Dragonball Fanon Wiki

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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Super Saiyan -Zero-, is property of Zekons.

"This form... What's this power coming from...?"
— Beyley, after transforming into Super Saiyan -Zero- for the first time and defeating Bultock

Super Saiyan -Zero-
Super Saiyan Zero Beyley Final Version
スーパーサイヤ人 ”零”
Sūpā Saiyajin ”Zero”
Alternate names Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan Zero
Appears in
Dragon Ball Sparkling
Inventor Beyley
Users Beyley
Color       &       (hair)
      &       (Aura)
Similar techniques Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan -Zero- is the incomplete stage of the first Super Saiyan transformation achieved by Beyley, having not awakening her Super Saiyan's full potential.

Powers and usages[]

"Guess I haven't master this form yet..."
— Beyley after realize her Super Saiyan transformation is incomplete

Super Saiyan Zero Beyley Aura

Beyley's Super Saiyan -Zero-'s aura.

Being the incomplete stage of the first Super Saiyan, this form is weaker than the first Super Saiyan since she hasn't unlock her full potential of the Super Saiyan transformation. As the drawback as Super Saiyan -Zero-, her form is temporary and turned back into base form (just after defeating Zerbo and his elites) but this form can recovering her strength and stamina. Despite this form is the first Super Saiyan's weaker state, she extended her Super Saiyan -Zero-'s time limit thanks to her intense training in her homeship that she stoles Zerbo's spaceship.


Super Saiyan -Zero- Kaio-ken[]

Beyley Super Saiyan Zero Kaioken

Super Saiyan -Zero- Kaio-ken Beyley

The combination of Super Saiyan -Zero- and Kaio-ken with removing the lethal flaws, allowing her to precise controlling this form. By using the Kaio-ken, Beyley can increase her transformation's powers.

Super Saiyan[]

An complete stage of Super Saiyan -Zero- after unlock the full potential of the Super Saiyan transformation. This form can remove the time limit after evolving her Super Saiyan -Zero-.


