Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Tao: Vengeance, is the property of Nobody700.

This article, Tao: Vengeance, contains mild or major swearing. You have been warned.

I... hate that brat!

That grenade blasted most of my face off, nearly my entire torso was gone, and my arm... was feeding some wolf. I hade to drag myself with the remains of my other arm, but to where? I made far too many enemies who would pay 10 times my pay to kill me. I... no... my power made me arrogant. Instead of making allies... i made nearly everyone i met into someone who hates me. To think... i thought it was a routine job. Some army wanted me to kill some kid because he had something they wanted. It was dumb, but I never refused a job. When I fought the kid, he seemed more then some brat, and that Kamehameha... i've seen it before. I thought i killed him... but... then he came back.

I...hate that brat!

Then he changed everything! He... played me like some puppet, and even my famous blade, something forged to cut even steel, was broken by a stick! A FUCKING STICK! I stopped because I thought one of my legs finally broke another bone, but it was only one of my toes falling off... so I went back to crawling to some town.

I... hate that brat!

W...wait... i remember something. There is some... auto mechanic. He asked if I wanted a Cannon arm. I refused... his prices were more INSANE then mine. But... now... Maybe... I... can stay alive. With the price... I'll lose EVERYTHING! I WANT TO KILL HIM INSTEAD OF PAYING! BUT I NEED A FUCKING CHECK UP EVERY 3 MONTHS HE SAID OR I'LL FUCKING CLOSE MY FUCKING LIGHTS OUT! I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM...

I...hate that brat!

I went back to crawling... and the pain! Oh... the pain... it felt like crawling through rocks naked while someone was shooting rocks at you. Oh dear Kami... all those people I killed are probaly laughing... and more importantly... waiting. I...could die. I could die right now and no one will care. Even... my brother...shen. Oh dear Kami shen! I never... I wanted to say sorry... but now... he's probaly thinking of nothing of me. I... want someone to avenge me... maybe... Tien? He could... in a few years... be able to kill... that boy.

I...hate that brat!

I finally was able to drag myself out of the... forest. Now... I was at a street. It took me a fucking 2 days. Now... I should be... able... to head... towards the shop... in... a day now. To think... me... the world's most powerful, feared, and hated Assasin... is now dragging himself to a Fucking unknown shop because some.... kid... with a tail... kicked his ass... oh... Kami... i...i...

I...hate that brat...
