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Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Super Saiyan Femme, is the property of WizardlyWoman.

Super Saiyan Femme

Super Saiyan Femme is a form achieved by Goku after intense training on. It was first foreshadowed by Goku having her soul manifested as a physical form, and later returned to through training.


Super Saiyan Femme is Goku’s name for her version of the Spirit Manifestation Technique. By utilizing the Saiyan ability to transform, she was able to manifest her inner spirit as her physical form, increasing her power and making her generally happier.

After its first appearance, Goku quickly masters this form, replacing her base state with it, and is able to layer other forms on top of it.


In Super Saiyan Femme, Goku’s hair turns pink and grows to just below shoulder length and her eyes turn pink. Additionally, her form is more feminine, with slimmer shoulders, more feminine hips, and large breasts.

In its first appearance, it also came with a light pink aura.


Super Saiyan Femme doubles Goku's base power, but the primary benefit is that it isn't actually a Super Saiyan form, but a new base form, and thus other transformations can be layered on top of it. Also, it makes her happy.
