Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Super Saiyan 7 (TXTs DBAF), is the property of The-x-territory.

Super Saiyan 7, the first super saiyan form to appear in the 3rd super saiyan species, the hyper evolved super saiyans. This form has power that surpasses all previous forms by a titanic margin, with the unique abilty of pyschic powers (telepathy, telekinesis and future vision (can see 3 seconds into the future)) this is a form not to be reckoned with... unless you want to die ofcourse, or try to become stronger through training against it. can only be gained through insane training that decimates your body almost tearing your muscles apart and pushing your mind into a state of mental evolution, giving you a mind filled with peace and war at the same time.

appearence []

the hair is similar to both SSJ and SSJ2, the main difference is obviously the blood-red colour scheme (the hair also gets darker as goes down the spiked ends). The eyes have a glossy orange fire colour to them. 

The aura is a blazing red and Orange, burning with heat that could melt solid ice.


little is known about this forms power, what is known is that it is much stronger than all previous forms by a considerably large margin and has the additional advantage of pyschic powers, making it only that bit better than what it would have been without them.


Agetav had formed an evolutionary process in the Saiyan race when becoming SSJ6, one which had never occured before, a fusion of good and evil, and to end his life, he created a form that surpassed all of the others, and passed them on down to 4 more saiyans, one of which was SSj7.

Goku used this against Frieza and his 6th form, stating that he had trained until he felt like dying whilst he was in the "realm where nothing exists".

Vegeta gains this form when he finally accepts that kakarot is stronger than him, and that he is the king of the saiyans, so he should act like he is.
