Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Supreme 5's Different Paths, is the property of VenturianToo.

[After the final battle on Universe 93, the Supreme 5 was disbanded. Each of its members went on their own path. Jodenku became a legend and continue training on another universe. Brudikai also traveled to another universe to train and lived his life happily. Asonja became a Computer programmer. Majinks went home to his parents and friends, bringing the money he earned. Kazuto took on the job of a businessman in West City. This is the story of how they reunite.]

[West City, Maple Bank, a robbery was in progress.]

Criminal1: Hurry up! Take all the cash you can stuff into your bags!!

Criminal2: (Went over to the citizens) Hand over your goods!

[Suddenly, a person walked into the bank, looking calm. It was Kazuto!]

Kazuto: Hello, can I withdraw money from my account? (Not noticing the situation)

[The criminals were shocked of Kazuto, they stopped Kazuto and raised their guns at him]

Criminal1: Freeze! This is a robbery!

Criminal2: Get down into your knees! (He demanded)

[Instead, Kazuto smirked]

Kazuto: And what if I don't? (He adjusted his glasses)

Criminal1: I'm gonna put you to your misery!

Kazuto: By all mean, try.

[The criminal grunted in anger and let out a battle cry, he shoots Kazuto with low accuracy.] Kazuto: (Takes off his glasses and deflects the bullets just by glancing at the gun)

[As Kazuto takes off his glasses, one of the citizens recognized him.]

Citizen1: Wait a minute! That's the one from the Supreme 5, the group that was disbanded!

[The criminals quickly retreated after finding out about Kazuto]

Criminals: (Exits the bank and jumped into their vehicle, rushing and escaped the area with extreme speed)

Kazuto: (Stepped outside of the bank, looking at the direction of the criminals) I let them escaped.. Oh well.

[The cops finally arrived, they asked what happened. The citizens said there was a robbery but a person who were in Supreme 5 saved them. One of the cops stepped outside of the bank with an item in his hands, Kazuto's glasses. They looked up at a flagpole and spotted Kazuto on top of it, saluting to the them. They salute back and Kazuto disappeared in thin air.]
