Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Hyper ZerglingSHFFLd b-air, short hop laser, dash off stage double-jump d-air, waveland off platform, double shine:
TALK — Saturday, 15 February 2025
That's not even King Cold.

Read the link King Cold (DBGVB) he does all of that stuff. This is about fanon, not the canon characters.

And post your villians. We need more. I will also start something like this for heroes.

Hyper ZerglingSHFFLd b-air, short hop laser, dash off stage double-jump d-air, waveland off platform, double shine:
TALK — Saturday, 15 February 2025
A page like that doesn't deserve to be nominated for anything good.

What do you mean?

And if I don't deserve to win, then enter your villians and beat me. let's let the voters decide.

Hyper ZerglingSHFFLd b-air, short hop laser, dash off stage double-jump d-air, waveland off platform, double shine:
TALK — Saturday, 15 February 2025
I'm not even sure how many users are interested in doing this.

We could promote it... or something. I don't know. Well, you're pretty famous here. If you could enter your characters, maybe it could gain some popularity.

KidVegeta's Critique[]


  • He is the clone of a Legend
    • So he has no originality.
  • He is way smarter than the original
    • So he's a stu.
  • He is a psycho, but a criminal mastermine at the same time
    • See above.
  • He is able to go blow for blow with SSJ3 Vegeta
    • See above, see above.
  • He could easily kill his opponents, but he chooses to play around with them
    • So he is just like every other DBZ villain.

Final Thoughts: Tasteless stu with no redeeming qualities. 0/10.


Why he is best

  • He is Hell itself and made of pure darkness
    • Lameness pretending to be cool. Not buying it.
  • he was so powerful all of the New Olden Gods could not even injure him.
    • Overpowered.
  • He manipulates his opponets.
    • No explanation as to how or why.
  • He is sadistic and shows no mercy.
    • Tell me something original.
  • His final form has writing dragons of darkness
    • Cheesy and embarassing.
  • He was only able to be defeated by the celestial spirit bomb.
    • Oh, so a new, stupid move plus it's a spirit bomb that can only kill him. Been there, done that.
  • He tricked Goku into thinking that he was Gohan, but Goku's faith in his son showed him through his tricks
    • As incoherent as this is, why anyone would think it's why he's the best is beyond me.

Final Thoughts: Boring, cliche, uninspired. Next. 0/10.

King Cold[]

  • he is the father of Frieza, slayer of the Saiyans
    • That is irrelevant to why he is the best.
  • He transformed into the 9th form after his father died at the hand of Pyralis.
    • Oh my god, nine forms.
  • He required the Saiyans to train for seven years to defeat him.
    • Androids x2, basically. No originality. This is also illogical.
  • He rules a massive empire.
    • Legitimate point.
  • He turned into a hero, and died protecting Goku
    • Lame. He shouldn't be a villain then.
  • He came back as a ghost who trained with his son until Frieza reached form 10.
    • Oh my god, ten forms.

Final Thoughts: Boring, cliche, uninspired. Just like this author's previous character. 1/10.

Gaius Cell[]

  • He is a cross dimesional fusion between present Cell, Future Cell, and Android 100
    • Yawn.
  • He was so powerful that Dr.Gero had the Saiyans help him kill him, until he betrayed them.
    • What a suprise. He's overpowered and using the same plot mechanics already used before.
  • Trunks had to kill himself to defeat him, giving Vegeta a change of heart.
    • This is irrelevant to Gaius Cell being any good.
  • He absorbed the entire Planet Mars and used the excess energy to create Mars Jr.
    • What. The. Fuck.
  • He was bent on absorbing the entire Earth itself, and came very close.
    • So he failed. He's the best, isn't he?!

Final Thoughts: I don't think I could make someone worse if I tried. 0/10.

Android 100[]

  • He indirectily created Gaius Cell
    • He didn't mean to create someone yet took credit for it here. Nope.
  • He/she is a genderless blob of pure energy.
    • Boring. Lame. Pointless.

Final Thoughts: All-around awfully presented. 0/10.


