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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Super Dark Saiyan 5, is the property of dark TRUNKS.

Super Dark Saiyan 5
Dark TRUNKS Super Dark Saiyan 5
Debut Episode 48: Frieza's Original Ancestor, Iced the Emperor of Sadala
Inventor dark TRUNKS
Users dark TRUNKS
Class Transformation
Color Hair:      
Similar techniques Super Saiyan 5

Super Dark Saiyan 5 is the form a Saiyan can take when under the influence of Black Smoke Shenron. It is like Super Saiyan 5, but only a "dark SAIYAN" can do it. It is also about 10 times stronger than Super Saiyan 5. Only dark TRUNKS can use this form.

Physical Appearance[]

Whenever dark TRUNKS goes Super Dark Saiyan 5, his skin turns red and his hair turns purple. Also, his eyes stop being all white and are like normal, but negative. He gains the fur a Super Saiyan 5 gets, but it's all dark purple.


dark TRUNKS[]

Dark TRUNKS Super Dark Saiyan 5
dark TRUNKS can go Super Dark Saiyan 5 after using Dark Copy.
