This article, Supreme Kai of Hell, is the property of MrAnonymous. |
Hell Kai
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Lower Kai
Dark Kai, Evil Kai, |
Date of Birth:
75 Million Before Age
Date of Death:
Appears in:
"Why am I evil? Is it because I dare to question the great wisdom of the all mighty and so called benevolent Kais? Am I evil because I dare to question the status quo? Do you even know the story of how I fell from Grace? Did you know Old Kai cast me out of paradise for disobeying him! He denied me what all you mortals take for granted! He denied me my one chance at love and for that all must suffer as I suffer!" |
The Supreme Kai of
Hell better known as Hell Kai is the self appointed Kai of Hell and rules the domain with an iron fist. It is rumored he is the one that sealed Old Kai in the Z sword however this is unconfirmed. Originally he was a student of Old Kai but was set free as result of the havoc wreaked by Buu.
Hell Tournament Arc[]
After being freed from his prison as a result of a brutal fight between Frieza and Cell deep inside the bowls of Hell, Hell Kai claimed power over Hell. He even took students to train for his own. Later on, he would approach the Other

Hell Kai Awakens
Kai's declaring that he wished to start a tournament. The prize... he'd be able to take a warrior from each quadrant to take back to Hell, should he win and if he'd lose each Kai would have to take one of his fighters.
The reason for these rules were purely so he'd win either way since under normal circumstances no evil soul is allowed to leave hell and no good soul is allowed to be sent to Hell.
Before being cast into hell, he was the student of Old Kai. The two shared a relationship that was much like that of father and son. However, after a falling out involving his relationship with Heaven Kai, he and Old Kai became hated enemies, which ultimately ended with the two being sealed away- Hell Kai in Hell and Old Kai in the Z sword- before being sealed Hell Kai served as an apprentice to Beerus and took on two students Dabura who he trained personally in fighting and Bibbidi who he taught magic to.
Hell Kai is very shrewd and cunning. He doesn't take any actions without thoroughly thinking them through. Often displaying an apathetic persona, he never shows concern for his life or anyone else's. However he is shown to posses a great deal of animosity towards Old Kai and in contrast he often shows a great deal of sadness around his former lover Heaven Kai often going as far as to avoid any contact with her all together.
Hell Kai is pale with markings on his face. He also dresses in white robes and has black hair.
- Hell Kai's relationship with Old Kai is similar to that of the story of God and the Devil.
- He is not officially a supreme kai as he was banished before gaining the status of Supreme Kai. However he the powers of a supreme kai though it's unknown how he got them he is considered on par with Beerus however.
- His position as ruler of Hell is also self appointed as he forced his way to power when the Kai's were busy other threats.