  • He caused Vegeta to turn Super Saiyan 10 out of sheer rage
    • Irrelevant.
  • He is the 3rd strongest saiyan in existance.
    • So two people are better than him. Not a pro by any means.
  • He is by far the smartest saiyan
    • Hi there, Stu.
  • He tricks his opponets with philosophical statements.
    • And he's a Saiyan? My ass.
  • He can transform into Dark Super Saiyan 9
    • Can't get any lamer than this, folks.

Final Thoughts: Dreadfully poor. This character is an archetype for all Stu-Saiyans out there. 0/10.

Meat Tuffles[]

  • They caused Goku and Vegeta to go super saiyan 4
    • Goku and Vegeta can already go SS4. Pointless, and next.
  • They captured Gohan and Trunks and almost destroyed Earth.
    • They neither killed Gohan nor Trunks nor destroyed the Earth. And this is supposed to be a pro.
  • They manged to spy on Goku and learn the fusion dance and the Kamehameha.
    • This is stu-driving as best as can be seen.

Final Thoughts: Straight up garbage. 0/10.

Regedowns from Cronusfire01's Dragon Ball: Survivor[]

  • Their teeth can grind Saiyan bones into dust.
    • Irrelevant. Most creatures with teeth could do this.
  • They are huge and menacing.
    • Again, irrelevant. Dodoria is big and menacing and he was an awful villain.
  • They have absolutely no emotions to counteract their primal instincts.
    • In other words, they're boring.
  • They are nearly indestructible.
    • Stus.
  • They are over 6 stories tall.
    • Excessive to the point of overdoing it. It takes finesse to make someone just right, and this lacks any sort of finesse.
  • Their quietest roars may end up making you tone deaf.
    • This one made me laugh.
  • They smile. They SMILE.
  • Aaaand they travel in herds.
    • That is not a point in their favor.

Final Thoughts: Somebody doesn't know how to write a well-developed race. 0/10.

Emmza (princess emmza's fannon villian)[]

    • Irrelevant, gender-baiting.
  • She is in love with Cell.(yep)
    • One of the most common, but one of my most hated Sue qualities.
  • She actually loves animals!
    • This is a point in disfavor.
  • Her hair is moldable so you can do anything with it!
    • I want a villain, not cotton candy.
  • She actually ate a berry, but hated the after taste.
    • Not relevant to anything anywhere at any time ever.
  • SHE ACTUALLY EATS ON SCREEN. (well my mind screen)
    • See above.
  • She is based off of ME and Frieza.
    • I can REALLY see how she's based off of Frieza.

Final Thoughts: Words cannot describe how bad this one is. 0/10.

Chao (Talix's Dragon Ball Advanced)[]

  • He was created by Dr. Neo, who had a hand in creating Nega Montezumla-(the evil clone of Montezulma).
    • I am not scared of an Aztec.
  • He is a cybernetic parasite.
    • Cool.
  • He absorbs his oppenent's Ki making him stronger by the mintue.
    • Almost good, but lacks balance.
  • He uses the stolen ki engery to transform himself three times.
    • No, awful.
  • As MetaChao, he asborbs Earth's minerals and uses its power to reform himself into a metal rock-like creature.
    • Embarassingly bad, quite honestly.
  • As CyberChao, he uses more asborbed Ki to log into the computer and absorbs all the data transforming him into a computer virus-like parasite
    • Wow, this is so lame.
  • As Supreme Chao, he reversed the Earth's polarity stealing everything about nautre to fuel his strength.
    • Stupid, pointless.
  • He kills Ganon's mother.
    • Ganon is such a stu, and this is merely stu-device.
  • His killing causes Ganon to transform into a Super Sayian 5.
    • Irrelevant to this character being a good or bad villain.

Final Thoughts: Terrible. 1/10.

I could bring up a comparison to the special olympics, but the SO is a far more admirable competition than this sack of nonsense. -KidVegeta

dark TRUNKS[]

No dark TRUNKS? I'm sad now. it was article of the month and everything The dark TRUNKS (talk) 21:30, March 17, 2014 (UTC)