase and called forth the Time-Eater, Myaku, to give Haimaru a boost in strength.

He cut Haimaru on the forearm. Blood sprayed down the steps; the bugs parted to make it visible to all. Suddenly, the demon appeared in a black portal over the throne. It swam through the air down to the floor, where the blood had pooled. Somen, having finished off his second beer, felt anxious. He knew he had to leave, but couldn't concentrate on another planet to teleport to. The creature drank Haimaru's blood. Somen screamed, dropping the bottle, and the beast looked to him. The others did as well. Somen was petrified; he couldn't move. The creature lunged at him and he fell back, nearly fainting. Jimizu suddenly appeared and teleported the two of them away before anything could happen to the boy.

Known members[]

  • Empress Tliccu Nakki – Empress
  • Telnauki people

Subjugated species[]

  • Neldirion

Planets controlled[]

KidVegeta's factions
Planet Trade Organization factions King Cold's EmpireCooler's EmpireHaimaru's EmpireFrieza's EmpireKuriza's EmpireNitro's EmpireYuki's EmpireArcterial's EmpireIcer's EmpireKatchiguri ForceThe PlantainsAbo and Kado's Elite ForcePlanet Trade Organization Rebels
Earth factions Z FightersCapsule Corp. Security ForceMasamune/MasamuneSolipsist ColonyMakare's BandIboinoshishi SchoolRed Ribbon ArmyRed Ribbon Army RemnantNew Red Ribbon ArmyChàoxing GonMorizakura-gumiChildren of ChaosSons of PiccoloRed Dragon BrotherhoodDragons of the DawnShallot's crewNight SnakesWolfe's WingsWhite TigersNegative Utilitarianism LeagueShunko OnsenStarchasers
Alien/other factions First Generation GodsSecond Generation GodsDamani DominionVenyi AcademyCorvos LeagueElder CircleMajin MaraudersMajin CultPriests of AmoonThe Faceless WarriorsKonatsian ProtectorsSaiyan EmpireTigahl EmpireFaerin EmpireGalactrix ArenaSlagg's CrewIce BreathersObliteration NationTuffle governmentZhukin's tribeNappa's tribeDogom's tribeVegeta's tribeZorn's tribeParagus' tribeCreissa's tribeNindagoDemon Realm Royal FamilyExperimental VanguardCrimson EmpireZalama's TriumvirateTelnauki EmpireHealth at Every ConsciousnessThe Pink TacoMohane EmpireBichibichi's